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In the cardiovascular system, there are known 24-hour rhythms in blood pressure, heart rate, and blood vessel contractility--circadian rhythms.Ground-breaking work in mice has uncovered the molecular basis of circadian rhythms in behavioral function. However it remains unknown how and if these signals contribute to the rhythms in cardiovascular function. Moreover, if an 'exploding clock' might contribute to the evolution of human disease is unknown. Using in vitro and in vivo models, we seek to examine the role of the circadian clock in normal and pathophysiologic cardiovascular function.
Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, .
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Nascut(a) in: 1968
Interese: ritmul circadian, biologia vasculara, refacerea [remodelarea] cardio vasculara
Ritmul circadian in sistemul cardio vascular,
este o cadenta de 24 de ore in tensiunea arteriala, bataile inimii si contractilitatea vasculara.
Observatii stiintifice seminale au facilitat descoperirea de mecanisme care ar putea explica initierea ritmului circadian in repaus si activitate, dar inca nu se cunoaste daca mecanismul circadian contribuie la ritmul cardiovascular sau abnormalitati ale sistemului circadian pot facilita, provoca evolutia bolii.
Laboratorul nostru se ocupa in prezent de examinarea pe animale [soreci], prin metode moleculare, a ritmului circadian si rolului sau in fiziologia si patologia cardiovasculara.
In the cardiovascular system, there are known 24-hour rhythms in blood pressure, heart rate, and blood vessel contractility--circadian rhythms.
Ground-breaking work in mice has uncovered the molecular basis of circadian rhythms in behavioral function. However it remains unknown how and if these signals contribute to the rhythms in cardiovascular function. Moreover, if an 'exploding clock' might contribute to the evolution of human disease is unknown. Using in vitro and in vivo models, we seek to examine the role of the circadian clock in normal and pathophysiologic cardiovascular function.
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