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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la

Coziana Ciurtin


Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, .

E-mail: trimite un mesaj.

Nascut(a) in: 1976

Interese: canale membranare celulare, proteomica fluidelor biologice

flag Detalii:
Nume: Ciurtin
Prenume: Coziana
Data si locul nasterii: 18.08.1976,Ploiesti
Cetatenie: romana
Liceul Teoretic Mihai Viteazul Ploiesti. 1991- 1994
UMF Carol Davila, Facultatea de Medicina.1994-2000 2000-2002 Master in Biofizica
si Biotehnologie Celulara, Catedra de Biofizica si Biotehnologie Celulara, UMF Carol
2007 Doctor in Stiinte Medicale
Titlul stiintific: Master in medicina- specialitatea
Biofizica si Biotehnologie Celulara � lucrare de disertatie
cu tema : �Determinarea metabolitilor din urina prin metoda
spectroscopiei de rezonanta magnetica a protonului� Doctor
in Stiinte Medicale � specialitatea biofizica �
teza de doctorat cu tema : � Explorarea fizio-patogenica a
sinovialei articulare in variate boli reumatismale folosind metode
biofizice moderne�
Experienta profesionala:
ianuarie 2001 - prezent Bucuresti Spitalul Dr. I.
Cantacuzino, Clinica de Medicina Interna si Reumatologie
2001 - prezent Bucuresti Laboratorul National RMN, Fundatia
Spectroteam for Romania Cercetator iulie 2003- prezent Bucuresti

Dr. I. Cantacuzino�Clinica de Medicina Interna
si Reumatologie Medic specialist Specializarea Reumatologie
martie 2007-prezent Bucuresti UMF Carol DavilaSpitalul �Dr.
I. Cantacuzino�Clinica de Medicina Interna si Reumatologie
Doctor in Stiinte Medicale
Locul de munca actual si functia: UMF
Carol Davila- Preparator Universitar- specialitatea Medicina Interna si
Reumatologie, Doctor in Stiinte Medicale.
Spitalul Dr. I Cantacuzino�, Bucuresti, medic
Specialist Reumatologie.
Societatea Romana de Reumatologie
Societatea Romana de Istoria Medicinii
International Society of Magnetic Resonance in
British Phisiological Society
Alte specializari si calificari:
International Workshop Systemic Sclerosis,
Gene-polymorphism, clinical variants and response to therapy� Milano, March 2007
Curs International -Prof. E:. Carwile LeRoy
Memorial International Workshop on Scleroderma, Tokyo, May
· 2007- Lecturer la Expozitia de Aparatura Medicala ROMEXPO mai 2007
· 2005-2006 � Junior Fellowship of British Physiological
Society for calcium channels study in synoviocytes �
University of Leeds, Institute of Systems and Biomembrane.
· Whole body small animal optical imaging-International Workshop
� Toulouse, noiembrie-decembrie, 2005
· 10th EULAR postgraduate course in Rheumatology, Copenhagen, octombrie
· International School of Biophysics- �Modern Biophysical
Techniques for Human Health� � Brasov, septembrie
· Studiul canalelor ionice membranare la nivelul sinoviocitelor -
implicatii in artrita reumatoida � School of Biomedical
Sciences, University of Leeds, iunie-septembrie 2005
· 8th EULAR postgraduate course in Rheumatology, Prague, noiembrie 2004
· International Workshop on Cell Physiology, The Physiological Society,
Sankt Petersburg, oct.2004
· Workshop International �Basics and Advanced Applications
of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Localized Spectroscopy�,
Romanian Cultural Foundation and International Society for Magnetic
Resonance in Medicine, Brasov, iunie 2004
· International Workshop � TB: the Global Emergency
� realizat in paralel cu �12th Annual
International Ain Shams Congress�, Cairo, februarie 2004
· �Rheumatology and clinic epidemiology�
� EULAR course � R. Landewe, D. van der Heijde
from University Hospital Maastricht, Bucuresti, noiembrie 2003.
· International School of Biophysics- �Non-invasive
Biophysical Methods and their application in Biology and
Medicine� � Predeal, octombrie 2003
· Scoala Internationala de Neurostiinte �Ischemia/hipoxia
creierului - metode experimentale si mecanisme
fundamentale�, Bucuresti, 26-27 septembrie 2003
· Curs de terapie genica - �Aproches pluridisciplinaires de
la thèrapie génique: du transfert de gène à la
clinique� � Université Européene
d�été, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, sept 2003.
· Asistent in cadrul Cursului de Urgente Medicale pentru studentii
Facultatii de Stomatologie realizat de catre Spitalul de Urgenta
Bucuresti, Ministerul Educatiei si Invatamantului si Societatea
Studentilor in Medicina- octombrie-decembrie 2002 · Workshop
International �Basics and Advanced Applications of Magnetic
Resonance Imaging and Localized Spectroscopy�, Romanian
Cultural Foundation and International Society for Magnetic Resonance in
Medicine, Neptun, iulie 2002.
· Workshop International �Basics and Advanced Applications
of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Localized Spectroscopy�,
Romanian Cultural Foundation and International Society for Magnetic
Resonance in Medicine, Sinaia iulie 2001.
· Program de garzi de medicina de urgenta, Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta
Bucuresti, Cabinetul Medical de Prim Ajutor Nr. 1, Functia Intern,1998
� 2002. · Cursul de Prim Ajutor Medical Specializat -
Diploma, 1998.
· Bursa de Chirurgie Generala - �Haccetepe�
Ankara, 1998.
17. Experienta acumulata in programe de cercetare stiintifica:
Programul/Proiectul Functia Perioadade la (luna/anul)pana la(luna/
Centru de Excelenta de Biotehnologie Celulara (PNCDI VIASAN 185/2002)
membru fondator iulie 2002- iulie 2004
Studiul biofizic al alterarilor/modificarilor celulare induse de
radiatia de microunde din domeniul telefoniei GSM (PNCDI VIASAN
177/2002 executant iulie 2002- mai 2005
Folosirea metodei de spectroscopie de rezonanta magnetica a protonului
in studiul dezordinilor metabolice (CNCSIS 158/2005) Director de
proiect martie 2005-oct 2006
aprilie 2006- septembrie 2008
ANEXA Lucrari comunicate in cadrul unor manifestari stiintifice:
1. C. Ciurtin, V.M.Cojocaru � Metabolic composition of
sclerodermic synovial fluid, Prof. E:. Carwile LeRoy Memorial
International Workshop on Scleroderma� Tokyo, Mai 2007
� Bursa acordata de EUSTAR, Asociatia Europeana de studiu al
2. M.V.Cojocaru, C.Ciurtin - Two dimensional tear electrophoresis in
the patients with Scleroderma, Prof. E. Carwile LeRoy Memorial
International Workshop on Scleroderma� Tokyo, Mai 2007
3. C. Ciurtin, I. Miron, M. V. Cojocaru, S. Micu, I. Ancuta, M.
Bojinca, V. Stoica, Correlation between plasmatic and monocytic
membrane cholesterol levels and the response to the antiviral treatment
in hepatitis C, European Congress of Internal Medicine, Lisabona Mai
4. C.Ciurtin, S. Micu, M. Bojinca, V. Stoica, Correlation between
cholesterol plasma levels in chronic C hepatitis patients with the
response to the antiviral treatment, Congresul National de Medicina
Interna, Calimanesti, Aprilie 2007.
5. C. Ciurtin, V.M. Cojocaru, F. Preda, V. Stoica � Complex
mtabolic composition of synovial fluid in scleroderma detected by
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, International Workshop Systemic
Sclerosis, Gene-polymorphism, clinical variants and response to
therapy, Milano, Martie 2007 � Premiu pentru cel mai bun
6. M.V.Cojocaru, C.Ciurtin, F.Antohe, Two dimensional tear
electrophoresis in the patients with Scleroderma, , International
Workshop Systemic Sclerosis, Gene-polymorphism, clinical variants and
response to therapy, Milano, Martie 2007 - Premiu pentru cel mai bun
7. C. Ciurtin, V.M. Cojocaru, S.Micu, M. Bojinca, V. Stoica, Synovial
fluid analysis in rheumatoid arthritis vs osteoarthritis -correlation
to the different pathogenesis of the diseases, Zilele Spitalului
Cantacuzino, Bucuresti, Februarie 2007
8. C. Ciurtin, V.M. Cojocaru, I. Miron, F. Preda, A. Nicolescu, C.
Deleanu, S. Micu, M. Milicescu, M. Bojinca, V. Stoica, E. Kovacs,
Quantification of citrulline and ceramide levels in rheumatoid
arthritis synovial fluid by proton magnetic spectroscopy, European
Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR , Amsterdam, June 2006
9. M. Bojinca, V. Bojinca, M. Milicescu, A. Martin, C.Ciurtin, A.
Rasanu, S. Micu, V.Stoica � Functional status and pain level
in patients with chronic low back pain before and after standardised
exercise program, European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR , Amsterdam,
June 2006
10. V. M. Cojocaru, C. Ciurtin, E. Puchianu, F. Antohe,
Characterisation of tear fluid proteins � diagnostic tool in
Sjogren syndrome, European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR, Amsterdam,
June 2006.
11. M. Bojinca, V. Bojinca, M. Milicescu, A. Martin, C.Ciurtin,
V.Stoica, - Spinal stenosis-complication of osteoporotic vertebral
fractures, European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR, Amsterdam, June
12. V.M. Cojocaru, C. Ciurtin, P. Grecu, I.O. Ionescu, C, Dumitrescu
� The surgical treatment and clinical outcomes of traumatic
cataracts � German Congress of Ophthalmology, Berlin, 2006
13. C. Ciurtin, A. Nicolescu, O. Costan, L.I.Stefan, V.Stoica,
E.Kovacs, C.Deleanu, I.C.P.Smith � H NMR urine analysis of
type II diabetic patients � International Autumn School-
�Modern Biophysical Techniques for Human Health�
� Brasov, octombrie 2005
14. C.Ciurtin, V.M.Cojocaru, I.M.Miron, A.Niculescu, S.Micu, F.Preda,
M.Bojinca, M.Milicescu, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs, V.Stoica �
Caracteristici metabolice ale lichidului sinovial din poliartrita
reumatoida vs artroza- Congresul National de Reumatologie - Brasov,
septembrie 2005
15. V.M.Cojocaru, C.Ciurtin, E.Puchianu, F.Antohe, S.Micu �
Nivelurile salivare ale lizozimului si lactoferinei in diagnosticul
precoce al sindromului Sjogren secundar - Congresul National de
Reumatologie - Brasov, septembrie 2005
16. V.M Cojocaru, E.Puchianu, C. Ciurtin, F. Antohe, K.Katsos
� Early diagnosis of secondary Sjogren�s syndrome
using complex amalysis of tear secretion � 15th European
Society of Ophthalmology & 103th German Society of Ophthalmology
Congress, Berlin, septembrie 2005
17. C. Ciurtin, O. Costan, A.Nicolescu, C.Deleanu, V. Stoica, E.Kovacs,
I.C.P.Smith - A critical assessment of the information provided by
H-NMR spectrosocpy of urine on the renal involvement in type II
diabetic patients � 15 th IUPAB& 5 th Ebsa International
Biophysics Congress, Montpellier, august 2005
18. V.M Cojocaru, E.Puchianu, C. Ciurtin, F. Antohe, Complex analysis
of human tear secretion- diagnosis method of ocular diseases - 15 th
IUPAB& 5 th Ebsa International Biophysics Congress, Montpellier,
august 2005
19. C. Ciurtin, O.Costan,, V. Cojocaru, M. Bojinca , C.Deleanu,
E.Kovacs,� Characterisation of complex metabolic environment
of synovial fluid � relation to the pathogenesis of
rheumatic diseases - Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, Viena,
iunie 2005
20. V.M Cojocaru, E.Puchianu, C. Ciurtin, F. Antohe, K.Katsos
� The early diagnosis of secondary Sjogren�s
syndrome using complex amalysis of tear secretion � Annual
European Congress of Rheumatology, Viena, iunie 2005
21. C. Ciurtin, O.Costan, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs � A new
assessment of the complex metabolic composition of urine in type II
diabetes mellitus � Fouth Medical Scientific Conference for
young doctors, Pleven, mai 2005
22. C. Ciurtin, O.Costan,, V. Cojocaru, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs, M. Bojinca
� Characterization of complex metabolic environment of
synovial fluid � relation to the pathogenesis of rheumatoid
diseases - International Workshop on Cell Physiology, The Physiological
Society, Sankt Petersburg, octombrie 2004
23. V. Cojocaru, C. Ciurtin, E. Pucheanu, F. Antohe �
Diagnosticarea sindromului Sjogren secundar utilizand electroforeza
proteinelor lacrimale � Congresul National de Reumatologie,
Craiova, septembrie 2004
24. C. Ciurtin, O.Costan,, V. Cojocaru, M. Bojinca, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs
� Evaluarea componentelor metabolice din lichidul articular
prin spectroscopie de rezonanta magnetica a protonului - Congresul
National de Reumatologie, Craiova, septembrie 2004
25. V. Pop, C. Ciurtin, I. Florea, S. Stoian, E. Negru, etc.
� Tolerabilitatea corticoterapiei in poliartrita reumatoida
� studiu clinic pe 196 pacienti - Congresul National de
Reumatologie, Craiova, septembrie 2004
26. C. Ciurtin, O. Simionescu, I. Miron, V.M. Cojocaru �
Eficacitatea tratamentului fizioterapic in afectiunile osteoarticulare
- Congresul National de Reumatologie, Craiova, septembrie 2004
27. C. Ciurtin, O.Costan,, V. Cojocaru, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs, M. Bojinca
- �Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy analysis of
synovial fluid � a possibility to detect potential
diagnostic indicators for rheumatis diseases� �
EULAR Annual European Congress of Rheumatology � Berlin,
iunie 2004
28. V. Cojocaru, C. Ciurtin, E. Pucheanu, F. Antohe �
�Sjoegren syndrome diagnosis using two dimensional tear
proteins electrophoresis at the patients with different rheumatic
diseases� � EULAR- Annual European Congress of
Rheumatology � Berlin,
iunie 2004
29. V. Cojocaru, E. Pucheanu, C. Ciurtin, F. Antohe �
� Analiza elecroforetica a secretiei lacrimale la pacientii
cu boli reumatismale� � A XXII � a
Sesiune Stiintifica anuala a Societatii Nationale de Biologie Celulara
� Sighisoara, iunie 2004
30. C. Ciurtin, O.Costan, E.Kovacs, C.Deleanu , M. Bojinca �
� Looking inside the joint� by using proton
magnetic resonance spectroscopy of synovial fluid - 11th Congress of
Medical Sciences, Groeningen, iunie 2004
31. V. Cojocaru, C. Ciurtin, E. Pucheanu, F. Antohe �
� The diagnosis of secondarz Sjogren Syndrome using tear
protein electrophoresis� � 11th Congress of
Medical Sciences, Groeningen, iunie 2004
32. C. Ciurtin, O.Costan,, M. Bojinca, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs -
�Magnetic resonance spectroscopy as a complemantary analysis
of synovial fluid for rheumatic diseases diagnosis�
� First award for oral therapeutical presentation
� � International Congress of Medical
Sciences�, Sofia, mai 2004
33. C. Ciurtin, O.Costan, M. Cojocaru, M. Bojinca, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs
� �Rolul analizei complexe a lichidului sinovial
in intelegerea patogenezei bolilor reumatice inflamatorii�-
prezentare orala - Congresul National pentru studenti si tineri medici
- Bucuresti, aprilie 2004, Premiul I - Sectiunea Stiinte Medicale.
34. V.M.Cojocaru, V.Coviltir, C.Ciurtin - �Eficacitatea
interventiei chirurgicale combinate pentru cataracta si glaucom in
controlul tensiunii intraoculare� - prezentare orala -
Congresul National pentru studenti si tineri medici - Bucuresti,
aprilie 2004
35. C.Ciurtin, V.Pop, R.M.Visan, A.Nisanian, M.Bojinca �
�Rolul medicatiei protectoare cardiovasculare in atenuarea
fenomenelor inflamatorii din poliartrita reumatoida�
� prezentare orala � Congresul National de
Medicina Interna cu participare internationala � Tg.Mures,
aprilie 2004
36. V.Pop, M.Milicescu, A. Ciobotaru, M.Tache, C.Ciurtin, R.M.Visan,
M.Bojinca, V.Stoica � �Inflamatia in
ateroscleroza si in sindroamele coronariene acute� -
prezentare orala � Congresul National de Medicina Interna cu
participare internationala � Tg.Mures, aprilie 2004
37. C.Ciurtin, R.Iannescu, V.Cojocaru, M.Bojinca �
�Pattern-uri de asocieri comorbide in functie de grupele de
varsta� � poster - Congresul National de Medicina
Interna cu participare internationala � Tg.Mures, aprilie
38. A.Rasanu, D.Andries, C.Ciurtin, M.Bojinca, V.Stoica �
�Aspergiloza pulmonara la un pacient cu lupus eritematos
sistemic� � poster - Congresul National de
Medicina Interna cu participare internationala � Tg.Mures,
aprilie 2004
39. C.Ciurtin, O.Costan, M. Bojinca, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs �
�Biochemical and proton magnetic resonance spectrocopy of
synovial fluid � a possibility to characterize the
pathogenesis of rheumatic diseases� � 12th Annual
International Ain Shams Congress�� prezentare
orala � Cairo, februarie 2004
40. V.Cojocaru, C.Ciurtin, E. Pucheanu, F. Antohe �
�Tear protein electrophoresis at the patients with
inflammatory systemic diseases� - 12th Annual International
Ain Shams Congress� � prezentare orala
� Cairo, februarie 2004
41. C. Ciurtin, L.I. Stefan, O.Costan, E.Kovacs, C.Deleanu -
�Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of urine
� a possibility of early detection of renal involvement in
type II diabetic patients� �oral presentation- 14
th European Students� Conference � Berlin,
november 2003 � Award for the best oral presentation on
diabetes-endocrinology section of the congress.
42. C.Ciurtin, M.Bojinca, A. Rasanu, G.Belu � �
Dificultati terapeutice intr-un caz de gonartroza secundara�
� poster - Zilele Spitalului �Dr.I.Cantacuzino�
- Bucuresti, noiembrie 2003.
43. A.Rasanu, D.Andries, C.Ciurtin, M.Bojinca � �
Lupus eritematos sistemic complicat cu aspergiloza pulmonara -
prezentare de caz � poster - Zilele Spitalului
�Dr.I.Cantacuzino� - Bucuresti, noiembrie 2003
� Premiul pentru cel mai bun poster.
44. C.Ciurtin � � Identification of renal
involvement using biochemical tests and proton magnetic resonance
spectroscopy in urine of diabetic patients � �
oral presentation �7-th National Biophysics Conference,
Predeal, octombrie 2003
45. C.Ciurtin, L.I.Stefan, O.Costan, E.Kovacs, C.Deleanu �
�Measurement of early metabolic disorders in urine due to
type II diabetes mellitus using proton magnetic resonance
spectroscopy� � poster - International School of
Biophysics, Predeal, octombrie 2003
46. V. Pop, R.M.Visan, A. Stancu, D. Neicu, M.Piper, C. Ciurtin,
M.Ilinca, I.Dutu, etc. � �Afectarea digestiva in
poliartrita reumatoida - studiu clinic si paraclinic realizat pe 300
pacienti � � poster - Congresul National de
Reumatologie cu participare internationala � Cluj,
septembrie 2003
47. V. Pop, R.M. Visan, A. Stancu, D.Neicu, C. Ciurtin, M.Piper, M.
Ilinca, I.Dutu, etc. � �Afectarea hepatica in
poliartrita reumatoida � studiu realizat pe 300 pacienti
� poster - Congresul National de Reumatologie cu participare
internationala � Cluj, septembrie 2003 48. O. Costan, C.
Ciurtin, L.I. Stefan, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs � � NMR
Spectroscopy applied to nutrition and metabolism�
� prezentare orala - International Congress of Organic
Chemistry � Bucharest, Septembrie 2003.
49. C. Ciurtin, M. Cojocaru, I. Miron, F.Antohe �
�Terapia biologica in poliartrita reumatoida�
� poster - Conferinta Nationala de Biologie Celulara
� Zalau, septembrie 2003
50. V.Pop, L.Macovei, R.M. Visan, C. Ciurtin, D. Neicu, A. Stancu,
S.Dinu, etc. � �Evaluarea ultrasonografica a
densitatii minerale osoase in Lupusul eritematos sistemic.�
� poster - Congresul National de Reumatologie cu participare
internationala � Cluj, septembrie 2003
51. C. Ciurtin, M. Cojocaru, I. Miron, D. Antipov, M.Bojinca
� �Particularitatile incidentei bolilor reumatice
raportate pe grupe de varsta� � poster -
Congresul National de Reumatologie cu participare internationala
� Cluj, septembrie 2003
52. C. Ciurtin, M. Cojocaru - �Particularities of ocular
manifestation in rheumatic diseases � -prezentare orala
� International Congress of Medical Sciences �
Sofia, mai 2003 � Third award for clinical (oral )
53. M.Cojocaru, C.Ciurtin � � Bilateral anterior
tuberculosis uveitis �diagnosis and treatment difficulties
� � prezentare orala - International Congress of
Medical Sciences � Sofia , mai 2003
54. L.I. Stefan, C.Ciurtin, E. Kovacs, M. Manolescu �
� Performance of thyroid stimulating hormone detection by
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay ( ELISA)and by
Electrochemiluminiscence (ECL) on Roche Elecsys 1010 analyzer in a busy
routine laboratory� � poster - International
Congress of Medical Sciences � Sofia, mai 2003
55. C. Ciurtin, L.I. Stefan, O. Costan, E. Kovacs, C. Deleanu,
� Identification and measurement of urine metabolites using
the method of Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy �
� poster- International Congress for Medical Sciences
� Leiden, martie 2003
56. C. Ciurtin, L.I. Stefan, O. Costan, E. Kovacs, C. Deleanu,
� Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy �
identification and measurement of metabolites � �
prezentare orala - � Carol Davila �International
Congress for students and young doctors � Premiul pentru cea
mai buna lucrare la sectiunea �preclinic�
� Bucuresti, noiembrie 2002
57. L.I. Stefan, C.Ciurtin, O.Costan, M.Huica, I.M.Petre, E. Kovacs, C.
Deleanu � �Identificarea si dozarea unor
metaboliti folosind metoda de spectroscopie de rezonanta magnetica a
protonului � � poster - Conferinta nationala de
Chimie Organica si Anorganica - Calimanesti, Octombrie 2002.
58. C. Ciurtin, S. Dinu, A. Rasanu, M.Bojinca, � Tumora
renala si durerea lombara cronica � prezentare de
caz� � poster - Conferinta Nationala de
Reumatologie � Mangalia, septembrie 2002.
59. S.Dinu, C.Ciurtin, A. Rasanu, M.Bojinca, V. Stoica, �
Particularitati ale Poliartritei Reumatoide la un pacient cu multiple
afectari tumorale � � poster - Conferinta de
Reumatologie � Mangalia, septembrie 2002.
60. V. Pop, L. Macovei, M. Bojinca, R. Visan, M. Sasu, J. Ilinca, M.
Chircu, D. Deculescu, S. Dinu, F. Preda, A. Cochino, I. Dutu, C.
Stentel, C. Ciurtin, M. Teodosiu, A. Shorab, S. Suteanu, V. Stoica-
� Particularitatile de tratament ale pacientilor cu
poliartrita reumatoida � � poster - Conferinta de
Reumatologie � Mangalia, septembrie 2002.
61. M. Bojinca, A.Rasanu, S. Dinu, C. Ciurtin, M.Grancea, M. Vasilescu,
D. Deculescu, M. Teodosiu - � Folosirea scorului de
activitate DAS 28 in aprecierea unor cazuri severe de poliartrita
reumatoida� � poster - Conferinta de Reumatologie
� Mangalia, septembrie 2002.
C. Ciurtin, M. Cojocaru, S. Micu, A. Ciobotaru, V. Stoica, S. Suteanu,
Cardio-vascular risck evaluation in rheumatoid arthritic population,
Medicina Moderna, in press
C. Ciurtin, A. Nicolescu, L. Stefan, C. Deleanu, E. Kovacs, Assessment
of diabetic urine composition using H1-MRS method, Revue Roumaine de
Chimie, 2007, 24(5), 34-42, ISI score
C.Ciurtin, I.Ancuta, M.Milicescu, V. Stoica, Correlation between
cholesterol plasma levels in chronic C hepatitis patients with the
response to the antiviral treatment, Revista de Medicina Interna, 2007,
in press
C. Ciurtin, V. M. Cojocaru, F: Andrei, V. Stoica, Identifiacation and
cuatification of citrullin and ceramide levels in rheumatoid arthritic
synovial fluid, Revista de Reumatologie vol XIV; in press
A.Tomi, V. M.Cojocaru, C.Preda, C. Ciurtin, The value of
angiofluorography in serous central retinopathy diagnosis,
Oftalmologia. 2006;50(4):30-2, index for PubMed
V.M Cojocaru. C. Ciurtin, E Puchianu, F. Antohe � Lacrimal
proteins electrophoretic analysis--diagnostic method in secondary
Sjogren syndrome, Oftalmologia. 2006;50(4):60-3, index for PubMed
C. Ciurtin, V.M. Cojocaru, I.M. Miron, F. Preda, M. Milicescu, M.
Bojinca, O.Costan, A. Nicolescu, C. Deleanu, E. Kovacs, V. Stoica
� Correlation between different components of synovial fluid
and the pathogenesis of Rheumatic diseases � Romanian
Journal of Internal Medicine, 2006, 44, 2, 171-183, index for Pub Med
V.M Cojocaru. C. Ciurtin, E Puchianu, F. Antohe �
Electrophoretic analysis of lacrimal proteins-diagnostic method in
secondary Sjogren Syndrome- Oftalmologia, 2006; 50(3): 3-5 �
index for Pub Med
V.M Cojocaru. C. Ciurtin, M. Pop, A. Tomi, P. Grecu �
Ophthlamological involvment in rheumatic diseases - Oftalmologia,2006;
50(2): 56-61 � index for Pub Med
C. Ciurtin, V.M. Cojocaru, S. Micu, F. Andrei, V. Stoica, S. Suteanu
� Quatification of ceramide level in synovial fluid as an
indirect marker of apoptosis � Medicina Moderna 2006, vol
XIII, nr. 8, 399-403.
C. Ciurtin, M. Cojocaru, S. Micu, M. Bojinca, S. Suteanu �
Inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis- new therapeutical approach -
Medicina Moderna 2005, vol XIII nr. 11, 566-571.
C. Ciurtin, M. Bojinca, O. Costan, E. Kovàcs, C. Deleanu
�Analysis of synovial fluid composition in different
pathologies� Revista de Reumatologie vol 4 (XII), 2005 C.
Ciurtin, M. Cojocaru, M. Bojinca, S. Suteanu� Patterns of
ocular involvement in rheumatic diseases - Medicina Moderna 2004, vol
XI, nr. 12, 623-627.
M. Milicescu , V. Pop, C. Ciurtin , C. M. Mihai, M. Tache, A. Ciobotaru
, R. M. Visan , M. Bojinca , V. Stoica , St. Suteanu �
Inflammation in atherosclerosis and acute coronarian syndromes
� Medicina Moderna 2004, vol XI, nr. 9, 545-553.
C. Ciurtin, C. R. Badea, V. Pop, R. M. Visan, M. Bojinca - Comparative
study of remitent therapy in rheumatoid arthritis � Revista
de Reumatologie 2003, 3-4, volumul XI , p 52-57.

flag Details:
You can find below details about my scientific work: NAME: CIURTIN
BIRTHDAY: 1976, 18.08
040213466322, 040723920580.
E-mail: cciurtin
University training:
Previous clinical appointments
Hospital training:
1998 � �Emergency Medicine and Specialised
Medical First Aid� course organised by the Faculty of
Medicine, Emergency Hospital and Ministry of Education
�Bucharest, August-September 1998. 1998 � General
Surgery scholarship - �Haccetepe� University,
Ankara, August 1998
1998-2001 � Programs of medical shifts in the Emergency
Hospital and at �No.1 Medical Specialised First
Aid� Cabinet in function of medical intern.
2001- International Workshop �Basics and Advanced
Applications of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Localised
Spectroscopy�, Romanian Cultural Foundation and
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Sinaia,
September 2001.
2001 � Co-ordinator of the Emergency Medicine Courses at the
Faculty of Dentistry, October-December 2002. 2002 �
International Workshop �Basics and Advanced Applications of
Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Localised Spectroscopy�,
Romanian Cultural Foundation and International Society for Magnetic
Resonance in Medicine, Neptun, September 2002.
2002- present � Co-ordinator of courses in Biophysics for
the Master Class � �Carol
Davila�University of Medicine and Pharmacy �
2003 � Aproches pluridisciplinaires de la thèrapie
génique: du transfert de gène à la clinique �
Université Européene d�été, Université Paul Sabatier,
Toulouse, September 2003.
2003 � International Workshop on neurosciences �
Bucharest, September 2003.
2003 - International School of Biophysics- �Non-invasive
Biophysical Methods and their application in Biology and
Medicine� � Predeal, October 2003.
2003 � �Rheumatology and clinic
epidemiology� � EULAR course � R.
Landewe, D.van der Heijde from University Hospital Maastricht,
Bucharest, November 2003.
2004 - International Workshop � TB: the Global Emergency
� conducted in parallel to the 12th Annual International Ain
Shams Congress, Cairo, February. 2004
2004 � International workshop in cell biology �
Sankt Petersburg, October 2004
2004 � 8th EULAR postgraduate course in Rheumatology,
Prague, November 2004
2005 - International School of Biophysics- �Non-invasive
Biophysical Methods and their application in Biology and
Medicine� � Brasov, October 2005.
2005- 10th EULAR postgraduate course in Rheumatology, Copenhagen,
November 2005
2005- Whole body small animal optical imaging-International Workshop
� Toulouse, December 2005
2005-2006 � Junior Fellowship of British Physiological
Society for calcium channels study in synoviocytes �
University of Leeds, Institute of Systems and Biomembrane.
2007 � International Workshop Systemic Sclerosis,
Gene-polymorphism, clinical variants and response to
therapy� Milano, March 2007
2007 � Prof. E:. Carwile LeRoy Memorial International
Workshop on Scleroderma� Tokyo, May 2007
2007- Lecturer at the ROMEXPO Medical Exhibition May 2007
�Carol Davila International Congress for students and young
doctors� Bucharest, November 2002 � C. Ciurtin,
L.I. Stefan, O. Costan, E. Kovacs, C. Deleanu, �Proton
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy � identification and
measurement of metabolites� 2003 � THIRD AWARD
Medical Sciences � Sofia, May 2003 � C. Ciurtin,
M. Cojocaru - �Particularities of ocular manifestation in
rheumatic diseases � 2003 � AWARD FOR THE BEST
Students� Conference � Berlin, November 2003
� C.Ciurtin, L.I. Stefan, O.Costan, E.Kovacs, C.Deleanu,
Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of urine � a
possibility of early detection of renal involvement in type II diabetic
SCIENCES SECTION Bucharest, April 2004 - C. Ciurtin, O.Costan, M.
Cojocaru, M. Bojinca, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs �The role of
complex analysis of synovial fluid in understanding the pathogenesis of
inflammatory rheumatic diseases � oral presentation
� National Congress for students and young
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy as a complementary analysis of synovial
fluid for rheumatic diseases diagnosis, C. Ciurtin, O.Costan, M.
Bojinca, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs � 3rd International Congress of
Medical Sciences 2004 � THIRD AWARD FOR THE BEST ORAL
PRESENTATION, Craiova September 2004 - Diagnosis of Sjoegren syndrome
using tear proteins electrophoresis - V. Cojocaru, C. Ciurtin, E.
Pucheanu ��National Congress of Rheumatology
2005 � Visiting Research Fellow � School of
Biomedical Sciences, University of Leeds, UK
CONTEST - Copenhagen, November 2005, 10th EULAR postgraduate Course in
Rheumatology, 2006 � Visiting Research Fellow �
School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Leeds, UK
International Workshop Systemic Sclerosis, Gene-polymorphism, clinical
variants and response to therapy
LeRoy Memorial International Workshop on Scleroderma� TOKYO,
May 2007
2007 � Bursa pentru continuarea studiilor la Universitatea
din Leeds, ONB � HG 2007 - Visiting Research Fellow ,
Visiting Rheumatologist � School of Biomedical Sciences,
University of Leeds, UK
Research projects:
2002-2004 � Excellence Centre of Biophysics and Molecular
Biotechnology on �Carol Davila� University of
Medicine and Pharmacy �Biophysics Research Cathedra- founder
member (combining all the research programs)- PNCDI VIASAN 185/2002
2002-2004 � Viasan Program �The study of GSM
radiation�s implications in medicine�- PNCDI
VIASAN 177/2002 - participant
2005- 2006 � CNCSIS Program for doctoral research
�Determination of metabolites markers for different diseases
using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of biologic fluids
� urine, synovial fluid� � CNCSIS
118/2005 � program director
2006-2008 - Viasan Program - � Effect of Symvastatin on
early aterosclerosis in rheumatoid arthritic patients- participant
Clinical studies:
Effect of Belimumab in Lupus Patients (HGS 1006, LymphoStatB), Kendle
Pharmaceutical Company � 2007
Membership of societies:
1997- present � Archaeus � Romanian Association
of History of Religions 2000� present � National
College of Medical Doctors � Romania. 2001 �
present � Romanian Society of Rheumatology.
2001 � present � Romanian Society of pure and
applied Biophysics.
2002 � present - Romanian Society of History of Medicine.
2003 � present - International Society of Magnetic Resonance
in Medicine.
2005- present- Associate member of British Physiological Society
ANOTHER COMPETENCIES: German Language Course - Schiller Institute,
Bucharest, 1997 � 1999 Spanish Language Course �
Cervantes Institute Bucharest, 2007
PC operation (Word, Power Point, Origin, Excel)
Published papers or in press

C. Ciurtin, M. Cojocaru, S. Micu, A. Ciobotaru, V. Stoica, S. Suteanu,
Cardio-vascular risck evaluation in rheumatoid arthritic population,
Medicina Moderna, in press
C. Ciurtin, A. Nicolescu, L. Stefan, C. Deleanu, E. Kovacs, Assessment
of diabetic urine composition using H1-MRS method, Revue Roumaine de
Chimie, 2007, 24(5), 34-42, ISI score
C.Ciurtin, I.Ancuta, M.Milicescu, V. Stoica, Correlation between
cholesterol plasma levels in chronic C hepatitis patients with the
response to the antiviral treatment, Revista de Medicina Interna, 2007,
in press
C. Ciurtin, V. M. Cojocaru, F: Andrei, V. Stoica, Identifiacation and
cuatification of citrullin and ceramide levels in rheumatoid arthritic
synovial fluid, Revista de Reumatologie vol XIV; in press
A.Tomi, V. M.Cojocaru, C.Preda, C. Ciurtin, The value of
angiofluorography in serous central retinopathy diagnosis,
Oftalmologia. 2006;50(4):30-2, index for PubMed
V.M Cojocaru. C. Ciurtin, E Puchianu, F. Antohe � Lacrimal
proteins electrophoretic analysis--diagnostic method in secondary
Sjogren syndrome, Oftalmologia. 2006;50(4):60-3, index for PubMed
C. Ciurtin, V.M. Cojocaru, I.M. Miron, F. Preda, M. Milicescu, M.
Bojinca, O.Costan, A. Nicolescu, C. Deleanu, E. Kovacs, V. Stoica
� Correlation between different components of synovial fluid
and the pathogenesis of Rheumatic diseases � Romanian
Journal of Internal Medicine, 2006, 44, 2, 171-183, index for Pub Med
V.M Cojocaru. C. Ciurtin, E Puchianu, F. Antohe �
Electrophoretic analysis of lacrimal proteins-diagnostic method in
secondary Sjogren
Syndrome- Oftalmologia, 2006; 50(3): 3-5 � index for Pub Med
V.M Cojocaru. C. Ciurtin, M. Pop, A. Tomi, P. Grecu �
Ophthlamological involvment in rheumatic diseases - Oftalmologia,2006;
50(2): 56-61 � index for Pub Med
C. Ciurtin, V.M. Cojocaru, S. Micu, F. Andrei, V. Stoica, S. Suteanu
� Quatification of ceramide level in synovial fluid as an
indirect marker of apoptosis � Medicina Moderna 2006, vol
XIII, nr. 8, 399-403.
C. Ciurtin, M. Cojocaru, S. Micu, M. Bojinca, S. Suteanu �
Inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis- new therapeutical approach -
Medicina Moderna 2005, vol XIII nr. 11, 566-571.
C. Ciurtin, M. Bojinca, O. Costan, E. Kovàcs, C. Deleanu
�Analysis of synovial fluid composition in different
pathologies� Revista de Reumatologie vol 4 (XII), 2005 C.
Ciurtin, M. Cojocaru, M. Bojinca, S. Suteanu� Patterns of
ocular involvement in rheumatic diseases - Medicina Moderna 2004, vol
XI, nr. 12, 623-627.
M. Milicescu , V. Pop, C. Ciurtin , C. M. Mihai, M. Tache, A. Ciobotaru
, R. M. Visan , M. Bojinca , V. Stoica , St. Suteanu �
Inflammation in atherosclerosis and acute coronarian syndromes
� Medicina Moderna 2004, vol XI, nr. 9, 545-553.
C. Ciurtin, C. R. Badea, V. Pop, R. M. Visan, M. Bojinca - Comparative
study of remitent therapy in rheumatoid arthritis � Revista
de Reumatologie 2003, 3-4, volumul XI , p 52-57.
C. Ciurtin, L.I. Stefan, O. Costan, A. Nicolescu, E. Kovàcs, C.
Deleanu, - A critical assessment of the information provided by H-NMR
spectrosocopy of urine on the renal involvement in type II diabetic
patients � Revue Roumaine de Chimie, in press for febr. 2007
� index for Pub Med, ISI = 0.67
1. C. Ciurtin, S. Dinu, A. Rasanu, M.Bojinca, Rheumatoid arthritis in a
multiple neoplasias patient case � poster presentation -
National Conference of Rheumatology with international participation
� Mangalia, September 2002.
2. S.Dinu, C.Ciurtin, A. Rasanu, M.Bojinca, Lumbar chronic pain at the
old patient � poster presentation - National Conference of
Rheumatology with international participation � Mangalia,
September 2002.
3. V. Pop, L. Macovei, M. Bojinca, R. Visan, M. Sasu, J. Ilinca, M.
Chircu, D. Deculescu, S. Dinu, F. Preda, A. Cochino, I. Dutu, C.
Stentel, C. Ciurtin, M. Teodosiu, A. Shorab, S. Suteanu, V. Stoica-
Ultrasonographical appreciation of the osseous density on rheumatoid
arthritis patients � poster presentation - National
Conference of Rheumatology with international participation
� Mangalia, September 2002.
4. M. Bojinca, A.Rasanu, S. Dinu, C. Ciurtin, M.Grancea, M. Vasilescu,
D. Deculescu, M. Teodosiu - Disease activity score 28 evolution on
severe cases of rheumatoid arthritis � poster presentation -
National Conference of Rheumatology with international participation
� Mangalia, September 2002.
5. L.I. Stefan, C.Ciurtin, O.Costan, M.Huica, I.M.Petre, E. Kovacs, C.
Deleanu � Identification and dosage of some metabolites in
urine using magnetic resonance spectroscopy of proton �
poster presentation - National Congress of Chemistry, Calimanesti,
October 2002.
6. C. Ciurtin, O. Costan, E. Kovacs, C. Deleanu, Proton Magnetic
Resonance Spectroscopy � identification and measurement of
metabolites � oral presentation - � Carol
Davila� International Congress for students and young
doctors�- Bucharest, November 2002. 7. C. Ciurtin, O.
Costan, E. Kovacs, C. Deleanu, Identification and measurement of urine
metabolites using the method of Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
� poster presentation � Leiden International
Medical Students Congress � Leiden, March 2003
� Award for one of the best ten posters.
8. C. Ciurtin, M. Cojocaru - Particularities of ocular manifestation in
rheumatic diseases � oral presentation - International
Congress of Medical Sciences � Sofia May 2003 �
Third award for the best oral presentation on medical section.
9. M.Cojocaru, C.Ciurtin � Bilateral anterior tuberculosis
uveitis � diagnosis and treatment difficulties�
oral presentation - International Congress of Medical Sciences
� Sofia, May 2003.
10. L.I. Stefan, C.Ciurtin, E. Kovacs, M. Manolescu �
Performance of thyroid stimulating hormone detection by Enzyme-Linked
Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) and by Electrochemiluminiscence (ECL) on
Roche Elecsys 1010 analyser in a busy routine laboratory �
poster presentation- International Congress of Medical Sciences
� Sofia, May 2003.
11. O. Costan, C. Ciurtin, L.I. Stefan, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs
� NMR Spectroscopy applied to nutrition and metabolism
� poster presentation - International Congress of Organic
Chemistry � Bucharest, September 2003.
12. C. Ciurtin, M. Cojocaru, I. Miron, � Biological Therapy
in Rheumatoid Arthritis � poster presentation - National
Conference of Cellular Biology � Zalau, September 2003.
13. V. Pop, R.M.Visan, A. Stancu, D. Neicu, M.Piper, C. Ciurtin,
M.Ilinca, I.Dutu, etc. � Digestive involvement in rheumatoid
arthritis � clinic and paraclinic study performed in 300
patients � poster presentation � National
Congress of Rheumatology with international participation �
Cluj, September 2003.
14. V. Pop, R.M. Visan, A. Stancu, D.Neicu, C. Ciurtin, M.Piper, M.
Ilinca, I.Dutu, etc. � Liver involvement in Rheumatoid
Arthritis � a study performed on 300 patients - poster
presentation - National Congress of Rheumatology with international
participation � Cluj, September 2003.
15. V.Pop, L.Macovei, R.M. Visan, C. Ciurtin, D. Neicu, A. Stancu,
S.Dinu, etc. � Ultrasonography in evaluation of mineral bone
density in Lupus eritematosus � poster presentation -
National Congress of Rheumatology with international participation
� Cluj, September 2003.
16. C. Ciurtin, M. Cojocaru, I. Miron, D. Antipov, M.Bojinca
� Particularities of rheumatic diseases incidence in
different ages �poster presentation- National Congress of
Rheumatology with international participation � Cluj,
September 2003.
17. C.Ciurtin � Identification of renal involvement using
biochemical tests and proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in urine
of diabetic patients � oral presentation �7-th
National Biophysics Conference, Predeal, October 2003.
18. C.Ciurtin, L.I.Stefan, O.Costan, E.Kovacs, C.Deleanu �
Measurement of early metabolic disorders in urine due to type II
diabetes mellitus using proton magnetic resonance
spectroscopy� poster presentation - International School of
Biophysics, Predeal, October 2003.
19. C. Ciurtin, L.I. Stefan, O.Costan, E.Kovacs, C.Deleanu - Proton
magnetic resonance spectroscopy of urine � a possibility of
early detection of renal involvement in type II diabetic patients
� oral presentation - 14 Th European Students�
Conference � Berlin, November 2003 � Award for
the best oral presentation on diabetes-endocrinology section of the
20. C.Ciurtin, M.Bojinca, A. Rasanu, G.Belu � Therapeutic
difficulties in a secondary gonarthrosis case report �
poster presentation - Dr. Cantacuzino medical days - Bucharest,
November 2003.
21. A.Rasanu, D.Andries, C.Ciurtin, M.Bojinca �
Aspergillosis complicating lupus eritematosus � case report
- poster presentation - Dr. Cantacuzino medical days - Bucharest,
November 2003. � award for the best poster.
22. C. Ciurtin, O.Costan, E.Kovacs, C.Deleanu, M.Bojinca
�Biochemical and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of synovial
fluid � a possibility to characterise the pathogenesis
of rheumatic diseases- 12-th Annual International Ain Shams Medical
Congress, Cairo, February 2004
23. 23.V.M. Cojocaru, C. Ciurtin, E. Puchianu, F. Antohe �
Sjogren syndrome diagnosis using two dimensional tear proteins
electrophoresis at the patients with different rheumatic diseases -
12-th Annual International Ain Shams Medical Congress, Cairo, February
24. C. Ciurtin, O.Costan, M. Cojocaru, M. Bojinca, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs
� The role of complex analysis of synovial fluid in
understanding the pathogenesis of inflammatory rheumatic diseases
� oral presentation � National Congress for
students and young doctors� - Bucharest, April 2004, First
award on Medical Sciences Section.
25. V.M.Cojocaru, V.Coviltir, C.Ciurtin - The efficacy of combined
intervention for cataract and glaucoma for the control of intraocular
pressure - oral presentation � National Congress for
students and young doctors� - Bucharest, April 2004.
26. C.Ciurtin, V.Pop, R.M.Visan, A.Nisanian, M.Bojinca � The
role of cardiovasculare protective medication in Rheumatoid Arthritis
�oral presentation - Internal Medicine National Congress
with international participation - Tg.Mures, April 2004
27. V.Pop, M.Milicescu, A. Ciobotaru, M.Tache, C.Ciurtin, R.M.Visan,
M.Bojinca, V.Stoica � Inflammation in aterosclerosis and
acute coronarian syndromes - �oral presentation - Internal
Medicine National Congress with international participation - Tg.Mures,
April 2004
28. C.Ciurtin, R.Iannescu, V.Cojocaru, M.Bojinca � Patterns
of diseases association related to age � poster presentation
- Internal Medicine National Congress with international participation
- Tg.Mures, April 2004
29. A.Rasanu, D.Andries, C.Ciurtin, M.Bojinca, V.Stoica �
Pulmonar aspergillosis combined with lupus eritematosus - poster
presentation - Internal Medicine National Congress with international
participation - Tg.Mures, April 2004
30. C. Ciurtin, O.Costan, M. Bojinca, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs �
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy as a complementary analysis of synovial
fluid for rheumatic diseases diagnosis � First award -
therapeutical disciplines - oral presentation � 3rd
International Congress of Medical Sciences � Sofia, May 2004
31. M.Cojocaru, C. Ciurtin � The eficacy of trabeculotomy in
surgical treatment of congenital glaucoma � oral
presentation - 3rd International Congress of Medical Sciences
� Sofia, May 2004
32. V. Cojocaru, E. Pucheanu, C. Ciurtin, F. Antohe �
Monodimensional tears electrophoresis in rheumatic diseases diagnosis
� poster presentation- XXII-th Annual Scientific Meeting of
Romania Society of Cell Biology� Sighisoara, June 2004
33. C. Ciurtin, O.Costan, E.Kovacs, C.Deleanu , M. Bojinca �
Looking inside the joint by using proton magnetic resonance
spectroscopy of synovial fluid -poster presentation- 11th Congress of
Medical Sciences, Groeningen, June 2004
34. V. Cojocaru, C. Ciurtin, E. Pucheanu, F. Antohe � The
diagnosis of secondary Sjogren Syndrome using tear protein
electrophoresis � poster presentation - 11th Congress of
Medical Sciences, Groeningen, June 2004
35. C. Ciurtin, O.Costan,, V. Cojocaru, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs, M. Bojinca
- Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy analysis of synovial fluid
� a possibility to detect potential diagnostic indicators
for rheumatis diseases �poster presentation- Annual European
Congress of Rheumatology � Berlin, June 2004 36. V.
Cojocaru, C. Ciurtin, E. Pucheanu, F. Antohe � Sjoegren
syndrome diagnosis using two dimensional tear proteins electrophoresis
at the patients with different rheumatic diseases � poster
presentation- Annual European Congress of Rheumatology �
Berlin, June 2004
37. C. Ciurtin, O. Simionescu, I.Miron, V.M.C ojocaru, The eficacy of
physiotherapy in osteoarthritis � poster presentation-
National Congress of Rheumatology, Craiova, September
38. C. Ciurtin, O.Costan,, V. Cojocaru, M. Bojinca, C.Deleanu,
E.Kovacs, Evaluation of metabolic components of synovial fluid using
magnetic resonance spectroscopy � poster presentation-
National Congress of Rheumatology, Craiova, September 2004
39. V. Cojocaru, C. Ciurtin, E. Pucheanu � Diagnosis of
Sjoegren syndrome using tear proteins electrophoresis �
third award for the best oral presentation -National Congress of
Rheumatology, Craiova, September 2004
40. C. Ciurtin, O.Costan,, V. Cojocaru, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs, M.
Bojinca, Characterization of complex metabolic enviroment of synovial
fluid � relation to the pathogenesis of rheumatic diseases,
International workshop in cell pathology, St. Petersburg, October 2004
41. O.Costan , C. Ciurtin, L.I.Stefan, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs �
Markers for diabetes detection using MRS � Chemistry
National Conference, Calimanesti-Caciulata, October 2004
42. V. Cojocaru, C. Ciurtin, E. Pucheanu, F. Antohe �
Identification of lactoferrin concentration in tear composition in
diferent rheumatic diseases- European Congress of Rheumatology EULAR,
Vienna, June 2005
43. C. Ciurtin, O.Costan,, V. Cojocaru, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs, M. Bojinca
� Diagnostic and pathogenic features of synovial fluid
composition� European Congress of Rheumatology EULAR,
Vienna, June 2005
44. C. Ciurtin, O. Costan, A. Nicolescu, C. Deleanu, V. Stoica, E.
Kovàcs- A critical assessment of the information provided by H-NMR
spectrosocpy of urine on the renal involvement in type II diabetic
patients � 15th IUPAB& 5th EBSA International Biophysics
Congress, Montpellier, August 2005
45. V.M Cojocaru, E.Puchianu, C. Ciurtin, F. Antohe- Complex analysis
of human tear secretion- diagnosis method of ocular diseases - 15th
IUPAB& 5th EBSA International Biophysics Congress, Montpellier,
August 2005
46. C. Ciurtin, A. Nicolescu, O. Costan, L.I.Stefan, V.Stoica,
E.Kovàcs, C.Deleanu, I.C.P.Smith � H NMR urine analysis of
type II diabetic patients � International School of
Biophysics, Modern Biophysical Techniques for Human Health�
Brasov, Octomber 2005
47. C.Ciurtin, V.M.Cojocaru, I.M.Miron, A.Niculescu, S.Micu, F.Preda,
M.Bojinca, M.Milicescu, C.Deleanu, E.Kovàcs, V.Stoica �
Metabolic characteristics of synovial fluid in rheumatoid arthritis vs
osteoarthritis- National Congress of Rheumatology - Brasov, September
48. V.M.Cojocaru, C.Ciurtin, E.Puchianu, F.Antohe, S.Micu �
Salivary levels of lysozym and lactoferrin in the precocious diagnosis
of secondary Sjőgren syndrome - National Congress of
Rheumatology - Brasov, September 2005
49. V.M Cojocaru, E.Puchianu, C. Ciurtin, F. Antohe, K.Katsos
� Early diagnosis of secondary Sjőgren�s
syndrome using complex amalysis of tear secretion � 15th
European Society of Ophthalmology & 103th German Society of
Ophthalmology Congress, Berlin, September 2005
50. C. Ciurtin, V.M. Cojocaru, I. Miron, F. Preda, A. Nicolescu, C.
Deleanu, S. Micu, M. Milicescu, M. Bojinca, V. Stoica, E. Kovacs,
Quantification of citrulline and ceramide levels in rheumatoid
arthritis synovial fluid by proton magnetic spectroscopy, European
Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR , Amsterdam, June 2006
51. M. Bojinca, V. Bojinca, M. Milicescu, A. Martin, C.Ciurtin, A.
Rasanu, S. Micu, V.Stoica � Functional status and pain level
in patients with chronic low back pain before and after standardised
exercise program, European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR , Amsterdam,
June 2006
52. C. Ciurtin, V.M. Cojocaru, F.Preda, A. Nicolescu, C.Deleanu,
V.Stoica, E.Kovacs, Correlation of citrulline and ceramide levels in
rheumatoid arthritic synovial fluid with inflammation and apoptosis:
Abstract Number: P177., APLAR Journal of Rheumatology. 9 Suppl. 1:A95,
July 2006
53. V.M.Cojocaru, C.Ciurtin, E.Puchianu, F.Antohe The diagnosis of the
Sjogren's syndrome using complex analysis of tear proteins: Abstract
Number: P520. APLAR Journal of Rheumatology. 9 Suppl. 1:A231, July 2006
54. V. M. Cojocaru, C. Ciurtin, E. Puchianu, F. Antohe,
Characterisation of tear fluid proteins � diagnostic tool in
Sjogren syndrome, European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR, Amsterdam,
June 2006.
55. M. Bojinca, V. Bojinca, M. Milicescu, A. Martin, C.Ciurtin,
V.Stoica, - Spinal stenosis-complication of osteoporotic vertebral
fractures, European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR, Amsterdam, June
56. V.M. Cojocaru, C. Ciurtin, P. Grecu, I.O. Ionescu, C, Dumitrescu
� The surgical treatment and clinical outcomes of traumatic
cataracts � German Congress of Ophthalmology, Berlin, 2006
57. C. Ciurtin, V.M. Cojocaru, S.Micu, M. Bojinca, V. Stoica, Synovial
fluid analysis in rheumatoid arthritis vs osteoarthritis -correlation
to the different pathogenesis of the diseases, Cantacuzino Clinical
Hospital Scientific Manifestation, Bucharest, February 2007
58. C. Ciurtin, V.M. Cojocaru, F. Preda, V. Stoica � Complex
mtabolic composition of synovial fluid in scleroderma detected by
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, International Workshop Systemic
Sclerosis, Gene-polymorphism, clinical variants and response to
therapy, Milano, March 2007 � Travel award.
59. M.V.Cojocaru, C.Ciurtin, F.Antohe, Two dimensional tear
electrophoresis in the patients with Scleroderma, , International
Workshop Systemic Sclerosis, Gene-polymorphism, clinical variants and
response to therapy, Milano, March 2007 - Travel award.
60. C.Ciurtin, S. Micu, M. Bojinca, V. Stoica, Correlation between
cholesterol plasma levels in chronic C hepatitis patients with the
response to the antiviral treatment, National Congress of Internal
Medicine, Calimanesti, April 2007.
61. C. Ciurtin, V.M.Cojocaru � Metabolic composition of
sclerodermic synovial fluid, Prof. E:. Carwile LeRoy Memorial
International Workshop on Scleroderma� Tokyo, May 2007
� Scholarship awarded by the EUSTAR.
62. M.V.Cojocaru, C.Ciurtin - Two dimensional tear electrophoresis in
the patients with Scleroderma, Prof. E. Carwile LeRoy Memorial
International Workshop on Scleroderma� Tokyo, May 2007
63. C. Ciurtin, I. Miron, M. V. Cojocaru, S. Micu, I. Ancuta, M.
Bojinca, V. Stoica, Correlation between plasmatic and monocytic
membrane cholesterol levels and the response to the antiviral treatment
in hepatitis C, European Congress of Internal Medicine, Lisboa, May

Publicații selectate:

* Coziana Ciurtin, Irina Miron, Viorica Madalina Cojocaru, Sanziana Micu et al., Correlation between plasmatic and monocytic membrane cholesterol levels and the response to the antiviral treatment in hepatitis C, European Congress of Internal Medicine, Lisboa, 2007.

* Madalina Cojocaru, Coziana Ciurtin, Two dimensional tear electrophoresis in the patients with Scleroderma, Prof. E. Carwile LeRoy Memorial International Workshop on Scleroderma– Tokyo, 2007.

* Coziana Ciurtin, Madalina Cojocaru,, Metabolic composition of sclerodermic synovial fluid, Prof. E:. Carwile LeRoy Memorial International Workshop on Scleroderma– Tokyo, 2007.

* Viorica Madalina Cojocaru, Coziana Ciurtin et al, Two dimensional tear electrophoresis in the patients with Scleroderma, International Workshop Systemic Sclerosis, Gene-polymorphism, clinical variants and response to therapy, Milano, 2007.

* Coziana Ciurtin, Madalina Cojocaru, Florenta Preda, V. Stoica, Complex mtabolic composition of synovial fluid in scleroderma detected by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, International Workshop Systemic Sclerosis, Gene-polymorphism, clinical variants and response to therapy, Milano, 2007.

* Madalina Cojocaru, Coziana Ciurtin, P. Grecu, I.O. Ionescu, C, Dumitrescu, The surgical treatment and clinical outcomes of traumatic cataracts, German Congress of Ophthalmology, Berlin, 2006.

* Viorica Madalina Cojocaru, Coziana Ciurtin et al., Characterisation of tear fluid proteins – diagnostic tool in Sjogren syndrome, European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR, Amsterdam, 2006.

* M. Bojinca, Violeta Bojinca, Mihaela Milicescu, A. Martin, Coziana Ciurtin, V.Stoica, Spinal stenosis-complication of osteoporotic vertebral fractures, European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR, Amsterdam, 2006.

* Madalina Cojocaru, Coziana Ciurtin et al., The diagnosis of the Sjogren's syndrome using complex analysis of tear proteins, APLAR Journal of Rheumatology. 9 Suppl. 1:A231, 2006.

* Coziana Ciurtin, Madalina Cojocaru, Florenta Preda et al., Correlation of citrulline and ceramide levels in rheumatoid arthritic synovial fluid with inflammation and apoptosis, APLAR Journal of Rheumatology. 9 Suppl. 1:A95, 2006.

* M. Bojinca, Violeta Bojinca, Mihaela Milicescu, A. Martin, Coziana Ciurtin et al., Functional status and pain level in patients with chronic low back pain before and after standardised exercise program, European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR , Amsterdam, 2006.

* Coziana Ciurtin, Viorica Madalina Cojocaru, Irina Miron et al., Quantification of citrulline and ceramide levels in rheumatoid arthritis synovial fluid by proton magnetic spectroscopy, European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR , Amsterdam, 2006.

* Viorica Madalina Cojocaru, Elena Puchianu, Coziana Ciurtin, F. Antohe, K.Katsos, Early diagnosis of secondary Sjőgren’s syndrome using complex analysis of tear secretion, 15th European Society of Ophthalmology & 103th German Society of Ophthalmology Congress, Berlin, 2005.

* Viorica Madalina Cojocaru, Elena Puichianu, Coziana Ciurtin, Felicia Antohe, Complex analysis of human tear secretion- diagnosis method of ocular diseases, 15th IUPAB& 5th EBSA International Biophysics Congress, Montpellier, 2005.

* Coziana Ciurtin, Oana Costan, Alina Nicolescu, C. Deleanu, V. Stoica, Eugenia Kovacs, A critical assessment of the information provided by H-NMR spectrosocpy of urine on the renal involvement in type II diabetic patients, 15th IUPAB& 5th EBSA International Biophysics Congress, Montpellier, 2005.

* Coziana Ciurtin, Oana Costan, Viorica Madalina Cojocaru, C. Deleanu, Eugenia Kovacs, M. Bojinca, Diagnostic and pathogenic features of synovial fluid composition, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology EULAR, Vienna, 2005.

* Viorica Madalina Cojocaru, Coziana Ciurtin, Elena Puchianu, Felicia Antohe, Identification of lactoferrin concentration in tear composition in diferent rheumatic diseases, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology EULAR, Vienna, 2005.

* Characterization of complex metabolic enviroment of synovial fluid – relation to the pathogenesis of rheumatic diseases, Coziana Ciurtin, Oana Costan, Madalina Viorica Cojocaru, C. Deleanu, Eugenia Kovacs, International workshop in cell pathology, St. Petersburg, 2004.

* Sjoegren syndrome diagnosis using two dimensional tear proteins electrophoresis at the patients with different rheumatic diseases, Viorica Madalina Cojocaru, Coziana Ciurtin, Elena Puchianu, Felicia Antohe, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology – Berlin, 2004.

* Coziana Ciurtin, Oana Costan, Madalina Viorica Cojocaru, C. Deleanu, Eugenia Kovacs, M.Bojinca, Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy analysis of synovial fluid – a possibility to detect potential diagnostic indicators for rheumatis diseases, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology – Berlin, 2004.

* Coziana Ciurtin, Oana Costan, C. Deleanu, Eugenia Kovacs, Magnetic resonance spectroscopy as a complementary analysis of synovial fluid for rheumatic diseases diagnosis, 3rd International Congress of Medical Sciences – Sofia, 2004.

* Coziana Ciurtin, Oana Costan, Madalina Cojocaru et al., The role of complex analysis of synovial fluid in understanding the pathogenesis of inflammatory rheumatic diseases, International Congress for students and young doctors, Bucharest, 2004.

* Coziana Ciurtin, Lorena Stefan, Oana Costan, E.Kovacs, C.Deleanu, Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of urine – a possibility of early detection of renal involvement in type II diabetic patients, 14th European Students’ Conference – Berlin, 2003.

* Oana Costan, Coziana Ciurtin et al, NMR Spectroscopy applied to nutrition and metabolism, International Congress of Organic Chemistry – Bucharest, 2003.

* Coziana Ciurtin, Madalina Viorica Cojocaru, Particularities of ocular manifestation in rheumatic diseases, International Congress of Medical Sciences – Sofia, 2003.

* Coziana Ciurtin, Oana Costan, Eugenia Kovacs, C. Deleanu, Identification and measurement of urine metabolites using the method of Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Leiden International Medical Students Congress – Leiden, 2003.

* Coziana Ciurtin, Alina Nicolescu, Lorena Stefan, C. Deleanu, Eugenia Kovacs, Assessment of diabetic urine composition using H1-MRS method, Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 2007, 24(5), 2007.