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Premii Ad Astra

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Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la



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Interese: tomografie computerizata

flag Detalii:
- micro-tomografie de raze X
- Tomografie de emisie neutronica si gama pentru diagnoza plasmei de fuziune
- tomografie de emisie gama pentru analiza combustibilului nuclear iradiat
- metode de reconstructie tomografica pentru probleme cu seturi limitate de date
- tehnici de inteligenta artificiala in tomografie
- aparatura de medicina nucleara si controlul calitatii mediului
- sisteme expert pentru asistarea deciziei in caz de accident nuclear

flag Details:
- X-ray microtomography
- neutron and gamma tomography for fusion plasma diagnosis
- gamma emision tomography for the analysis of irradiated nucler fuel
- tomographic reconstruction methods for limited data set problems
- artificial intelligence methods in computed tomography
- nuclear medicine and environmental quality control aparatus
- real on-line decision support systems for nuclear emergency management

Publicații selectate:

* T. Craciunescu, P. Lang , A. Murari, T. Szepesi, S. Kálvin., G. Kocsis, A. Alonso, I. Tiseanu, V. Zoita, Determination of the pellet parameters by image processing methods, Fusion Engineering and Design, 86, 2011.

* I.Tiseanu, M.Mayer, T.Craciunescu, A.Hakola, S. Koivuranta, J. Likonen, C.Ruset, C.Dobrea, X-ray microbeam transmission/Fluorescence method for non-destructive characterization of tungsten coated carbon materials, Surface & Coatings Technology, 205, 2011.

* I. Tiseanu, E. Tsitrone, A.Kreter, T. Craciunescu, T. Loarer, B. Pégourié, T. Dittmar, X-ray micro-tomography studies on carbon based composite materials for porosity network characterization, Fusion Engineering and Design, 2011.

* S. Soare, N. Balshaw, P. Blanchard, T. Craciunescu, M. Curuia, T. Edlington, V. Kiptily, A. Murari, P. Prior, S. Sanders, B. Syme, V.Zoita, Tandem collimators for the JET tangential gamma-ray spectrometer, Fusion Engineering and Design, 2011.

* M. Curuia, M. Anghel, N. Balshaw, P. Blanchard, T. Craciunescu, T. Edlington, M. Gherendi, V. Kiptily, K. Kneupner, I. Lengar, A. Murari, P. Prior, S. Sanders, M. Scholz, S. Soare, I. Stefanescu, B. Syme, V. Zoita, Implementation and testing of the JET gamma-ray cameras neutron filters pneumatic system, Fusion Engineering and Design, 2011.

* T. Craciunescu, P. Lang , A. Murari, T. Szepesi, S. Kálvin., G. Kocsis, A. Alonso, I. Tiseanu, V. Zoita, Determination of the Pellets Parameters by Image Processing Methods , Fusion Engineering and Design, DOI information: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2010.12.052, 2010.

* A. Murari, M. Angelone, G. Bonheure, E. Cecil, T. Craciunescu, D. Darrow, T. Edlington, G. Ericsson, M. Gatu-Johnson, G. Gorini, C. Hellesen, V. Kiptily, J. Mlynar, C. Perez von Thun, M. Pillon, S. Popovichev, B. Syme, M. Tardocchi, V. L. Zoita, New Developments in the Diagnostics for the Fusion Products on JET, AIP, Review of Scientific Instruments, 81, 2010.

* V.G. Kiptily, G. Gorini, M. Tardocchi, P.C. de Vries, F.E. Cecil, I.N. Chugunov, T. Craciunescu, M. Gatu Johnson, D. Gin, V. Goloborod’ko, C. Hellesen, T. Johnson, K. Kneupner, A. Murari, M. Nocente, E. Perelli, A. Pietropaolo, S.D. Pinches, I. Proverbio,, Doppler broadening of gamma ray lines, Nuclear Fusion, 50, 2010.

* T. Craciunescu, A. Murari, A. Alonso, P.T. Lang, G. Kocsis, I. Tiseanu, V. Zoita, Application of optical flow method for imaging diagnostic in JET, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 400, 2010.

* T. Gläser, S. Bausch, C. Ruset, E. Grigore, T. Craciunescu, I. Tiseanu, Plasma Assisted Diffusion Combined Laser Alloying/Dispersing and Plasma Nitriding, an Efficient Treatment for Improving the Service Lifetime of the Forging Tools, Plasma Processes and Polymers, 6-S1, 2009.

* S. Soare, V. Zoita, T. Craciunescu, M. Curuia, V. Kiptily, I. Lengar, A. Murari, P. Prior, M. Anghel, G. Bonheure, M. Constantin, E. David, T. Edlington, D. Falie, S. Griph, F. Le Guern, Y. Krivchenkov, M. Loughlin, A. Pantea, S. Popovichev, V. Riccardo, , Upgrade of the JET Gamma-Ray Cameras, AIP, 988, 2007.

* I. Tiseanu, T. Craciunescu, P. Badica, G.V. Aldica, M. Rindfleisch, Characterization of Superconducting Wires by Cone-Beam Micro-Tomography, IEEE 2008 Workshop on X-Ray Micro Imaging of Materials, Devices, and Organisms, Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2008. NSS '08. IEEE, 2008. NSS '08. IEEE, 2008.

* V.G. Kiptily, C.P. Perez von Thun, S.D. Pinches, S.E. Sharapov, D. Borba, F.E. Cecil, D. Darrow, V. Goloborod’ko, T. Craciunescu, T. Johnson, F. Nabais, M. Reich, A. Salmi, V. Yavorskij, M. Cecconello, G. Gorini, P. Lomas, A. Murari, V. Parail et al, Recent progress in fast ion studies on JET, Nuclear Fusion, 49, 2009.

* T. Craciunescu, G. Bonheure, V. Kiptily, A. Murari, I. Tiseanu, V. Zoita, A comparison of four reconstruction methods for JET neutron and gamma tomography , Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 605, 2009.

* I. Tiseanu, T. Craciunescu, A. Moeslang, Assessment of X-ray tomography for irradiated IFMIF/HFTM RIG, Fusion Engineering and Design, 84, 2009.

* V. Zoita, M. Anghel, T. Craciunescu, M. Curuia, T. Edlington, M. Gherendi, V. Kiptily, K. Kneupner, I. Lengar, A. Murari, A. Pantea, P. Prior, S. Soare, S. Sanders, B. Syme, I. Tiseanu, Design of the JET upgraded gamma-ray cameras, Fusion Engineering and Design, 84, 2009.

* P Badica, G Aldica, T Craciunescu, I Tiseanu, Y Ma and K Togano, Microstructure of MgB2 samples observed by x-ray microtomography, Superconductor Science and Technology, 21, 2008.

* T. Craciunescu, G. Bonheure, V. Kiptily, A. Murari, S. Soare, I. Tiseanu, V. Zoita, The Maximum Likelihood Reconstruction Method for JET Neutron Tomography, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 595, 2008.

* I. Tiseanu, T. Craciunescu, G.V. Aldica, M. Iovea, X-ray micro-tomography as a tool for quantitative characterization of advanced materials manufacturing processes, Advanced Materials Research, 47-50, 2008.

* Gh.V. Aldica, P. Nita, I. Tiseanu, T. Craciunescu, P. Badica, High density MgB2 superconductor: structure and SEM investigations, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 4, 2008.

* T. Craciunescu, C. Niculae, Gh. Mateescu, On the maximum likelihood tomographic reconstruction, Rom. J. Phys, 40, 1995.

* T. Craciunescu, Gh. Mateescu, A Monte Carlo backprojection algorithm for SPECT reconstruction, Rom. J. Phys, 40, 1995.

* D.Galeriu , Gh.Mateescu , D.Slavnicu , D.Vamanu , T.Craciunescu , A.Gheorghiu , A.Melintescu , D.Gheorghiu, Customisation of RODOS 5.0 System for the Assessment of a CANDU-NPP Cernavoda Nuclear Accident Scenario, Rom. Journ. Phys., 49, 2004.

* I. Tiseanu, T. Craciunescu, T. Petrisor, A. della Corte, 3D X-ray micro-tomography for modeling of NB3SN multifilamentary superconducting wires, Fusion Engineering and Design, 82, 2007.

* I. Tiseanu, M. Simon, T. Craciunescu, B.N. Mandache, Volker Heinzel c, E.Stratmanns, S.P. Simakov, D. Leichtle, Assessment of the structural integrity of a prototypical instrumented IFMIF high flux test module rig by fully 3D X-ray microtomography, Fusion Engineering and Design, 82, 2007.

* R. Dobrin, T. Craciunescu, I.L. Tuturici, The analysis of failed nuclear fuel rods by gamma computed tomography, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 246, 1997.

* C.Niculae, T. Craciunescu, R. Dobrin, On the reconstruction of the fission products distribution in nuclear fuel rods, International Journal of Energy Research, 20, 1996.

* I. Tiseanu, T. Craciunescu, The reconstruction of time dependent energy spectrum of short neutron pulses, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 122, 1996.

* T. Craciunescu, C. Niculae, Gh. Mateescu, C. Turcanu, A comparison of four tomographic methods for nuclear fuel pins analysis, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 224, 1995.

* A. Alexa, T. Craciunescu, Gh. Mateescu, R. Dobrin, The tomographic maximum entropy method in the ananlysis of nuclear fuel pins, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 218, 1995.

* C.O. Turcanu, T. Craciunescu, A Genetic Approach to Limited Data Tomographic Reconstructions, Pattern Recognition Letters, 23-8, 2002.

* I. Tiseanu, T. Craciunescu, B.N. Mandache, O.G. Duliu, Micro-X-Ray Computer Axial Tomography Application in Life Sciences, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 7-2, 2005.

* Gh. Mateescu, T. Craciunescu, Nuclear Medicine Engineering (in Romanian), Editura Horia Hulubei, Bucuresti, 2000.

* T. Craciunescu, A Neural Network Model for the Tomographic Analysis of Irradiated Nuclear Fuel Rods, Nuclear Technology, 146-1, 2004.

* I. Tiseanu , T. Craciunescu, B.N. Mandache, Non-Destructive Analysis of Miniaturized Fusion Materials Samples and Irradiation Capsules by X-ray Micro-Tomography, Fusion Engineering and Design, 75-79, 2005.