Scopul nostru este sprijinirea şi promovarea cercetării ştiinţifice şi facilitarea comunicării între cercetătorii români din întreaga lume.
I was involved in research concerning:- the biogeochemistry and ecotoxicology of metals, risk assessment- environmental management at local and regional level (ecological networks in large rivers, functional analyses, restoration plans)- theoretical models of socio-ecological systems.I coordinate a research center for ecological services, On this page you can find various publications for download.For access to research infrastructure, please visit the research base INFRABIM: the last years I started to work at the interface between ecology and philosophy. I hold a licence in philosophy and started a second PhD in philosophy of science (the status of evolutionary theory). At a larger scale, I am also interested in the meaning of the scientific discourse compared to other discourses (in particular the religious one). Several ideas concerning creation and evolution have been proposed in articles published in the cultural journal "Idei in dialog" and are available online together with other texts at:
University of Bucharest, Bucharest, .
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Nascut(a) in: 1969
Interese: biogeochimie, managementul mediului, filosofia biologiei
Munca mea de cercetare s-a focalizat pe :
- ciclarea si efectele metalelor, inclusiv asupra semnificatiei acestor procese pentru factorii de decizie (evaluarea riscului).
- Managementul capitalului natural la nivel local si regional (proiectare retelelor ecologice in sisteme fluviale, evaluarea resurselor si serviciilor naturale si proiectarea planurilor de restaurare)
- modele teoretice pentru sisteme socio-ecologice.
O contributie de cercetare fundamentala este ajustarea modelului conceptual al sistemelor socio-ecologice (Iordache si Bodescu 2005).
Coordonez un centru pentru servicii ecologice, . Pe site-ul centrului pot fi gasite diverse publicatii pentru descarcare.
Pentru acces la infrastructura de cercetare, vizitati baza de cercetare INFRABIM:
O alta directie care ma intereseaza de cativa ani este interfata dintre ecologie si filosofie. Am absolvit in 2004 facultate de filosfie a UB si am inceput un doctorat pe o tema de filosofia stiintei. Dincolo de aspectele inerent tehnice ale filosofiei stiintei, pe care se axeaza teza, sunt interesat de statutul discursului stiintific in comparatie cu alte tipuri de discursuri (in particular cu discursul religios). Cateva idei despre creatie si evolutie au fost publicate intr-o revista de cultura(Idei in dialog), iar forma electronica a lor este disponibila, impreuna cu alte eseuri, la adresa:
Pe planul reformei spatiului universitar romanesc am avut doua interventii, una referitoare la fundamentalismul stiintific, iar alta la restructurarea sistemelor informale:
I was involved in research concerning:
- the biogeochemistry and ecotoxicology of metals, risk assessment
- environmental management at local and regional level (ecological networks in large rivers, functional analyses, restoration plans)
- theoretical models of socio-ecological systems.
I coordinate a research center for ecological services, On this page you can find various publications for download.
For access to research infrastructure, please visit the research base INFRABIM:
In the last years I started to work at the interface between ecology and philosophy. I hold a licence in philosophy and started a second PhD in philosophy of science (the status of evolutionary theory). At a larger scale, I am also interested in the meaning of the scientific discourse compared to other discourses (in particular the religious one). Several ideas concerning creation and evolution have been proposed in articles published in the cultural journal "Idei in dialog" and are available online together with other texts at:
Publicații selectate:
* S. Ion, D. Marinescu, S.G. Cruceanu, V. Iordache, A data porting tool for coupling models with different discretization needs, Environmental Modelling & Software, 62 (December), 2014.
* Lavinia L. Ruta, Valentina C. Popa, Ioana Nicolau, Andrei F. Danet, Virgil Iordache, Aurora D. Neagoe, Ileana C. Farcasanu , Calcium signaling mediates the response to cadmium toxicity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells, FEBS Letters, 588, 2014.
* Andrei Nicoara, Aurora Neagoe, Paula Stancu, Giovanni de Giudici, Francesca Langella, Anna Rosa Sprocati, Virgil Iordache, Erika Kothe, Coupled pot and lysimeter experiments assessing plant performance in microbially assisted phytoremediation, Springer, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21, 2014.
* Aurora Neagoe, Paula Stancu, Andrei Nicoara, Marilena Onete, Florian Bodescu, Roxana Gheorghe, Virgil Iordache, Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on Agrostis capillaris grown on amended mine tailing substrate at pot, lysimeter, and field plot scales, Springer, Environ Sci Pollut Res, 21, 2014.
* Neagoe Aurora, Virgil Iordache, and Erika Kothe, Upscaling the Biogeochemical Role of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Metal Mobility, Springer, Goltapeh, Ebrahim Mohammadi; Danesh, Younes Rezaee; Varma, Ajit, Fungi as Bioremediators, 2013.
* Neagoe Aurora, Virgil Iordache, Hans Bergmann† and Erika Kothe, Patterns of effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on plants grown in contaminated soil, Willey, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 176, 2013.
* Iordache Virgil, E. Kothe, A. Neagoe, F. Gherghel, A conceptual framework for up-scaling ecological processes and application to ectomycorrhizal fungi, Springer, Rai M., Varma A., Diversity and Biotechnology of Ectomycorrhiza, 2011.
* Farcasanu Ileana, Matache Mihaela, Aurora Neagoe, Virgil Iordache, Hyperaccumulation: a Key to Heavy Metal Bioremediation, Springer, Kothe E., Varma A., Biogeointeractions in contaminated soils, 2012.
* Jianu Denisa, Iordache Virgil, Barbara Soara, Lucian Petrescu, Aurora Neagoe, Cezar Iacob, Răzvan Orza, The Role of Mineralogy and Geochemistry in Hazard Potential Assessment of Mining Areas, Springer, Kothe E., Varma A., Biogeointeractions in contaminated soils, 2012.
* Neagoe Aurora, Iordache Virgil, Ileana Farcasanu, The Role of Organic Matter in the Mobility of Metals in Contaminated Sites, Springer, Kothe E., Varma A., Biogeointeractions in contaminated soils, 2012.
* Iordache Virgil, Lacatusu Radu, Daniel Scradeanu, Marilena Onete, Stelian Ion, Ioana Cobzaru, Aurora Neagoe, Florian Bodescu, Denisa Jianu, Dorina Purice, Contributions to the theoretical foundations of integrated modeling in biogeochemistry and their application in contaminated areas, Springer, Kothe E., Varma A., Biogeointeractions in contaminated soils, 2012.
* Iordache Virgil, Felicia Gherghel and Erika Kothe, Assessing the Effect of Disturbances on Diversity of Ectomycorrhiza, MDPI, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 6(2), 2009.
* Iordache Virgil, Ideea de evolutie a institutiilor la F. A. Hayek si D. C. North, 2008.
* Iordache V., S. Ion, A. Pohoata, Integrated modeling in metals biogeochemistry: potential and limits, Elsevier, Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry, 69, 2009.
* Neagoe A., D. Merten, V. Iordache, G. Buechel, The effect of bioremediation methods involving different degrees of soil disturbance on the export of metals by leaching and by plant uptake, Elsevier, Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry, 69, 2009.
* Pinay G., Gumiero B. Tabacchi E. Gimenez O. Planty-Tabacchi A. M., Hefting M., Burt T., Black V., Nilsson C. Iordache V., Bureau F. Vought L., Petts G., Décamps H., Patterns of denitrification rates in European alluvial soils under various hydrological regimes, Blackwell Publishing, Freshwater Biology, 52, 2007.
* Vadineanu A., Cristofor S., Iordache V., Lower Danube River System biodiversity changes, Backhuys Publishers, B. Gopal, W. J. Junk and J. A. Davis, Biodiversity in Wetlands: Assessment, Function and Conservation, 2001.
* Iordache V., Bodescu F., Dumitru M., Elements sustaining the lobby for the restoration of the Big Island of Braila (Danube floodplain), E. Schweizerbart, Buijse, A.D.; Klijn, F.; Leuven, R.S.E.W.; Middelkoop, H.; Schiemer, F.; Thorp, J.H.; Wolfert, H.P, Arch. Fur Hydrobiologie. Suppl., 158/1-4 (Large Rivers 15/1-4), 2005.
* Iordache V., Bodescu F., Emergent properties of the Lower Danube River System: consequences for the integrated monitoring system, E. Schweizerbart, Bloesch, Jürg, Arch. Fur Hydrobiologie. Suppl., 158 (Large Rivers 16), 2005.