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PhD Thesis : Dynamics of Social Representations of Collective Risk and Engagement in Risk Mitigation Behavior : the Role of Practices, of Personal Involvement and of Sociability ABSTRACT. Individuals who experienced risk build a more functional social representation of it, and exhibit more negative emotions. This representation is more structured and enables higher risk awareness as well as higher recognition and use of more diversified information especially for practical purposes (risk mitigation conducts). The same effects were found in individuals who are highly involved with regard to risk. Furthermore, individuals who are the most likely to engage in collective risk mitigation conducts are those who feel having a higher capacity to act towards risk and who are already members of associations.This research is based on experimental studies that were conducted within the structural approach to social representations. It identified general psychosocial processes in a specific case of collective risk (earthquake) and considered the historical and environmental context of the population faced with risk. At the theoretical level, this research shows the effects of prior risk-related experience and of personal involvement on the dynamics of social representations of risk. At the practical level, as an outcome, it recommends several strategies to encourage public engagement in risk mitigation conducts. One of the strategies suggests to increase individuals' perceived capacity to act towards risk and to use their already existing sociability networks in order to increase their engagement in risk mitigation conducts.
CNRS Laboratoire de Psychologie Environnementale UMR 8069 - Université Paris Descartes, Paris, .
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Nascut(a) in: 1969
Interese: conduite, emotii, hazarde naturale, implicare, practici, reprezentari sociale, riscuri colective, riscuri naturale, riscuri tehnologice, sociabilitate
RO : Teza de doctorat
Dinamica reprezentarii sociale a unui risc colectiv si angajarea in conduitele de reducerea riscului : rolul practicilor, al implicarii si al sociabilitatii
REZUMAT. Indivizii care au experienta seismului elaboreaza o reprezentare sociala a riscului mai functionala si exprima mai puternic emotii. Aceasta reprezentare mai structurata permite cresterea acuitatii de perceptie a riscului, precum si recunoasterea si folosirea de informatii mai diversificate, mai ales in scop practic (conduitele de reducerea riscului). La fel se intampla si cu participantii puternic interesati de riscul seismic. In sfarsit, indivizii care se angajeaza cel mai mult in conduitele colective de reducerea riscului sunt cei care au sentimentul unui control asupra lui si care sunt aderenti de asociatii.
Iata concluziile acestei cercetari experimentale conduse din perspectiva structurala asupra reprezentarilor sociale, si care identifica procese psihosociale generale intr-un caz specific de risc colectiv. In plan teoretic, se pun in evidenta efectele implicarii si ale practicilor asupra dinamicii reprezentarilor sociale. Din punct de verede practic, se preconizeaza cateva strategii menite sa favorizeze adoptarea de conduite de reducerea riscului de catre populatii.
FR : Thèse de doctorat
Dynamique de la représentation sociale d’un risque collectif et engagement dans les conduites de réduction du risque : le rôle des pratiques, de l’implication personnelle et de la sociabilité
RESUME. Les individus qui ont l’expérience du séisme élaborent une représentation sociale du risque plus structurée et plus fonctionnelle et ils expriment davantage d’émotions. Cette représentation permet de reconnaitre et d’utiliser une information plus diversifiée notamment à finalité pratique (conduites collectives de réduction du risque). C’est aussi le cas des participants fortement impliqués par le risque sismique. Toutefois, les effets de l’implication personnelle sont conditionnés par l’existence de pratiques de référence relatives au risque. Enfin, les individus qui s’engagent le plus dans les conduites collectives de réduction du risque sont ceux qui ont le sentiment d’avoir une prise sur lui et qui sont adhérents d’associations.
Telles sont les conclusions de cette recherche expérimentale conduite dans la perspective structurale des représentations sociales. Elle retrace des processus psychosociaux généraux dans un cas spécifique de risque collectif (le risque sismique) et prend en considération le contexte historique et environnemental de la population confrontée au risque. Au plan théorique, elle montre les effets des pratiques et de l’implication personnelle sur la dynamique des représentations sociales. Au plan pratique, elle préconise des stratégies destinées à favoriser l’engagement du public dans les conduites de réduction du risque.
PhD Thesis :
Dynamics of Social Representations of Collective Risk and Engagement in Risk Mitigation Behavior : the Role of Practices, of Personal Involvement and of Sociability
ABSTRACT. Individuals who experienced risk build a more functional social representation of it, and exhibit more negative emotions. This representation is more structured and enables higher risk awareness as well as higher recognition and use of more diversified information especially for practical purposes (risk mitigation conducts). The same effects were found in individuals who are highly involved with regard to risk. Furthermore, individuals who are the most likely to engage in collective risk mitigation conducts are those who feel having a higher capacity to act towards risk and who are already members of associations.
This research is based on experimental studies that were conducted within the structural approach to social representations. It identified general psychosocial processes in a specific case of collective risk (earthquake) and considered the historical and environmental context of the population faced with risk. At the theoretical level, this research shows the effects of prior risk-related experience and of personal involvement on the dynamics of social representations of risk. At the practical level, as an outcome, it recommends several strategies to encourage public engagement in risk mitigation conducts. One of the strategies suggests to increase individuals' perceived capacity to act towards risk and to use their already existing sociability networks in order to increase their engagement in risk mitigation conducts.
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* Gruev-Vintila, A. (2005), Représentations sociales et conduites de réduction des risques collectifs : le rôle de l’expérience préalable et de la possibilité perçue d’action (Social representations and collective risks mitigation behavior: the role of prior experience and of...), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of Applied Social Psychology, Rennes, 20-22 October, 2005.