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Ioan Dzitac: MSc. in Math. (1977, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania); PhD in Information Sc.(2002, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania); Associate Professor at University of Oradea (2003-2005) and Director of Mathematics and Informatics Dept. (2004-2005);-Associate Professor at Agora University (2005-2009) and Head of Economic Informatics Dept. (2005-2007); Professor at "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad (23.02.2009-now); Director of Agora R& D:; Founder (2006) & A/Editor in Chief of IJCCC (ISI SCI Expanded): ; Founder and organizer of ICCCC:; Adjunct Professor at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2013-2016); Member in Advisory Committee of Graduate School of Management of Technology in Hoseo University of Asan -South Korea.
Researcher ID:
Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Arad, .
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Nascut(a) in: 1953
Interese: Logica fuzzy, Inteligenta artificiala, Calcul paralel si distribuit
Prof. Ioan Dzitac, Ph.D., Senior Member of IEEE (since 2011), is an information sciences professor at Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad - Romania (since 2009), Adjunct Professor at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences - Beijing, China (2013-2016) and Rector of Agora University of Oradea - Romania (2012-2016) and (2016-2020). He received B.Sc.(eq.M.Sc.) in Mathematics (1977) and Ph.D. in Information Sciences (2002) from Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj - Napoca, Romania (University Place in Top Shanghai: 101-150; Academic Ranking of World Universities in Mathematics - 2013).
His current research interests include different aspects of artificial intelligence, applications of fuzzy logic in technology and economy.
He is co-founder and A. Editor-in-Chief of an ISI SCI Expanded quoted journal (2006), International Journal of Computers Communications & Control (nominee by Elsevier for Journal Excellence Award -Scopus Awards Romania2015) and member in Editorial Board of 8 scientific journals. Also he is co-founder and General Chair of International Conference on Computers Communications and Control and he was member of the Program Committee of more than 60 international conferences.
He was an invited speaker and/or invited special sessions’ organizer and chair in China (2013: Beijing, Suzhou and Chengdu, 2015: Dalian, 2016: Beijing), India (2014: Madurai), Russia (2014: Moscow), Brazil (2015: Rio), Lithuania (2015: Druskininkai), South Korea (2016: Asan).
He has published 3 books, 12 courses and materials for students, 5 conference proceedings and more than 70 scientific papers in journals and conferences proceedings.
Publicații selectate:
* Dzitac I. , Vesselenyi T. , Tarca R. C, Identification of ERD using Fuzzy Inference Systems for Brain-Computer Interface, International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, Special Issue on Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 6(3), 2011.
* Andonie R., Dzitac I., How to Write a Good Paper in Computer Science and How Will It Be Measured by ISI Web of Knowledge , International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control, 5(4), 2010.
* Negulescu S. C. , Dzitac I., Lascu A. E. , Synthetic Genes for Artificial Ants. Diversity in Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms, International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control, 5(2), 2010.
* Secui D.C., Dzitac S., Bendea G.V., Dzitac I., An ACO Algorithm for Optimal Capacitor Banks Placement in Power Distribution Networks, Studies in Informatics and Control,, 18, 2009.
* Felea I., Dzitac S., Popentiu F., Dzitac I., Models of availability maximization applied to "k-out-of-n" structures for power systems, Taylor & Francis Group, Briš, Guedes Soares & Martorell, Reliability, Risk and Safety: Theory and Applications, 1-3, 2010.
* Vesselenyi, T.; Dzitac, I.; Dzitac, S.; Hora, C.; Porumb, C., Preliminary Issues on Brain – Machine Contextual Communication Structure Development, Soft Computing Applications, 2009. SOFA apos;09. 3rd International Workshop on, 2009.
* Hora C., Vesselenyi T., Dzitac S., Dzitac I., Hora H., , Wear Simulation through Cellular Automata Method, Soft Computing Applications, 2009. SOFA '09. 3rd International Workshop on, 2009.
* Lotfi A. Zadeh, Dan Tufis, Florin Gheorghe Filip, Ioan Dzitac (Eds.), From Natural Language to Soft Computing:New Paradigms in Artificial Intelligence, Editing House of Romanian Academy, 2008.
* Dzitac I., Moisil I., Advanced AI Techniques for Web Mining, WSEAS, Proceedings of MAMECTIS '08, 2008.
* Dzitac S., Vesselenyi T., Dzitac I., Valeanu E., Electrical Power Station Reliabity Modelling Procedure using The Monte Carlo Method, IFAC, IFAC PapersOnLine, 4, 2007.
* Dzitac I, Barbat B.E., Artificial Intelligence+Distributed Systems=Agents, International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, 4 (1), 2009.
* Vesselenyi T., Dzitac I., Dzitac S., Vaida V., Surface Roughness Image Analysis using Quasi-Fractal Characteristics and Fuzzy Clustering Methods, International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, 3(3), 2008.
* Dzitac I., Manolescu M.-J., Oros H., Valeanu E.,, 60 Years from Birth of Academician F.G. Filip, International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, Vol 2, No.3, 2007.
* Dzitac I., ICCCC 2008 & EWNLC 2008 Celebrates Bardeen's Centenary and Welcomes Professor Zadeh, CCC Publications- Agora Univ. Ed. House, 3(S), 2008.
* Lupse V., Dzitac I., Dzitac S., Manolescu A., Manolescu M.-J., CRM Kernel-based Integrated Information System for a SME: An Object-oriented Design, CCC Publications- Agora Univ. Ed. House, International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, 3(S), 2008.
* Dzitac S., Felea I., Dzitac I., Vesselenyi T.,, An Application of Neuro-Fuzzy Modelling to Prediction of some Incidence in an Electrical Energy Distribution Center, CCC Publications- Agora Univ. Ed. House, International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, 3(S), 2008.
* Vesselenyi T.; Dzitac S.; Dzitac I.; Manolescu M.J., Fuzzy and Neural Controllers for a Pneumatic Actuator, Agora University Ed. House, International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, Vol. III, No.4, 2007.
* Pop, B., Dzitac, I., On a Fuzzy Approach to Solving Multiple Criteria Fractional Programming Problem, Agora University Publishing House, International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, 1(S), 2006.