Scopul nostru este sprijinirea şi promovarea cercetării ştiinţifice şi facilitarea comunicării între cercetătorii români din întreaga lume.
Research interests: Theories and tools for high-level modeling, design, and analysis of systems (including Petri nets and formal verification), formal languages and automata, computability and complexity, variable-length codes and applications, cryptography and computer security, and algebraic foundations of computer science. The newest line of research is in using model checking to analyze finite abstractions of systems, with a specific focus on distributed system protocols such as those found in the security and electronic commerce domains. Publication: Published more then 60 papers in professional journals and refereed conference proceedings in these areas, such as Theoretical Computer Science, Acta Informatica, Fundamenta Informaticae, Information Processing Letters, Acta Cybernetica, Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, IEEE Series. Co-authored two books on Petri net theory, authored one book on set theory, and co-edited two books on grid computing and verification of infinite-state systems with applications to security.
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, .
E-mail: trimite un mesaj.
Nascut(a) in: 1962
Interese: criptografie, securitatea informatiei, retele Petri
Criptografie si securitatea informatiei, retele Petri
Cryptography and information security, Petri nets
Publicații selectate:
* C. Dragan, F.L. Tiplea, Distributive Weighted Threshold Secret Sharing Schemes, Information Sciences, 339, Jan 2016.
* F.L. Tiplea, I. Leahu, The Reversible Released Form of Petri Nets and Its Applications to Soundness of Workflow Nets, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 46(2), May 2015.
* F.L. Tiplea, A. Tiplea, A Simulation Preorder for Abstraction of Reactive Systems, Springer-Verlag, Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on "Verification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation", Lecture Notes in Computer SCience, vol. 2294, 2002.
* F.L. Tiplea, E. Mäkinen, D. Trinca, C. Enea, Characterization Results for Time-Varying Codes, IOS Press, Fundamenta Informaticae, 52, 2002.
* F.L. Tiplea, D.C. Marinescu, Structural Soundness for Workflow Nets is Decidable, Elsevier, Information Processing Letters, 96, 2005.
* F.L. Tiplea, C. Enea, Abstractions of Data Types, Springer-Verlag, Acta Informatica, 42 (8-9), 2006.