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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la



University of Pitesti, Pitesti, .

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Nascut(a) in: 1973

Interese: Motoare cu Ardere Interna, Autovehicule Rutiere, Educatie

flag Detalii:
Rezultatele semnificative obtinute sunt legate de cercetarile teoretice si experimentale derulate la Universitatea din Pitesti in colaborare cu Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers de Paris, pentru realizarea unui prototip functional de motor adaptiv, supraalimentat, cu raport de comprimare variabil si inaltime variabila de ridicare a supapei de admisie, capabil sa functioneze in absenta clapetei obturator. Astfel, se enumera rezultatele notabile legate de acest subiect:
- obtinerea, in octombrie 2003, a titlului de doctor in stiinte cu teza intitulata "Cercetari privind imbunatatirea functionarii unui m.a.s. la sarcini partiale prin intermediul comprimarii variabile si supraalimentarii";
- obtinerea, in Franta, in echipa mixta, romano-franceza (Hara, V., Descombes, G., Podevin, P., Clenci, A., Boncea, S.), a unui brevet de inventie(Brevet Français n°FR2883927);
- depunerea in Romania, in echipa mixta, Romano-Franceza (Hara, V., Clenci A., Descombes, G., Podevin, P.), a unei cereri de brevet intitulat "Motor termic cu autoreglarea raportului de comprimare si a cursei supapelor" (Cerere de brevet n°A/2006);
- realizarea unor cercetari amanuntite, efectuate la CNAM Paris in perioada 2001 - 2005, pe tema performantelor turbocompresorului in situatia regimurilor joase de turatie caracteristice traficului urban (30000-50000 rpm); se mentioneaza ca aceste cercetari s-au derulat in cadrul celor 4 stagii de cercetare (3 dintre ele fiind postdoctorale) si ca s-au realizat extrapolari pentru situatia turbosupraalimentarii motorului adaptiv cu raport de comprimare variabil si distributie variabila;
- prezentarea prototipului fizic (asamblat, insa nefunctional inca) al motorului adaptiv cu raport de comprimare variabil si inaltime variabila de ridicare a supapei de admisie la conferinta nationala a cercetarii, CNCSIS 7, derulata in mai 2005 la Bucuresti;
- realizarea cu succes, in data de 31 martie 2006, a primelor "incercari de rotatie" ale unui motor cu aprindere prin scanteie, echipat cu injectie electronica de benzina si distributie variabila, capabil sa functioneze in absenta clapetei obturator;
- realizarea, in 2007, a primelor teste preliminare ale unui autovehicul experimental echipat cu motor cu aprindere prin scanteie cu distributie variabila - Logan EcoVITA (Ecologic Vehicle by Intake Throttle-less Actuation);
- 1 contract international de cercetare:
"Moteur avec autorégulation de la levée des soupapes d'admission. Mise au point du système de contrôle de levée de soupapes", Parteneri: Universitatea din Pitesti - Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers de Paris, Beneficiar: Agence National de VAlorization de la Recherche ( / 2008;
- 1 contract CEEX castigat prin competitie:
"Autovehicul experimental echipat cu motor cu aprindere prin scanteie ce permite controlul sarcinii in absenta clapetei obturator, prin intermediul distributiei variabile (ECOVITA)", CEEX ET 149 / 2006 - 2008;
- 2 contracte CNCSIS castigate prin competitie:
1. "Motor cu aprindere prin scanteie echipat cu sistem de distributie variabila ce permite controlul sarcinii in absenta obturatorului, prin variatia inaltimii de ridicare a supapei de admisie", cod CNCSIS At 140 / 2005-2006;
2. "Autoturism echipat cu motor cu raport de comprimare variabil (VCR)", cod CNCSIS At 608 / 2003-2004.

flag Details:
The significant results obtained are connected with the theoretical and experimental research performed at the University of Pitesti in close cooperation with Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers de Paris, on the subject of achieving an operational prototype of a so-called adaptive thermal engine, turbocharged, featuring variable compression ratio and variable valve timing capable of running unthrottled. Thus, below there are specified the significant results connected with this subject:
- obtaining, in october 2003, of the doctor in sciences title with the thesis entitled "Researches regarding the improvement of a s.i. engine operation at part loads by variable compression and supercharging";
- obtaining, in France, in mixt team, Romanian-French (Hara, V., Descombes, G., Podevin, P., Clenci, A., Boncea, S.), of a patent entitled "Procédé de régulation d'une levée de soupape, dispositifs de soupape à ouverture variable, moteur équipé d'un tel dispositif" (Brevet Français n°FR2883927);
- claiming in Romania, in mixt team, Romanian-French (Hara, V., Clenci A., Descombes, G., Podevin, P.), of a patent entitled "Thermal Engine with self regulation of compression ratio and valve's lift" (Cerere de brevet n°A/2006);
- performing of some detailed researches, at CNAM Paris in 2001 - 2005, on the subject of the turbocharger perfomances at low speeds, specific to the urban traffic (30000-50000 rpm); it is important to outline that these researches were performed within the 4 research stages (amongst them, 3 are postdoctorate) and that extrapollation for the situation of turbocharging the adaptive thermal engine with variable compression and valve timing was made;
- presentation of the physical prototype (assembled but not yet operational) of the adaptive thermal engine with variable compression and valve timing on the occasion of the national research conference, CNCSIS 7, which took place in may 2005 in Bucharest;
- performing successfully on 31st of Mars 2006 of the first operational tests of the s.i.engine equipped with electronic injection system and variable valve actuation, capable of running unthrottled;
- performing of the first operational tests in 2007 of a prototype vehicle equipped with a s.i.engine featuring variable valve lift and timing - Logan EcoVITA (Ecologic Vehicle by Intake Throttle-less Actuation);
- 1 international research contract :
"Moteur avec autorégulation de la levée des soupapes d'admission. Mise au point du systeme de contrôle de levée de soupapes", Partners: University of Pitesti - Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers de Paris, Beneficiary: Agence National de VAlorization de la Recherche ( / 2008;
- 1 CEEX contract awarded by competition:
"Experimental vehicle equipped with a s.i. engine featuring throttle-less load control by variable valve lift and timing (ECOVITA)", CEEX ET 149 / 2006 - 2008;
- 2 CNCSIS contracts awarded by competition:
1. "Spark ignition engine featuring throttle-less engine load control by variable intake valve lift",CNCSIS code At 140 / 2005-2006;
2. "Vehicle equipped with a variable compression ratio engine (VCR)",CNCSIS code At 608 / 2003-2004.

Publicații selectate:

* Clenci Adrian, Bîzîiac Adrian, Podevin Pierre, Descombes Georges, Hara Vasile, Synthesis and analysis of a variable valve lift and timing mechanism, SIAR, 2nd AMMA International Congress, Cluj, Romania, 2007.

* Clenci Adrian, Podevin Pierre, Bîzîiac Adrian, Descombes Georges, Hara Vasile, DEVELOPMENT OF A VARIABLE VALVE LIFT AND TIMING SYSTEM FOR LOW PART LOADS EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENT, FISITA, FISITA, Proceeding of the European Automotive Congress, -, 2007.

* CLENCI A., DESCOMBES G., PODEVIN P. , HARA V., Some aspects concerning the combination of downsizing with turbocharging, variable compression ratio and variable intake valve lift, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D, ISSN 0954-4070, Journal of Automobile Engineering, London, ENGLAND, october 2007, 2007.

* CLENCI A., TABACU Şt., HARA V., Static and Dynamic Analysis of the Adaptive Thermal Engine Lower Block, Proceedings of the International CAR Automotive Congress, Pitesti, organized under the great patronage of FISITA, 2000.

* CLENCI A., IVAN Fl., RACOTĂ R., The Need for supercharging the Miller cycle Engine, Prima conferinţă internaţională, SMAT, Craiova, 2001.

* CLENCI A., IVAN Fl., RACOTĂ R., Studiu Teoretic asupra Destinderii Prelungite la M.A.S., Prima Conferinta Nationala cu participare internationala, AMMA, Cluj, 2002.

* CLENCI A., HARA V., Analytical Synthesis of Intake Cam in Order to Obtain Miller Cycle Technology, Proceedings of the International MVM Conference, Krgaujevac, Serbia, 2002.

* CLENCI A., IVAN Fl., RACOTA R., Higher Expansion or Higher Compression at S.I.E., Proceedings of the International ESFA Automotive Congress, Bucuresti, organized under the great patronage of FISITA, 2003.

* HARA V., CLENCI A., The Adaptive Thermal Engine – The Next Step In powertrain, Proceedings of the Global Powertrain Congress, Detroit, 2000.

* HARA V., CLENCI A., The Adaptive Thermal Engine – A self-regulation system with fast response time, Proceedings of the Global Powertrain Congress, Detroit, 2001.

* HARA V., CLENCI A., The Adaptive Thermal Engine – The best suitable for turbocharging, Proceedings of the Global Powertrain Congress, Detroit, 2002.

* CLENCI A., HARA V., DESCOMBES G., Variableness – A major key in engine development, Proceedings of the World FISITA Automotive Congress, Helsinki, 2002.

* CLENCI A., ISPAS N., HARA V., BOBESCU Gh., Research regarding efficiency improvement of a spark ignition engine at part-loads through variable compression, Proceedings of the World FISITA Automotive Congress, Barcelona, 2004.

* PODEVIN P., DESCOMBES G., CLENCI A., TABACU I., ZAHARIA C., Aspects concerning instant torque evaluation when accelerating a turbocharged engine, Proceedings of the International CONAT Automotive Congress, Brasov, organized under the great patronage of FISITA, 2004.

* PODEVIN P., DESCOMBES G., CLENCI A., ZAHARIA C., Researches regarding mechanical efficiency evaluation at turbochargers, Proceedings of the International CONAT Automotive Congress, Brasov, organized under the great patronage of FISITA, 2004.

* CLENCI A., DESCOMBES G., PODEVIN P., HARA V., BOBESCU G., Considerations on the downsizing technique at the s.i. engine, Proceedings of the International CONAT Automotive Congress, Brasov, organized under the great patronage of FISITA, 2004.

* PODEVIN P., DESCOMBES G., HARA V., CLENCI A., Performances of the turbocharger at low speeds, Proceedings of the EAEC Automotive Congress, Belgrade, 2005.

* CLENCI A., PODEVIN P., DESCOMBES G., HARA V., BIZIIAC A., Throttle-less operation by variable valve timing and lift (VVTL), Proceedings of the International CAR Automotive Congress, Pitesti, organized under the great patronage of FISITA, 2005.

* Adrian Clenci, Pierre Podevin, Utilisation rationelle de l’énergie dans les moteurs à combustion interne et environnement, Revue Ingénieurs de l’Automobile, ISSN 0020-1200, Paris, France, No 775 bis, 2005.

* Clenci Adrian, Researches regarding the improvement of a s.i. engine’s operation at part loads by variable compression and supercharging, Transilvania University of Brasov Publishing House, 2003.

* Clenci Adrian, Descombes Georges, Podevin Pierre, Hara Vasile, Some aspects concerning the geometry of a hinged engine with a variable compression ratio, PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING PUBLISHING LTD, 1 BIRDCAGE WALK, WESTMINISTER, ENGLAND, SW1H 9JJ, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING, ISSN: 0954-4070, 2006.