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Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Mecanică, Departamentul de Autovehicule Rutiere şi Transporturi, Colectivul de Geometrie Descriptivă şi Grafică Inginerească (GDGI), -dul Muncii, nr. 103 - 105, Cluj-Napoca, cod 400641, România., Cluj-Napoca, .
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Interese: Cercetare în domeniul de: Inginerie mecanică, Caracterizarea mecanică și tribologică a structurilor macro-micro-nano; Caracterizarea topografică și morfologică a suprafețelor tridimensionale; CAD și proiectare de procese industriale; Tehnici experimentale pentru caracterizări micro/nano mecanice și micro/nano tribologice; Dezvoltarea de noi instrumente matematice în investigarea calității suprafețelor 3D; Proiectarea și testarea componentelor mecanice pentru diferite medii de funcționare; Cercetări teoretice şi experimentale în domeniul materialelor avansate în inginerie; Metode şi algoritmi de optimizare în inginerie; Modelãri şi simulãri numerice în inginerie; Geometrie fractală și multifractală aplicată în tehnică.
1. Cercetări cu privire la prelucrarea filetelor cilindrice exterioare prin rulare la rece, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Tehnologia Construcţiilor de Maşini, cond. ştiinţific: prof. cons. dr. ing. Gheorghe Petriceanu. Doctor din: 22.01.1998. Titlul obţinut: Doctor. Domeniul: Tehnică. Specializarea: Tehnologia construcţiilor de maşini.
*Ultima promovare la Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Mecanică:
Dispoziţia Ministerului Educaţiei şi Cercetării nr. 35082 din 28.08.2002, cu Anexa nr. 1 - UTC-N la Ordinul Ministrului nr. 4215 din 12.08.2002 pentru conferirea titlului de Conferenţiar universitar.
1. ADRIAN FLORESCU-GLIGORE, MAGDALENA ORBAN, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Cotarea în proiectarea constructivă şi tehnologică, Cluj-Napoca, Atelierul de multiplicare al U.T. Cluj-Napoca, 1998, 151 p., 197 fig., 6 tab., 11 ref. bibliogr.
2. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Reprezentări grafice asistate de calculator, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Osama, 2001, 380 p., 220 fig., 9 tab., 10 ref. bibliogr., ISBN 973-99408-2-X.
3. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Grafică tehnică asistată de calculator, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Victor Melenti, 2001, 282 p., 170 fig., 8 tab., 10 ref. bibliogr., ISBN 973-99539-3-X.
4. CORINA BÎRLEANU, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Organe de maşini. Proiectare şi reprezentare grafică asistată de calculator, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Victor Melenti, 2001, 335 p., 148 fig., 16 tab., 25 ref. bibliogr., ISBN 973-99539-6-4.
5. THEODOR NIŢULESCU, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Aplicaţii ale geometriei descriptive şi graficii asistate de calculator în desenul industrial, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Risoprint, 2001, 242 p., 162 fig., 35 tab., 18 ref. bibliogr., ISBN 973-656-102-X.
6. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Limbajul de programare AutoLISP. Teorie şi aplicaţii, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Risoprint, 2001, 112 p., 20 fig., 17 ref. bibliogr., ISBN 973-656-126-7.
7. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, THEODOR NIŢULESCU, Axonometrie, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Risoprint, 2002, 242 p., 269 fig., 1 tab., 30 ref. bibliogr., ISBN 973-656-198-4.
8. ANCA-ANDREEA SUCIU, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Geometrie descriptivă. Probleme şi aplicaţii, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Risoprint, 2003, 120 p., 131 fig., 28 ref. bibliogr., ISBN 973-656-466-5.
9. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, AutoCAD 2005, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Risoprint, 2005, 584 p., 490 fig., 27 tab., 9 ref. bibliogr., ISBN 973-751-061-5.
10. MIHAI ŢĂLU, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Calculul căderilor de presiune în conducte hidraulice. Regim de curgere stabilizat şi nestabilizat. Teorie, aplicaţii şi programe computaţionale, Craiova, Editura Universitaria, 2006, 212 p., 101 fig., 110 tab., 15 ref. bibliogr., ISBN-10 973-742-370-4, ISBN-13 978-973-742-370-2.
11. ADRIAN FLORESCU-GLIGORE, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, DAN NOVEANU, Reprezentarea şi vizualizarea formelor geometrice în desenul industrial, Cluj-Napoca, Editura U. T. Pres, 2006, 164 p., 237 fig., 33 ref. bibliogr., ISBN-10 973-662-230-4, ISBN-13 978-973-662-230-4.
12. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, MIHAI ŢĂLU, AutoCAD 2006. Proiectare tridimensională, Cluj-Napoca, Editura MEGA, 2007, 330 p., 136 fig., 6 tab., 31 ref. bibliogr., ISBN-13 978-973-7867-81-0.
13. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, CRISTINA RACOCEA, Reprezentări axonometrice cu aplicaţii în tehnică, Cluj-Napoca, Editura MEGA, 2007, 246 p., 312 fig., 3 tab., 48 ref. bibliogr., ISBN 978-973-7867-98-8.
14. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Stiluri arhitecturale, Cluj-Napoca, Editura MEGA, 2009, 420 p., 1218 fig., 59 ref. bibliogr., ISBN 978-973-1868-72-1.
15. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Geometrie descriptivă, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Risoprint, 2010, 476 p., 928 fig., 51 ref. bibliogr., ISBN 978-973-53-0373-0.
16. MIHAI ŢĂLU, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, MIRCEA RĂDULESCU, Mecanica fluidelor. Maşini volumice şi hidrodinamice. Teorie şi simulare, Craiova, Editura Universitaria, 2011, 144 p., 147 fig., 2 tab., 40 ref. bibliogr., ISBN 978-606-14-0035-5.
17. CRISTINA RACOCEA, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Reprezentarea formelor geometrice tehnice în axonometrie, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Napoca Star, 2011, 300 p., 371 fig., 3 tab., 47 ref. bibliogr., ISBN 978-973-647-781-2.
18. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Micro and nanoscale characterization of three dimensional surfaces. Basics and applications, Cluj-Napoca, Napoca Star Publishing house, 2015, 350 p., 116 fig., 10 tab., 215 ref. bibliogr., ISBN 978-606-690-349-3.
1. SIMONA-DELIA ŢĂLU, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Use of OCT Imaging in the diagnosis and monitoring of Age Related Macular Degeneration. În: “Age Related Macular Degeneration – The Recent Advances in Basic Research and Clinical Care”, part 2, chapter 13, pg. 253-272. Editor: Dr. Gui-Shuang Ying, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, United States of America. Publicat de InTech, Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croaţia, Ianuarie 2012, 300 p., ISBN 978-953-307-864-9.
1. MARCO LOMBARDO, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, MIHAI ŢĂLU, SEBASTIANO SERRAO, PIETRO DUCOLI, Surface roughness of intraocular lenses with different dioptric powers assessed by atomic force microscopy. În: Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery, publicat de Elsevier, vol. 36, nr. 9, p. 1573 -1578, Septembrie 2010. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2010.06.031. ISSN: 0886-3350. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2010: IF = 2,942. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2010: IS = 1,532.
2. STEFANO GIOVANZANA, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Mathematical models for the shape analysis of human crystalline lens. În: Journal of Modern Optics, publicat de Taylor & Francis, vol. 59, nr. 1, p. 26-34, 2012. DOI:10.1080/09500340.2011.621035. Print ISSN: 0950-0340, Online ISSN: 1362-3044. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2012: IF = 1,872. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2012: IS = 1,074.
3. STEFANO GIOVANZANA, RONALD A. SCHACHAR, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, ROGER D. KIRBY, ERIC YAN, BARBARA K. PIERSCIONEK, Evaluation of equations for describing the human crystalline lens. În: Journal of Modern Optics, publicat de Taylor & Francis, vol. 60, nr. 5, p. 406-413, 2013. DOI: 10.1080/09500340.2013.782432. Print ISSN: 0950-0340, Online ISSN: 1362-3044. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2013: IF = 1,163. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2013: IS = 0,974.
4. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Multifractal geometry in analysis and processing of digital retinal photographs for early diagnosis of human diabetic macular edema. În: Current Eye Research, publicat de Taylor & Francis, vol. 38, nr. 7, p. 781-792, 2013. DOI: 10.3109/02713683.2013.779722. Print ISSN: 0271-3683, Online ISSN: 1460-2202. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2013: IF = 1,663. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2013: IS = 0,884.
5. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Characterization of surface roughness of unworn hydrogel contact lenses at a nanometric scale using methods of modern metrology. În: Polymer Engineering and Science, publicat de John Wiley & Sons, vol. 53, nr. 10, p. 2141-2150, 2013. DOI: 10.1002/pen.23481. Print ISSN: 0032-3888. Online ISSN: 1548-2634. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2013: IF = 1,441. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2013: IS = 1,349.
6. STEFANO GIOVANZANA, HENRYK T. KASPRZAK, B. PAŁUCKI, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Non-rotational aspherical models of the human optical system. În: Journal of Modern Optics, publicat de Taylor & Francis, vol. 60, nr. 21, p. 1898-1904, 2013. DOI: 10.1080/09500340.2013.865802. Print ISSN: 0950-0340, Online ISSN: 1362-3044. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2013: IF = 1,163. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2013: IS = 1,102.
7. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, ALIA MÉNDEZ, GABRIEL TREJO, MIHAI ŢĂLU, Multifractal characterization of nanostructure surfaces of electrodeposited Ni-P coatings. În: Journal of The Electrochemical Society, publicat de The Electrochemical Society, vol. 161, nr. 1, D44 - D47, 2014. DOI: 10.1149/2.039401jes. Print ISSN: 0013-4651. Online ISSN: 1945-7111. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2014: IF = 3,266. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2014: IS = 1,967.
8. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, ALAA J. GHAZAI, SEBASTIAN STACH, ABU HASSAN, ZAINURIAH HASSAN, MIHAI ŢĂLU, Characterization of surface roughness of Pt Schottky contacts on quaternary n-Al0.08In0.08Ga0.84N thin film assessed by atomic force microscopy and fractal analysis. În: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, publicat de Springer, vol. 25, nr. 1, p. 466-477, 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s10854-013-1611-6. Print ISSN: 0957-4522. Online ISSN: 1573-482X. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2014: IF = 1,569. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2014: IS = 0,755.
9. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, ZORAN MARKOVIĆ, SEBASTIAN STACH, B. TODOROVIĆ MARKOVIĆ, MIHAI ŢĂLU, Multifractal characterization of single wall carbon nanotube thin films surface upon exposure to optical parametric oscillator laser irradiation. În: Applied Surface Science, publicat de Elsevier, vol. 289, p. 97-106, 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2013.10.114. Print ISSN: 0169-4332. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2014: IF = 2,711. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2014: IS = 1,967.
10. ALINA ELENA PÂRVU, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, CONSTANTIN CRĂCIUN, SANDU FLORIN ALB, Evaluation of scaling and root planning effect in generalized chronic periodontitis by fractal and multifractal analysis. În: Journal of Periodontal Research, publicat de John Wiley & Sons, vol. 49, nr. 2, p. 186-196, 2014. DOI: 10.1111/jre.12093. Print ISSN: 0022-3484, Online ISSN: 1600-0765. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2014: IF = 2,466. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2014: IS = 1,243.
11. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, Multifractal characterization of unworn hydrogel contact lens surfaces. În: Polymer Engineering and Science, publicat de John Wiley & Sons, vol. 54, nr. 5, p. 1066-1080, 2014. DOI: 10.1002/pen.23650. Print ISSN: 0032-3888. Online ISSN: 1548-2634. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2014: IF = 1,520. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2014: IS = 1,349.
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12. ALINA ELENA PÂRVU, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, MARIAN AUREL TAULESCU, ANDREEA BOTA, FLORINELA CĂTOI, CONSTANTIN CRĂCIUN, CAMELIA ALB, SANDU FLORIN ALB, Fractal analysis of ibuprofen effect on experimental dog peri-implantitis. În: Implant Dentistry, publicat de Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, vol. 23, nr. 3, p. 295-304, 2014. DOI: 10.1097/ID.0000000000000065. Print ISSN: 1056-6163. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2014: IF = 1,175. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2014: IS = 0,863.
13. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, AMAN MAHAJAN, DINESH PATHAK, TOMAS WAGNER, ANSHUL KUMAR, RATISH KUMAR BEDI, Multifractal analysis of drop-casted copper (II) tetrasulfophthalocyanine film surfaces on the indium tin oxide substrates. În: Surface and Interface Analysis, publicat de John Wiley & Sons, vol. 46, nr. 6, p. 393-398, 2014. DOI: 10.1002/sia.5492. Print ISSN: 0142-2421. Online ISSN: 1096-9918. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2014: IF = 1,245. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2014: IS = 0,616.
URL: ;
14. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, JOANA ZAHARIEVA, MARIA MILANOVA, DIMITAR TODOROVSKY, STEFANO GIOVANZANA, Surface roughness characterization of poly(methylmethacrylate) films with immobilized Eu(III) β-Diketonates by fractal analysis. În: International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization, publicat de Taylor & Francis, vol. 19, nr. 5, p. 404-421, 2014. DOI:10.1080/1023666X.2014.904149. Print ISSN: 1023-666X. Online ISSN: 1563-5341. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2014: IF = 1,264. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2014: IS = 0,504.
15. DINARA DALLAEVA, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, PAVEL ŠKARVADA, PAVEL TOMÁNEK, LUBOMÍR GRMELA, AFM imaging and fractal analysis of surface roughness of AlN epilayers on sapphire substrates. În: Applied Surface Science, publicat de Elsevier, vol. 312, p. 81-86, 2014. DOI: 10.1016/ j.apsusc.2014.05.086. Print ISSN: 0169-4332. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2014: IF = 2,711. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2014: IS = 1,967.
16. BIANCA SZABO, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, CARMEN A. LUPAŞCU, Application of fractal dimension in analysis of human retinal images in malignant choroidal melanoma patients. În: Sylwan Journal, publicat de Sylwan, vol. 158, nr. 7, p. 1-10, 2014. Print ISSN: ISSN: 0039-7660. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2014: IF = 0,322. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2014: IS = 0,057.
URL: Szabo, Stefan Ta, Carmen A. Lupascu&search=search
17. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, AMAN MAHAJAN, DINESH PATHAK, TOMAS WAGNER, ANSHUL KUMAR, RATISH KUMAR BEDI, MIHAI ŢĂLU, Multifractal characterization of water soluble copper phthalocyanine based films surfaces. În: Electronic Materials Letters, publicat de The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, vol. 10, nr. 4, p. 719-730, 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s13391-013-3270-4. Print ISSN: 1738-8090. Electronic ISSN: 2093-6788. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2014: IF = 1,980. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2014: IS = 0,668.
18. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, JOANA ZAHARIEVA, MIROSLAVA GETSOVA, DENITSA ELENKOVA, MARIA MILANOVA, Micromorphology characterization of SiO2-based composite thin films with immobilized terbium(III) complex. În: International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization, publicat de Taylor & Francis, vol. 19, nr. 7, p. 648-660, 2014. DOI: 10.1080/1023666X.2014.953749. Print ISSN: 1023-666X. Online ISSN: 1563-5341. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2014: IF = 1,264. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2014: IS = 0,504.
19. DENITSA ELENKOVA, JOANA ZAHARIEVA, MIROSLAVA GETSOVA, ILIA MANOLOV, MARIA MILANOVA, SEBASTIAN STACH, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Morphology and optical properties of SiO2-Based composite thin films with immobilized Terbium(III) complex with a biscoumarin derivative. În: International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization, publicat de Taylor & Francis, vol. 20, nr. 1, p. 42-56, 2015. DOI: 10.1080/1023666X.2014.955400. Print ISSN: 1023-666X. Online ISSN: 1563-5341. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 1,264. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 0,462.
20. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, SANDU FLORIN ALB, MARCO SALERNO, Multifractal characterization of a dental restorative composite after air-polishing. În: Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, publicat de Elsevier, vol. 71, p. 7–13, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.chaos.2014.11.009. ISSN: 0960-0779. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 1,448. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 0,807.
21. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, TIJANA LAINOVIĆ, MARKO VILOTIĆ, LARISA BLAŽIĆ, SANDU FLORIN ALB, DAMIR KAKAŠ, Surface roughness and morphology of dental nanocomposites polished by four different procedures evaluated by a multifractal approach. În: Applied Surface Science, publicat de Elsevier, vol. 330, p. 20-29, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2014.12.120. Print ISSN: 0169-4332. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 2,711. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 1,488.
22. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, VIVIAN SUEIRAS, NOËL MARYSA ZIEBARTH, Fractal analysis of AFM images of the surface of Bowman’s membrane of the human cornea. În: Annals of Biomedical Engineering, publicat de Springer, vol. 43, nr. 4, p. 906-916, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s10439-014-1140-3. Print ISSN: 0090-6964. Online ISSN: 1573-9686. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 3,195. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 1,801.
23. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, SHAHOO VALEDBAGI, S. MOHAMMAD ELAHI, REZA BAVADI, Surface morphology of titanium nitride thin films synthesised by DC reactive magnetron sputtering. În: Materials Science-Poland, publicat de De Gruyter, vol. 33, nr. 1, p. 137-143, 2015. DOI: 10.1515/msp-2015-0010. Print ISSN: 2083-1331. Online ISSN: 2083-134X. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 0,507. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 0,260.
24. SEBASTIAN STACH, DINARA DALLAEVA, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, PAVEL KASPAR, PAVEL TOMÁNEK, STEFANO GIOVANZANA, LUBOMÍR GRMELA, Morphological features in aluminum nitride epilayers prepared by magnetron sputtering. În: Materials Science-Poland, publicat de De Gruyter, vol. 33, nr. 1, p. 175-184, 2015. DOI: 10.1515/msp-2015-0036. Print ISSN: 2083-1331. Online ISSN: 2083-134X. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 0,507. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 0,260.
25. MARIOARA MOLDOVAN, DOINA PRODAN, VIOLETA POPESCU, CRISTINA PREJMEREAN, CODRUTA SAROȘI, MONICA SAPLONŢAI, ȘTEFAN ȚĂLU, EUGENIU VASILE, Structural and morphological properties of HA-ZnO powders prepared for biomaterials. În: Open Chemistry, publicat de De Gruyter, vol. 13, nr. 1, p. 725-733, 2015. DOI: 10.1515/chem-2015-0083. ISSN: 2391-5420. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2013: IF = 1,329. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2013: IS = 0,757.
26. Y. REYES-VIDAL, R. SUAREZ-ROJAS, C. RUIZ, J. TORRES, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, ALIA MÉNDEZ, GABRIEL TREJO, Electrodeposition, characterization, and antibacterial activity of zinc/silver particle composite coatings. În: Applied Surface Science, publicat de Elsevier, vol. 342, p. 34-41, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.03.037. Print ISSN: 0169-4332. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 2,711. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 1,488.
27. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, TAYEBEH GHODSELAHI, ATEFEH GHADERI, SHAHRAM SOLAYMANI, ARASH BOOCHANI, ŻANETA GARCZYK, Topographic characterization of Cu–Ni NPs @ a-C:H films by AFM and multifractal analysis. În: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, publicat de American Chemical Society, vol. 119, nr. 17, p. 5662-5670, 2015. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.5b00042. Print Edition ISSN: 1520-6106. Web Edition ISSN: 1520-5207. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 3,302. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 1,732.
28. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, SHAHRAM SOLAYMANI, ROSTAM MORADIAN, ATEFEH GHADERI, MOHAMMAD REZA HANTEHZADEH, SEYED MOHAMMAD ELAHI, ŻANETA GARCZYK, SARA IZADYAR, Multifractal Spectra of Atomic Force Microscope Images of Cu/Fe Nanoparticles Based Films Thickness. În: Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, publicat de Elsevier, vol. 749, p. 31-41, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.jelechem.2015.04.009. Print ISSN: 1572-6657. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 2,729. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 1,113.
29. SEBASTIAN STACH, ŻANETA GARCZYK, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SHAHRAM SOLAYMANI, ATEFEH GHADERI, ROSTAM MORADIAN, NEGIN BERYANI NEZAFAT, SEYED MOHAMMAD ELAHI, HEDIEH GHOLAMALI, Stereometric Parameters of the Cu/Fe NPs Thin Films. În: The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, publicat de American Chemical Society, vol. 119, nr. 31, p. 17887-17898, 2015. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b04676. Print Edition ISSN: 1932-7447. Web Edition ISSN: 1932-7455. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 4,772. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 2,811.
30. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, DAN MIHAI CĂLUGĂRU, CARMEN ALINA LUPAŞCU, Characterisation of human non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy using the fractal analysis. În: International Journal of Ophthalmology (English edition), publicat de IJO Press Co., vol. 8, nr. 4, p. 770-776, 2015. DOI:10.3980/j.issn.2222-3959.2015.04.23. Print Edition ISSN: 2222-3959. Web Edition ISSN: 2227-4898. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 0,705. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 0,278.
31. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, NIRANJAN PATRA, MARCO SALERNO, Micromorphological characterization of polymer-oxide nanocomposite thin films by atomic force microscopy and fractal geometry analysis. În: Progress in Organic Coatings, publicat de Elsevier, vol. 89, p. 50-56, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.porgcoat.2015.07.024. ISSN: 0300-9440. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 2,358. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 1,580.
32. SHIKHGASAN RAMAZANOV, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, DINARA SOBOLA, SEBASTIAN STACH, GUSEYN RAMAZANOV, Epitaxy of silicon carbide on silicon: Micromorphological analysis of growth surface evolution. În: Superlattices and Microstructures, publicat de Elsevier, vol. 86, p. 395-402, 2015. DOI:10.1016/j.spmi.2015.08.007. ISSN: 0749-6036. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 2,097. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 0,856.
33. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, BORIS KLAIĆ, TEA MIŠIĆ, JADRANKA MALINA, ASJA ČELEBIĆ, Morphology of Co-Cr-Mo dental alloy surfaces polished by three different mechanical procedures. În: Microscopy Research and Technique, publicat de John Wiley & Sons, vol. 78, p. 831-839, 2015. DOI: 10.1002/jemt.22547. Print ISSN: 1059-910X. Online ISSN: 1097-0029. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 1,154. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 0,533.
34. SOFIA BEREZINA, ALLA ALEXANDROVNA IL'ICHEVA, LYUDMILA IVANOVNA PODZOROVA, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Surface micromorphology of dental composites [CE-TZP] - [AL2O3] with Ca+2 modifier. În: Microscopy Research and Technique, publicat de John Wiley & Sons, vol. 78, p. 840-846, 2015. DOI: 10.1002/jemt.22548. Print ISSN: 1059-910X. Online ISSN: 1097-0029. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 1,154. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 0,533.
35. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, DAVOOD RAOUFI, FAYEGH HOSSEINPANAHI, Film thickness efect on fractality of tin-doped In2O3 thin films. În: Electronic Materials Letters, publicat de The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, vol. 11, nr. 5, p. 749-757, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s13391-015-4280-1. Print ISSN: 1738-8090. Electronic ISSN: 2093-6788. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 1,980. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 0,668.
URL: s13391-015-4280-1
36. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, MIROSLAW BRAMOWICZ, SLAWOMIR KULESZA, AZIZOLLAH SHAFIEKHANI, ATEFEH GHADERI, FATEMEH MASHAYEKHI, SHAHRAM SOLAYMANI, Microstructure and Tribological Properties of FeNPs@a-C:H Films by Micromorphology Analysis and Fractal Geometry. În: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, publicat de American Chemical Society, vol. 54, nr. 33, p. 8212-8218, 2015. DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.5b02449. Print Edition ISSN: 0888-5885. Web Edition ISSN: 1520-5045. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 2,587. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 1,911.
37. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, CRISTINA VLĂDUŢIU, CARMEN ALINA LUPAŞCU, Characterization of human retinal vessel arborisation in normal and amblyopic eyes using multifractal analysis. In: International Journal of Ophthalmology (English edition), publicat de IJO Press Co., vol. 8, nr. 5, p. 996-1002, 2015. DOI: 10.3980/j.issn.2222-3959.2015.05.26. Print Edition ISSN: 2222-3959. Web Edition ISSN: 2227-4898. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 0,705. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 0,278.
38. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, SHAHOO VALEDBAGI, REZA BAVADI, S. MOHAMMAD ELAHI, MIHAI ŢĂLU, Multifractal characteristics of titanium nitride thin films. În: Materials Science-Poland, publicat de De Gruyter, vol. 33, nr. 3, p. 541-548, 2015. DOI: 10.1515/msp-2015-0086. Print ISSN: 2083-1331. Online ISSN: 2083-134X. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 0,507. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 0,260.
39. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, KRZYSZTOF STĘPIEŃ, MUSTAFA OGUZHAN CAGLAYAN, Topographic characterization of unworn contact lenses assessed by atomic force microscopy and wavelet transform. În: Microscopy Research and Technique, publicat de John Wiley & Sons, vol. 78, p. 1026-1031, 2015. DOI: 10.1002/jemt.22580. Print ISSN: 1059-910X. Online ISSN: 1097-0029. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 1,154. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 0,533.
40. ALI ARMAN, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, CARLOS LUNA, AZIN AHMADPOURIAN, MOSAYEB NASERI, MEHRDAD MOLAMOHAMMADI, Micromorphology characterization of copper thin films by AFM and fractal analysis. În: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, publicat de Springer, vol. 26, nr. 12, p. 9630-9639, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s10854-015-3628-5. Print ISSN: 0957-4522. Online ISSN: 1573-482X. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 1,569. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 0,755.
41. ALIA MÉNDEZ, YOLANDA REYES, GABRIEL TREJO, KRZYSZTOF STĘPIEŃ, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Micromorphological characterization of zinc/silver particle composite coatings. În: Microscopy Research and Technique, publicat de John Wiley & Sons, vol. 78, nr. 12, p. 1082-1089, 2015. DOI: 10.1002/jemt.22588. Print ISSN: 1059-910X. Online ISSN: 1097-0029. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 1,154. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 0,533.
42. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, MIROSLAW BRAMOWICZ, SLAWOMIR KULESZA, SHAHRAM SOLAYMANI, AZIZOLLAH SHAFIKHANI, ATEFEH GHADERI, MOHAMMAD AHMADIRAD, Gold Nanoparticles Embedded in Carbon Film: Micromorphology Analysis. În: Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, publicat de Elsevier, vol. 35, p. 158-166, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.jiec.2015.12.029. Print Edition ISSN: 1226-086X. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 3,512. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 1,451.
43. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SHAHRAM SOLAYMANI, MIROSLAW BRAMOWICZ, NAIMEH NASERI, SLAWOMIR KULESZA, ATEFEH GHADERI, Surface micromorphology and fractal geometry of Co/CP/X (X = Cu, Ti, SM and Ni) nanoflake electrocatalysts. În: RSC Advances, publicat de Royal Society of Chemistry, vol. 6, p. 27228 - 27234, 2016. DOI: 10.1039/C6RA01791F. ISSN: 2046-2069. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 3,84. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 2,204.
44. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, MAGDALENA KACZMARSKA, MARIA FORNAL, TOMASZ GRODZICKI, WŁADYSŁAW POHORECKI, KVETOSLAVA BURDA, Multifractal characterization of morphology of human red blood cells membrane skeleton. În: Journal of Microscopy, publicat de John Wiley & Sons, vol. 262, no. 1, p. 59-72, 2016. DOI: 10.1111/jmi.12342. Print ISSN: 0022-2720. Online ISSN: 1365-2818. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 2,331. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 1,289.
45. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, MIROSLAW BRAMOWICZ, SLAWOMIR KULESZA, SHAHRAM SOLAYMANI, ATEFEH GHADERI, LAYA DEJAM, ARASH BOOCHANI, SEYED MOHAMMAD ELAHI, Microstructure and micromorphology of ZnO thin films: case study on Al doping and annealing effects. În: Superlattices and Microstructures, publicat de Elsevier, vol. 93, p. 109-121, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.spmi.2016.03.003. ISSN: 0749-6036. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 2,097. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 0,856.
46. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, ROSALÍA CONTRERAS–BULNES, ILYA A. MOROZOV, LAURA EMMA RODRÍGUEZ-VILCHIS, GONZALO MONTOYA-AYALA, Surface nanomorphology of human dental enamel irradiated with an Er:YAG laser. În: Laser Physics, publicat de IOP Publishing, vol. 26, nr. 2, article id. 025601, 2016. DOI: 10.1088/1054-660X/26/2/025601. Print ISSN: 1054-660X. Online ISSN: 1555-6611. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 1,032. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 0,611.
47. SEBASTIAN STACH, WIKTORIA SAPOTA, ZYGMUNT WRÓBEL, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Assessment of possibilities of ceramic biomaterial fracture surface reconstruction using laser confocal microscopy and long working distance objective lenses. În: Microscopy Research and Technique, publicat de John Wiley & Sons, vol. 79, nr. 5, p. 385-392, 2016. DOI 10.1002/jemt.22641. Print ISSN: 1059-910X. Online ISSN: 1097-0029. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 1,154. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 0,533.
48. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, MIROSLAW BRAMOWICZ, SLAWOMIR KULESZA, ATEFEH GHADERI, SHAHRAM SOLAYMANI, MAHBOUBEH FATHI KENARI, MAHMOOD GHORANNEVISS, Fractal Features and Surface Micromorphology of Diamond Nano-Crystals. În: Journal of Microscopy, publicat de John Wiley & Sons, vol. 00, nr. 0, pp. 1-10, 2016. DOI: 10.1111/jmi.12422. Print ISSN: 0022-2720. Online ISSN: 1365-2818. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 2,331. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 1,289.
49. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SHAHRAM SOLAYMANI, MIROSLAW BRAMOWICZ, SLAWOMIR KULESZA, ATEFEH GHADERI, SAMANEH SHAHPOURI, SEYED MOHAMMAD ELAHI, Self-Assembly of Three-Dimensional Copper Oxide Nanowires Grown under Effect of Direction of Electric Field and Substrate Roughness. În: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, publicat de Springer, vol. …., nr. .., p. …….., 2016. DOI: …………. Print ISSN: 0957-4522. Online ISSN: 1573-482X. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = ……….. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = ………..
50. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, MIROSLAW BRAMOWICZ, SLAWOMIR KULESZA, TIJANA LAINOVIĆ, MARKO VILOTIĆ, LARISA BLAŽIĆ, DAMIR KAKAŠ, Influence of the artificial saliva storage on 3-D surface texture characteristics of contemporary dental nanocomposites. În: Journal of Microscopy, publicat de John Wiley & Sons, vol. 00, nr. 0, pp. 1-10, 2016. DOI: …………………... Print ISSN: 0022-2720. Online ISSN: 1365-2818. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2015: IF = 2,331. Scor relativ de influenţă (revistă) în 2015: IS = 1,289.
D 1.1. Lista articolelor indexate în BDI “SpringerLink”
1. M. FLOREA, Ş. ŢĂLU, M. ŢĂLU, Patient simulation experience in family medicine residents education. În: IFMBE Proceedings MEDITECH 2009 "International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology", 23-26 Septembrie 2009, Cluj-Napoca, România, publicat de Springer-Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany, vol. 26, p. 25-28, 20 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Volumul Conferinţei este indexat de ISI. Editori: Simona Vlad, Radu V. Ciupa, Anca I. Nicu. ISSN: 1680-0737, ISBN: 978-3-642-04291-1. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04292-8_6.
2. Ş. ŢĂLU, F. BALTĂ, S.D. ŢĂLU, A. MERTICARIU, M. ŢĂLU, Fourier Domain - Optical Coherence Tomography in diagnosing and monitoring of retinal diseases. În: IFMBE Proceedings MEDITECH 2009 "International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology", 23-26 Septembrie 2009, Cluj-Napoca, România, publicat de Springer-Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany, vol. 26, p. 261-266, 7 fig., 39 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Volumul Conferinţei este indexat de ISI. Editori: Simona Vlad, Radu V. Ciupa, Anca I. Nicu. ISSN: 1680-0737, ISBN: 978-3-642-04291-1. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04292-8_58.
3. Ş. ŢĂLU, M. ŢĂLU, An overview on mathematical models of human corneal surface. În: IFMBE Proceedings MEDITECH 2009 "International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology", 23-26 Septembrie 2009, Cluj-Napoca, România, publicat de Springer-Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany, vol. 26, p. 291-294, 2 fig., 21 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Volumul Conferinţei este indexat de ISI. Editori: Simona Vlad, Radu V. Ciupa, Anca I. Nicu. ISSN: 1680-0737, ISBN: 978-3-642-04291-1. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04292-8_64.
4. Ş. ŢĂLU, S. GIOVANZANA, S. D. ŢĂLU, M. ŢĂLU, An overview on mathematical models of human crystalline lens. În: IFMBE Proceedings MEDITECH 2011 "International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology", 29 August - 2 Septembrie 2011, Cluj-Napoca, România, publicat de Springer-Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany, vol. 36, p. 240-245, 7 fig., 7 tab., 17 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Volumul Conferinţei este indexat de ISI. Editori: Simona Vlad, Radu V. Ciupa. ISSN: 1680-0737, ISBN: 978-3-642-22585-7. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-22586-4_51.
5. Ş. ŢĂLU, S. GIOVANZANA, M. ŢĂLU, S. D. ŢĂLU, Mathematical analysis of the human crystalline lens in Giovanzana parametric model. În: IFMBE Proceedings MEDITECH 2011 "International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology", 29 August - 2 Septembrie 2011, Cluj-Napoca, România, publicat de Springer-Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany, vol. 36, p. 246-251, 3 fig., 3 tab., 18 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Volumul Conferinţei este indexat de ISI. Editori: Simona Vlad, Radu V. Ciupa. ISSN: 1680-0737, ISBN: 978-3-642-22585-7. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-22586-4_52.
6. M. ŢĂLU, Ş. ŢĂLU, S. D. ŢĂLU, R. SHAH, On approximation of human corneal surface with superellipsoids. În: IFMBE Proceedings MEDITECH 2011 "International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology", 29 August - 2 Septembrie 2011, Cluj-Napoca, România, publicat de Springer-Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany, vol. 36, p. 252-255, 1 fig., 32 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Volumul Conferinţei este indexat de ISI. Editori: Simona Vlad, Radu V. Ciupa. ISSN: 1680-0737, ISBN: 978-3-642-22585-7. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-22586-4_53.
D 1.2. Lista articolelor indexate în BDI “The World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)”
1. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., NEGRU M., The simulation of the fields of flow and temperature into a furnace of a burning installation with methane as consequence the variation of heat density of burners using the Finite Element Method. În: Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTERS (part of the 11th WSEAS International Multiconference CSCC), Agios Nikolaos, Crete Island, Greece, July 26-28, 2007, publicat de WSEAS Press, vol. 4, p. 252-257, 27 fig., 8 tab., 17 ref. bibliogr. Rez. Engleză. Volumul Conferinţei este indexat de ISI. Editori: N. Mastorakis, S. Kartalopoulos, D. Simian, A. Varonides, V. Mladenov, Z. Bojkovic şi E. Antonidakis. ISSN: 1790-5117, ISBN: 978-960-8457-92-8.
2. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., NEGRU M., The Simulation with the Finite Element Method of the Velocity and Temperature Fields for a Nonturbionar Jet Burner of 35MW Feeding with Pulverized Coal. În: Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTERS (part of the 11th WSEAS International Multiconference CSCC), Agios Nikolaos, Crete Island, Greece, July 26-28, 2007, publicat de WSEAS Press, vol. 4, p. 263-268, 20 fig., 3 tab., 20 ref. bibliogr. Rez. Engleză. Volumul Conferinţei este indexat de ISI. Editori: N. Mastorakis, S. Kartalopoulos, D. Simian, A. Varonides, V. Mladenov, Z. Bojkovic şi E. Antonidakis. ISSN: 1790-5117, ISBN: 978-960-8457-92-8.
3. ŢĂLU M., BOLCU D., ŢĂLU Ş., SIPOS A., The dynamic flow air visualization around the petrochemistry petroleum coke plant. În: Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on AUTOMATION and INFORMATION (ICAI '08), Bucharest, Romania, June 24-26, 2008, publicat de WSEAS Press, p. 164-169, 17 fig., 2 tab., 10 ref. bibliogr. Rez. Engleză. Volumul Conferinţei este indexat de ISI. Editori: Luige Vladareanu, Veturia Chiroiu, Polidor Bratu şi Ion Magheti. ISSN: 1790-5117, ISBN: 978-960-6766-77-0
4. ŢĂLU M., BICĂ M., ALBOTĂ E., ŢĂLU Ş., The dynamic visualization of the 3D thermal impression generated through the air friction with the petroleum coke plant structure. În: Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS / IASME International Conference on ENGINEERING EDUCATION (EE '08), Heraklion, Greece, July 22-24, 2008, publicat de WSEAS Press, p. 349-354, 18 fig., 2 tab., 9 ref. bibliogr. Rez. Engleză. Volumul Conferinţei este indexat de ISI. Editori: Jaime Lloret Mauri, Azami Zaharim, Andrei Kolyshkin, M. Hatziprokopiou, Athina Lazakidou, Michail Kalogiannakis, Konstantinos Siassiakos şi Nikos Bardis. ISSN: 1790-2769, ISBN: 978-960-6766-86-2.
5. ŢĂLU M., BICĂ M., NANU GHE., ALBOTĂ E., ŢĂLU Ş., SIPOS A., Visualization of dynamic behaviour of a petrochemistry petroleum coke plant under vertical various seismic loadings. În: Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on MATHEMATICAL and COMPUTATIONAL METHODS in SCIENCE and ENGINEERING (MACMESE '08), Bucharest, Romania, November 7-9, 2008, publicat de WSEAS Press, p. 88-93, 15 fig., 13 ref. bibliogr. Rez. Engleză. Volumul Conferinţei este indexat de ISI. Editori: Mihaiela Iliescu, Radu I. Munteanu, Juan Frausto-Solis, Tudor Sireteanu, Ion Cârstea, Gabriella Bognar, Dana Simian, Valeri Mladenov, Zdzislaw Wieckowski, Nikos Mastorakis şi Luigi Vladareanu. ISSN: 1790-2769, ISBN: 978-960-474-019-2.
6. CĂLBUREANU M., ŢĂLU M., TRAVIESO-GONZALEZ CARLOS M., ŢĂLU Ş., LUNGU M., MALCIU R., The finite element analysis of water vapor diffusion in a brick with vertical holes. În: Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Models for Engineering Science (MMES '10), Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, November 30 - December 2, 2010, publicat de WSEAS Press, p. 57-62, 15 fig., 58 ref. bibliogr. Rez. Engleză. Volumul Conferinţei este indexat de ISI. Editori: Valeri Mladenov, Kleanthis Psarris, Nikos Mastorakis, Amauri Caballero şi George Vachtsevanos. Electronic version: ISSN: 1792-684X; Print version: ISSN: 1792-6734, ISBN: 978-960-474-252-3.
D 1.3. Lista articolelor indexate în BDI “North Atlantic University Union Online Database”
1. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., Researches concerning the turbulent flow and the parameters which characterize the dust particles of coal injected into furnace of 35 MW burner. În: "International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation”, publicat de North Atlantic University Union Publishing House, Issue 4, Vol. 1, 2007, p. 362-367, 18 fig., 6 tab., 9 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Editori: Ashok Srivastava, Cain Evans, Ezendu Ariwa, Akram Idani, Chiung-Wei Huang, V.A. Pereira Marinho Marques, Daoliang Li, Linet Ozdamar, Cecilia Reis, Catalin Nicolae Calistru, Yas Alsultanny. ISSN: 1998-0159.
2. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., Researches concerning the dynamical flow and the reaction products engendering into a burning installation as variation of the methane gas injected into furnace. În: "International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation”, publicat de North Atlantic University Union Publishing House, Issue 4, Vol. 1, 2007, p. 396-402, 18 fig., 6 tab., 8 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Editori: Ashok Srivastava, Cain Evans, Ezendu Ariwa, Akram Idani, Chiung-Wei Huang, V.A. Pereira Marinho Marques, Daoliang Li, Linet Ozdamar, Cecilia Reis, Catalin Nicolae Calistru, Yas Alsultanny. ISSN: 1998-0159.
3. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., BICĂ M., The study of velocity field of the dynamical air flow developing around the spatial structure of a petroleum coke plant using the F.E.M. În: "International Journal of Mechanics”, publicat de North Atlantic University Union Publishing House, Issue 2, Vol. 2, 2008, p. 25-34, 44 fig., 3 tab., 27 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Editori: M. Kostic, Daniel N. Riahi, Marvin Goldstein, Ned Djilali, Sang-Joon Lee Pohang, Katarina Jegdic, E. L. Cussler, B. A. Jubran, D. R. Paul, P. E. Price, J. S. Vrentas, Mikhail Itskov, George G. Tsypkin, Jurij Krope, F.-K. Benra, Siavash H. Sohrab, Haris J. Catrakis, Simona Lache, Necla Kadioglu, Nikolai Kobasko. ISSN: 1998-4448.
4. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., RIZEA N., BICĂ M., Seismic analysis of a petrochemistry petroleum coke plant using the F.E.M. În: "International Journal of Mechanics”, publicat de North Atlantic University Union Publishing House, Issue 3, Vol. 2, 2008, p. 96-109, 71 fig., 1 tab., 30 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Editori: M. Kostic, Daniel N. Riahi, Marvin Goldstein, Ned Djilali, Sang-Joon Lee Pohang, Katarina Jegdic, E. L. Cussler, B. A. Jubran, D. R. Paul, P. E. Price, J. S. Vrentas, Mikhail Itskov, George G. Tsypkin, Jurij Krope, F.-K. Benra, Siavash H. Sohrab, Haris J. Catrakis, Simona Lache, Necla Kadioglu, Nikolai Kobasko. ISSN: 1998-4448.
5. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., BICĂ M., The F.E.M. study concerning the influence of air humidity about the dynamical flow around the spatial petroleum coke plant. În: "International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation”, publicat de North Atlantic University Union Publishing House, Issue 3, Vol. 2, 2008, p. 305-314, 45 fig., 4 tab., 20 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Editori: Ashok Srivastava, Cain Evans, Ezendu Ariwa, Akram Idani, Chiung-Wei Huang, V.A. Pereira Marinho Marques, Daoliang Li, Linet Ozdamar, Cecilia Reis, Catalin Nicolae Calistru, Yas Alsultanny. ISSN: 1998-0159.
D 1.4. Lista articolelor indexate în BDI “FIZ Karlsruhe / Das Informationsportal für die Informatik”
1. ZETEA E., GÂNSCĂ I., ŢĂLU Ş., Some considerations concerning computer aided design of surfaces of translation generated by a cissoid. (Unele consideraţii privind proiectarea asistată de calculator a suprafeţelor de translaţie generate de o cisoidă). În: Proceedings of the 7th ICECGDG (The 7th International Conference of Engineering Computer Graphics and Descriptive Geometry), Cracovia, Polonia, 18-22 iulie, 1996, p. 425-429, 5 fig., 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Editori: Andrzej Wyzykowski, Tadeusz Dyduch, Renata Gorska, Leszek Piekarski şi Lidia Zakowska. ISBN: 83-904805-5-7.
2. ŢĂLU Ş., NOVEANU L., A model of surface topography in computer aided design. (Un model al topografiei suprafeţei în proiectarea asistatăde calculator). În: Proceedings of the 7th ICECGDG (The 7th International Conference of Engineering Computer Graphics and Descriptive Geometry), Cracovia, Polonia, 18-22 iulie, 1996, p. 703-705, 2 fig., 1 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Editori: Andrzej Wyzykowski, Tadeusz Dyduch, Renata Gorska, Leszek Piekarski şi Lidia Zakowska. ISBN: 83-904805-5-7.
3. VELCHEREAN D., ŢĂLU Ş., Computer aided design of the "UVD" timber dryers for wooden material. (Proiectarea asistată de calculator a uscătoarelor de tip "UVD" pentru cherestea). În: Proceedings of the 7th ICECGDG (The 7th International Conference of Engineering Computer Graphics and Descriptive Geometry), Cracovia, Polonia, 18-22 iulie, 1996, p. 710-712, 2 fig., 1 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Editori: Andrzej Wyzykowski, Tadeusz Dyduch, Renata Gorska, Leszek Piekarski şi Lidia Zakowska. ISBN: 83-904805-5-7.
D 1.5. Lista articolelor publicate în reviste indexate “cover to cover” în BDI “Zentralblatt MATH - ZMATH Online Database”
1. ŢĂLU Ş., TOADER GHE., Computer graphic representation of some general cycle curves. (Reprezentarea grafică pe calculator a unor curbe generale ciclice). În: "Automation, Computers, Applied Mathematics - Scientific Journal", vol. III, nr. 2, 1994, p. 81-84, 3 fig., 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1221-437X.
D 1.6. Lista articolelor publicate în BDI “PubMed / MEDLINE”
1. ŢĂLU Ş., GIOVANZANA S., ŢĂLU M., Reprezentarea şi analiza matematică a cristalinului uman. În: "Oftalmologia", publicată de Societatea Română de Oftalmologie, Bucureşti, vol. 55, nr. 2, 2011, p. 70-74, 2 fig., 11 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1220-0875.
2. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., GIOVANZANA S., Reprezentarea şi analiza matematică a suprafeţei corneene umane. În: "Oftalmologia", publicată de Societatea Română de Oftalmologie, Bucureşti, vol. 55, nr. 2, 2011, p. 75-81, 2 fig., 21 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1220-0875.
3. ŢĂLU Ş., Modele matematice ale retinei umane. În: "Oftalmologia", publicată de Societatea Română de Oftalmologie, Bucureşti, vol. 55, nr. 3, 2011, p. 74-81, 7 fig., 21 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1220-0875.
4. ŢĂLU Ş., Analiza fractală a reţelei vasculare retiniene normale. În: "Oftalmologia", publicată de Societatea Română de Oftalmologie, Bucureşti, vol. 55, nr. 4, 2011, p. 11-16, 3 fig., 23 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1220-0875.
5. ŢĂLU Ş., Caracterizarea multifractală a vaselor de sânge retiniene umane. În: "Oftalmologia", publicată de Societatea Română de Oftalmologie, Bucureşti, vol. 56, nr. 2, 2012, p. 63-71, 5 fig., 2 tab., 44 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1220-0875.
6. ŢĂLU Ş., Influenţa algoritmului de segmentare a vaselor de sânge retiniene asupra dimensiunii monofractale. În: "Oftalmologia", publicată de Societatea Română de Oftalmologie, Bucureşti, vol. 56, nr. 3, 2012, p. 73-83, 12 fig., 1 tab., 30 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1220-0875.
D 1.7. Lista articolelor indexate în BDI “Hindawi Publishing Corporation Database”
1. ŞTEFĂNUŢ A.C., ŢĂLU Ş., MICLĂUŞ V., MUREŞAN A., MOLDOVAN R., SZABO B., Postnatal development of the retina in rats exposed to hyperoxia: a fractal analysis. În: "ISRN Biomedical Imaging", vol. 2013, Article ID 589327, 6 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/589327, p. 1-6, 7 fig., 27 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 2314-5412 (Online).
D 1.8. Lista articolelor indexate în BDI “IEEE Xplore Digital Library”
1. FAZEKAS ZOLTÁN, ŢĀLU Ş., SZALAY L., Experiments with multifractal analysis for fabric wrinkledness assessment. În: Proceedings of the ICCC 2013 (IEEE 9th International Conference on Computational Cybernetics), Tihany, Hungary, July 8-10, 2013, p. 207-212, 21 fig., 5 tab., 30 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN: 978-1-4799-0063-3. DOI: 10.1109/ICCCyb.2013.6617589.
D 1.9. Lista articolelor indexate în BDI “World Scientific”
1. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, MUHAMMAD IKRAM, DINESH PATHAK, TOMAS WAGNER, JEAN-MICHEL NUNZI, Surface roughness characterization of ZnO:TiO2 - organic blended solar cells layers by atomic force microscopy and fractal analysis. În: International Journal of Nanoscience, vol. 13, nr. 3, p. 1450020-1, 12 pages, 2014. DOI: 10.1142/S0219581X14500203. Print ISSN: 0219-581X. Online ISSN: 1793-5350.
E 1.1. Lista articolelor publicate în reviste din străinătate
1. ŢĂLU Ş., TOADER GHE., The generalization of the epi¬cycloid. Mathematical and graphical study. În: The PAMM’s Periodical Bulletins for Applied Mathematics, Budapesta, Ungaria, BAM 917, 1993 (LXVIII), p. 201-208, 11 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 0133-3526.
2. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., Various helicoidal surfaces. Computer graphic representation I. În: The PAMM’s Periodical Bulletins for Applied Mathematics, Budapesta, Ungaria, BAM 918, 1993 (LXVIII), p. 209-234, 14 fig., 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 0133-3526.
3. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., Various helicoidal surfaces. Computer graphic representation II. În: The PAMM’s Periodical Bulletins for Applied Mathematics, Budapesta, Ungaria, BAM 934, 1993 (LXIX), p. 131-142, 6 fig., 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 0133-3526.
4. ŢĂLU Ş., DEZSÖ G., The evolvent of the ellipse's evolvent. Mathematical and graphical study. În: The PAMM’s Periodical Bulletins for Applied Mathematics, Budapesta, Ungaria, BAM 935, 1993 (LXIX), p. 143-150, 9 fig., 5 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 0133-3526.
5. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., Baroc column. În: The PAMM’s Periodical Bulletins for Applied Mathematics, Budapesta, Ungaria, BAM 938, 1993 (LXIX), p. 171-178, 3 fig., 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 0133-3526.
F 1.1. Lista articolelor publicate în Buletinul Ştiinţific al Universităţii “Politehnica“ Bucureşti, Seria C: Inginerie electrică şi Ştiinţă, revistă de categoria B+, Cod CNCSIS 101
1. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., Dimensional optimization of frontal radiators of cooling system for power transformer 630 kVA 20/0.4 kV in terms of maximum heat transfer. În: Buletinul Ştiinţific al Universităţii “Politehnica“ Bucureşti, Seria C - Inginerie Electrică şi Ştiinţă, vol. 72, nr. 4, 2010, p. 249-260, 11 fig., 20 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1454-234x.
F 1.2. Lista articolelor publicate în Buletinul Ştiinţific al Universităţii “Politehnica“ Bucureşti, Seria D: Inginerie mecanică, revistă de categoria B+, Cod CNCSIS 102
1. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., Optimal design for the interior shape of a annular diffuser with divergent careening considering the minimum whole loss pressure. În: Buletinul Ştiinţific al Universităţii “Politehnica“ Bucureşti, Seria D - Inginerie mecanică, vol. 71, nr. 3, 2009, p. 99-106, 10 fig., 3 tab., 18 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1454-2358.
F 1.3. Lista articolelor publicate în Buletinul Ştiinţific "Acta Technica Napocensis" al Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Matematică Aplicată şi Mecanică, revistă de categoria B+, Cod CNCSIS 118
1. ŢĂLU Ş., ALB T., Applications de la perspective Newtonienne dans la graphique par l'ordinateur. (Aplicaţii ale perspectivei Newtoniene în grafica pe calculator). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Matematică Aplicată şi Mecanică, nr. 37, vol. II, 1994, p. 95-100, 7 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. franceză.
2. ALB T., ŢĂLU Ş., La transposition de la perspective Newtonienne dans la graphique assiste par l'ordinateur. (Transpoziţia perspectivei Newtoniene în grafica asistată de calculator). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Matematică Aplicată şi Mecanică, nr. 37, vol. II, 1994, p. 101-106, 9 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. franceză.
3. ŢĂLU Ş., The spacial pedal curve of an oropthere. (Curba pedală spaţială a oropterei). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Matematică Aplicată şi Mecanică, nr. 37, vol. II, 1994, p. 107-110, 5 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
4. ŢĂLU Ş., Computer graphic representation of some particular rullete curves. (Reprezentarea grafică pe calculator a unor curbe rulete particulare). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Matematică Aplicată şi Mecanică, nr. 37, vol. II, 1994, p. 111-114, 7 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
5. ŢĂLU Ş., Researches concerning the deforming mode of material layers in cold rolling process of external cylindrical threads. (Cercetări privind modul de deformare a straturilor de material în timpul procesului de rulare la rece a filetelor cilindrice exterioare). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Matematică Aplicată şi Mecanică, nr. 42, vol. II, 1999, p. 93-100, 2 fig., 5 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
6. ŢĂLU Ş., Researches concerning the influence of cold rolling parameters on fatigue strength of rod with rolled thread. (Cercetări privind influenţa parametrilor de rulare la rece asupra rezistenţei la oboseală a tijelor cu filet rulat). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Matematică Aplicată şi Mecanică, nr. 42, vol. II, 1999, p. 101-106, 4 fig., 6 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
7. VELCHEREAN D., ŢĂLU Ş., An integrated expert system for computer aided manufacturing of a "UVD" timber dryer. (Un sistem expert integrat pentru producţia asistată de calculator a uscătorului de cherestea de tip "UVD"). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Matematică Aplicată şi Mecanică, nr. 42, vol. II, 1999, p. 107-112, 6 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
8. BOGDAN A., ŢĂLU Ş., Analysis of geometrical tolerances in cold rolling of external cylindrical threads. (Analiza toleranţelor geometrice în rularea la rece a filetelor cilindrice exterioare). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Matematică Aplicată şi Mecanică, nr. 42, vol. II, 1999, p. 113-116, 4 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
9. ŢĂLU Ş., Graphical aspects concerning the perspective of the plane figures. (Aspecte grafice privind perspectiva figurilor plane). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Matematică Aplicată şi Mecanică, nr. 46, vol. II, 2003, p. 25-30, 7 fig., 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1221-5872.
10. ŢĂLU Ş., Applications of geometrical transformations to the general ellipsoid. (Aplicaţii ale transformărilor geometrice la elipsoidul general). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Matematică Aplicată şi Mecanică, nr. 46, vol. II, 2003, p. 31-36, 6 fig., 4 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1221-5872.
F 1.4. Lista articolelor publicate în Buletinul Ştiinţific "Acta Technica Napocensis" al Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii Civile - Arhitectură, revistă de categoria B+, Cod CNCSIS 145
1. ZETEA E., ŢĂLU Ş., Issues regarding the computer assisted graphical generation of the channel type surfaces. (Consideraţii privind generarea grafică asistată de calculator a suprafeţelor canal). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii Civile - Arhitectură, nr. 40, 1997, p. 119-126, 6 fig., 4 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
F 1.5. Lista articolelor publicate în "ANNALS of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara", International Journal of Engineering, Hunedoara, revistă de categoria B+, Cod CNCSIS 299
1. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., A CAD study on generating of 2D supershapes in different coordinate systems. (Un studiu CAD privind generarea superformelor 2D în diferite sisteme de coordonate). În: "ANNALS of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara", International Journal of Engineering, Hunedoara, Tomul VIII, Fasc. 3, 2010, p. 201-203, 1 tab., 5 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1584 - 2673.
2. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., CAD generating of 3D supershapes in different coordinate systems. (Generarea CAD a superformelor 3D în diferite sisteme de coordonate). În: "ANNALS of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara", International Journal of Engineering, Hunedoara, Tomul VIII, Fasc. 3, 2010, p. 215-219, 1 tab., 5 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1584 - 2673.
3. ŢĂLU Ş., Study on the construction of complex 3D shapes with superellipsoids and supertoroids. În: "ANNALS of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara", International Journal of Engineering, Hunedoara, Tomul IX, Fasc. 3, 2011, p. 299-302, 1 tab., 14 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1584 - 2673.
4. ŢĂLU Ş., CAD representations of 3D shapes with superellipsoids and convex polyhedrons. În: "ANNALS of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara", International Journal of Engineering, Hunedoara, Tomul IX, Fasc. 3, 2011, p. 349-352, 1 tab., 15 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1584 - 2673.
5. GHIŢĂ M.C., MICU A.C., ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., Shape optimization of vehicle's methane gas tank. În: "ANNALS of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara", International Journal of Engineering, Hunedoara, Tomul X, Fasc. 3, 2012, p. 259-266, 20 fig., 7 tab., 23 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1584 - 2673.
6. GHIŢĂ M.C., MICU A.C., ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., Shape optimization of a thoroidal methane gas tank for automotive industry. În: "ANNALS of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara", International Journal of Engineering, Hunedoara, Tomul X, Fasc. 3, 2012, p. 295-297, 6 fig., 2 tab., 22 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1584 - 2673.
7. GHIŢĂ M.C., MICU A.C., ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., 3D modelling of a gas tank with reversed end up covers for automotive industry. În: "ANNALS of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara", International Journal of Engineering, Hunedoara, Tomul XI, Fasc. 3, 2013, p. 195-200, 10 fig., 1 tab., 20 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1584 - 2673.
8. GHIŢĂ M.C., MICU A.C., ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., ADAM E., Computer-Aided Design of a classical cylinder gas tank for the automotive industry. În: "ANNALS of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara", International Journal of Engineering, Hunedoara, Tomul XI, Fasc. 4, 2013, p. 59-64, 8 fig., 1 tab., 23 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1584 - 2673.
9. GHIŢĂ M.C., GHIŢĂ C.Ş., ŢĂLU Ş., ROTARU S., Optimal design of cylindrical rings used for the shrinkage of vehicle tanks for compressed natural gas. În: "ANNALS of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara", International Journal of Engineering, Hunedoara, Tomul XII, Fasc. 3, 2014, p. 243-250, 12 fig., 1 tab., 35 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1584 - 2673.
F 1.6. Lista articolelor publicate în Analele Societăţii Române de Biologie Celulară, publicat de Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiş” din Arad şi Universitatea „Babeş-Bolyai” din Cluj-Napoca, revistă de categoria B+, Cod CNCSIS 567
1. ROŞIORU C., ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., GIOVANZANA S., CRĂCIUN C., Morphometric assessments for the healthy rat hepatocytes. În: „Analele Societăţii Române de Biologie Celulară”, publicat de Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiş” din Arad şi Universitatea „Babeş-Bolyai” din Cluj-Napoca, vol. 17, nr. 1, 2012, p. 74-79, 1 fig., 2 tab., 24 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1583-6258.
2. PÂRVU A.E., ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., GIOVANZANA S., CRĂCIUN C., Fractal analysis of healthy human periodontium. În: „Analele Societăţii Române de Biologie Celulară”, publicat de Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiş” din Arad şi Universitatea „Babeş-Bolyai” din Cluj-Napoca, vol. 17, nr. 1, 2012, p. 80-84, 1 fig., 1 tab., 34 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1583-6258.
3. BISCHIN C., ŢĂLU Ş., SILAGHI-DUMITRESCU R., ŢĂLU M., GIOVANZANA S., LUPAŞCU C.A., Computerized morphometric assessment of the human red blood cells treated with cisplatin. În: „Analele Societăţii Române de Biologie Celulară”, publicat de Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiş” din Arad şi Universitatea „Babeş-Bolyai” din Cluj-Napoca, vol. 17, nr. 2, 2012, p. 105-110, 1 fig., 2 tab., 26 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1583-6258.
4. ŞTEFĂNUŢ A.C., ŢĂLU Ş., MICLĂUŞ V., MUREŞAN A., SZABO B., A fractal analysis study of retinal development in rats exposed to the alternating hyperoxia-hypoxia. În: „Analele Societăţii Române de Biologie Celulară”, publicat de Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiş” din Arad şi Universitatea „Babeş-Bolyai” din Cluj-Napoca, vol. 18, nr. 1, 2013, p. 239-246, 7 fig., 1 tab., 40 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1583-6258.
F 1.7. Lista articolelor publicate în "Acta Electrotehnica" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, revistă de categoria B+, Cod CNCSIS 576
1. ŢĂLU S., ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., SHAH R., CAD of human corneal surface using new mathematical models. În: "Acta Electrotehnica" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Special Issue, publicat de Editura Mediamira, Cluj-Napoca, vol. 48, nr. 4, 2007, p. 299-302, 3 fig., 15 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1841-3323.
F 1.8. Lista articolelor publicate în "Animal Biology & Animal Husbandry - International Journal of the Bioflux Society (ABAH Bioflux)" din Cluj-Napoca, revistă de categoria B+, Cod CNCSIS 933
1. ŢĂLU Ş., Mathematical methods used in monofractal and multifractal analysis for the processing of biological and medical data and images. În: "Animal Biology & Animal Husbandry - International Journal of the Bioflux Society (ABAH Bioflux)", publicat de Editura Bioflux, Cluj-Napoca, vol. 4, nr. 1, 2012, p. 1-4, 22 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Online ISSN 2067-6344.
F 1.9. Lista articolelor publicate în "Human & Veterinary Medicine - International Journal of the Bioflux Society (HVM Bioflux)" din Cluj-Napoca, revistă de categoria B+, Cod CNCSIS 951
1. SHAH R., ŢĂLU Ş., Ethical issues with cataract surgery in patients with macular degeneration. A graduating resident’s view point. În: "Human & Veterinary Medicine - International Journal of the Bioflux Society (HVM Bioflux)", publicat de Editura Bioflux, Cluj-Napoca, vol. 3, nr. 1, 2011, p. 25-28, 24 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Online ISSN 2066-7663; Printed ISSN 2066-7655.
2. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., GIOVANZANA S., SHAH R., The history and use of optical coherence tomography in ophthalmology. În: "Human & Veterinary Medicine - International Journal of the Bioflux Society (HVM Bioflux)", publicat de Editura Bioflux, Cluj-Napoca, vol. 3, nr. 1, 2011, p. 29-32, 1 fig., 22 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Online ISSN 2066-7663; Printed ISSN 2066-7655.
3. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., GIOVANZANA S., SHAH R., A brief history of contact lenses. În: "Human & Veterinary Medicine - International Journal of the Bioflux Society (HVM Bioflux)", publicat de Editura Bioflux, Cluj-Napoca, vol. 3, nr. 1, 2011, p. 33-37, 19 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Online ISSN 2066-7663; Printed ISSN 2066-7655.
4. ŢĂLU Ş., GIOVANZANA S., Fractal and multifractal analysis of human retinal vascular network: a review. În: "Human & Veterinary Medicine - International Journal of the Bioflux Society (HVM Bioflux)", publicat de Editura Bioflux, Cluj-Napoca, vol. 3, nr. 3, 2011, p. 205-212, 37 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Online ISSN 2066-7663; Printed ISSN 2066-7655.
5. ŢĂLU Ş., GIOVANZANA S., Image analysis of the normal human retinal vasculature using fractal geometry. În: "Human & Veterinary Medicine - International Journal of the Bioflux Society (HVM Bioflux)", publicat de Editura Bioflux, Cluj-Napoca, vol. 4, nr. 1, 2012, p. 14-18, 4 fig., 1 tab., 35 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Online ISSN 2066-7663; Printed ISSN 2066-7655.
6. ŢĂLU Ş., VLĂDUŢIU C., POPESCU L.A., LUPAŞCU C.A., VESA Ş.C., ŢĂLU S.D., Fractal and lacunarity analysis of human retinal vessel arborisation in normal and amblyopic eyes. În: "Human & Veterinary Medicine - International Journal of the Bioflux Society (HVM Bioflux)", publicat de Editura Bioflux, Cluj-Napoca, vol. 5, nr. 2, 2013, p. 45-51, 6 fig., 1 tab., 47 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Online ISSN 2066-7663; Printed ISSN 2066-7655. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2013: IF = 0.
7. ŢĂLU Ş., Characterization of retinal vessel networks in human retinal imagery using quantitative descriptors. În: "Human & Veterinary Medicine - International Journal of the Bioflux Society (HVM Bioflux)", publicat de Editura Bioflux, Cluj-Napoca, vol. 5, nr. 2, 2013, p. 52-57, 1 fig., 52 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Online ISSN 2066-7663; Printed ISSN 2066-7655. Factor de impact referinţă (domeniu) în 2013: IF = 0.
F 1.10. Lista articolelor publicate în "Extreme Life, Biospeology & Astrobiology - International Journal of the Bioflux Society (ELBA Bioflux)" din Cluj-Napoca, revistă de categoria B+, Cod CNCSIS 950
1. ŢĂLU Ş., Texture analysis methods for the characterisation of biological and medical images. În: "Extreme Life, Biospeology & Astrobiology - International Journal of the Bioflux Society (ELBA Bioflux)", publicat de Editura Bioflux, Cluj-Napoca, vol. 4, nr. 1, 2012, p. 8-12, 21 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Online ISSN 2067-6360.
F 1.11. Lista articolelor publicate în Buletinul Ştiinţific al Universităţii "Politehnica" din Timişoara, Seria: Mecanică, revistă de categoria B, Cod CNCSIS 301
1. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., A numerical programme to design a heat exchanger with forced convection in unsteady turbulent flow. (Program numeric pentru proiectarea schimbătorului de cãldurã cu convecţie forţatã monofazicã în curgere turbulentã nestaţionarã). În: Buletinul Ştiinţific al Universităţii "Politehnica" din Timişoara, Seria: Mecanică, Timişoara, Tomul 53 (67), Fasc. 1, 2008, p. 163-170, 14 fig., 4 tab., 8 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1224-6077.
2. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., The finite element analysis of part support system for horizontal hydraulic press - 2 MN. (Analiza cu element finit a sistemului de sprijin a piesei la presa hidraulică orizontală de 2 MN). În: Buletinul Ştiinţific al Universităţii "Politehnica" din Timişoara, Seria: Mecanică, Timişoara, Tomul 54 (68), Fasc. 3, 2009, p. 85-90, 21 fig., 8 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1224-6077.
3. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., A finite element analysis of the impact-contact problem between hydraulic cylindrical rod and the support prism. (Analiza cu element finit a problemei de impact-contact dintre tija cilindrului hidraulic şi prisma de sprijin). În: Buletinul Ştiinţific al Universităţii "Politehnica" din Timişoara, Seria: Mecanică, Timişoara, Tomul 54 (68), Fasc. 4, 2009, p. 11-16, 22 fig., 5 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1224-6077.
F 1.12. Lista articolelor publicate în "Journal of Engineering Studies and Research", publicat de Universitatea “Vasile Alecsandri” din Bacău, revistă de categoria B, Cod CNCSIS 461
1. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., The finite element analysis of hydraulic motor casing from horizontal hydraulic press – 2 MN. În: Journal of Engineering Studies and Research, Bacău, vol. 16, nr. 3, 2010, p. 71-75, 8 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 2068 - 7559.
2. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., Numerical investigations of the sealing segments design of linear hydraulic motor plunger from horizontal hydraulic press – 2 MN. În: Journal of Engineering Studies and Research, Bacău, vol. 16, nr. 3, 2010, p. 76-79, 6 fig., 12 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 2068 - 7559.
3. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., A finite element analysis of hydraulic cylinder of linear hydraulic motor from horizontal hydraulic press – 2 MN. În: Journal of Engineering Studies and Research, Bacău, vol. 16, nr. 4, 2010, p. 59-62, 8 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 2068 - 7559.
4. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., Optimal design of linear hydraulic motor plunger from horizontal hydraulic press – 2 MN. În: Journal of Engineering Studies and Research, Bacău, vol. 16, nr. 4, 2010, p. 63-66, 8 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 2068 - 7559.
5. ŢĂLU Ş., Complex 3D shapes with superellipsoids, supertoroids and convex polyhedrons. În: Journal of Engineering Studies and Research, Bacău, vol. 17, nr. 4, 2011, p. 96-100, 8 fig., 16 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 2068 - 7559.
6. ŢĂLU Ş., Generation of 3D shapes with superellipsoids, supertoroids, super cylinders and super cones. În: Journal of Engineering Studies and Research, Bacău, vol. 18, nr. 2, 2012, p. 135-139, 8 fig., 16 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 2068 - 7559.
F 1.13. Lista articolelor publicate în Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi, publicat de Universitatea Tehnică ”Gh. Asachi”, Iaşi, Secţia Construcţii de Maşini, revistă de categoria B, Cod CNCSIS 500
1. NEGRU M., ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., CAD-CAE model of the slideways contact between the crossrail and milling head of the portal milling machine. (Model CAD-CAE pentru contactul între ghidajele traversei mobile şi sania capului de frezat la maşina de frezat cu portal). În: Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi, publicat de Universitatea Tehnică “Gh. Asachi”, Iaşi, Tomul LII (LVI), Fasc. 6A, 2006, Secţia Construcţii de Maşini, p. 319-322, 3 fig., 1 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1001-2855.
2. ŢĂLU M., NEGRU M., ŢĂLU Ş., The mathematical model and the numerical programme for calculus and plotting the relations of the Darcy’s coefficient. The corrugated and flexible pipes. The settled flow of turbulent regime. (Modelul matematic şi programul numeric de calcul şi reprezentarea grafică a relaţiilor coeficientului Darcy. Conducte flexibile ondulate. Curgere turbulent stabilizată). În: Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi, publicat de Universitatea Tehnică “Gh. Asachi”, Iaşi, Tomul LII (LVI), Fasc. 6A, 2006, Secţia Construcţii de Maşini, p. 413-418, 11 fig., 3 tab., 6 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. . ISSN: 1001-2855.
3. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., NEGRU M., The mathematical model and the numerical programme of calculus concerning to the loss pressure in the hydraulic technical pipes with isosceles triangle section. (Modelul matematic şi programul de calcul numeric privind căderea de presiune din conductele hidraulice tehnice cu secţiune transversală de tip triunghi isoscel). În: Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi, publicat de Universitatea Tehnică “Gh. Asachi”, Iaşi, Tomul LII (LVI), Fasc. 6A, 2006, Secţia Construcţii de Maşini, p. 419-425, 4 fig., 5 tab., 5 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1001-2855.
4. ŢĂLU Ş., NEGRU M., ŢĂLU M., The mathematical model and the numerical programme of calculus for the loss pressure in the technical pipes with rectangular cross-section. The settled flow. (Modelul matematic şi programul numeric de calcul a căderii de presiune din conductele tehnice cu secţiune dreptunghiulară. Regim de curgere stabilizat). În: Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi, publicat de Universitatea Tehnică “Gh. Asachi”, Iaşi, Tomul LII (LVI), Fasc. 6A, 2006, Secţia Construcţii de Maşini, p. 426-431, 4 fig., 6 tab., 4 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1001-2855.
5. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., NEGRU M., Studies concerning the analytical definitions and differential specification of particular surfaces. (Studii cu privire la definiţiile analitice şi forma diferenţială a suprafeţelor particulare). În: Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi, publicat de Universitatea Tehnică “Gh. Asachi”, Iaşi, Tomul LII (LVI), Fasc. 6A, 2006, Secţia Construcţii de Maşini, p. 432-435, 5 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1001-2855.
6. NEGRU M., ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., CAD-CAE model for modal analysis of the high voltage power transformer porcelain bushing. (Model CAD-CAE pentru analiza modală a polilor de porţelan ale transformatorului de putere). În: Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi, publicat de Universitatea Tehnică “Gh. Asachi”, Iaşi, Tomul LII (LVI), Fasc. 6B, 2006, Secţia Construcţii de Maşini, p. 65-68, 15 fig., 1 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1001-2855.
F 1.14. Lista articolelor publicate în "The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University – MATERIALS and MECHANICS", publicat de Universitatea Valahia din Târgovişte, revistă de categoria B, Cod CNCSIS 586
1. ŢǍLU M., ŢǍLU Ş., The finite element analysis of a high pressure pump. În: The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University – MATERIALS and MECHANICS, nr. 5 (year 8), 2010, p. 184-187, 21 fig., 9 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1844-1076.
2. ŢǍLU M., ŢǍLU Ş., Static analysis of a press ram-linear hydraulic motor piston assembly from horizontal hydraulic press – 2 MN. În: The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University – MATERIALS and MECHANICS, nr. 5 (year 8), 2010, p. 188-191, 11 fig., 10 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1844-1076.
3. ŢǍLU Ş., ŢǍLU M., The Finite Element Analysis of a turbine shaft – main shaft subassembly from a average power hydrodynamic clutch included in a driveline agricultural machinery. În: The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University – MATERIALS and MECHANICS, nr. 5 (year 8), 2010, p. 192-195, 18 fig., 7 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1844-1076.
4. ŢǍLU Ş., ŢǍLU M., Numerical analysis of conventional vertical airflow in a hospital operating room. În: The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University – MATERIALS and MECHANICS, nr. 5 (year 8), 2010, p. 196-199, 18 fig., 7 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1844-1076.
5. ŢǍLU Ş., ŢǍLU M., Construction of complex 3D shapes with superellipsoids and super cylinders. În: The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University – MATERIALS and MECHANICS, nr. 6 (year 9), 2011, p. 212-215, 1 tab., 9 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1844-1076.
6. ŢǍLU Ş., ŢǍLU M., Complex 3D shapes with superellipsoids and super cones. În: The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University – MATERIALS and MECHANICS, nr. 6 (year 9), 2011, p. 216-219, 1 tab., 9 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1844-1076.
7. ŢǍLU M., ŢǍLU Ş., Analysis of heat exchanger efficiency for an electric power transformer. În: The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University – MATERIALS and MECHANICS, nr. 6 (year 9), 2011, p. 220-223, 10 fig., 11 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1844-1076.
8. ŢǍLU M., ŢǍLU Ş., Modelling of thermal processes of a hydraulic cooling system for a power transformer. În: The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University – MATERIALS and MECHANICS, nr. 6 (year 9), 2011, p. 224-227, 12 fig., 5 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1844-1076.
9. ŢǍLU Ş., ŢǍLU M., Surface roughness of contact lenses investigated with atomic force microscopy. În: The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University – MATERIALS and MECHANICS, nr. 7 (year 10), 2012, p. 107-110, 2 tab., 50 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1844-1076.
10. ŢǍLU Ş., ŢǍLU M., Investigation of intraocular lenses surface roughness by atomic force microscopy. În: The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University – MATERIALS and MECHANICS, nr. 7 (year 10), 2012, p. 111-114, 1 tab., 45 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1844-1076.
F 1.15. Lista articolelor publicate în Revista NOESIS, “Travaux du Comité Roumain d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences”, publicat de Academia Română, Bucureşti, revistă de categoria B, Cod CNCSIS 752
1. ŢĂLU Ş., Aspects from the history of geometry. În: Revista NOESIS, “Travaux du Comité Roumain d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences”, publicat de Academia Română, Bucureşti, XXXIII, 2008, p. 137-150, 6 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1223-4249.
2. ŢĂLU Ş., The contribution of Gheorghe Lazăr to the creation of romanian mathematical terminology. În: Revista NOESIS, “Travaux du Comité Roumain d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences”, publicat de Academia Română, Bucureşti, XXXV, 2010, p. 201-207, 9 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1223-4249.
F 1.16. Lista articolelor publicate în Buletinul Ştiinţific "Acta Technica Napocensis" al Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii de Maşini şi Materiale, revistă de categoria C, Cod CNCSIS 144
1. ŢĂLU Ş., A mathematical model for representation of 3D surfaces. (Un model matematic pentru reprezentarea suprafeţelor 3D). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii de Maşini şi Materiale, nr. 38, vol. I, 1995, p. 17-22, 9 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1224–9106.
2. FLORESCU A., ŢĂLU Ş., Some considerations concerning functional dimensioning in engineering graphics. (Unele consideraţii privind cotarea funcţională în grafica inginerească). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii de Maşini şi Materiale, nr. 38, vol. I, 1995, p. 23-28, 8 fig., 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1224–9106.
3. ŢĂLU Ş., DRĂGAN D., Aspects concerning determination of the threads rolling force. (Aspecte privind determinarea forţei de rulare a filetelor). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii de Maşini şi Materiale, nr. 38, vol. I, 1995, p. 29-32, 1 fig., 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1224–9106.
4. ŢĂLU Ş., NOVEANU L., Aspects concerning representation of surface topography in CAD. (Aspecte privind reprezentarea topografiei suprafeţei în CAD). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii de Maşini şi Materiale, nr. 38, vol. I, 1995, p. 33-38, 1 fig., 1 tab., 6 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1224–9106.
5. ŢĂLU Ş., Aspects concerning CAD analyse of concave helicoidal surfaces. (Aspecte privind analiza CAD a suprafeţelor elicoidale concave). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii de Maşini şi Materiale, nr. 41, vol. I, 1998, p. 69-72, 2 fig., 4 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1224–9106.
6. ŢĂLU Ş., Graphical aspects concerning CAD of particular concave helicoidal surfaces. (Aspecte grafice privind reprezentarea CAD a suprafeţelor elicoidale concave particulare). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii de Maşini şi Materiale, nr. 41, vol. I, 1998, p. 73-76, 2 fig., 4 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1224–9106.
7. ŢĂLU Ş., Mathematical and graphical algorithm for CAD of concave helicoidal surfaces. (Algoritm matematic şi grafic pentru reprezentarea CAD a suprafeţelor elicoidale concave). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii de Maşini şi Materiale, nr. 41, vol. I, 1998, p. 77-80, 1 fig., 4 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1224–9106.
8. ŢĂLU Ş., A mathematical model for the study of remnant stresses from inside the bottom zone of the rolled piece thread. (Un model matematic pentru studiul tensiunilor remanente din zona golurilor filetului piesei rulate). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii de Maşini şi Materiale, nr. 42, 1999, p. 49-54, 4 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1224–9106.
9. ŢĂLU Ş., The determination of the maximum cold rolling force of external cylindrical threads. (Determinarea forţei de rulare maximă la rece a filetelor cilindrice exterioare). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii de Maşini şi Materiale, nr. 42, 1999, p. 55-62, 3 fig., 4 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1224–9106.
10. ŢĂLU Ş., The comparative analysis of microhardness curves and of the material microstructure in rolled thread section according to cold plastic deformation parameters. (Analiza comparativă a curbelor de izoduritate şi a microstructurii materialului din secţiunea filetului rulat în funcţie de parametrii regimului de rulare la rece). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii de Maşini şi Materiale, nr. 42, 1999, p. 63-68, 8 fig., 6 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1224–9106.
11. ŢĂLU Ş., The analysis of precision parameters of external cylindrical threads according to cold rolling regime parameters. (Analiza parametrilor de precizie ai filetului cilindric exterior în funcţie de parametrii regimului de rulare la rece). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii de Maşini şi Materiale, nr. 42, 1999, p. 69-76, 4 fig., 2 tab., 6 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1224–9106.
12. ŢĂLU Ş., SUCIU, A-A., Mathematical and graphical algorithm for CAD of logarithmic helicoidal surfaces. (Algoritm matematic şi grafic pentru reprezentarea CAD a suprafeţelor elicoidale logaritmice). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii de Maşini şi Materiale, nr. 43, 2000, p. 157-160, 1 fig., 1 tab., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1224–9106.
13. ŢĂLU Ş., A mathematical model for CAD of logarithmic helicoidal surfaces with variable pitch. (Un model matematic pentru reprezentarea CAD a suprafeţelor elicoidale logaritmice cu pas variabil). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii de Maşini şi Materiale, nr. 43, 2000, p. 161-164, 2 fig., 1 tab., 1 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1224–9106.
14. ŢĂLU Ş., A method for the statistical determination of the average weight of the assemblage bodies. (O metodă de determinare statistică a greutăţii medii la organele de asamblare). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii de Maşini şi Materiale, nr. 44, 2001, p. 127-132, 4 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1221-5872. ISSN 1224–9106.
15. ŢĂLU Ş., Contributions concerning the calculation of the economic efficiency based on the statistical determinations of the average weight of the assemblage bodies. (Contribuţii privind calculul eficienţei economice pe baza determinării statistice a greutăţii medii la organele de asamblare). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii de Maşini şi Materiale, nr. 44, 2001, p. 133-138, 3 tab., 4 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1221-5872. ISSN 1224–9106.
16. ŢĂLU Ş., The mathematical analysis of the pedal of a conic curve. (Analiza matematică a podarei unei curbe conice). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii de Maşini şi Materiale, nr. 44, 2001, p. 139-142, 2 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1224–9106.
17. ŢĂLU Ş., Some particular properties of the circular helicoidal line. (Unele proprietăţi particulare ale elicei circulare). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii de Maşini şi Materiale, nr. 44, 2001, p. 143-146, 2 fig., 5 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1224–9106.
18. ŢĂLU Ş., A mathematical model for CAD representation of the particular nicoids curves. (Un model matematic pentru reprezentarea asistată de calculator a curbelor nicoide particulare). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii de Maşini şi Materiale, nr. 44, 2001, p. 147-150, 2 fig., 10 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1224–9106.
19. ŢĂLU Ş., Mathematical and graphical study of parabolic helicoidal surfaces. (Studiul matematic şi grafic al suprafeţelor elicoidale parabolice). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii de Maşini şi Materiale, nr. 44, 2001, p. 151-154, 1 fig., 1 tab., 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1224–9106.
20. ŢĂLU Ş., Mathematical and graphical study of parabolic helicoidal surfaces with variable pitch. (Studiul matematic şi grafic al suprafeţelor elicoidale parabolice cu pas variabil). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii de Maşini şi Materiale, nr. 44, 2001, p. 155-158, 1 fig., 1 tab., 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1224–9106.
21. ŢĂLU Ş., NOVEANU, D., Graphical methods for representation of helicoidal surfaces. (Metode grafice pentru reprezentarea suprafeţelor elicoidale). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii de Maşini şi Materiale, nr. 46, 2003, p. 91-94, 2 fig., 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1224-9106.
22. ŢĂLU Ş., Some considerations concerning the tangent plane at a point situated on a general rotation surface. (Unele consideraţii privind planul tangent la un punct situat pe o suprafaţă de rotaţie generală). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii de Maşini şi Materiale, nr. 47, 2004, p. 61-64, 4 fig., 6 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1224-9106.
23. ŢĂLU Ş., The determination of a point orthogonal projection situated on a general rotation surface. (Determinarea proiecţiei ortogonale a unui punct situat pe o suprafaţă de rotaţie generală). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii de Maşini şi Materiale, nr. 47, 2004, p. 65-68, 4 fig., 6 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1224-9106.
24. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU S.D., SIPOŞ A., Accuracy of human corneal surface approximation with polynomials. (Precizia aproximării suprafeţei corneei umane cu polinoame). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii de Maşini şi Materiale, nr. 50, 2007, p. 51-54, 1 fig., 11 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1224-9106.
25. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU S.D., SIPOŞ A., SHAH R., Analysis, modelling and simulation of human corneal surface. (Analiza, modelarea şi simularea suprafeţei corneei umane). În: "Acta Technica Napocensis" a Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Seria: Construcţii de Maşini şi Materiale, nr. 50, 2007, p. 55-58, 5 fig., 4 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 1224-9106.
F 1.17. Lista articolelor publicate în Analele Universităţii din Craiova, Seria Mecanică, publicat de Editura Universitaria, Craiova, revistă de categoria D, Cod CNCSIS 504
1. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., The mathematical model of calculus for the loss pressure in a hydraulic pipe with annular section with ribs for centring. În: Analele Universităţii din Craiova, Seria Mecanică, nr. 1, 2006, p. 165-170, 2 fig., 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1223-5296, Editura Universitaria, Craiova.
2. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., The numerical programme for solve the mathematical model of calculus for the loss pressure in a hydraulic pipe with annular section and ribs for centring. În: Analele Universităţii din Craiova, Seria Mecanică, nr. 1, 2006, p. 171-174, 4 tab., 5 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1223-5296, Editura Universitaria, Craiova.
3. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., Some considerations concerning incompressible fluid flow through inhomogeneous porous media. În: Analele Universităţii din Craiova, Seria Mecanică, nr. 1, 2009, p. 79-82, 5 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1223-5296, Editura Universitaria, Craiova.
4. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., Some considerations concerning compressible fluid flow through inhomogeneous porous media with constant porosity. În: Analele Universităţii din Craiova, Seria Mecanică, nr. 1, 2009, p. 89-92, 5 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1223-5296, Editura Universitaria, Craiova.
5. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., SIPOS A., BOKOR L., On a solution for plane-radial flow of a compressible fluid through inhomogeneous porous media. În: Analele Universităţii din Craiova, Seria Mecanică, nr. 1, 2009, p. 117-122, 10 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1223-5296, Editura Universitaria, Craiova.
6. ŢĂLU Ş., An overview of the design and implementation of visual prosthesis. În: Analele Universităţii din Craiova, Seria Mecanică, nr. 1, 2009, p. 131-134, 3 fig., 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1223-5296, Editura Universitaria, Craiova.
7. SHAH R., ŢĂLU Ş., On the models used in geometrical representation of human extraocular muscles. În: Analele Universităţii din Craiova, Seria Mecanică, nr. 1, 2009, p. 155-160, 2 fig., 6 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1223-5296, Editura Universitaria, Craiova.
8. SHAH R., ŢĂLU Ş., A balancing forces model for the human extraocular muscles. În: Analele Universităţii din Craiova, Seria Mecanică, nr. 1, 2009, p. 177-180, 6 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1223-5296, Editura Universitaria, Craiova.
9. SHAH R., ŢĂLU Ş., A mathematical model of human retina. În: Analele Universităţii din Craiova, Seria Mecanică, nr. 1, 2009, p. 213-216, 1 fig., 10 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1223-5296, Editura Universitaria, Craiova.
10. SHAH R., ŢĂLU Ş., On the application of laminography to the human eye. În: Analele Universităţii din Craiova, Seria Mecanică, nr. 1, 2009, p. 217-220, 2 fig., 12 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1223-5296, Editura Universitaria, Craiova.
F 1.18. Lista articolelor publicate în "Poeciliid Research - Journal of the Bioflux Society (Poec Res)” din Cluj-Napoca.
1. ŢĂLU Ş., Petrescu-Mag I.V., Păsărin B., Investigation on acute toxicity of lindane in guppies, Poecilia reticulata Peters, 1859. În: "Poeciliid Research - Journal of the Bioflux Society (Poec Res)”, publicat de Editura Bioflux, Cluj-Napoca, vol. 2, nr. 1, 2012, p. 9-14, 6 fig., 1 tab., 21 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN 2248-3101 (print), ISSN-L 2248-3101.
F 1.19. Lista articolelor publicate în "Mathews Journal of Dentistry”
1. Ţălu Ş., Contreras-Bulnes R., Rodríguez-Vilchis L.E., Montoya-Ayala G., Morphological Characterization of Human Dental Enamel Irradiated with Er:YAG Laser using the Statistical Functions. În: Mathews Journal of Dentistry, publicat de Mathews Open Access Journals, vol. 1, nr. 1, 2016, p. 1-6, 4 fig., 2 tab., 33 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Citare: M J Dent 1(1): 005, pp. 1-6.
G 1.1. Lista articolelor publicate în volumele unor manifestări ştiinţifice internaţionale
1. ALB T., ŢĂLU Ş., DEZSÖ G., The evolvent of the ellipse. Mathematical and graphical study. (Evolventa elipsei. Studiu matematic şi grafic). În: Constructions 2000 - International Symposium, vol. III, Cluj-Napoca, 15-16 octombrie, 1993, p. 897-901, 9 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
2. NOVEANU L., HRISTEA I., ŢĂLU Ş., CRIŞAN N., CRĂCIUN F., GHIOLŢEAN L., Graphic interface specialised in computer aided design. (Interfaţă grafică specializată în grafica pe calculator). În: Constructions 2000 - International Symposium, vol. III, Cluj-Napoca, 15-16 octombrie, 1993, p. 958-963, 5 fig., 1 ref. bibilogr. Rez. engleză.
3. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., Computer graphic representation of intersection between of a equilateral hyperbolic paraboloid and a revolution cylinder. (Reprezentarea grafică pe calculator a intersecţiei dintre un paraboloid echilateral hiperbolic şi un cilindru de rotaţie). În: Constructions 2000 - International Symposium, vol. III, Cluj-Napoca, 15-16 octombrie, 1993, p. 993-999, 16 fig., 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
4. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., Computer graphic representation of hyperbolic helicoidal surfaces with variable pitch. (Reprezentarea grafică pe calculator a suprafeţelor elicoidale hiperbolice cu pas variabil). În: Constructions 2000 - International Symposium, vol. III, Cluj-Napoca, 15-16 octombrie, 1993, p. 999-1005, 18 fig., 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
5. ŢĂLU Ş., Microgeometry graphic moulding. (Modelarea grafică a microgeometriei). În: 10-th International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED 95, Praga, Cehia, 22-24 august, 1995, vol. IV, p. 1567-1568, 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză şi germană. Schriftenreihe WDK 23. Zürich: Edition Heurista. Editor: Vladimir Hubka. ISBN: 3-85693-028.0.
6. FLORESCU A., ŢĂLU Ş., Influenţa factorului tehnologic asupra cotării funcţionale. În: Conferinţa internaţională "Grafica inginerească şi metodica de predare", Chişinău, Moldova, 3-4 octombrie, 1995, vol. I, p. 62-65, 11 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr.
7. ALB T., ŢĂLU Ş., Aplicaţii şi interpretări ale hiperbolismului iterat în epura Monge pe calculator. În: Conferinţa internaţională "Grafica inginerească şi metodica de predare", Chişinău, Moldova, 3-4 octombrie, 1995, vol. II, p. 33-36, 1 fig., 5 ref. bibliogr.
8. ŢĂLU Ş., FLORESCU A., Reprezentarea grafică pe calculator a unor suprafeţe elicoidale hiperbolice. În: Conferinţa internaţională "Grafica inginerească şi metodica de predare", Chişinău, Moldova, 3-4 octombrie, 1995, vol. II, p. 63-66, 11 fig., 3 ref. bibliogr.
9. ŢĂLU Ş., Baroc column, computer graphic representation. (Coloana barocă, reprezentarea grafică pe calculator). În: Conferinţa internaţională "Grafica inginerească şi metodica de predare", Chişinău, Moldova, 3-4 octombrie, 1995, vol. II, p. 121-124, 2 fig., 3 ref. bibliogr.
10. VELCHEREAN D, ŢĂLU Ş., Proiectarea asistată de calculator şi reprezentarea grafică a uscătorului lemnos pe bază de frig de tip U.V.D. În: Conferinţa internaţională "Grafica inginerească şi metodica de predare", Chişinău, Moldova, 3-4 octombrie, 1995, vol. II, p. 189-192, 3 fig., 3 ref. bibliogr.
11. FLORESCU A., ŢĂLU Ş., The dimension chain, an important element in functional size description and a factor in the selection of the optimal construction solution. (Lanţul de dimensiuni, un element important în cotarea funcţională şi un criteriu în alegerea soluţiei constructive optime). În: A III-a Conferinţă Ştiinţifică Internaţională Maşini şi Tehnologii Moderne, MTeM '95, Cugir, România, 12-14 octombrie, 1995, vol. I, p. 43-46, 6 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 973-95635-9-7, Editura Transilvania Press, Cluj-Napoca, 1995.
12. VELCHEREAN D., ŢĂLU Ş., Romanian priorities in the field of the UVD cooling dryers for wood material. (Priorităţi româneşti în domeniul uscătoarelor de cherestea). În: A III-a Conferinţă Ştiinţifică Internaţională Maşini şi Tehnologii Moderne, MTeM '95, Cugir, România, 12-14 octombrie, 1995, vol. II, p. 53-56, 1 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 973-95635-9-7, Editura Transilvania Press, Cluj-Napoca, 1995.
13. ŢĂLU Ş., PETRICEANU GHE., Some considerations concerning numerical and graphical analyse of external cylindrical threads surface topography made by cold rolling. (Unele consideraţii privind analiza numerică şi grafică a microgeometriei filetelor cilindrice exterioare realizate prin rulare la rece). În: A III-a Conferinţă Ştiinţifică Internaţională Maşini şi Tehnologii Moderne, MTeM '95, Cugir, România, 12-14 octombrie, 1995, vol. II, p. 105-108, 2 fig., 1 tab., 6 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 973-95635-9-7, Editura Transilvania Press, Cluj-Napoca, 1995.
14. ŢĂLU Ş., FLORESCU A., Researches concerning the influence of the rolling regime by cold plastic deformation on the precision of external cylindrical threads. (Cercetări privind influenţa regimului de deformare prin rulare la rece asupra preciziei filetelor cilindrice exterioare). În: A III-a Conferinţă Ştiinţifică Internaţională Maşini şi Tehnologii Moderne, MTeM '95, Cugir, România, 12-14 octombrie, 1995, vol. II, p. 109-112, 15 fig., 1 tab., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 973-95635-9-7, Editura Transilvania Press, Cluj-Napoca, 1995.
15. BOGDAN A., ŢĂLU Ş., PETRICEANU GHE., Computer aided engineering in cold rolling of external cylindrical threads. (Proiectarea asistată de calculator în rularea la rece a filetelor cilindrice exterioare). În: ICED '97, International Conference on Engineering Design, Tampere, Finlanda, 19-21 august, 1997, vol. I, p. 141-144, 3 fig., 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Publicat de Ed. Universităţii de Tehnologie din Tampere. Schriftenreihe WDK 25. Editor: Asko Riitahuhta. ISBN: 951-722-788-4.
16. ŢĂLU Ş., Computer aided engineering of modular systems. (Proiectarea asistată de calculator a sistemelor modulare). În: ICED '97, International Conference on Engineering Design, Tampere, Finlanda, 19-21 august, 1997, vol. II, p. 687-690, 2 fig., 5 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Publicat de Ed. Universităţii de Tehnologie din Tampere. Schriftenreihe WDK 25. Editor: Asko Riitahuhta. ISBN: 951-722-788-4.
17. TRIPA A., DRĂGAN D., ŢĂLU Ş., Soluţii grafice pentru determinarea tangentelor în punctele multiple. În: Al VI-lea Simpozion de Geometrie descriptivă şi grafică inginerească computerizată cu participare internaţională, vol. I, Bucureşti, 4-6 iunie, 1998, p. 203-206, 1 fig, 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 973-98447-9-0, Editura Bren, Bucureşti, 1998.
18. FLORESCU A., ŢĂLU Ş., Unele aspecte privind controlul dimensional al pieselor recotate tehnologic. În: Al VI-lea Simpozion de Geometrie descriptivă şi grafică inginerească computerizată cu participare internaţională, vol. II, Bucureşti, 4-6 iunie, 1998, p. 375-378, 6 fig, 4 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 973-98447-9-0, Editura Bren, Bucureşti, 1998.
19. BOGDAN A., ŢĂLU Ş., Consideraţii privind determinarea ariei secţiunii în corpuri elicoidale particulare. În: Al VI-lea Simpozion de Geometrie descriptivă şi grafică inginerească computerizată cu participare internaţională, vol. III, Bucureşti, 4-6 iunie, 1998, p. 479-482, 2 fig, 14 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 973-98447-9-0, Editura Bren, Bucureşti, 1998.
20. BOGDAN A., ŢĂLU Ş., Design technology of rolls used in cold rolling of external cylindrical threads. (Tehnologia de proiectare a rolelor utilizate în rularea la rece a filetelor cilindrice exterioare). În: Al VI-lea Simpozion de Geometrie descriptivă şi grafică inginerească computerizată cu participare internaţională, vol. III, Bucureşti, 4-6 iunie, 1998, p. 483-486, 2 fig, 7 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 973-98447-9-0, Editura Bren, Bucureşti, 1998.
21. FLORESCU A., ŢĂLU Ş., NOVEANU L., ZAMFIR S., The use of C-B-Spline curves in CAD. (Utilizarea curbelor spline B-C în proiectarea asistată de calculator). În: Al VI-lea Simpozion de Geometrie descriptivă şi grafică inginerească computerizată cu participare internaţională, vol. III, Bucureşti, 4-6 iunie, 1998, p. 499-501, 4 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 973-98447-9-0, Editura Bren, Bucureşti, 1998.
22. KRÁL J., ŢĂLU Ş., Design technology of representing engineering assemblies using a CAD-based configuration system. (Tehnologia de desenare a asamblelor tehnice utilizând un sistem de configurare bazat pe CAD). În: Al VI-lea Simpozion de Geometrie descriptivă şi grafică inginerească computerizată cu participare internaţională, vol. III, Bucureşti, 4-6 iunie, 1998, p. 513-515, 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 973-98447-9-0, Editura Bren, Bucureşti, 1998.
23. KRÁL J., ŢĂLU Ş., The conchoid of the generalized epicycloid. (Concoida epicicloidei generalizate). În: Al VI-lea Simpozion de Geometrie descriptivă şi grafică inginerească computerizată cu participare internaţională, vol. III, Bucureşti, 4-6 iunie, 1998, p. 515-518, 3 fig., 3 ref. bibliogr. ISBN 973-98447-9-0, Editura Bren, Bucureşti, 1998.
24. ŢĂLU Ş., Mathematical and graphical study of particular helicoidal surfaces. (Studiul matematic şi grafic al suprafeţelor elicoidale particulare). În: Al VI-lea Simpozion de Geometrie descriptivă şi grafică inginerească computerizată cu participare internaţională, vol. III, Bucureşti, 4-6 iunie, 1998, p. 519-522, 4 fig., 7 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 973-98447-9-0, Editura Bren, Bucureşti, 1998.
25. ŢĂLU Ş., FLORESCU A., A model for CAD of some helicoidal surfaces. (Un model pentru desenarea asistată de calculator a suprafeţelor elicoidale). În: Al VI-lea Simpozion de Geometrie descriptivă şi grafică inginerească computerizată cu participare internaţională, vol. III, Bucureşti, 4-6 iunie, 1998, p. 523-526, 4 fig., 7 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 973-98447-9-0, Editura Bren, Bucureşti, 1998.
26. VELCHEREAN D., AŞTILEAN F., ŢĂLU Ş., Computer aided engineering and manufacturing of a "UVD" timber dryer. În: Proceedings of EPMESC VII: Computational Methods in Engineering and Science, Macao, 2-5 August, 1999, publicat de Ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Olanda, 1999, vol. II, p. 1051 - 1059, 6 fig., 1 tab., 1 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Editori: Joăo Bento, E. Arantes e Oliveira, Eduardo Pereira. ISBN: 0-08-043570-X.
27. ŢĂLU Ş., BOGDÁN A., Manufacture and computer aided engineering of rolls with attack cone used in cold rolling of external cylindrical threads. În: Proceedings of EPMESC VII: Computational Methods in Engineering and Science, Macao, 2-5 August, 1999, publicat de Ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Olanda, 1999, vol. II, p. 1061-1067, 2 fig., 1 tab., 1 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Editori: Joăo Bento, E. Arantes e Oliveira, Eduardo Pereira. ISBN: 0-08-043570-X.
28. VELCHEREAN D., AŞTILEAN F., ŢĂLU Ş., Functional modelling and computer aided engineering of a plastifier for curved furniture. În: Proceedings of EPMESC VII: Computational Methods in Engineering and Science, Macao, 2-5 August, 1999, publicat de Ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Olanda, 1999, vol. II, p. 1069-1074, 4 fig., 1 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Editori: Joăo Bento, E. Arantes e Oliveira, Eduardo Pereira. ISBN: 0-08-043570-X.
29. VELCHEREAN D., AŞTILEAN F., ŢĂLU Ş., Optimal strategy in manufacturing and computer aided engineering of a "UVD" timber dryer. (Strategia optimă în producţia şi proiectarea asistată de calculator a uscătorului de cherestea de tip "UVD"). În: ICED '99, 12th International Conference on Engineering Design, Munich, Germany, 24-26 august, 1999, vol. I, p. 293-297, 2 fig., 1 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Schriftenreihe WDK 26. Zürich: Edition Heurista. Ed. Technische Universität München. Editori: U. Lindemann, H. Birkhofer, H. Meerkamm şi S. Vajna. ISBN: 3-922979-53-X.
30. VELCHEREAN D., AŞTILEAN F., ŢĂLU Ş., Production optimization and computer aided engineering of a plastifier for curved furniture. (Optimizarea producţiei şi proiectarea asistată de calculator a unui plastifiator de mobilă curbată). În: ICED '99, 12th International Conference on Engineering Design, Munich, Germany, 24-26 august, 1999, vol. III, p. 1885-1889, 2 fig., 1 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. Schriftenreihe WDK 26. Zürich: Edition Heurista. Ed. Technische Universität München. Editori: U. Lindemann, H. Birkhofer, H. Meerkamm şi S. Vajna. ISBN: 3-922979-53-X.
31. ŢĂLU Ş., The influence of cold plastic deformation on precision, microhardness and microstructure of cylindrical threads. (Influenţa procesului de deformare plastică la rece asupra preciziei, microdurităţii şi microstructurii filetelor cilindrice). În: TMCE 2000 - Tools and methods of competitive engineering. Editor: Imre Horváth, Anthony J. Medland, Joris S.M. Vergeest. Olanda, Delft, Ed. Delft University Press, 2000, vol. I, p. 811-820, 20 fig., 13 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN: 90-407-1983-7.
32. ŢĂLU Ş., FLORESCU A., ŢĂLU M., Consideraţii privind cicloidele generalizate. În: A VII-a Ediţie a Conferinţei Naţionale cu participare internaţională GRAFICA-2000, vol. I, Craiova, 19-21 octombrie, 2000, p. 425-428, 2 fig., 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
33. FLORESCU A., ŢĂLU Ş., HRISTEA I., Lanţuri de dimensiuni funcţionale şi cotarea aferentă. În: A VII-a Ediţie a Conferinţei Naţionale cu participare internaţională GRAFICA-2000, vol. I, Craiova, 19-21 octombrie, 2000, p. 473-478, 2 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
34. ŢĂLU Ş., Functional modelling and computer aided engineering of rolls with attack cone used in cold rolling of threads. (Modelarea funcţională şi proiectarea asistată de calculator a rolelor cu con de atac utilizate în rularea la rece a filetelor). În: 9th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics, Johannesburg, South Africa, 28-31 iulie, 2000, vol. I, p. 200-203, 2 fig., 1 tab., 1 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
35. VELCHEREAN D., AŞTILEAN F., ŢĂLU Ş., Implementation and application of 3D CAD technology for computer aided engineering of a "UVD" timber dryer. (Implementarea şi aplicarea unei tehnologii CAD 3D optime pentru proiectarea asistată de calculator a uscătorului de cherestea de tip "UVD"). În: 9th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics, Johannesburg, South Africa, 28-31 iulie, 2000, vol. I, p. 210-213, 2 fig., 1 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
36. ŢĂLU Ş., FLORESCU A., Unele consideraţii privind reprezentarea asistată de calculator a epicicloidei sferice. În: Al VIII-lea Simpozion Naţional, cu participare internaţională de Geometrie Descriptivă, Grafică Tehnică şi Design, vol. II, Braşov, 5-7 iunie, 2003, p. 291-294, 5 fig., 7 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 973-635-195-5, 973-635-197-1.
37. ŢĂLU Ş., FLORESCU A., Studiul matematic şi grafic al strofoidei. În: Al VIII-lea Simpozion Naţional, cu participare internaţională de Geometrie Descriptivă, Grafică Tehnică şi Design, vol. II, Braşov, 5-7 iunie, 2003, p. 295-298, 3 fig., 7 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 973-635-195-5, 973-635-197-1.
38. ŢĂLU Ş., Aspecte grafice privind reprezentarea asistată de calculator a unor concoide particulare. În: Al VIII-lea Simpozion Naţional, cu participare internaţională de Geometrie Descriptivă, Grafică Tehnică şi Design, vol. II, Braşov, 5-7 iunie, 2003, p. 299-302, 5 fig., 7 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 973-635-195-5, 973-635-197-1.
39. ŢĂLU Ş., Representation of hyperbolic paraboloid like a translation surface. (Reprezentarea paraboloidului hiperbolic ca o suprafaţă de translaţie). În: Conferinţa Naţională de Termotehnică cu participare internaţională, Ediţia a-XV-a, vol. I, Craiova, 26-28 mai 2005, Secţiunea B, p. 101-105, 2 fig, 6 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 973-742-089-6, Editura Universitaria, Craiova, 2005.
40. ŢĂLU Ş., Covering surfaces made by hyperbolic paraboloids. (Suprafeţe de acoperire compuse din paraboloizi hiperbolici). În: Conferinţa Naţională de Termotehnică cu participare internaţională, Ediţia a-XV-a, vol. I, Craiova, 26-28 mai 2005, Secţiunea B, p. 105-109, 2 fig, 6 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 973-742-089-6, Editura Universitaria, Craiova, 2005.
41. ŢĂLU Ş., Studies concerning the tangent plane problems on a general rotation surface. (Studii privind problemele de plan tangent la o suprafaţă de rotaţie generală). În: Conferinţa Naţională de Termotehnică cu participare internaţională, Ediţia a-XV-a, vol. I, Craiova, 26-28 mai 2005, Secţiunea B, p. 109-113, 4 fig, 6 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 973-742-089-6, Editura Universitaria, Craiova, 2005.
42. ŢĂLU Ş., New life-cycle management tools in the “UVD” timber dryer product development process. În: Conferinţa Naţională de Termotehnică cu participare internaţională, Ediţia a-XV-a, vol. I, Craiova, 26-28 mai 2005, Secţiunea B, p. 113-118, 2 fig, 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 973-742-089-6, Editura Universitaria, Craiova, 2005.
43. ŢĂLU Ş., The development of an expert system for produce design of a plastifier for curved furniture. În: Conferinţa Naţională de Termotehnică cu participare internaţională, Ediţia a-XV-a, vol. I, Craiova, 26-28 mai 2005, Secţiunea B, p. 119-123, 1 fig, 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 973-742-089-6, Editura Universitaria, Craiova, 2005.
44. ŢĂLU Ş., Helicoidal surfaces generated by the spiral curves. (Suprafeţe elicoidale generate de curbe spirale). În: International Conference on Engineering Graphics and Design, Bucureşti, 9-10 iunie, 2005, vol. I, p. 431-435, 4 fig., 10 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 973-648-471-8, Editura Bren, Bucureşti, 2005.
45. ŢĂLU Ş., New analytical relations in central axonometry between the fundamental constants and orientation constants. (Noi relaţii analitice în axonometria centrală între constantele fundamentale şi constantele de orientare). În: International Conference on Engineering Graphics and Design, Bucureşti, 9-10 iunie, 2005, vol. I, p. 435-439, 3 fig., 6 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 973-648-471-8, Editura Bren, Bucureşti, 2005.
46. ŢĂLU Ş., Reprezentarea izometrică a suprafeţelor elicoidale. În: A VI-a Conferinţă Naţională multidisciplinară - cu participare internaţională - “Profesorul Dorin Pavel – fondatorul hidroenergeticii româneşti”, Sebeş, 2-4 iunie, 2006, vol. X, p. 241-246, 4 fig., 10 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN-10 973-8130-82-4, ISBN-13 978-973-8130-82-1, ISBN-10 973-720-030-6, ISBN-13 978-973-720-030-3, Editura AGIR, Bucureşti, 2006.
47. ŢĂLU Ş., Reprezentarea axonometrică a şurubului cu filet triunghiular şi cu filet trapezoidal. În: A VI-a Conferinţă Naţională multidisciplinară - cu participare internaţională - “Profesorul Dorin Pavel – fondatorul hidroenergeticii româneşti”, Sebeş, 2-4 iunie, 2006, vol. X, p. 247-252, 4 fig., 10 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN-10 973-8130-82-4, ISBN-13 978-973-8130-82-1, ISBN-10 973-720-030-6, ISBN-13 978-973-720-030-3, Editura AGIR, Bucureşti, 2006.
48. ŢĂLU Ş., Reprezentarea axonometrică a şurubului cu filet pătrat şi cu filet dreptunghiular. În: A VI-a Conferinţă Naţională multidisciplinară - cu participare internaţională - “Profesorul Dorin Pavel – fondatorul hidroenergeticii româneşti”, Sebeş, 2-4 iunie, 2006, vol. X, p. 253-258, 4 fig., 10 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN-10 973-8130-82-4, ISBN-13 978-973-8130-82-1, ISBN-10 973-720-030-6, ISBN-13 978-973-720-030-3, Editura AGIR, Bucureşti, 2006.
49. ŢĂLU M., BICĂ M., ŢĂLU Ş., Calculul căderii de presiune prin simulare numerică pe filtre hidraulice ceramice cu mediu poros cementat granular neregulat în cazul filtrărilor realizate cu schimb de căldură. În: Primul simpozion naţional cu participare internaţională “Ingineria mecanică şi mediul”, vol. I, Craiova, 6-7 octombrie 2006, p. 1-4, 3 fig., 1 tab., 3 ref. bibliogr. ISBN-10: 973-742-441-7, ISBN-13: 978-973-742-441-9, Editura Universitaria, Craiova, 2006.
50. ŢĂLU M., BICĂ M., ŢĂLU Ş., Calculul prin simulare numerică a căderii de presiune în schimbătoarele de căldură cu curgere oblică peste fasciculul de ţevi prevăzut cu aripioare circulare dispuse spaţial decalat faţă de curentul de fluid. În: Primul simpozion naţional cu participare internaţională “Ingineria mecanică şi mediul”, vol. II, Craiova, 6-7 octombrie 2006, p. 1-5, 4 fig., 4 tab., 3 ref. bibliogr. ISBN-10: 973-742-441-7, ISBN-13: 978-973-742-441-9, Editura Universitaria, Craiova, 2006.
51. CĂLBUREANU M., MALCIU R., ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., The shape optimization for a cooling system with pipes subjected to a thermal loads. În: Simpozionul cu participare internaţională "Omul şi Mediul", Ediţia a V-a, Timişoara, 24-25 mai 2007, p. 227-234, 5 fig., 3 tab., 3 ref. bibliogr., ISBN: 978-973-687-555-7, Editura EUROSTAMPA, Timişoara, 2007.
52. ŢĂLU M., BICĂ M., CĂLBUREANU M., ŢĂLU Ş., Determinarea noxelor degajate de arzătorul neturbionar pe cărbune de 35 MW folosind combinat un program de calcul numeric şi analiză cu element finit. În: Simpozionul cu participare internaţională "Omul şi Mediul", Ediţia a V-a, Timişoara, 24-25 mai 2007, p. 257-262, 8 fig., 2 tab., 6 ref. bibliogr., ISBN: 978-973-687-555-7, Editura EUROSTAMPA, Timişoara, 2007.
53. BICĂ M., ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., Analiza cu element finit a curgerii gazodinamice şi a câmpului de temperaturi în focarul unei instalaţii de ardere a CH4 echipată cu două arzătoare. În: Conferinţa Naţională de Termotehnică cu participare internaţională, ediţia a XVI-a, Ploieşti, 31 mai – 1 iunie 2007, vol. I, p. 35-40, 22 fig., 5 tab., 5 ref. bibliogr. Rez. Engleză. ISSN: 1843-1992, Editura Universităţii Petrol-Gaze, Ploieşti, 2007.
54. BICǍ M., ŢǍLU M., ŢǍLU Ş., The 3D model of an installation with three burners on methane gas and the analysis with finite element methode of noxes generating into burning process. În: the 2nd International Conference on Thermal Engines and Environmental Engineering, MET IME 2007, Galaţi, 7-9 iunie, 2007, vol. I, p. 87-92, 18 fig., 7 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1843-2794, ISBN 978-973-1724-17-1, Editura Zigotto, Galaţi, 2007.
55. BICǍ M., ŢǍLU M., ŢǍLU Ş., The 3D model and analysys with the element finite methode and with a numerical programme of the reaction products and reactants into furnace of a equipment with three burners on methan gas, În: the 2nd International Conference on Thermal Engines and Environmental Engineering, MET IME 2007, Galaţi, 7-9 iunie, 2007, vol. I, p. 93-98, 18 fig., 7 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1843-2794, ISBN 978-973-1724-17-1, Editura Zigotto, Galaţi, 2007.
56. ŢǍLU Ş., ŢǍLU M., BICǍ M., The numerical programme for calculus and plotting the loss pressure in the hydraulic confusser. În: the 2nd International Conference on Thermal Engines and Environmental Engineering, MET IME 2007, Galaţi, 7-9 iunie, 2007, vol. I, p. 99-104, 8 fig., 4 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1843-2794, ISBN 978-973-1724-17-1, Editura Zigotto, Galaţi, 2007.
57. ŢǍLU Ş., ŢǍLU M., BICǍ M., The numerical programme of calculus and plotting for the loss pressure of the hydraulic conffuser and the miscalculation resulting by use of some formulas for calculus of darcy’s coefficient. În: the 2nd International Conference on Thermal Engines and Environmental Engineering, MET IME 2007, Galaţi, 7-9 iunie, 2007, vol. I, p. 105-110, 3 fig., 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISSN: 1843-2794, ISBN 978-973-1724-17-1, Editura Zigotto, Galaţi, 2007.
58. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU S., SHAH H., ŢĂLU M., A new mathematical spherical model in the human corneal modelling. În: the 2nd International Conference on Engineering Graphics and Design, ICEGD 2007, Galaţi, 7-10 iunie, 2007, p. 217-220, 2 fig., 1 tab., 7 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 978-973-667-252-1, Editura Cermi, Iaşi, 2007.
59. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU S., SHAH H., ŢĂLU M., A new approximation of corneal surface using ellipsoidal surfaces. În: the 2nd International Conference on Engineering Graphics and Design, ICEGD 2007, Galaţi, 7-10 iunie, 2007, p. 221-224, 4 fig., 7 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 978-973-667-252-1, Editura Cermi, Iaşi, 2007.
60. ŢǍLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., Modelarea matematică a căderii de presiune datorată vâscozităţii fluidului pe un confuzor hidraulic cu secţiune transversală variabilă dreptunghi-cerc. În: A VIII-a Conferinţă Naţională multidisciplinară - cu participare internaţională - “Profesorul Dorin Pavel – fondatorul hidroenergeticii româneşti”, Sebeş, 30-31 mai, 2008, vol. XIV, p. 257-262, 2 fig., 5 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN-10 973-8130-82-4, ISBN-13 978-973-720-198-0, Editura AGIR, Bucureşti, 2008.
61. ŢǍLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., Program de calcul computaţional pentru determinarea căderii de presiune generate de frecarea vâscoasă pe un confuzor hidraulic cu secţiune transversală variabilă dreptunghi-cerc. În: A VIII-a Conferinţă Naţională multidisciplinară - cu participare internaţională - “Profesorul Dorin Pavel – fondatorul hidroenergeticii româneşti”, Sebeş, 30-31 mai, 2008, vol. XIV, p. 263-268, 8 fig., 1 tab., 5 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN-10 973-8130-82-4, ISBN-13 978-973-720-198-0, Editura AGIR, Bucureşti.
62. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢǍLU M., Instalaţie experimentală pentru măsurarea parametrilor termodinamici ai schimbătoarelor de căldură cu convecţie forţată în regim de curgere turbulentă. În: A VIII-a Conferinţă Naţională multidisciplinară - cu participare internaţională - “Profesorul Dorin Pavel – fondatorul hidroenergeticii româneşti”, Sebeş, 30-31 mai, 2008, vol. XIV, p. 269-274, 1 fig., 1 tab., 9 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN-10 973-8130-82-4, ISBN-13 978-973-720-198-0, Editura AGIR, Bucureşti.
63. ŢǍLU M., BICǍ M., ŢǍLU Ş., Modelling of the coal dust flow in burners of the coal boiler by type MAN 510 t/h. În: Conferinţa Internaţională de Inginerie Mecanică, ICOME – 2010, Craiova, 27 – 30 aprilie, 2010, p. 177-184, 13 fig., 4 tab., 16 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 978-606-510-878-3, 978-606-510-879-0, Tomul I, Editura Universitaria, Craiova, 2010.
64. ŢǍLU M., ŢǍLU Ş., BICǍ M., On the modelling of conventional vertical airflow in surgical operating rooms. În: Conferinţa Internaţională de Inginerie Mecanică, ICOME – 2010, Craiova, 27 – 30 aprilie, 2010, p. 225-232, 11 fig., 6 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 978-606-510-878-3, 978-606-510-879-0, Tomul I, Editura Universitaria, Craiova, 2010.
65. ŢǍLU M., ŢǍLU Ş., An approximation solution of the direct linear elastic contact problem. În: Conferinţa Internaţională de Inginerie Mecanică, ICOME – 2010, Craiova, 27 – 30 aprilie, 2010, p. 333-338, 1 fig., 19 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 978-606-510-878-3, 978-606-510-879-0, Tomul I, Editura Universitaria, Craiova, 2010.
66. ŢǍLU Ş., ŢǍLU M., Mathematical modelling of human eye rotations and positions using rotation matrices and quaternions. În: Conferinţa Internaţională de Inginerie Mecanică, ICOME – 2010, Craiova, 27 – 30 aprilie, 2010, p. 445-450, 3 fig., 8 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 978-606-510-878-3, 978-606-510-879-0, Tomul I, Editura Universitaria, Craiova, 2010.
67. GIOVANZANA S., KASPRZAK H.T., ŢǍLU Ş., Non-rotational, aspherical models of the human optical system. În: The 6th EOS Topical Meeting on Visual and Physiological Optics (EMVPO 2012), 20 - 22 August 2012, University College Dublin, Dublin, Irlanda, p. 60-61, 3 fig., 6 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 978-3-9815022-3-7.
68. ŢǍLU Ş., GIOVANZANA S., ŢǍLU M., PETRESCU-MAG I.V., 3D Modeling and reconstruction of human corneal surface using superellipsoids. În: The 6th EOS Topical Meeting on Visual and Physiological Optics (EMVPO 2012), 20 - 22 August 2012, University College Dublin, Dublin, Irlanda, p. 67, 1 fig., 8 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 978-3-9815022-3-7.
69. ŢǍLU Ş., ŢĂLU S.D., GIOVANZANA S., ŢǍLU M., PETRESCU-MAG I.V., Monofractal and multifractal analysis in human retinal pathology. În: The 6th EOS Topical Meeting on Visual and Physiological Optics (EMVPO 2012), 20 - 22 August 2012, University College Dublin, Dublin, Irlanda, p. 76-77, 1 fig., 6 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 978-3-9815022-3-7.
70. ŢǍLU Ş., FAZEKAS Z., ŢǍLU M., GIOVANZANA S., Analysis of human peripapillary atrophy using computerised image analysis. În: The 9th Conference of the Hungarian Association for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (KÉPAF 2013), 29 January - 1 February 2013, Bakonybél, Hungary, p. 427-438, 8 fig., 2 tab., 39 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
71. ŢǍLU Ş., ŢǍLU M., Influence of image processing on the measurement of the human retinal microvascular fractal dimension. În: Conferinţa Internaţională de Inginerie Mecanică, ICOME – 2013, Craiova, 16 - 17 mai, 2013, p. 105-112, 4 fig., 1 tab., 46 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 978-606-14-0692-0, Tomul I, Editura Universitaria, Craiova, 2013.
72. ŢǍLU M., ŢǍLU Ş., Experimental investigation of the 3D surface roughness of unworn hydrogel contact lenses. În: Conferinţa Internaţională de Inginerie Mecanică, ICOME – 2013, Craiova, 16 - 17 mai, 2013, p. 125-130, 4 tab., 33 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză. ISBN 978-606-14-0692-0, Tomul I, Editura Universitaria, Craiova, 2013.
73. ŢǍLU Ş., FAZEKAS Z., ŢǍLU M., GIOVANZANA S., Multifractal analysis of human peripapillary atrophy. În: The 8th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2013) September 4-6, 2013, Trieste, Italy, p. 698-703, 6 fig., 4 tab., 49 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
74. PATHAK D., ŢĂLU Ş., STACH S., MILANOVA M., ZAHARIEVA J., TODOROVSKY D., Multifractal analysis of SiO2/polyester hybrid for immobilization of Ru(II) complex. În: 1st International Symposium on Synthesis and Properties of Nanomaterials for Future Energy Demands (SHECHTMAN INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, 2014) 29 June - 04 July 2014, Cancun, Mexico, p. 112-124, 7 fig., 2 tab., 34 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
75. MILANOVA M., ŢĂLU Ş., STACH S., PATHAK D., ZAHARIEVA J., TODOROVSKY D., Multifractal characterisation of thin ferrite films deposited by spray-pyrolysis. În: 1st International Symposium on Synthesis and Properties of Nanomaterials for Future Energy Demands (SHECHTMAN INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, 2014) 29 June - 04 July 2014, Cancun, Mexico, p. 125-140, 7 fig., 2 tab., 40 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
76. LONGONI C.V., ŢĂLU Ş., GIOVANZANA S., Shape of the anterior and posterior surface of human cornea. În: 7th EOS Topical Meeting coinciding with the 1st World Meeting on Visual and Physiological Optics (VPO 2014), 25 - 27 August 2014, Wrocław University of Technology, Wrocław, Poland, p. 1-4, 4 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
77. GIOVANZANA S., ŢĂLU Ş., JUSZCZYK A.., Biconic surface eye model. În: 7th EOS Topical Meeting coinciding with the 1st World Meeting on Visual and Physiological Optics (VPO 2014), 25 - 27 August 2014, Wrocław University of Technology, Wrocław, Poland, p. 5-8, 6 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
78. FAZEKAS Z., HAJDU A., LÁZÁR I., KOVÁCS G., CSÁKÁNY B., CĂLUGĂRU D.M., SHAH R., ADAM EMA I., ȚĂLU Ș., Influence of using different segmentation methods on the fractal properties of the identified retinal vascular networks in healthy retinas and in retinas with vein occlusion. În: The 10th Conference of the Hungarian Association for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (KÉPAF 2015), 27 January - 30 January 2015, Kecskemét, Hungary, p. 360-373, 8 fig., 1 tab., 53 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
79. LAINOVIĆ T., ŢĂLU Ş., STACH S., VILOTIĆ M., VUKADINOV T., KAKAŠ D., BLAŽIĆ L., Uticaj metode poliranja na vrednosti 3D AFM parametara hrapavosti stomatoloških nanokompozita. SIMPOZIJUM "Stomatologa i saradnika sa međunarodnim učešćem" Novi Sad 04.-06. June 2015, Serbia.
80. SOBOLA D., ȚĂLU Ș., SADOVSKÝ P., TOMÁNEK P., Application of AFM measurement and fractal analysis to study the surface of natural optical structures. În: Progress in Applied Surface, Interface and Thin Film Science 2015 (SURFINT), 23-26 November 2015, Florence, Italy. Publisher: Comenus University. Location: Bratislava. ISBN: 978-80-223-3975-9. Book: Extended Abstract Book of conference Progress in Applied Surface, Interface and Thin Film Science 2015, p. 127-128, 2 tab., 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
81. MIHAI ŢĂLU, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, EMA I. ADAM, GERMÁN VALENCIA GARCÍA, Three-Dimensional Landscape Modelling by Means of ArchiCAD Design Software. În: Global Virtual Conference, April 18 - 22, 2016, Zilina, Slovakia. Publisher: EDIS - Publishing Institution of the University of Zilina, Slovakia. Powered by: Publishing Society, Slovakia. ISSN: 1339-9373, CD ROM ISSN: 1339-2778, ISBN: 978-80-554-1197-2. Volume: 4, Issue: 1, April 2016, p. 245-250. Engineering and Technology: Civil engineering. DOI: 10.18638/gv.2016.4.1
G 1.2. Lista articolelor publicate în volumele unor manifestări ştiinţifice naţionale
1. ALB T., VINŢE C., ŢĂLU Ş., Unele consideraţii privind generarea grafică a suprafeţelor elicoidale riglate pe calculator. În: Al III-lea Seminar Naţional de Geometrie Descriptivă şi Desen, vol. II, Cluj-Napoca, 1-3 octombrie, 1992, p. 1-8., 15 fig., 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
2. ZETEA E., DRĂGAN D., ŢĂLU Ş., Aspecte ale reprezentării în proiecţie cotată a paraboloidului eliptic. În: Al IV-lea Seminar Naţional de Geometrie Descriptivă şi Desen, vol. I, Iaşi, 10-11 iunie, 1994, p. 115-120, 6 fig, 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. franceză.
3. CRĂCIUN F., ŢĂLU Ş., Studiul variantelor în activitatea de proiectare. În: Al IV-lea Seminar Naţional de Geometrie Descriptivă şi Desen, vol. I, Iaşi, 10-11 iunie, 1994, p. 377-382, 15 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
4. ŢĂLU Ş., Aspecte grafice privind intersecţia a doi tori circulari. În: Al IV-lea Seminar Naţional de Geometrie Descriptivă şi Desen, vol. II, Iaşi, 10-11 iunie, 1994, p. 95-100, 12 fig., 1 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
5. ŢĂLU Ş., Metoda grafică de reprezentare a elicei globoidale. În: Al IV-lea Seminar Naţional de Geometrie Descriptivă şi Desen, vol. II, Iaşi, 10-11 iunie, 1994, p. 131-135, 2 fig., 4 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
6. ŢĂLU Ş., Reprezentarea grafică pe calculator a elicei elipsoidale. În: Al IV-lea Seminar Naţional de Geometrie Descriptivă şi Desen, vol. II, Iaşi, 10-11 iunie, 1994, p. 153-159, 3 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
7. ŢĂLU Ş., Generarea grafică pe calculator a unor curbe strâmbe particulare. În: Al IV-lea Seminar Naţional de Geometrie Descriptivă şi Desen, vol. II, Iaşi, 10-11 iunie, 1994, p. 169-173, 11 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
8. ZETEA E., ŢĂLU Ş., OLARIU F., GOGU M., Reprezentarea asistată de calculator a suprafeţelor velaroidale eliptice. În: Al IV-lea Seminar Naţional de Geometrie Descriptivă şi Desen, vol. II, Iaşi, 10-11 iunie, 1994, p. 205-210, 7 fig., 4 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
9. ZETEA E., ŢĂLU Ş., Consideraţii privind generarea grafică asistată de calculator a suprafeţelor velaroidale parabolice. În: Al IV-lea Seminar Naţional de Geometrie Descriptivăşi Desen, vol. II, Iaşi, 10-11 iunie, 1994, p. 211-216, 6 fig., 6 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
10. ZETEA E., ŢĂLU Ş., TRIPA A., DRĂGAN D., Generarea grafică asistată de calculator a suprafeţelor cu dublă curbură optime pentru presiunea hidrostatică. În: Al IV-lea Seminar Naţional de Geometrie Descriptivă şi Desen, vol. II, Iaşi, 10-11 iunie, 1994, p. 217-222, 6 fig. 5 ref. bibliogr.
11. ŢĂLU Ş., HRISTEA I., Interfaţă specializată pentru reprezentarea grafică a asamblărilor de tip injector. În: Al IV-lea Seminar Naţional de Geometrie Descriptivă şi Desen, vol. II, Iaşi, 10-11 iunie, 1994, p. 247-250, 2 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
12. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., Automatizarea proiectării mecanice folosind bibliotecile modulare de organe de maşini. În: Al IV-lea Seminar Naţional de Geometrie Descriptivă şi Desen, vol. II, Iaşi, 10-11 iunie, 1994, p. 251-255, 1 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
13. ŢĂLU Ş., ALB T., ŢĂLU M., MARCU V., CRĂCIUN F., ARDELEAN I., Unele consideraţii privind rezolvarea problemelor de intersecţie dintre corpuri folosind Autocad 10. În: Al IV-lea Seminar Naţional de Geometrie Descriptivă şi Desen, vol. II, Iaşi, 10-11 iunie, 1994, p. 275-281, 20 fig., 1 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
14. ŢĂLU Ş., DEZSÖ G., ŢĂLU M., MARCU V., Aspecte matematico-grafice privind intersecţia unor suprafeţe spaţiale particulare. În: Al IV-lea Seminar Naţional de Geometrie Descriptivă şi Desen, vol. II, Iaşi, 10-11 iunie, 1994, p. 303-308, 20 fig., 4 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
15. ZETEA E., GÂNSCĂ I., ŢĂLU Ş., Aplicaţii şi interpretări ale suprafeţelor de translaţie generate de o cisoidă. În: Al V-lea Simpozion de Geometrie Descriptivă, Desen, Design şi Grafică Asistată de Calculator - "Grafica, limbaj al ştiinţei", vol. I, Partea a II-a, Timişoara, 17-19 iunie, 1996, p. 337-342, 8 fig., 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
16. ZETEA E., GÂNSCĂ I., ŢĂLU Ş., Aspecte particulare privind suprafeţelor de translaţie generate de o cisoidă. În: Al V-lea Simpozion de Geometrie Descriptivă, Desen, Design şi Grafică Asistată de Calculator - "Grafica, limbaj al ştiinţei", vol. I, Partea a II-a, Timişoara, 17-19 iunie, 1996, p. 343-348, 10 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
17. FLORESCU A., ŢĂLU Ş., A model for comparative analysis of geometrical tolerances. (Un model pentru analiza comparativă a toleranţelor geometrice). În: Al V-lea Simpozion de Geometrie Descriptivă, Desen, Design şi Grafică Asistată de Calculator - "Grafica, limbaj al ştiinţei", vol. II, Timişoara, 17-19 iunie, 1996, p. 401-403, 1 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
18. FLORESCU A., ŢĂLU Ş., Bazele de cotare, element important în proiectarea constructivă. În: Al V-lea Simpozion de Geometrie Descriptivă, Desen, Design şi Grafică Asistată de Calculator - "Grafica, limbaj al ştiinţei", vol. II, Timişoara, 17-19 iunie, 1996, p. 405-409, 4 fig., 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
19. ALB T., ŢĂLU Ş., CRĂCIUN F., FLORESCU A., Some aspects CAD of helicoidal surfaces. (Unele aspecte CAD privind suprafeţele elicoidale). În: Al V-lea Simpozion de Geometrie Descriptivă, Desen, Design şi Grafică Asistată de Calculator -"Grafica, limbaj al ştiinţei", vol. III, Timişoara, 17-19 iunie, 1996, p. 639-642, 1 fig., 4 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
20. ALB T., ŢĂLU Ş., Some aspects concerning computer aided design of engineering systems. (Unele aspecte privind proiectarea asistată de calculator a sistemelor mecanice). În: Al V-lea Simpozion de Geometrie Descriptivă, Desen, Design şi Grafică Asistată de Calculator - "Grafica, limbaj al ştiinţei", vol. III, Timişoara, 17-19 iunie, 1996, p. 643-646, 1 fig., 4 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
21. DEZSÖ G., ŢĂLU Ş., Unele consideraţii privind analiza CAD a unui model analogic. În: Al V-lea Simpozion de Geometrie Descriptivă, Desen, Design şi Grafică Asistată de Calculator - "Grafica, limbaj al ştiinţei", vol. III, Timişoara, 17-19 iunie, 1996, p. 731-734, 4 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr.
22. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., Mathematical models and CAD considerations for the 3D solid modelling. (Modele matematice şi consideraţii CAD pentru modelarea tridimensională). În: Al V-lea Simpozion de Geometrie Descriptivă, Desen, Design şi Grafică Asistată de Calculator - "Grafica, limbaj al ştiinţei", vol. IV, Timişoara, 17-19 iunie, 1996, p. 983-986, 1 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
23. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., Some considerations concerning CAD simulation of random surfaces. (Unele consideraţii privind simularea CAD a suprafeţelor aleatoare). În: Al V-lea Simpozion de Geometrie Descriptivă, Desen, Design şi Grafică Asistată de Calculator - "Grafica, limbaj al ştiinţei", vol. IV, Timişoara, 17-19 iunie, 1996, p. 987-990, 1 fig., 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
24. ŢĂLU Ş., The circular helicoidal spring with elliptical section. Computer graphic representation. (Arcul elicoidal circular cu secţiune eliptică. Reprezentare grafică pe calculator). În: Al V-lea Simpozion de Geometrie Descriptivă, Desen, Design şi Grafică Asistată de Calculator - "Grafica, limbaj al ştiinţei", vol. IV, Timişoara, 17-19 iunie, 1996, p. 991-995, 3 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
25. ŢĂLU Ş., The round thread helicoidal surface. Computer graphic representation. (Suprafaţa elicoidalăa filetului rotund. Reprezentare grafică pe calculator). În: Al V-lea Simpozion de Geometrie Descriptivă, Desen, Design şi Grafică Asistată de Calculator - "Grafica, limbaj al ştiinţei", vol. IV, Timişoara, 17-19 iunie, 1996, p. 997-1002, 4 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
26. TOADER S., ŢĂLU Ş., Aspecte privind aplicaţiile CAD în procesul de deformare plastică prin rulare la rece al filetelor cilindrice exterioare. În: Al V-lea Simpozion de Geometrie Descriptivă, Desen, Design şi Grafică Asistată de Calculator - "Grafica, limbaj al ştiinţei", vol. IV, Timişoara, 17-19 iunie, 1996, p. 1003-1007, 1 fig., 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
27. BOGDAN A., ŢĂLU Ş., Unele consideraţii privind determinarea diametrului semifabricatului în procesul de deformare plastică prin rulare la rece al filetelor cilindrice exterioare. În: Întâlnirea pe ţară a constructorilor de maşini, OGÉT '97, Cluj-Napoca, 23-25 mai, 1997, vol. I, p. 76-78, 1 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
28. BOGDAN A., ŢĂLU Ş., Cercetări teoretice privind determinarea abaterilor admisibile şi a toleranţei la diametrul semifabricatului în procesul de rulare la rece al filetelor cilindrice exterioare. În: Întâlnirea pe ţară a constructorilor de maşini, OGÉT '97, Cluj-Napoca, 23-25 mai, 1997, vol. I, p. 79-81, 1 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
29. DEZSÖ G., ŢĂLU Ş., Consideraţii privind modelarea matematică a influenţei parametrilor regimului de rulare la rece asupra preciziei filetelor cilindrice exterioare. În: Întâlnirea pe ţară a constructorilor de maşini, OGÉT '97, Cluj-Napoca, 23-25 mai, 1997, vol. I, p. 82-84, 4 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
30. BOGDÁN E. H., BOGDÁN I., BOGDÁN A., ŢĂLU Ş., Kőrösi Csoma Sándor creatorul primului dicţionar englez-tibetan. În: Lucrările sesiunii anuale a CRIFST Secţia Craiova, Ediţia nr. XXXIII, 18-19 decembrie 2009. Vol. 2 Personalităţi şi instituţii. Biodiversitate şi protecţia mediului, Editura Bioflux, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, Versiunea printată ISBN 978-606-8191-03-4, p. 21-27, 3 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
31. SIPOS A., ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., Ştefan Procopiu - întemeietorul Şcolii Româneşti de magnetism. În: Lucrările sesiunii anuale a CRIFST Secţia Craiova, Ediţia nr. XXXIII, 18-19 decembrie 2009. Vol. 2 Personalităţi şi instituţii. Biodiversitate şi protecţia mediului, Editura Bioflux, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, Versiunea printată ISBN 978-606-8191-03-4, p. 101-106, 1 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
32. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., Contribuţii ale savantului român Henri Coandă în aerodinamica aplicată. În: Lucrările sesiunii anuale a CRIFST Secţia Craiova, Ediţia nr. XXXIII, 18-19 decembrie 2009. Vol. 2 Personalităţi şi instituţii. Biodiversitate şi protecţia mediului, Editura Bioflux, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, Versiunea printată ISBN 978-606-8191-03-4, p. 107-114, 2 fig., 5 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
33. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., Contribuţii ale academicianului Caius Iacob la mecanica fluidelor. În: Lucrările sesiunii anuale a CRIFST Secţia Craiova, Ediţia nr. XXXIII, 18-19 decembrie 2009. Vol. 2 Personalităţi şi instituţii. Biodiversitate şi protecţia mediului, Editura Bioflux, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, Versiunea printată ISBN 978-606-8191-03-4, p. 115-124, 1 fig., 47 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
34. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., The role and contribution of Gheorghe Asachi and Gheorghe Lazăr at the introduction and teaching of Descriptive Geometry in higher technical education in Romania. În: Lucrările sesiunii anuale a CRIFST Secţia Craiova, Ediţia nr. XXXIII, 18-19 decembrie 2009. Vol. 2 Personalităţi şi instituţii. Biodiversitate şi protecţia mediului, Editura Bioflux, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, Versiunea printată ISBN 978-606-8191-03-4, p. 125-131, 2 fig., 7 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
35. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., PĂTRUŢOIU T., Grigore Antipa - fondatorul Şcolii româneşti de hidrobiologie şi ihtiologie. În: Lucrările sesiunii anuale a CRIFST Secţia Craiova, Ediţia nr. XXXIII, 18-19 decembrie 2009. Vol. 2 Personalităţi şi instituţii. Biodiversitate şi protecţia mediului, Editura Bioflux, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, Versiunea printată ISBN 978-606-8191-03-4, p. 133-140, 1 fig., 2 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
36. ŢĂLU Ş., PĂTRUŢOIU I., ŢĂLU M., PĂTRUŢOIU T., Emil Racoviţă - fondatorul biospeologiei. În: Lucrările sesiunii anuale a CRIFST Secţia Craiova, Ediţia nr. XXXIII, 18-19 decembrie 2009. Vol. 2 Personalităţi şi instituţii. Biodiversitate şi protecţia mediului, Editura Bioflux, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, Versiunea printată ISBN 978-606-8191-03-4, p. 141-150, 1 fig., 8 ref. bibliogr. Rez. engleză.
1. ŢĂLU Ş., Certificat de inovator pentru inovaţia cu titlul "Ventilator mecanic", înregistrată, cu nr. 78, la data de 22.XI.1988 la Întreprinderea de Tricotaje "Romaniţa", Caracal, jud. Olt. Data eliberării: 26 aprilie 1989, R.S.R.
1. Research concerning the cold rolling process of external cylindrical threads at The Technical University of Cluj - Napoca, Faculty of Machine Building; doctoral supervisor Prof. eng. Gheorghe Petriceanu, Ph D. Doctorate defended on: 22.01.1998. Degree awarded: Ph.D. Domain: Technical field. Specialization: Technology of Machine Building.
* Last promotion at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in accordance to the Ministry of Education and Research Order no. 35082 of 28.08.2002, together with Annex no. 1 of The Technical University of Cluj - Napoca (TUCN) to the Ministry Order no. 4215 of 12.08.2002 for conferring the title of Associate Professor.
1. ADRIAN FLORESCU-GLIGORE, MAGDALENA ORBAN, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Dimensioning in technological and constructive engineering graphics, Cluj-Napoca, Lithography of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, 1998, 151 p., 197 fig., 6 tab., 11 ref.
2. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Computer assisted graphical representations, Cluj-Napoca, Osama Publishing house, 2001, 380 p., 220 fig., 9 tab., 10 ref., ISBN 973 - 99408 -2 -X.
3. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Computer assisted technical graphics, Cluj-Napoca, Victor Melenti Publishing house, 2001, 282 p., 170 fig., 8 tab., 10 ref., ISBN 973-99539-3-X.
4. CORINA BÎRLEANU, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Machine elements. Designing and computer assisted graphical representations, Cluj-Napoca, Victor Melenti Publishing house, 2001, 335 p., 148 fig., 16 tab., 25 ref., ISBN 973-99539-6-4.
5. THEODOR NIŢULESCU, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Applications of descriptive geometry and computer aided design in engineering graphics, Cluj-Napoca, Risoprint Publishing house, 2001, 242 p., 162 fig., 35 tab., 18 ref., ISBN 973-656-102-X.
6. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, AutoLISP programming language. Theory and applications, Cluj-Napoca, Risoprint Publishing house, 2001, 112 p., 20 fig., 17 ref., ISBN 973-656-126-7.
7. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, THEODOR NIŢULESCU, The axonometric projection, Cluj-Napoca, Risoprint Publishing house, 2002, 242 p., 269 fig., 1 tab., 30 ref., ISBN 973-656-198-4.
8. ANCA-ANDREEA SUCIU, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Descriptive geometry. Problems and applications, Cluj-Napoca, Risoprint Publishing house, 2003, 120 p., 131 fig., 28 ref., ISBN 973-656-466-5.
9. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, AutoCAD 2005, Cluj-Napoca, Risoprint Publishing house, 2005, 584 p., 490 fig., 27 tab., 9 ref., ISBN 973-751-061-5.
10. MIHAI ŢĂLU, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, The calculation of pressure declines in hydraulic pipes. Stabilized and unstabilized regimes of flow. Theory, applications and computational programmes, Craiova, Universitaria Publishing house, 2006, 212 p., 101 fig., 110 tab., 15 ref., ISBN-10 973-742-370-4, ISBN-13 978-973-742-370-2.
11. ADRIAN FLORESCU-GLIGORE, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, DAN NOVEANU, Representation and visualization of geometric shapes in industrial drawing, Cluj-Napoca, U. T. Pres Publishing house, 2006, 164 p., 237 fig., 33 ref., ISBN-10 973-662-230-4, ISBN-13 978-973-662-230-4.
12. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, MIHAI ŢĂLU, AutoCAD 2006. Three-dimensional designing, Cluj-Napoca, MEGA Publishing house, 2007, 330 p., 136 fig., 6 tab., 31 ref., ISBN-13 978-973-7867-81-0.
13. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, CRISTINA RACOCEA, Axonometric representations with applications in technique, Cluj-Napoca, MEGA Publishing house, 2007, 246 p., 312 fig., 3 tab., 48 ref., ISBN 978-973-7867-98-8.
14. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Architectural styles, Cluj-Napoca, MEGA Publishing house, 2009, 420 p., 1218 fig., 59 ref., ISBN 978-973-1868-72-1.
15. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Descriptive geometry, Cluj-Napoca, Risoprint Publishing house, 2010, 476 p., 928 fig., 51 ref., ISBN 978-973-53-0373-0.
16. MIHAI ŢĂLU, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, MIRCEA RĂDULESCU, Fluid Mechanics. Volumetric and hydrodynamic machines. Theory and simulation, Craiova, Universitaria Publishing house, 2011, 144 p., 147 fig., 2 tab., 40 ref., ISBN 978-606-14-0035-5.
17. CRISTINA RACOCEA, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, The axonometric representation of technical geometric shapes, Cluj-Napoca, Napoca Star Publishing house, 2011, 300 p., 371 fig., 3 tab., 47 ref., ISBN 978-973-647-781-2.
18. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Micro and nanoscale characterization of three dimensional surfaces. Basics and applications, Cluj-Napoca, Napoca Star Publishing house, 2015, 350 p., 116 fig., 10 tab., 215 ref., ISBN 978-606-690-349-3.
1. SIMONA-DELIA ŢĂLU, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Use of OCT Imaging in the diagnosis and monitoring of Age Related Macular Degeneration. In “Age Related Macular Degeneration – The Recent Advances in Basic Research and Clinical Care”, part 2, chapter 13, pg. 253-272. Edited by: Dr. Gui-Shuang Ying, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, United States of America. Published by InTech, Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia, January 2012, 300 p., ISBN 978-953-307-864-9.
1. MARCO LOMBARDO, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, MIHAI ŢĂLU, SEBASTIANO SERRAO, PIETRO DUCOLI, Surface roughness of intraocular lenses with different dioptric powers assessed by atomic force microscopy. In: Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery, published by Elsevier, Vol. 36, Issue 9, p. 1573 -1578, September 2010. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2010.06.031. ISSN: 0886-3350. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2010: IF = 2.942. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2010: IS = 1.532.
2. STEFANO GIOVANZANA, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Mathematical models for the shape analysis of human crystalline lens. In: Journal of Modern Optics, published by Taylor & Francis, Vol. 59, Issue 1, p. 26-34, 2012. DOI:10.1080/09500340.2011.621035. Print ISSN: 0950-0340, Online ISSN: 1362-3044. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2012: IF = 1.872. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2012: IS = 1.074.
3. STEFANO GIOVANZANA, RONALD A. SCHACHAR, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, ROGER D. KIRBY, ERIC YAN, BARBARA K PIERSCIONEK, Evaluation of equations for describing the human crystalline lens. In: Journal of Modern Optics, published by Taylor & Francis, Vol. 60, Issue 5, p. 406-413, 2013. DOI: 10.1080/09500340.2013.782432. Print ISSN: 0950-0340, Online ISSN: 1362-3044. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2013: IF = 1.163. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2013: IS = 0.974.
4. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Multifractal geometry in analysis and processing of digital retinal photographs for early diagnosis of human diabetic macular edema. In: Current Eye Research, published by Taylor & Francis, vol. 38, no. 7, p. 781-792, 2013. DOI: 10.3109/02713683.2013.779722. Print ISSN: 0271-3683, Online ISSN: 1460-2202. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2013: IF = 1.663. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2013: IS = 0.884.
5. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Characterization of surface roughness of unworn hydrogel contact lenses at a nanometric scale using methods of modern metrology. In: Polymer Engineering and Science, published by John Wiley & Sons, vol. 53, Issue 10, pages 2141-2150, 2013. DOI: 10.1002/pen.23481. Print ISSN: 0032-3888. Online ISSN: 1548-2634. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2013: IF = 1.441. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2013: IS = 1.349.
6. STEFANO GIOVANZANA, HENRYK T. KASPRZAK, B. PAŁUCKI, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Non-rotational aspherical models of the human optical system. In: Journal of Modern Optics, published by Taylor & Francis, vol. 60, no. 21, p. 1898-1904, 2013. DOI: 10.1080/09500340.2013.865802. Print ISSN: 0950-0340, Online ISSN: 1362-3044. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2013: IF = 1.163. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2013: IS = 1.102.
7. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, ALIA MÉNDEZ, GABRIEL TREJO, MIHAI ŢĂLU, Multifractal characterization of nanostructure surfaces of electrodeposited Ni-P coatings. In: Journal of The Electrochemical Society, published by The Electrochemical Society, vol. 161, no. 1, D44 - D47, 2014. DOI: 10.1149/2.039401jes. Print ISSN: 0013-4651. Online ISSN: 1945-7111. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2014: IF = 3.266. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2014: IS = 1.967.
8. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, ALAA J. GHAZAI, SEBASTIAN STACH, ABU HASSAN, ZAINURIAH HASSAN, MIHAI ŢĂLU, Characterization of surface roughness of Pt Schottky contacts on quaternary n-Al0.08In0.08Ga0.84N thin film assessed by atomic force microscopy and fractal analysis. In: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, published by publicat de Springer, vol. 25, no. 1, p. 466-477, 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s10854-013-1611-6. Print ISSN: 0957-4522. Online ISSN: 1573-482X. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2014: IF = 1.569. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2014: IS = 0.755.
9. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, ZORAN MARKOVIĆ, SEBASTIAN STACH, B. TODOROVIĆ MARKOVIĆ, MIHAI ŢĂLU, Multifractal characterization of single wall carbon nanotube thin films surface upon exposure to optical parametric oscillator laser irradiation. In: Applied Surface Science, published by Elsevier, vol. 289, p. 97-106, 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2013.10.114. Print ISSN: 0169-4332. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2014: IF = 2.711. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2014: IS = 1.967.
10. ALINA ELENA PÂRVU, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, CONSTANTIN CRĂCIUN, SANDU FLORIN ALB, Evaluation of scaling and root planning effect in generalized chronic periodontitis by fractal and multifractal analysis. In: Journal of Periodontal Research, published by John Wiley & Sons, vol. 49, no. 2, p. 186-196, 2014. DOI: 10.1111/jre.12093. Print ISSN: 0022-3484, Online ISSN: 1600-0765. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2014: IF = 2.466. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2014: IS = 1.243.
11. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, Multifractal characterization of unworn hydrogel contact lens surfaces. In: Polymer Engineering and Science, published by John Wiley & Sons, vol. 54, no. 5, p. 1066-1080, 2014. DOI: 10.1002/pen.23650. Print ISSN: 0032-3888. Online ISSN: 1548-2634. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2014: IF = 1.520. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2014: IS = 1.349.
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12. ALINA ELENA PÂRVU, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, MARIAN AUREL TAULESCU, ANDREEA BOTA, FLORINELA CĂTOI, CONSTANTIN CRĂCIUN, CAMELIA ALB, SANDU FLORIN ALB, Fractal analysis of ibuprofen effect on experimental dog peri-implantitis. In: Implant Dentistry, published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, vol. 23, no. 3, p. 295-304, 2014. DOI: 10.1097/ID.0000000000000065. Print ISSN: 1056-6163. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2014: IF = 1.175. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2014: IS = 0.863.
13. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, AMAN MAHAJAN, DINESH PATHAK, TOMAS WAGNER, ANSHUL KUMAR, RATISH KUMAR BEDI, Multifractal analysis of drop-casted copper (II) tetrasulfophthalocyanine film surfaces on the indium tin oxide substrates. In: Surface and Interface Analysis, published by John Wiley & Sons, vol. 46, no. 6, p. 393-398, 2014. DOI: 10.1002/sia.5492. Print ISSN: 0142-2421. Online ISSN: 1096-9918. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2014: IF = 1.245. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2014: IS = 0.616.
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14. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, JOANA ZAHARIEVA, MARIA MILANOVA, DIMITAR TODOROVSKY, STEFANO GIOVANZANA. Surface roughness characterization of poly(methylmethacrylate) films with immobilized Eu(III) β-Diketonates by fractal analysis. In: International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization, published by Taylor & Francis, vol. 19, no. 5, p. 404-421, 2014. DOI:10.1080/1023666X.2014.904149. Print ISSN: 1023-666X. Online ISSN: 1563-5341. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2014: IF = 1.264. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2014: IS = 0.504.
15. DINARA DALLAEVA, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, PAVEL ŠKARVADA, PAVEL TOMÁNEK, LUBOMÍR GRMELA, AFM imaging and fractal analysis of surface roughness of AlN epilayers on sapphire substrates. În: Applied Surface Science, published by Elsevier, vol. 312, p. 81-86, 2014. DOI: 10.1016/ j.apsusc.2014.05.086. Print ISSN: 0169-4332. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2014: IF = 2.711. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2014: IS = 1.967.
16. BIANCA SZABO, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, CARMEN A. LUPAŞCU, Application of fractal dimension in analysis of human retinal images in malignant choroidal melanoma patients. In: Sylwan Journal, published by Sylwan, vol. 158, no. 7, p. 1-10, 2014. Print ISSN: ISSN: 0039-7660. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2014: IF = 0.322. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2014: IS = 0.057.
URL: Szabo, Stefan Ta, Carmen A. Lupascu&search=search
17. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, AMAN MAHAJAN, DINESH PATHAK, TOMAS WAGNER, ANSHUL KUMAR, RATISH KUMAR BEDI, MIHAI ŢĂLU, Multifractal characterization of water soluble copper phthalocyanine based films surfaces. In: Electronic Materials Letters, published by The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, vol. 10, no. 4, p. 719-730, 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s13391-013-3270-4. Print ISSN: 1738-8090. Electronic ISSN: 2093-6788. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2014: IF = 1.980. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2014: IS = 0.668.
18. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, JOANA ZAHARIEVA, MIROSLAVA GETSOVA, DENITSA ELENKOVA, MARIA MILANOVA, Micromorphology characterization of SiO2-based composite thin films with immobilized terbium(III) complex. In: International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization, published by Taylor & Francis, vol. 19, no. 7, p. 648-660, 2014. DOI: 10.1080/1023666X.2014.953749. Print ISSN: 1023-666X. Online ISSN: 1563-5341. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2014: IF = 1.264. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2014: IS = 0.504.
19. DENITSA ELENKOVA, JOANA ZAHARIEVA, MIROSLAVA GETSOVA, ILIA MANOLOV, MARIA MILANOVA, SEBASTIAN STACH, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Morphology and optical properties of SiO2-Based composite thin films with immobilized Terbium(III) complex with a biscoumarin derivative. In: International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization, published by Taylor & Francis, vol. 20, no. 1, p. 42-56, 2015. DOI: 10.1080/1023666X.2014.955400. Print ISSN: 1023-666X. Online ISSN: 1563-5341. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 1.264. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2014: IS = 0.462.
20. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, SANDU FLORIN ALB, MARCO SALERNO, Multifractal characterization of a dental restorative composite after air-polishing. In: Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, published by Elsevier, vol. 71, p. 7–13, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.chaos.2014.11.009. ISSN: 0960-0779. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 1.448. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS =0.807.
21. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, TIJANA LAINOVIĆ, MARKO VILOTIĆ, LARISA BLAŽIĆ, SANDU FLORIN ALB, DAMIR KAKAŠ, Surface roughness and morphology of dental nanocomposites polished by four different procedures evaluated by a multifractal approach. In: Applied Surface Science, published by Elsevier, vol. 330, p. 20-29, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2014.12.120. Print ISSN: 0169-4332. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 2.711. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 1.488.
22. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, VIVIAN SUEIRAS, NOËL MARYSA ZIEBARTH, Fractal analysis of AFM images of the surface of Bowman’s membrane of the human cornea. In: Annals of Biomedical Engineering, published by Springer, vol. 43, no. 4, p. 906-916, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s10439-014-1140-3. Print ISSN: 0090-6964. Online ISSN: 1573-9686. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 3.195. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 1.801.
23. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, SHAHOO VALEDBAGI, S. MOHAMMAD ELAHI, REZA BAVADI, Surface morphology of titanium nitride thin films synthesised by DC reactive magnetron sputtering. In: Materials Science-Poland, published by De Gruyter, vol. 33, no. 1, p. 137-143, 2015. DOI: 10.1515/msp-2015-0010. Print ISSN: 2083-1331. Online ISSN: 2083-134X. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 0.507. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 0.260.
24. SEBASTIAN STACH, DINARA DALLAEVA, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, PAVEL KASPAR, PAVEL TOMÁNEK, STEFANO GIOVANZANA, LUBOMÍR GRMELA, Morphological features in aluminum nitride epilayers prepared by magnetron sputtering. In: Materials Science-Poland, published by De Gruyter, vol. 33, no. 1, p. 175-184, 2015. DOI: 10.1515/msp-2015-0036. Print ISSN: 2083-1331. Online ISSN: 2083-134X. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2014: IF = 0.507. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 0.260.
25. MARIOARA MOLDOVAN, DOINA PRODAN, VIOLETA POPESCU, CRISTINA PREJMEREAN, CODRUTA SAROȘI, MONICA SAPLONŢAI, ȘTEFAN ȚĂLU, EUGENIU VASILE, Structural and morphological properties of HA-ZnO powders prepared for biomaterials. In: Open Chemistry, published by De Gruyter, vol. 13, no. 1, p. 725-733, 2015. DOI: 10.1515/chem-2015-0083. ISSN: 2391-5420. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2013: IF = 1.329. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2013: IS = 0.757.
26. Y. REYES-VIDAL, R. SUAREZ-ROJAS, C. RUIZ, J. TORRES, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, ALIA MÉNDEZ, GABRIEL TREJO, Electrodeposition, characterization, and antibacterial activity of zinc/silver particle composite coatings. In: Applied Surface Science, published by Elsevier, vol. 342, p. 34-41, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.03.037. Print ISSN: 0169-4332. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2014: IF = 2.711. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 1.488.
27. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, TAYEBEH GHODSELAHI, ATEFEH GHADERI, SHAHRAM SOLAYMANI, ARASH BOOCHANI, ŻANETA GARCZYK, Topographic characterization of Cu–Ni NPs @ a-C:H films by AFM and multifractal analysis. In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, published by American Chemical Society, vol. 119, no. 17, p. 5662–5670, 2015. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.5b00042. Print Edition ISSN: 1520-6106. Web Edition ISSN: 1520-5207. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 3.302. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 1.732.
28. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, SHAHRAM SOLAYMANI, ROSTAM MORADIAN, ATEFEH GHADERI, MOHAMMAD REZA HANTEHZADEH, SEYED MOHAMMAD ELAHI, ŻANETA GARCZYK, SARA IZADYAR, Multifractal Spectra of Atomic Force Microscope Images of Cu/Fe Nanoparticles Based Films Thickness. In: Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, published by Elsevier, vol. 749, p. 31-41, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.jelechem.2015.04.009. Print ISSN: 1572-6657. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 2.729. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 1.113.
29. SEBASTIAN STACH, ŻANETA GARCZYK, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SHAHRAM SOLAYMANI, ATEFEH GHADERI, ROSTAM MORADIAN, NEGIN BERYANI NEZAFAT, SEYED MOHAMMAD ELAHI, HEDIEH GHOLAMALI, Stereometric Parameters of the Cu/Fe NPs Thin Films. In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, published by American Chemical Society, vol. 119, no. 31, p. 17887-17898, 2015. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b04676. Print Edition ISSN: 1932-7447. Web Edition ISSN: 1932-7455. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 4.772. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 2.811.
30. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, DAN MIHAI CĂLUGĂRU, CARMEN ALINA LUPAŞCU, Characterisation of human non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy using the fractal analysis. In: International Journal of Ophthalmology (English edition), published by IJO Press Co., vol. 8, no. 4, p. 770-776, 2015. DOI:10.3980/j.issn.2222-3959.2015.04.23. Print Edition ISSN: 2222-3959. Web Edition ISSN: 2227-4898. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 0.705. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 0.278.
31. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, NIRANJAN PATRA, MARCO SALERNO, Micromorphological characterization of polymer-oxide nanocomposite thin films by atomic force microscopy and fractal geometry analysis. In: Progress in Organic Coatings, published by Elsevier, vol. 89, p. 50-56, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.porgcoat.2015.07.024. ISSN: 0300-9440. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 2.358. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 1.580.
32. SHIKHGASAN RAMAZANOV, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, DINARA SOBOLA, SEBASTIAN STACH, GUSEYN RAMAZANOV, Epitaxy of silicon carbide on silicon: Micromorphological analysis of growth surface evolution. In: Superlattices and Microstructures, published by Elsevier, vol. 86, p. 395-402, 2015. DOI:10.1016/j.spmi.2015.08.007. ISSN: 0749-6036. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 2.097. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 0.856.
33. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, BORIS KLAIĆ, TEA MIŠIĆ, JADRANKA MALINA, ASJA ČELEBIĆ, Morphology of Co-Cr-Mo dental alloy surfaces polished by three different mechanical procedures. In: Microscopy Research and Technique, published by John Wiley & Sons, vol. 78, p. 831-839, 2015. DOI: 10.1002/jemt.22547. Print ISSN: 1059-910X. Online ISSN: 1097-0029. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 1.154. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 0.533.
34. SOFIA BEREZINA, ALLA ALEXANDROVNA IL'ICHEVA, LYUDMILA IVANOVNA PODZOROVA, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Surface micromorphology of dental composites [CE-TZP] - [AL2O3] with Ca+2 modifier. In: Microscopy Research and Technique, published by John Wiley & Sons, vol. 78, p. 840-846, 2015. DOI: 10.1002/jemt.22548. Print ISSN: 1059-910X. Online ISSN: 1097-0029. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 1.154. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 0.533.
35. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, DAVOOD RAOUFI, FAYEGH HOSSEINPANAHI, Film thickness efect on fractality of tin-doped In2O3 thin films. In: Electronic Materials Letters, published by The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, vol. 11, no. 5, p. 749-757, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s13391-015-4280-1. Print ISSN: 1738-8090. Electronic ISSN: 2093-6788. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 1.980. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 0,668.
URL: s13391-015-4280-1
36. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, MIROSLAW BRAMOWICZ, SLAWOMIR KULESZA, AZIZOLLAH SHAFIEKHANI, ATEFEH GHADERI, FATEMEH MASHAYEKHI, SHAHRAM SOLAYMANI, Microstructure and Tribological Properties of FeNPs@a-C:H Films by Micromorphology Analysis and Fractal Geometry. In: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, published by American Chemical Society, vol. 54, no. 33, p. 8212-8218, 2015. DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.5b02449. Print Edition ISSN: 0888-5885. Web Edition ISSN: 1520-5045. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 2.587. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 1.911.
37. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, CRISTINA VLĂDUŢIU, CARMEN ALINA LUPAŞCU, Characterization of human retinal vessel arborisation in normal and amblyopic eyes using multifractal analysis. In: International Journal of Ophthalmology (English edition), published by IJO Press Co., vol. 8, no. 5, p. 996-1002, 2015. DOI: 10.3980/j.issn.2222-3959.2015.05.26. Print Edition ISSN: 2222-3959. Web Edition ISSN: 2227-4898. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 0.705. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 0.278.
38. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, SHAHOO VALEDBAGI, REZA BAVADI, S. MOHAMMAD ELAHI, MIHAI ŢĂLU, Multifractal characteristics of titanium nitride thin films. In: Materials Science-Poland, published by De Gruyter, vol. 33, no. 3, p. 541-548, 2015. DOI: 10.1515/msp-2015-0086. Print ISSN: 2083-1331. Online ISSN: 2083-134X. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 0.507. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 0.22.
39. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, KRZYSZTOF STĘPIEŃ, MUSTAFA OGUZHAN CAGLAYAN, Topographic characterization of unworn contact lenses assessed by atomic force microscopy and wavelet transform. In: Microscopy Research and Technique, published by John Wiley & Sons, vol. 78, p. 1026-1031, 2015. DOI: 10.1002/jemt.22580. Print ISSN: 1059-910X. Online ISSN: 1097-0029. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 1.154. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 0.533.
40. ALI ARMAN, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, CARLOS LUNA, AZIN AHMADPOURIAN, MOSAYEB NASERI, MEHRDAD MOLAMOHAMMADI, Micromorphology characterization of copper thin films by AFM and fractal analysis. In: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, published by Springer, vol. 26, no. 12, p. 9630-9639, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s10854-015-3628-5. Print ISSN: 0957-4522. Online ISSN: 1573-482X. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 1.569. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 0.755.
41. ALIA MÉNDEZ, YOLANDA REYES, GABRIEL TREJO, KRZYSZTOF STĘPIEŃ, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Micromorphological characterization of zinc/silver particle composite coatings. In: Microscopy Research and Technique, published by John Wiley & Sons, vol. 78, no. 12, p. 1082-1089, 2015. DOI: 10.1002/jemt.22588. Print ISSN: 1059-910X. Online ISSN: 1097-0029. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 1.154. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 0.533.
42. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, MIROSLAW BRAMOWICZ, SLAWOMIR KULESZA, SHAHRAM SOLAYMANI, AZIZOLLAH SHAFIKHANI, ATEFEH GHADERI, MOHAMMAD AHMADIRAD, Gold Nanoparticles Embedded in Carbon Film: Micromorphology Analysis. In: Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, published by Elsevier, vol. 35, p. 158-166, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.jiec.2015.12.029. Print Edition ISSN: 1226-086X. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 3.512. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 1.451.
43. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SHAHRAM SOLAYMANI, MIROSLAW BRAMOWICZ, NAIMEH NASERI, SLAWOMIR KULESZA, ATEFEH GHADERI, Surface micromorphology and fractal geometry of Co/CP/X (X = Cu, Ti, SM and Ni) nanoflake electrocatalysts. In: RSC Advances, published by Royal Society of Chemistry, vol. 6, pp. 27228 - 27234, 2016. DOI: 10.1039/C6RA01791F. ISSN: 2046-2069. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 3.84. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 2.204.
44. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, MAGDALENA KACZMARSKA, MARIA FORNAL, TOMASZ GRODZICKI, WŁADYSŁAW POHORECKI, KVETOSLAVA BURDA, Multifractal characterization of morphology of human red blood cells membrane skeleton. In: Journal of Microscopy, published by John Wiley & Sons, vol. 262, Issue 1, pp. 59-72, 2016. DOI: 10.1111/jmi.12342. Print ISSN: 0022-2720. Online ISSN: 1365-2818. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 2.331. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 1.289.
45. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, MIROSLAW BRAMOWICZ, SLAWOMIR KULESZA, SHAHRAM SOLAYMANI, ATEFEH GHADERI, LAYA DEJAM, ARASH BOOCHANI, SEYED MOHAMMAD ELAHI, Microstructure and micromorphology of ZnO thin films: case study on Al doping and annealing effects. In: Superlattices and Microstructures, published by Elsevier, vol. 93, p. 109-121, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.spmi.2016.03.003. ISSN: 0749-6036. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 2.097. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 0.856.
46. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, ROSALÍA CONTRERAS–BULNES, ILYA A. MOROZOV, LAURA EMMA RODRÍGUEZ-VILCHIS, GONZALO MONTOYA-AYALA, Surface nanomorphology of human dental enamel irradiated with an Er:YAG laser. In: Laser Physics, published by IOP Publishing, vol. 26, no. 2, article id. 025601, 2016. DOI: 10.1088/1054-660X/26/2/025601. Print ISSN: 1054-660X. Online ISSN: 1555-6611. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 1.032. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 0.611.
47. SEBASTIAN STACH, WIKTORIA SAPOTA, ZYGMUNT WRÓBEL, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, Assessment of possibilities of ceramic biomaterial fracture surface reconstruction using laser confocal microscopy and long working distance objective lenses. In: Microscopy Research and Technique, published by John Wiley & Sons, vol. 79, no. 5, p. 385-392, 2016. DOI 10.1002/jemt.22641. Print ISSN: 1059-910X. Online ISSN: 1097-0029. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 1.154. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 0.533.
48. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, MIROSLAW BRAMOWICZ, SLAWOMIR KULESZA, ATEFEH GHADERI, SHAHRAM SOLAYMANI, MAHBOUBEH FATHI KENARI, MAHMOOD GHORANNEVISS, Fractal Features and Surface Micromorphology of Diamond Nano-Crystals. In: Journal of Microscopy, published by John Wiley & Sons, vol. 00, no. 0, pp. 1-10, 2016. DOI: 10.1111/jmi.12422. Print ISSN: 0022-2720. Online ISSN: 1365-2818. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 2.331. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 1.289.
49. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SHAHRAM SOLAYMANI, MIROSLAW BRAMOWICZ, SLAWOMIR KULESZA, ATEFEH GHADERI, SAMANEH SHAHPOURI, SEYED MOHAMMAD ELAHI, Self-Assembly of Three-Dimensional Copper Oxide Nanowires Grown under Effect of Direction of Electric Field and Substrate Roughness. In: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, published by Springer, vol. …., nr. .., p. …….., 2016. DOI: …………. Print ISSN: 0957-4522. Online ISSN: 1573-482X. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = ……….. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = ………..
50. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, MIROSLAW BRAMOWICZ, SLAWOMIR KULESZA, TIJANA LAINOVIĆ, MARKO VILOTIĆ, LARISA BLAŽIĆ, DAMIR KAKAŠ, Influence of the artificial saliva storage on 3-D surface texture characteristics of contemporary dental nanocomposites. In: Journal of Microscopy, published by John Wiley & Sons, vol. 00, no. 0, pp. 1-10, 2016. DOI: ……………... Print ISSN: 0022-2720. Online ISSN: 1365-2818. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2015: IF = 2.331. Relative influence score (Scientific Journal) on 2015: IS = 1.289.
D 1.1. List of published papers indexed in IDB “SpringerLink”
1. M. FLOREA, Ş. ŢĂLU, M. ŢĂLU, Patient simulation experience in family medicine residents education. In: IFMBE Proceedings MEDITECH 2009 "International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology", 23-26 September 2009, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, published by Springer-Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany, vol. 26, p. 25-28, 20 ref. Summary in English. The Conference Proceedings are indexed by ISI. Editors: Simona Vlad, Radu V. Ciupa, Anca I. Nicu. ISSN: 1680-0737, ISBN: 978-3-642-04291-1. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04292-8_6.
2. Ş. ŢĂLU, F. BALTĂ, S.D. ŢĂLU, A. MERTICARIU, M. ŢĂLU, Fourier Domain - Optical Coherence Tomography in diagnosing and monitoring of retinal diseases. In: IFMBE Proceedings MEDITECH 2009 "International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology", 23-26 September 2009, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, published by Springer-Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany, vol. 26, p. 261-266, 7 fig., 39 ref. Summary in English. The Conference Proceedings are indexed by ISI. Editors: Simona Vlad, Radu V. Ciupa, Anca I. Nicu. ISSN: 1680-0737, ISBN: 978-3-642-04291-1. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04292-8_58.
3. Ş. ŢĂLU, M. ŢĂLU, An overview on mathematical models of human corneal surface. In: IFMBE Proceedings MEDITECH 2009 "International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology", 23-26 September 2009, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, published by Springer-Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany, vol. 26, p. 291-294, 2 fig., 21 ref. Summary in English. The Conference Proceedings are indexed by ISI. Editors: Simona Vlad, Radu V. Ciupa, Anca I. Nicu. ISSN: 1680-0737, ISBN: 978-3-642-04291-1. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04292-8_64.
4. Ş. ŢĂLU, S. GIOVANZANA, S. D. ŢĂLU, M. ŢĂLU, An overview on mathematical models of human crystalline lens. In: IFMBE Proceedings MEDITECH 2011 "International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology", 29 August - 2 September 2011, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, published by Springer-Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany, vol. 36, p. 240-245, 7 fig., 7 tab., 17 ref. Summary in English. The Conference Proceedings are indexed by ISI. Editors: Simona Vlad, Radu V. Ciupa. ISSN: 1680-0737, ISBN: 978-3-642-22585-7. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-22586-4_51.
5. Ş. ŢĂLU, S. GIOVANZANA, M. ŢĂLU, S. D. ŢĂLU, Mathematical analysis of the human crystalline lens in Giovanzana parametric model. In: IFMBE Proceedings MEDITECH 2011 "International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology", 29 August - 2 September 2011, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, published by Springer-Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany, vol. 36, p. 246-251, 3 fig., 3 tab., 18 ref. Summary in English. The Conference Proceedings are indexed by ISI. Editors: Simona Vlad, Radu V. Ciupa. ISSN: 1680-0737, ISBN: 978-3-642-22585-7. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-22586-4_52.
6. M. ŢĂLU, Ş. ŢĂLU, S. D. ŢĂLU, R. SHAH, On approximation of human corneal surface with superellipsoids. In: IFMBE Proceedings MEDITECH 2011 "International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology", 29 August - 2 September 2011, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, published by Springer-Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany, vol. 36, p. 252-255, 1 fig., 32 ref. Summary in English. The Conference Proceedings are indexed by ISI. Editors: Simona Vlad, Radu V. Ciupa. ISSN: 1680-0737, ISBN: 978-3-642-22585-7. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-22586-4_53.
D 1.2. List of published papers indexed in IDB “The World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)”
1. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., NEGRU M., The simulation of the fields of flow and temperature into a furnace of a burning installation with methane as consequence the variation of heat density of burners using the Finite Element Method. In: Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTERS (part of the 11th WSEAS International Multiconference CSCC), Agios Nikolaos, Crete Island, Greece, July 26-28, 2007, published by WSEAS Press, vol. 4, p. 252-257, 27 fig., 8 tab., 17 ref. Summary in English. The Conference Proceedings are indexed by ISI. Editors: N. Mastorakis, S. Kartalopoulos, D. Simian, A. Varonides, V. Mladenov, Z. Bojkovic and E. Antonidakis. ISSN: 1790-5117, ISBN: 978-960-8457-92-8.
2. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., NEGRU M., The Simulation with the Finite Element Method of the Velocity and Temperature Fields for a Nonturbionar Jet Burner of 35MW Feeding with Pulverized Coal. In: Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTERS (part of the 11th WSEAS International Multiconference CSCC), Agios Nikolaos, Crete Island, Greece, July 26-28, 2007, published by WSEAS Press, vol. 4, p. 263-268, 20 fig., 3 tab., 20 ref. Summary in English. The Conference Proceedings are indexed by ISI. Editors: N. Mastorakis, S. Kartalopoulos, D. Simian, A. Varonides, V. Mladenov, Z. Bojkovic and E. Antonidakis. ISSN: 1790-5117, ISBN: 978-960-8457-92-8.
3. ŢĂLU M., BOLCU D., ŢĂLU Ş., SIPOS A., The dynamic flow air visualization around the petrochemistry petroleum coke plant. In: Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on AUTOMATION and INFORMATION (ICAI '08), Bucharest, Romania, June 24-26, 2008, published by WSEAS Press, p. 164-169, 17 fig., 2 tab., 10 ref. Summary in English. The Conference Proceedings are indexed by ISI. Editors: Luige Vladareanu, Veturia Chiroiu, Polidor Bratu and Ion Magheti. ISSN: 1790-5117, ISBN: 978-960-6766-77-0
4. ŢĂLU M., BICĂ M., ALBOTĂ E., ŢĂLU Ş., The dynamic visualization of the 3D thermal impression generated through the air friction with the petroleum coke plant structure. In: Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS / IASME International Conference on ENGINEERING EDUCATION (EE '08), Heraklion, Greece, July 22-24, 2008, published by WSEAS Press, p. 349-354, 18 fig., 2 tab., 9 ref. Summary in English. The Conference Proceedings are indexed by ISI. Editors: Jaime Lloret Mauri, Azami Zaharim, Andrei Kolyshkin, M. Hatziprokopiou, Athina Lazakidou, Michail Kalogiannakis, Konstantinos Siassiakos and Nikos Bardis. ISSN: 1790-2769, ISBN: 978-960-6766-86-2.
5. ŢĂLU M., BICĂ M., NANU GHE., ALBOTĂ E., ŢĂLU Ş., SIPOS A., Visualization of dynamic behaviour of a petrochemistry petroleum coke plant under vertical various seismic loadings. In: Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on MATHEMATICAL and COMPUTATIONAL METHODS in SCIENCE and ENGINEERING (MACMESE '08), Bucharest, Romania, November 7-9, 2008, published by WSEAS Press, p. 88-93, 15 fig., 13 ref. Summary in English. The Conference Proceedings are indexed by ISI. Editors: Mihaiela Iliescu, Radu I. Munteanu, Juan Frausto-Solis, Tudor Sireteanu, Ion Cârstea, Gabriella Bognar, Dana Simian, Valeri Mladenov, Zdzislaw Wieckowski, Nikos Mastorakis and Luigi Vladareanu. ISSN: 1790-2769, ISBN: 978-960-474-019-2.
6. CĂLBUREANU M., ŢĂLU M., TRAVIESO-GONZALEZ CARLOS M., ŢĂLU Ş., LUNGU M., MALCIU R., The finite element analysis of water vapor diffusion in a brick with vertical holes. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Models for Engineering Science (MMES '10), Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, November 30 - December 2, 2010, published by WSEAS Press, p. 57-62, 15 fig., 58 ref. Summary in English. The Conference Proceedings are indexed by ISI. Editors: Valeri Mladenov, Kleanthis Psarris, Nikos Mastorakis, Amauri Caballero and George Vachtsevanos. Electronic version: ISSN: 1792-684X; Print version: ISSN: 1792-6734, ISBN: 978-960-474-252-3.
D 1.3. List of published papers indexed in IDB “North Atlantic University Union Online Database”
1. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., Researches concerning the turbulent flow and the parameters which characterize the dust particles of coal injected into furnace of 35 MW burner. In: "International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation”, published by North Atlantic University Union Publishing House, Issue 4, Vol. 1, 2007, p. 362-367, 18 fig., 6 tab., 9 ref. Summary in English. Editors: Ashok Srivastava, Cain Evans, Ezendu Ariwa, Akram Idani, Chiung-Wei Huang, V.A. Pereira Marinho Marques, Daoliang Li, Linet Ozdamar, Cecilia Reis, Catalin Nicolae Calistru, Yas Alsultanny. ISSN: 1998-0159.
2. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., Researches concerning the dynamical flow and the reaction products engendering into a burning installation as variation of the methane gas injected into furnace. In: "International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation”, published by North Atlantic University Union Publishing House, Issue 4, Vol. 1, 2007, p. 396-402, 18 fig., 6 tab., 8 ref. Summary in English. Editors: Ashok Srivastava, Cain Evans, Ezendu Ariwa, Akram Idani, Chiung-Wei Huang, V.A. Pereira Marinho Marques, Daoliang Li, Linet Ozdamar, Cecilia Reis, Catalin Nicolae Calistru, Yas Alsultanny. ISSN: 1998-0159.
3. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., BICĂ M., The study of velocity field of the dynamical air flow developing around the spatial structure of a petroleum coke plant using the F.E.M. In: "International Journal of Mechanics”, published by North Atlantic University Union Publishing House, Issue 2, Vol. 2, 2008, p. 25-34, 44 fig., 3 tab., 27 ref. Summary in English. Editors: M. Kostic, Daniel N. Riahi, Marvin Goldstein, Ned Djilali, Sang-Joon Lee Pohang, Katarina Jegdic, E. L. Cussler, B. A. Jubran, D. R. Paul, P. E. Price, J. S. Vrentas, Mikhail Itskov, George G. Tsypkin, Jurij Krope, F.-K. Benra, Siavash H. Sohrab, Haris J. Catrakis, Simona Lache, Necla Kadioglu, Nikolai Kobasko. ISSN: 1998-4448.
4. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., RIZEA N., BICĂ M., Seismic analysis of a petrochemistry petroleum coke plant using the F.E.M. In: "International Journal of Mechanics”, published by North Atlantic University Union Publishing House, Issue 3, Vol. 2, 2008, p. 96-109, 71 fig., 1 tab., 30 ref. Summary in English. Editors: M. Kostic, Daniel N. Riahi, Marvin Goldstein, Ned Djilali, Sang-Joon Lee Pohang, Katarina Jegdic, E. L. Cussler, B. A. Jubran, D. R. Paul, P. E. Price, J. S. Vrentas, Mikhail Itskov, George G. Tsypkin, Jurij Krope, F.-K. Benra, Siavash H. Sohrab, Haris J. Catrakis, Simona Lache, Necla Kadioglu, Nikolai Kobasko. ISSN: 1998-4448.
5. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., BICĂ M., The F.E.M. study concerning the influence of air humidity about the dynamical flow around the spatial petroleum coke plant. In: "International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation”, published by North Atlantic University Union Publishing House, Issue 3, Vol. 2, 2008, p. 305-314, 45 fig., 4 tab., 20 ref. Summary in English. Editors: Ashok Srivastava, Cain Evans, Ezendu Ariwa, Akram Idani, Chiung-Wei Huang, V.A. Pereira Marinho Marques, Daoliang Li, Linet Ozdamar, Cecilia Reis, Catalin Nicolae Calistru, Yas Alsultanny. ISSN: 1998-0159.
D 1.4. List of published papers indexed in IDB “FIZ Karlsruhe / Das Informationsportal für die Informatik”
1. ZETEA E., GÂNSCĂ I., ŢĂLU Ş., Some considerations concerning computer aided design of surfaces of translation generated by a cissoid. In: Proceedings of the 7th ICECGDG (The 7th International Conference of Engineering Computer Graphics and Descriptive Geometry), Cracow, Poland, July 18-22, 1996, p. 425-429, 5 fig., 3 ref. Summary in English. Editors: Andrzej Wyzykowski, Tadeusz Dyduch, Renata Gorska, Leszek Piekarski and Lidia Zakowska. ISBN: 83-904805-5-7.
2. ŢĂLU Ş., NOVEANU L., A model of surface topography in computer aided design. In: Proceedings of the 7th ICECGDG (The 7th International Conference of Engineering Computer Graphics and Descriptive Geometry), Cracow, Poland, July 18-22, 1996, p. 703-705, 2 fig., 1 ref. Summary in English. Editors: Andrzej Wyzykowski, Tadeusz Dyduch, Renata Gorska, Leszek Piekarski and Lidia Zakowska. ISBN: 83-904805-5-7.
3. VELCHEREAN D., ŢĂLU Ş., Computer aided design of the "UVD" timber dryers for wooden material. In: Proceedings of the 7th ICECGDG (The 7th International Conference of Engineering Computer Graphics and Descriptive Geometry), Cracow, Poland, July 18-22, 1996, p. 710-712, 2 fig., 1 ref. Summary in English. Editors: Andrzej Wyzykowski, Tadeusz Dyduch, Renata Gorska, Leszek Piekarski and Lidia Zakowska. ISBN: 83-904805-5-7.
D 1.5. List of papers published in indexed journals “cover to cover” in IDB “Zentralblatt MATH - ZMATH Online Database”
1. ŢĂLU Ş., TOADER GHE., Computer graphic representation of some general cycle curves. (Reprezentarea grafică pe calculator a unor curbe generale ciclice). In: Automation, Computers, Applied Mathematics - Scientific Journal, vol. III, no. 2, 1994, p. 81-84, 3 fig., 3 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1221-437X.
D 1.6. List of published papers indexed in IDB “PubMed / MEDLINE”
1. ŢĂLU Ş., GIOVANZANA S., ŢĂLU M., Representation and mathematical analysis of human crystalline lens. In: "Oftalmologia", published by Romanian Society of Ophthalmology, Bucharest, vol. 55, no. 2, 2011, p. 70-74, 2 fig., 11 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1220-0875.
2. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., GIOVANZANA S., Representation and mathematical analysis of human corneal surface. In: "Oftalmologia", published by Romanian Society of Ophthalmology, Bucharest, vol. 55, no. 2, 2011, p. 75-81, 2 fig., 21 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1220-0875.
3. ŢĂLU Ş., Mathematical models of human retina. In: "Oftalmologia", published by Romanian Society of Ophthalmology, Bucharest, vol. 55, no. 3, 2011, p. 74-81, 7 fig., 21 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1220-0875.
4. ŢĂLU Ş., Fractal analysis of normal retinal vascular network. In: "Oftalmologia", published by Romanian Society of Ophthalmology, Bucharest, vol. 55, no. 4, 2011, p. 11-16, 3 fig., 23 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1220-0875.
5. ŢĂLU Ş., Multifractal characterization of human retinal blood vessels. In: "Oftalmologia", published by Romanian Society of Ophthalmology, Bucharest, vol. 56, no. 2, 2012, p. 63-71, 5 fig., 2 tab., 44 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1220-0875.
6. ŢĂLU Ş., The influence of the retinal blood vessels segmentation algorithm on the monofractal dimension. In: "Oftalmologia", published by Romanian Society of Ophthalmology, Bucharest, vol. 56, no. 3, 2012, p. 73-83, 12 fig., 1 tab., 30 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1220-0875.
D 1.7. List of published papers indexed in IDB “Hindawi Publishing Corporation Database”
1. ŞTEFĂNUŢ A.C., ŢĂLU Ş, MICLĂUŞ V., MUREŞAN A., MOLDOVAN R., SZABO B., Postnatal development of the retina in rats exposed to hyperoxia: a fractal analysis. In: "ISRN Biomedical Imaging", vol. 2013, Article ID 589327, 6 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/589327, p. 1-6, 7 fig., 27 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 2314-5412 (Online).
D 1.8. List of published papers indexed in IDB “IEEE Xplore Digital Library”
1. FAZEKAS ZOLTÁN, ŢĀLU Ş., SZALAY L., Experiments with multifractal analysis for fabric wrinkledness assessment. In: Proceedings of the ICCC 2013 (IEEE 9th International Conference on Computational Cybernetics), Tihany, Hungary, July 8-10, 2013, p. 207-212, 21 fig., 5 tab., 30 ref. Summary in English. ISBN: 978-1-4799-0063-3. DOI: 10.1109/ICCCyb.2013.6617589.
D 1.9. List of published papers indexed in IDB “World Scientific”
1. ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, SEBASTIAN STACH, MUHAMMAD IKRAM, DINESH PATHAK, TOMAS WAGNER, JEAN-MICHEL NUNZI, Surface roughness characterization of ZnO:TiO2 - organic blended solar cells layers by atomic force microscopy and fractal analysis. In: International Journal of Nanoscience, vol. 13, no. 3, p. 1450020-1, 12 pages, 2014. DOI: 10.1142/S0219581X14500203. Print ISSN: 0219-581X. Online ISSN: 1793-5350.
E 1.1. List of published scientifical papers in foreign international journals
1. ŢĂLU Ş., TOADER GHE., The generalization of the epi¬cycloid. Mathematical and graphical study. In: The PAMM’s Periodical Bulletins for Applied Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary, BAM 917, 1993 (LXVIII), p. 201-208, 11 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 0133-3526.
2. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., Various helicoidal surfaces. Computer graphic representation I. In: The PAMM’s Periodical Bulletins for Applied Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary, BAM 918, 1993 (LXVIII), p. 209-234, 14 fig., 3 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 0133-3526.
3. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., Various helicoidal surfaces. Computer graphic representation II. In: The PAMM’s Periodical Bulletins for Applied Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary, BAM 934, 1993 (LXIX) p. 131-142, 6 fig., 3 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 0133-3526.
4. ŢĂLU Ş., DEZSÖ G., The evolvent of the ellipse's evolvent. Mathematical and graphical study. In: The PAMM’s Periodical Bulletins for Applied Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary, BAM 935, 1993 (LXIX), p. 143-150, 9 fig., 5 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 0133-3526.
5. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., Baroc column. In: Bulletins for Applied Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary, BAM 938, 1993 (LXIX), p. 171-178, 3 fig., 3 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 0133-3526.
F 1.1. List of published scientifical papers in Scientific Bulletin of The „Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Series C - Electrical Engineering and Science, B+-quoted journal, Code CNCSIS 101
1. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., Dimensional optimization of frontal radiators of cooling system for power transformer 630 kVA 20/0.4 kV in terms of maximum heat transfer. In: University “Politehnica“ of Bucharest - Scientific Bulletin, Series C - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, vol. 72, no. 4, 2010, p. 249-260, 11 fig., 20 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1454-234x.
F 1.2. List of published scientifical papers in Scientific Bulletin of The „Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Series D - Mechanical Engineering, B+-quoted journal, Code CNCSIS 102
1. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., Optimal design for the interior shape of a annular diffuser with divergent careening considering the minimum whole loss pressure. In: University “Politehnica“ of Bucharest - Scientific Bulletin, Series D - Mechanical Engineering, vol. 71, no. 3, 2009, p. 99-106, 10 fig., 3 tab., 18 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1454-2358.
F 1.3. List of published scientifical papers in Scientifical Bulletin "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, B+-quoted journal, Code CNCSIS 118
1. ŢĂLU Ş., ALB T., Applications de la perspective Newtonienne dans la graphique par l'ordinateur. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, no. 37, vol. II, 1994, p. 95-100, 7 fig., 2 ref. Summary in French.
2. ALB T., ŢĂLU Ş., La transposition de la perspective Newtonienne dans la graphique assiste par l'ordinateur. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, no. 37, vol. II, 1994, p. 101-106, 9 fig., 2 ref. Summary in French.
3. ŢĂLU Ş., The spacial pedal curve of an oropthere. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, no. 37, vol. II, 1994, p. 107-110, 5 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English.
4. ŢĂLU Ş., Computer graphic representation of some particular rullete curves. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, no. 37, vol. II, 1994, p. 111-114, 7 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English.
5. ŢĂLU Ş., Researches concerning the deforming mode of material layers in cold rolling process of external cylindrical threads. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, no. 42, vol. II, 1999, p. 93-100, 2 fig., 5 ref. Summary in English.
6. ŢĂLU Ş., Researches concerning the influence of cold rolling parameters on fatigue strength of rod with rolled thread. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, no. 42, vol. II, 1999, p. 101-106, 4 fig., 6 ref. Summary in English
7. VELCHEREAN D., ŢĂLU Ş., An integrated expert system for computer aided manufacturing of a "UVD" timber dryer. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, no. 42, vol. II, 1999, p. 107-112, 6 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English.
8. BOGDAN A., ŢĂLU Ş., Analysis of geometrical tolerances in cold rolling of external cylindrical threads. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, no. 42, vol. II, 1999, p. 113-116, 4 ref. Summary in English.
9. ŢĂLU Ş., Graphical aspects concerning the perspective of the plane figures. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, no. 46, vol. II, 2003, p. 25-30, 7 fig., 3 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1221-5872.
10. ŢĂLU Ş., Applications of geometrical transformations to the general ellipsoid. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, no. 46, vol. II, 2003, p. 31-36, 6 fig., 4 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1221-5872.
F 1.4. List of published scientifical papers in Scientifical Bulletin "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Series: Civil Engineering - Architecture, B+-quoted journal, Code CNCSIS 145
1. ZETEA E., ŢĂLU Ş., Issues regarding the computer assisted graphical generation of the channel type surfaces. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series : Civil Engineering - Architecture, no. 40, 1997, p. 119-126, 6 fig., 4 ref. Summary in English.
F 1.5. List of published scientifical papers in "ANNALS of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara", International Journal of Engineering, Hunedoara, B+-quoted journal, Code CNCSIS 299
1. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., A CAD study on generating of 2D supershapes in different coordinate systems. In: "ANNALS of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara", International Journal of Engineering, Hunedoara, Tome VIII, Fasc. 3, 2010, p. 201-203, 1 tab., 5 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1584 - 2673.
2. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., CAD generating of 3D supershapes in different coordinate systems. In: "ANNALS of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara", International Journal of Engineering, Hunedoara, Tome VIII, Fasc. 3, 2010, p. 215-219, 1 tab., 5 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1584 - 2673.
3. ŢĂLU Ş., Study on the construction of complex 3D shapes with superellipsoids and supertoroids. In: "ANNALS of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara", International Journal of Engineering, Hunedoara, Tome IX, Fasc. 3, 2011, p. 299-302, 1 tab., 14 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1584 - 2673.
4. ŢĂLU Ş., CAD representations of 3D shapes with superellipsoids and convex polyhedrons. In: "ANNALS of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara", International Journal of Engineering, Hunedoara, Tome IX, Fasc. 3, 2011, p. 349-352, 1 tab., 15 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1584 - 2673.
5. GHIŢĂ M.C., MICU A.C., ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., Shape optimization of vehicle's methane gas tank. In: "ANNALS of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara", International Journal of Engineering, Hunedoara, Tome X, Fasc. 3, 2012, p. 259-266, 20 fig., 7 tab., 23 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1584 - 2673.
6. GHIŢĂ M.C., MICU A.C., ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., Shape optimization of a thoroidal methane gas tank for automotive industry. In: "ANNALS of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara", International Journal of Engineering, Hunedoara, Tome X, Fasc. 3, 2012, p. 295-297, 6 fig., 2 tab., 22 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1584 - 2673.
7. GHIŢĂ M.C., MICU A.C., ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., 3D modelling of a gas tank with reversed end up covers for automotive industry. In: "ANNALS of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara", International Journal of Engineering, Hunedoara, Tome XI, Fasc. 3, 2013, p. 195-200, 10 fig., 1 tab., 20 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1584 - 2673.
8. GHIŢĂ M.C., MICU A.C., ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., ADAM E., Computer-Aided Design of a classical cylinder gas tank for the automotive industry. In: "ANNALS of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara", International Journal of Engineering, Hunedoara, Tome XI, Fasc. 4, 2013, p. 59-64, 8 fig., 1 tab., 23 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1584 - 2673.
9. GHIŢĂ M.C., GHIŢĂ C.Ş., ŢĂLU Ş., ROTARU S., Optimal design of cylindrical rings used for the shrinkage of vehicle tanks for compressed natural gas. In: "ANNALS of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara", International Journal of Engineering, Hunedoara, Tomul XII, Fasc. 3, 2014, p. 243-250, 12 fig., 1 tab., 35 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1584 - 2673.
F 1.6. List of published scientifical papers in "Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology", edited by Western University “Vasile Goldiş”, Arad and „Babes-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, B+-quoted journal, Code CNCSIS 567
1. ROŞIORU C., ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., GIOVANZANA S., CRĂCIUN C., Morphometric assessments for the healthy rat hepatocytes. In: ”Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology”, published by Western University “Vasile Goldiş”, Arad and „Babes-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, vol. 17, no. 1, 2012, p. 74-79, 1 fig., 2 tab., 24 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1583-6258.
2. PÂRVU A.E., ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., GIOVANZANA S., CRĂCIUN C., Fractal analysis of healthy human periodontium. In: ”Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology”, published by Western University “Vasile Goldiş”, Arad and „Babes-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, vol. 17, no. 1, 2012, p. 80-84, 1 fig., 1 tab., 34 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1583-6258.
3. BISCHIN C., ŢĂLU Ş., SILAGHI-DUMITRESCU R., ŢĂLU M., GIOVANZANA S., LUPAŞCU C.A., Computerized morphometric assessment of the human red blood cells treated with cisplatin. In: ”Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology”, published by Western University “Vasile Goldiş”, Arad and „Babes-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, vol. 17, no. 2, 2012, p. 105-110, 1 fig., 2 tab., 26 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1583-6258.
4. ŞTEFĂNUŢ A.C., ŢĂLU Ş., MICLĂUŞ V., MUREŞAN A., SZABO B., A fractal analysis study of retinal development in rats exposed to the alternating hyperoxia-hypoxia. In: ”Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology”, published by Western University “Vasile Goldiş”, Arad and „Babes-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, vol. 18, no. 1, 2013, p. 239-246, 7 fig., 1 tab., 40 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1583-6258.
F 1.7. List of published scientifical papers in "Acta Electrotehnica" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, B+-quoted journal, Code CNCSIS 576
1. ŢĂLU S., ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., SHAH R., CAD of human corneal surface using new mathematical models. In: "Acta Electrotehnica" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Special Issue published by Mediamira Science Publisher, Cluj-Napoca, vol. 48, no. 4, 2007, p. 299-302, 3 fig., 15 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1841-3323.
F 1.8. List of published scientifical papers in "Animal Biology & Animal Husbandry – International Journal of the Bioflux Society (ABAH Bioflux)", Cluj-Napoca, B+-quoted journal, Code CNCSIS 933
1. ŢĂLU Ş., Mathematical methods used in monofractal and multifractal analysis for the processing of biological and medical data and images. In: "Animal Biology & Animal Husbandry - International Journal of the Bioflux Society (ABAH Bioflux)", published by Bioflux Publisher, Cluj-Napoca, vol. 4, no. 1, 2012, p. 1-4, 22 ref. Summary in English. Online ISSN 2067-6344.
F 1.9. List of published scientifical papers in "Human & Veterinary Medicine - International Journal of the Bioflux Society (HVM Bioflux)", Cluj-Napoca, B+-quoted journal, Code CNCSIS 951
1. SHAH R., ŢĂLU Ş., Ethical issues with cataract surgery in patients with macular degeneration. A graduating resident’s view point. In: "Human & Veterinary Medicine - International Journal of the Bioflux Society (HVM Bioflux)", published by Bioflux Publisher, Cluj-Napoca, vol. 3, no. 1, 2011, p. 25-28, 24 ref. Summary in English. Online ISSN 2066-7663; Printed ISSN 2066-7655.
2. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., GIOVANZANA S., SHAH R., The history and use of optical coherence tomography in ophthalmology. In: "Human & Veterinary Medicine - International Journal of the Bioflux Society (HVM Bioflux)", published by Bioflux Publisher, Cluj-Napoca, vol. 3, no. 1, 2011, p. 29-32, 1 fig., 22 ref. Summary in English. Online ISSN 2066-7663; Printed ISSN 2066-7655.
3. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., GIOVANZANA S., SHAH R., A brief history of contact lenses. In: "Human & Veterinary Medicine - International Journal of the Bioflux Society (HVM Bioflux)", published by Bioflux Publisher, Cluj-Napoca, vol. 3, no. 1, 2011, p. 33-37, 19 ref. Summary in English. Online ISSN 2066-7663; Printed ISSN 2066-7655.
4. ŢĂLU Ş., GIOVANZANA S., Fractal and multifractal analysis of human retinal vascular network: a review. In: "Human & Veterinary Medicine - International Journal of the Bioflux Society (HVM Bioflux)", published by Bioflux Publisher, Cluj-Napoca, vol. 3, no. 3, 2011, p. 205-212, 37 ref. Summary in English. Online ISSN 2066-7663; Printed ISSN 2066-7655.
5. ŢĂLU Ş., GIOVANZANA S., Image analysis of the normal human retinal vasculature using fractal geometry. In: "Human & Veterinary Medicine - International Journal of the Bioflux Society (HVM Bioflux)", published by Bioflux Publisher, Cluj-Napoca, vol. 4, no. 1, 2012, p. 14-18, 4 fig., 1 tab., 35 ref. Summary in English. Online ISSN 2066-7663; Printed ISSN 2066-7655.
6. ŢĂLU Ş., VLĂDUŢIU C., POPESCU L.A., LUPAŞCU C.A., VESA Ş.C., ŢĂLU S.D., Fractal and lacunarity analysis of human retinal vessel arborisation in normal and amblyopic eyes. In: "Human & Veterinary Medicine - International Journal of the Bioflux Society (HVM Bioflux)", published by Bioflux Publisher, Cluj-Napoca, vol. 5, no. 2, 2013, p. 45-51, 6 fig., 1 tab., 47 ref. Summary in English. Online ISSN 2066-7663; Printed ISSN 2066-7655. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2013: IF = 0.
7. ŢĂLU Ş., Characterization of retinal vessel networks in human retinal imagery using quantitative descriptors. In: "Human & Veterinary Medicine - International Journal of the Bioflux Society (HVM Bioflux)", published by Bioflux Publisher, Cluj-Napoca, vol. 5, no. 2, 2013, p. 52-57, 1 fig., 52 ref. Summary in English. Online ISSN 2066-7663; Printed ISSN 2066-7655. Reference impact factor (domain) on 2013: IF = 0.
F 1.10. List of published scientifical papers in "Extreme Life, Biospeology & Astrobiology - International Journal of the Bioflux Society (ELBA Bioflux)", Cluj-Napoca, B+-quoted journal, Code 950
1. ŢĂLU Ş., Texture analysis methods for the characterisation of biological and medical images. In: "Extreme Life, Biospeology & Astrobiology - International Journal of the Bioflux Society (ELBA Bioflux)", published by Bioflux Publisher, Cluj-Napoca, vol. 4, no. 1, 2012, p. 8-12, 21 ref. Summary in English. Online ISSN 2067-6360.
F 1.11. List of published scientifical papers in Scientific Bulletin of The „Politehnica” University of Timişoara, Transactions on Mechanics, B+-quoted journal, Code CNCSIS 301
1. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., A numerical programme to design a heat exchanger with forced convection in unsteady turbulent flow. In: Scientific Bulletin of The „Politehnica” University of Timişoara, Transactions on Mechanics, Timişoara, Tome 53 (67), Fasc. 1, 2008, p. 163-170, 14 fig., 4 tab., 8 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1224-6077.
2. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., The finite element analysis of part support system for horizontal hydraulic press - 2 MN. In: Scientific Bulletin of The „Politehnica” University of Timişoara, Transactions on Mechanics, Timişoara, Tome 54 (68), Fasc. 3, 2009, p. 85-90, 21 fig., 8 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1224-6077.
3. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., A finite element analysis of the impact-contact problem between hydraulic cylindrical rod and the support prism. In: Scientific Bulletin of The „Politehnica” University of Timişoara, Transactions on Mechanics, Timişoara, Tome 54 (68), Fasc. 4, 2009, p. 11-16, 22 fig., 5 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1224-6077.
F 1.12. List of published scientifical papers in "Journal of Engineering Studies and Research", published by “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, B-quoted journal, Code CNCSIS 461
1. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., The finite element analysis of hydraulic motor casing from horizontal hydraulic press – 2 MN. In: Journal of Engineering Studies and Research, Bacău, vol. 16, no. 3, 2010, p. 71-75, 8 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 2068 - 7559.
2. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., Numerical investigations of the sealing segments design of linear hydraulic motor plunger from horizontal hydraulic press – 2 MN. In: Journal of Engineering Studies and Research, Bacău, vol. 16, no. 3, 2010, p. 76-79, 6 fig., 12 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 2068 - 7559.
3. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., A finite element analysis of hydraulic cylinder of linear hydraulic motor from horizontal hydraulic press – 2 MN. In: Journal of Engineering Studies and Research, Bacău, vol. 16, nr. 4, 2010, p. 59-62, 8 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 2068 - 7559.
4. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., Optimal design of linear hydraulic motor plunger from horizontal hydraulic press – 2 MN. In: Journal of Engineering Studies and Research, Bacău, vol. 16, nr. 4, 2010, p. 63-66, 8 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 2068 - 7559.
5. ŢĂLU Ş., Complex 3D shapes with superellipsoids, supertoroids and convex polyhedrons, In: Journal of Engineering Studies and Research, Bacău, vol. 17, no. 4, 2011, p. 96-100, 8 fig., 16 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 2068 - 7559.
6. ŢĂLU Ş., Generation of 3D shapes with superellipsoids, supertoroids, super cylinders and super cones. In: Journal of Engineering Studies and Research, Bacău, vol. 18, no. 2, 2012, p. 135-139, 8 fig., 16 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 2068 - 7559.
F 1.13. List of published scientifical papers in The Bulletin of the Politechnic Institute of Iasi, published by the Technical University ”Gh. Asachi”, Iaşi, Section Construction Machines, B-quoted journal, Code CNCSIS 500
1. NEGRU M., ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., CAD-CAE model of the slideways contact between the crossrail and milling head of the portal milling machine. In: Bulletin of the Politechnic Institute Iaşi, published by the Technical University ”Gh. Asachi”, Iaşi, Tome LII (LVI), Fasc. 6A, 2006, Section Construction Machines, p. 319-322, 3 fig., 1 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1001-2855.
2. ŢĂLU M., NEGRU M., ŢĂLU Ş., The mathematical model and the numerical programme for calculus and plotting the relations of the Darcy’s coefficient. The corrugated and flexible pipes. The settled flow of turbulent regime. In: Bulletin of the Politechnic Institute Iaşi, published by the Technical University ”Gh. Asachi”, Iaşi, Tome LII (LVI), Fasc. 6A, 2006, Section Construction Machines, p. 413-418, 11 fig., 3 tab., 6 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1001-2855.
3. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., NEGRU M., The mathematical model and the numerical programme of calculus concerning to the loss pressure in the hydraulic technical pipes with isosceles triangle section. In: Bulletin of the Politechnic Institute Iaşi, published by the Technical University ”Gh. Asachi”, Iaşi, Tome LII (LVI), Fasc. 6A, 2006, Section Construction Machines, p. 419-425, 4 fig., 5 tab., 5 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1001-2855.
4. ŢĂLU Ş., NEGRU M., ŢĂLU M., The mathematical model and the numerical programme of calculus for the loss pressure in the technical pipes with rectangular cross-section. The settled flow. In: Bulletin of the Politechnic Institute Iaşi, published by the Technical University ”Gh. Asachi”, Iaşi, Tome LII (LVI), Fasc. 6A, 2006, Section Construction Machines, p. 426-431, 4 fig., 6 tab., 4 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1001-2855.
5. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., NEGRU M., Studies concerning the analytical definitions and differential specification of particular surfaces. In: Bulletin of the Politechnic Institute Iaşi, published by the Technical University ”Gh. Asachi”, Iaşi, Tome LII (LVI), Fasc. 6A, 2006, Section Construction Machines, p. 432-435, 5 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1001-2855.
6. NEGRU M., ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., CAD-CAE model for modal analysis of the high voltage power transformer porcelain bushing. In: Bulletin of the Politechnic Institute Iaşi, published by the Technical University ”Gh. Asachi”, Iaşi, Tome LII (LVI), Fasc. 6B, 2006, Section Construction Machines, p. 65-68, 15 fig., 1 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1001-2855.
F 1.14. List of published scientifical papers in "The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University – MATERIALS and MECHANICS", published by the Valahia University, Târgovişte, Romania, B-quoted journal, Code CNCSIS 586
1. ŢǍLU M., ŢǍLU Ş., The finite element analysis of a high pressure pump. In: The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University – MATERIALS and MECHANICS, no. 5 (year 8), 2010, p. 184-187, 21 fig., 9 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1844-1076.
2. ŢǍLU M., ŢǍLU Ş., Static analysis of a press ram-linear hydraulic motor piston assembly from horizontal hydraulic press – 2 MN. In: The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University – MATERIALS and MECHANICS, no. 5 (year 8), 2010, p. 188-191, 11 fig., 10 ref. Summary in English.
ISSN 1844-1076.
3. ŢǍLU Ş., ŢǍLU M., The Finite Element Analysis of a turbine shaft – main shaft subassembly from a average power hydrodynamic clutch included in a driveline agricultural machinery. In: The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University – MATERIALS and MECHANICS, no. 5 (year 8), 2010, p. 192-195, 18 fig., 7 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1844-1076.
4. ŢǍLU Ş., ŢǍLU M., Numerical analysis of conventional vertical airflow in a hospital operating room. In: The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University – MATERIALS and MECHANICS, no. 5 (year 8), 2010, p. 196-199, 18 fig., 7 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1844-1076.
5. ŢǍLU Ş., ŢǍLU M., Construction of complex 3D shapes with superellipsoids and super cylinders. In: The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University – MATERIALS and MECHANICS, no. 6 (year 9), 2011, p. 212-215, 1 tab., 9 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1844-1076.
6. ŢǍLU Ş., ŢǍLU M., Complex 3D shapes with superellipsoids and super cones. In: The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University – MATERIALS and MECHANICS, no. 6 (year 9), 2011, p. 216-219, 1 tab., 9 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1844-1076.
7. ŢǍLU M., ŢǍLU Ş., Analysis of heat exchanger efficiency for an electric power transformer. In: The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University – MATERIALS and MECHANICS, no. 6 (year 9), 2011, p. 220-223, 10 fig., 11 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1844-1076.
8. ŢǍLU M., ŢǍLU Ş., Modelling of thermal processes of a hydraulic cooling system for a power transformer. In: The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University – MATERIALS and MECHANICS, no. 6 (year 9), 2011, p. 224-227, 12 fig., 5 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1844-1076.
9. ŢǍLU Ş., ŢǍLU M., Surface roughness of contact lenses investigated with atomic force microscopy. In: The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University – MATERIALS and MECHANICS, no. 7 (year 10), 2012, p. 107-110, 2 tab., 50 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1844-1076.
10. ŢǍLU Ş., ŢǍLU M., Investigation of intraocular lenses surface roughness by atomic force microscopy. In: The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University – MATERIALS and MECHANICS, no. 7 (year 10), 2012, p. 111-114, 1 tab., 45 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1844-1076.
F 1.15. List of published scientifical papers in Journal NOESIS, “Travaux du Comité Roumain d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences”, published by Romanian Academy, Bucharest, B-quoted journal, Code CNCSIS 752
1. ŢĂLU Ş., Aspects from the history of geometry. In: Journal NOESIS, “Travaux du Comité Roumain d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences”, published by Romanian Academy, Bucharest, XXXIII, 2008, p. 137-150, 6 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1223-4249.
2. ŢĂLU Ş., The contribution of Gheorghe Lazăr to the creation of romanian mathematical terminology. In: Journal NOESIS, “Travaux du Comité Roumain d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences”, published by Romanian Academy, Bucharest, XXXV, 2010, p. 201-207, 9 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1223-4249.
F 1.16. List of published scientifical papers in Scientifical Bulletin "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Series : Construction Machines and Materials, C-quoted journal, Code CNCSIS 144
1. ŢĂLU Ş., A mathematical model for representation of 3D surfaces. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Construction Machines and Materials, no. 38, vol. I, 1995, p. 17-22, 9 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1224–9106.
2. FLORESCU A., ŢĂLU Ş., Some considerations concerning functional dimensioning in engineering graphics. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Construction Machines and Materials, no. 38, vol. I, 1995, p. 23-28, 8 fig., 3 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1224–9106.
3. ŢĂLU Ş., DRĂGAN D., Aspects concerning determination of the threads rolling force. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Construction Machines and Materials, no. 38, vol. I, 1995, p. 29-32, 1 fig., 3 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1224–9106.
4. ŢĂLU Ş., NOVEANU L., Aspects concerning representation of surface topography in CAD. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Construction Machines and Materials, no. 38, vol. I, 1995, p. 33-38, 1 fig., 1 tab., 6 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1224–9106.
5. ŢĂLU Ş., Aspects concerning CAD analyse of concave helicoidal surfaces. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Construction Machines and Materials, no. 41, vol. I, 1998, p. 69-72, 2 fig., 4 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1224–9106.
6. ŢĂLU Ş., Graphical aspects concerning CAD of particular concave helicoidal surfaces. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Construction Machines and Materials, no. 41, vol. I, 1998, p. 73-76, 2 fig., 4 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1224–9106.
7. ŢĂLU Ş., Mathematical and graphical algorithm for CAD of concave helicoidal surfaces. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Construction Machines and Materials, no. 41, vol. I, 1998, p. 77-80, 1 fig., 4 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1224–9106.
8. ŢĂLU Ş., A mathematical model for the study of remnant stresses from inside the bottom zone of the rolled piece thread. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Construction Machines and Materials, no. 42, 1999, p. 49-54, 4 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1224–9106.
9. ŢĂLU Ş., The determination of the maximum cold rolling force of external cylindrical threads. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Construction Machines and Materials, no. 42, 1999, p. 55-62, 3 fig., 4 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1224–9106.
10. ŢĂLU Ş., The comparative analysis of microhardness curves and of the material microstructure in rolled thread section according to cold plastic deformation parameters. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series : Construction Machines and Materials, no. 42, 1999, p. 63-68, 8 fig., 6 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1224–9106.
11. ŢĂLU Ş., The analysis of precision parameters of external cylindrical threads according to cold rolling regime parameters. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Construction Machines and Materials, no. 42, 1999, p. 69-76, 4 fig., 2 tab., 6 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1224–9106.
12. ŢĂLU Ş., SUCIU A-A., Mathematical and graphical algorithm for CAD of logarithmic helicoidal surfaces. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series : Construction Machines and Materials, no. 43, 2000, p. 157-160, 1 fig., 1 tab., 2 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1224–9106.
13. ŢĂLU Ş., A mathematical model for CAD of logarithmic helicoidal surfaces with variable pitch. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series : Construction Machines and Materials, no. 43, 2000, p. 161-164, 2 fig., 1 tab., 1 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1224–9106.
14. ŢĂLU Ş., A method for the statistical determination of the average weight of the assemblage bodies. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series : Construction Machines and Materials, no. 44, 2001, p. 127-132, 4 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1224–9106.
15. ŢĂLU Ş., Contributions concerning the calculation of the economic efficiency based on the statistical determinations of the average weight of the assemblage bodies. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Construction Machines and Materials, no. 44, 2001, p. 133-138, 3 tab., 4 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1224–9106.
16. ŢĂLU Ş., The mathematical analysis of the pedal of a conic curve. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Construction Machines and Materials, no. 44, 2001, p. 139-142, 2 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1224–9106.
17. ŢĂLU Ş., Some particular properties of the circular helicoidal line. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Construction Machines and Materials, no. 44, 2001, p. 143-146, 2 fig., 5 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1224–9106.
18. ŢĂLU Ş., A mathematical model for CAD representation of the particular nicoids curves. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Construction Machines and Materials, no. 44, 2001, p. 147-150, 2 fig., 10 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1224–9106.
19. ŢĂLU Ş., Mathematical and graphical study of parabolic helicoidal surfaces. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Construction Machines and Materials, no. 44, 2001, p. 151-154, 1 fig., 1 tab., 3 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1224–9106.
20. ŢĂLU Ş., Mathematical and graphical study of parabolic helicoidal surfaces with variable pitch. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Construction Machines and Materials, no. 44, 2001, p. 155-158, 1 fig., 1 tab., 3 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1224–9106.
21. ŢĂLU Ş., NOVEANU D., Graphical methods for representation of helicoidal surfaces. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Construction Machines and Materials, no. 46, 2003, p. 91-94, 2 fig., 3 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1224-9106.
22. ŢĂLU Ş., Some considerations concerning the tangent plane at a point situated on a general rotation surface. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Construction Machines and Materials, no. 47, 2004, p. 61-64, 4 fig., 6 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1224-9106.
23. ŢĂLU Ş., The determination of a point orthogonal projection situated on a general rotation surface. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Construction Machines and Materials, no. 47, 2004, p. 65-68, 4 fig., 6 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1224-9106.
24. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU S.D., SIPOŞ A., Accuracy of human corneal surface approximation with polynomials. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Construction Machines and Materials, no. 50, 2007, p. 51-54, 1 fig., 11 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1224-9106.
25. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU S.D., SIPOŞ A., SHAH R., Analysis, modelling and simulation of human corneal surface. In: "Acta Technica Napocensis" of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Series: Construction Machines and Materials, no. 50, 2007, p. 55-58, 5 fig., 4 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 1224-9106.
F 1.17. List of published scientifical papers in Annals of the University of Craiova, Series Mechanics, published by the Universitaria Publishing House, Craiova, D-quoted journal, Code CNCSIS 504
1. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., The mathematical model of calculus for the loss pressure in a hydraulic pipe with annular section with ribs for centring. In: Annals of the University of Craiova, Series: Mechanics, no. 1, 2006, p. 165-170, 2 fig., 3 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1223-5296, Universitaria Publishing House, Craiova.
2. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., The numerical programme for solve the mathematical model of calculus for the loss pressure in a hydraulic pipe with annular section and ribs for centring. In: Annals of the University of Craiova, Series: Mechanics, no. 1, 2006, p. 171-174, 4 tab., 5 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1223-5296, Universitaria Publishing House, Craiova.
3. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., Some considerations concerning incompressible fluid flow through inhomogeneous porous media. In: Annals of the University of Craiova, Series: Mechanics, no. 1, 2009, p. 79-82, 5 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1223-5296, Universitaria Publishing House, Craiova.
4. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., Some considerations concerning compressible fluid flow through inhomogeneous porous media with constant porosity. In: Annals of the University of Craiova, Series: Mechanics, no. 1, 2009, p. 89-92, 5 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1223-5296, Universitaria Publishing House, Craiova.
5. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., SIPOS A., BOKOR L., On a solution for plane-radial flow of a compressible fluid through inhomogeneous porous media. In: Annals of the University of Craiova, Series: Mechanics, no. 1, 2009, p. 117-122, 10 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1223-5296, Universitaria Publishing House, Craiova.
6. ŢĂLU Ş., An overview of the design and implementation of visual prosthesis. In: Annals of the University of Craiova, Series: Mechanics, no. 1, 2009, p. 131-134, 3 fig., 3 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1223-5296, Universitaria Publishing House, Craiova.
7. SHAH R., ŢĂLU Ş., On the models used in geometrical representation of human extraocular muscles. În: Annals of the University of Craiova, Series: Mechanics, no. 1, 2009, p. 155-160, 2 fig., 6 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1223-5296, Universitaria Publishing House, Craiova.
8. SHAH R., ŢĂLU Ş., A balancing forces model for the human extraocular muscles. In: Annals of the University of Craiova, Series: Mechanics, no. 1, 2009, p. 177-180, 6 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1223-5296, Universitaria Publishing House, Craiova.
9. SHAH R., ŢĂLU Ş., A mathematical model of human retina. In: Annals of the University of Craiova, Series: Mechanics, no. 1, 2009, p. 213-216, 1 fig., 10 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1223-5296, Universitaria Publishing House, Craiova.
10. SHAH R., ŢĂLU Ş., On the application of laminography to the human eye. In: Annals of the University of Craiova, Series: Mechanics, no. 1, 2009, p. 217-220, 2 fig., 12 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1223-5296, Universitaria Publishing House, Craiova.
F 1.18. List of published scientifical papers in "Poeciliid Research - Journal of the Bioflux Society (Poec Res)”, Cluj-Napoca.
1. ŢĂLU Ş., Petrescu-Mag I.V., Păsărin B., Investigation on acute toxicity of lindane in guppies, Poecilia reticulata Peters, 1859. In: "Poeciliid Research - Journal of the Bioflux Society (Poec Res)”, published by Bioflux Publisher, Cluj-Napoca, vol. 2, no. 1, 2012, p. 9-14, 6 fig., 1 tab., 21 ref. Summary in English. ISSN 2248-3101 (print), ISSN-L 2248-3101.
F 1.19. List of published scientifical papers in "Mathews Journal of Dentistry”.
1. Ţălu Ş., Contreras-Bulnes R., Rodríguez-Vilchis L.E., Montoya-Ayala G., Morphological Characterization of Human Dental Enamel Irradiated with Er:YAG Laser using the Statistical Functions. In: Mathews Journal of Dentistry, published by Mathews Open Access Journals, vol. 1, no. 1, 2016, p. 1-6, 4 fig., 2 tab., 33 ref. Summary in English. Citation: M J Dent 1(1): 005, pp. 1-6.
G 1.1. List of published scientifical papers in volumes of international conferences
1. ALB T., ŢĂLU Ş., DEZSÖ G., The evolvent of the ellipse. Mathematical and graphical study. In: Constructions 2000 - International Symposium, vol. III, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October 15-16, 1993, p. 897-901, 9 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English.
2. NOVEANU L., HRISTEA I., ŢĂLU Ş., CRIŞAN N., CRĂCIUN F., GHIOLŢEAN L., Graphic interface specialised in computer aided design. In: Constructions 2000 - International Symposium, vol. III, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October 15-16, 1993, p. 958-963, 5 fig., 1 ref. Summary in English.
3. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., Computer graphic representation of intersection between an equilateral hyperbolic paraboloid and a revolution cylinder. In: Constructions 2000 - International Symposium, vol. III, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October 15-16, 1993, p. 993-999, 16 fig., 3 ref. Summary in English.
4. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., Computer graphic representation of hyperbolic helicoidal surfaces with variable pitch. In: Constructions 2000 - International Symposium, vol. III, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October 15-16, 1993, p. 999-1005, 18 fig., 3 ref. Summary in English.
5. ŢĂLU Ş., Microgeometry graphic moulding. In: 10-th International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED 95, Praha, Czechia, August 22-24, 1995, vol. IV, p. 1567-1568, 2 ref. Summary in English and German. Schriftenreihe WDK 23. Zürich: Edition Heurista. Editor: Vladimir Hubka. ISBN: 3-85693-028.0.
6. FLORESCU A., ŢĂLU Ş., The influence of the technological factor upon the functional dimensioning. In: International Conference "Engineering graphics and teaching methodology", Chişinău, Moldova, October 3-4, 1995, vol. I, p. 62-65, 11 fig., 2 ref.
7. ALB T., ŢĂLU Ş., Applications and interpretations of iterated hyperbolism in Monge graphics on computer. In: International Conference "Engineering graphics and teaching methodology", Chişinău, Moldova, October 3-4, 1995, vol. II, p. 33-36, 1 fig., 5 ref.
8. ŢĂLU Ş., FLORESCU A., Computer aided design of some hyperbolic helicoidal surfaces. In: International Conference "Engineering graphics and teaching methodology", Chişinău, Moldova, October 3-4, 1995, vol. II, p. 63-66, 11 fig., 3 ref.
9. ŢĂLU Ş., Baroc column, computer graphic representation. In: International Conference "Engineering graphics and teaching methodology", Chişinău, Moldova, October 3-4, 1995, vol. II, p. 121-124, 2 fig., 3 ref. Summary in English.
10. VELCHEREAN D., ŢĂLU Ş., Computer aided design and graphical representation of the "UVD" cooling dryer for wooden material. In: International Conference "Engineering graphics and teaching methodology", Chişinău, Moldova, October 3-4, 1995, vol. II, p. 189-192, 3 fig., 3 ref.
11. FLORESCU A., ŢĂLU Ş., The dimension chain, an important element in functional size description and a key factor in the selection of the optimal construction solution. In: The 3-rd International Scientific Conference, Machines and Modern Technologies, MTeM '95, Cugir, Romania, October 12-14, 1995, vol. I, p. 43-46, 6 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 973-95635-9-7, Publishing House Transilvania Press, Cluj-Napoca, 1995.
12. VELCHEREAN D., ŢĂLU Ş., Romanian priorities in the field of the "UVD" cooling dryers for wooden material. In: The 3-rd International Scientific Conference, Machines and Modern Technologies, MTeM '95, Cugir, Romania, October 12-14, 1995, vol. II, p. 53-56, 1 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 973-95635-9-7, Publishing House Transilvania Press, Cluj-Napoca, 1995.
13. ŢĂLU Ş., PETRICEANU GHE., Some considerations concerning numerical and graphical analyses of external cylindrical threads surface topography made by cold rolling. In: The 3-rd International Scientific Conference, Machines and Modern Technologies, MTeM '95, Cugir, Romania, October 12-14, 1995, vol. II, p. 105-108, 2 fig., 1 Tab., 6 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 973-95635-9-7, Publishing House Transilvania Press, Cluj-Napoca, 1995.
14. ŢĂLU Ş., FLORESCU A., Researches concerning the influence of the rolling regime by cold plastic deformation on the precision of external cylindrical threads. In: The 3-rd International Scientific Conference, Machines and Modern Technologies, MTeM '95, Cugir, Romania, October 12-14, 1995, vol. II, p. 109-112, 15 fig., 1 Tab., 2 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 973-95635-9-7, Publishing House Transilvania Press, Cluj-Napoca, 1995.
15. BOGDAN A., ŢĂLU Ş., PETRICEANU GHE., Computer aided engineering in cold rolling of external cylindrical threads. In: ICED '97, International Conference on Engineering Design, Tampere, Finland, August 19-21, 1997, vol. I, p. 141-144, 3 fig., 3 ref. Summary in English. Publisher Tampere University of Technology. Schriftenreihe WDK 25. Editor: Asko Riitahuhta. ISBN: 951-722-788-4.
16. ŢĂLU Ş., Computer aided engineering of modular systems. In: ICED '97, International Conference on Engineering Design, Tampere, Finland, August 19-21, 1997, vol. II, p. 687-690, 2 fig., 5 ref. Summary in English. Publisher Tampere University of Technology. Schriftenreihe WDK 25. Editor: Asko Riitahuhta. ISBN: 951-722-788-4.
17. TRIPA A., DRĂGAN D., ŢĂLU Ş., Graphical solutions for determining of tangent lines in the multiple points. In: VI-th Symposium in Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Computer Graphics with international participation, vol. I, Bucureşti, June 4-6, 1998, p. 203-206, 1 fig, 3 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 973-98447-9-0, Publishing House Bren, Bucureşti, 1998.
18. FLORESCU A., ŢĂLU Ş., Some aspects concerning dimensional control of technological redimensioning pieces. In: VI-th Symposium in Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Computer Graphics with international participation, vol. II, Bucureşti, June 4-6, 1998, p. 375-378, 6 fig, 4 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 973-98447-9-0, Publishing House Bren, Bucureşti, 1998.
19. BOGDAN A., ŢĂLU Ş., Considerations concerning determination of the section area in particular helicoidal bodies. In: VI-th Symposium in Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Computer Graphics with international participation, vol. III, Bucureşti, June 4-6, 1998, p. 479-482, 2 fig, 14 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 973-98447-9-0, Publishing House Bren, Bucureşti, 1998.
20. BOGDAN A., ŢĂLU Ş., Design technology of rolls used in cold rolling of external cylindrical threads. In: VI-th Symposium in Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Computer Graphics with international participation, vol. III, Bucureşti, June 4-6, 1998, p. 483-486, 2 fig, 7 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 973-98447-9-0, Publishing House Bren, Bucureşti, 1998.
21. FLORESCU A., ŢĂLU Ş., NOVEANU L., ZAMFIR S., The use of C-B-Spline Curves in CAD. In: VI-th Symposium in Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Computer Graphics with international participation, vol. III, Bucureşti, June 4-6, 1998, p. 499-501, 4 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 973-98447-9-0, Publishing House Bren, Bucureşti, 1998.
22. KRÁL J., ŢĂLU Ş., Design technology of representing engineering assemblies using a CAD-based configuration system. In: VI-th Symposium in Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Computer Graphics with international participation, vol. III, Bucureşti, June 4-6, 1998, p. 513-515, 3 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 973-98447-9-0, Publishing House Bren, Bucureşti, 1998.
23. KRÁL J., ŢĂLU Ş., The conchoid of the generalized epicycloid. In: VI-th Symposium in Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Computer Graphics with international participation, vol. III, Bucureşti, June 4-6, 1998, p. 515-518, 3 fig., 3 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 973-98447-9-0, Publishing House Bren, Bucureşti, 1998.
24. ŢĂLU Ş., Mathematical and graphical study of particular helicoidal surfaces. In: VI-th Symposium in Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Computer Graphics with international participation, vol. III, Bucureşti, June 4-6, 1998, p. 519-522, 4 fig., 7 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 973-98447-9-0, Publishing House Bren, Bucureşti, 1998.
25. ŢĂLU Ş., FLORESCU A., A model for CAD of some helicoidal surfaces. In: VI-th Symposium in Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Computer Graphics with international participation, vol. III, Bucureşti, June 4-6, 1998, p. 523-526, 4 fig., 7 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 973-98447-9-0, Publishing House Bren, Bucureşti, 1998.
26. VELCHEREAN D., AŞTILEAN F., ŢĂLU Ş., Computer aided engineering and manufacturing of a "UVD" timber dryer. In: Proceedings of EPMESC VII: Computational Methods in Engineering and Science, Macao, 2-5 August, 1999, published by Publishing House Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1999, vol. II, p. 1051 - 1059, 6 fig., 1 tab., 1 ref. Summary in English. Editors: Joăo Bento, E. Arantes e Oliveira, Eduardo Pereira. ISBN: 0-08-043570-X.
27. ŢĂLU Ş., BOGDÁN A., Manufacture and computer aided engineering of rolls with attack cone used in cold rolling of external cylindrical threads. In: Proceedings of EPMESC VII: Computational Methods in Engineering and Science, Macao, 2-5 August, 1999, published by Publishing House Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1999, vol. II, p. 1061-1067, 2 fig., 1 tab., 1 ref. Summary in English. Editors: Joăo Bento, E. Arantes e Oliveira, Eduardo Pereira. ISBN: 0-08-043570-X.
28. VELCHEREAN D., AŞTILEAN F., ŢĂLU Ş., Functional modelling and computer aided engineering of a plastifier for curved furniture. In: Proceedings of EPMESC VII: Computational Methods in Engineering and Science, Macao, 2-5 August, 1999, published by Publishing House Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1999, vol. II, p. 1069-1074, 4 fig., 1 ref. Summary in English. Editors: Joăo Bento, E. Arantes e Oliveira, Eduardo Pereira. ISBN: 0-08-043570-X.
29. VELCHEREAN D., AŞTILEAN F., ŢĂLU Ş., Optimal strategy in manufacturing and computer aided engineering of a "UVD" timber dryer. In: ICED '99, 12th International Conference on Engineering Design, Munich, Germany, August 24-26, 1999, vol. I, p. 293-297, 2 fig., 1 ref. Summary in English. Schriftenreihe WDK 26. Zürich: Edition Heurista. Publisher Technische Universität München. Editors: U. Lindemann, H. Birkhofer, H. Meerkamm and S. Vajna. ISBN: 3-922979-53-X.
30. VELCHEREAN D., AŞTILEAN F., ŢĂLU Ş., Production optimization and computer aided engineering of a plastifier for curved furniture. In: ICED '99, 12th International Conference on Engineering Design, Munich, Germany, August 24-26, 1999, vol. III, p. 1885-1889, 2 fig., 1 ref. Summary in English. Schriftenreihe WDK 26. Zürich: Edition Heurista. Publisher Technische Universität München. Editors: U. Lindemann, H. Birkhofer, H. Meerkamm and S. Vajna. ISBN: 3-922979-53-X.
31. ŢĂLU Ş., The influence of cold plastic deformation on precision, microhardness and microstructure of cylindrical threads. In: TMCE 2000 - Tools and methods of competitive engineering. Edited by: Imre Horváth, Anthony J. Medland, Joris S.M. Vergeest. The Netherlands, Delft, Delft University Press, 2000, vol. I, p. 811-820, 20 fig., 13 ref. Summary in English. ISBN: 90-407-1983-7.
32. ŢĂLU Ş., FLORESCU A., ŢĂLU M., Considerations concerning generalized cycloids. In: VII-th Edition of the National Conference with international participation GRAFICA-2000, vol. I, Craiova, October 19-21, 2000, p. 425-428, 2 fig., 3 ref. Summary in English.
33. FLORESCU A., ŢĂLU Ş., HRISTEA I., Chains with functional dimensions and necessary dimensioning. In: VII-th Edition of the National Conference with international participation GRAFICA-2000, vol. I, Craiova, October 19-21, 2000, p. p. 473-478, 2 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English.
34. ŢĂLU Ş., Functional modelling and computer aided engineering of rolls with attack cone used in cold rolling of threads. In: 9th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics, Johannesburg, South Africa, July 28-31, 2000, vol. I, p. 200-203, 2 fig., 1 tab., 1 ref. Summary in English.
35. VELCHEREAN D., AŞTILEAN F., ŢĂLU Ş., Implementation and application of 3D CAD technology for computer aided engineering of a "UVD" timber dryer. In: 9th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics, Johannesburg, South Africa, July 28-31, 2000, vol. I, p. 210-213, 2 fig., 1 ref. Summary in English.
36. ŢĂLU Ş., FLORESCU A., Some considerations concerning computer aided design of the spheric epicycloid. In: VIII-th Symposium in Descriptive Geometry, Technical Graphics and Design with international participation, Braşov, June 5-7, 2003, vol. II, p. 291-294, 5 fig., 7 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 973-635-195-5, 973-635-197-1.
37. ŢĂLU Ş., FLORESCU A., Mathematical and graphical study of the strophoid. In: VIII-th Symposium in Descriptive Geometry, Technical Graphics and Design with international participation, Braşov, June 5-7, 2003, vol. II, p. 295-298, 3 fig., 7 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 973-635-195-5, 973-635-197-1.
38. ŢĂLU Ş., Graphical aspects concerning computer aided design of some particular conchoids. In: VIII-th Symposium in Descriptive Geometry, Technical Graphics and Design with international participation, Braşov, June 5-7, 2003, vol. II, p. 299-302, 5 fig., 7 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 973-635-195-5, 973-635-197-1.
39. ŢĂLU Ş., Representation of hyperbolic paraboloid like a translation surface. În : National Conference of Termotechnics with international participation, Edition XV, vol. I, Craiova, May 26-28 2005, Section B, p. 101-105, 2 fig, 6 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 973-742-089-6, Publishing house Universitaria, Craiova, 2005.
40. ŢĂLU Ş., Covering surfaces made by hyperbolic paraboloids. În : National Conference of Termotechnics with international participation, Edition XV, vol. I, Craiova, May 26-28 2005, Section B, p. 105-109, 2 fig, 6 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 973-742-089-6, Publishing house Universitaria, Craiova, 2005.
41. ŢĂLU Ş., Studies concerning the tangent plane problems on a general rotation surface. În: National Conference of Termotechnics with international participation, Edition XV, vol. I, Craiova, May 26-28 2005, Section B, p. 109-113, 4 fig, 6 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 973-742-089-6, Publishing house Universitaria, Craiova, 2005.
42. ŢĂLU Ş., New life-cycle management tools in the “UVD” timber dryer product development process. In: National Conference of Termotechnics with international participation, Edition XV, vol. I, Craiova, May 26-28 2005, Section B, p. 113-118, 2 fig, 3 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 973-742-089-6, Publishing house Universitaria, Craiova, 2005.
43. ŢĂLU Ş., The development of an expert system for produce design of a plastifier for curved furniture. In: National Conference of Termotechnics with international participation, Edition XV, vol. I, Craiova, May 26-28 2005, Section B, p. 119-123, 1 fig, 2 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 973-742-089-6, Publishing house Universitaria, Craiova, 2005.
44. ŢĂLU Ş., Helicoidal surfaces generated by the spiral curves. In: International Conference on Engineering Graphics and Design, Bucureşti, June 9-10, 2005, vol. I, p. 431-435, 4 fig., 10 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 973-648-471-8, Publishing house Bren, Bucureşti, 2005.
45. ŢĂLU Ş., New analytical relations in central axonometry between the fundamental constants and orientation constants. In: International Conference on Engineering Graphics and Design, Bucureşti, June 9-10, 2005, vol. I, p. 435-439, 3 fig., 6 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 973-648-471-8, Publishing house Bren, Bucureşti, 2005.
46. ŢĂLU Ş., Isometrical representation of helicoidal surfaces. În : VI-th multidisciplinary national Conference – with international participation - “Professor Dorin Pavel – the founder of romanian hydroenergetics”, Sebeş, June 2-4, 2006, vol. X, p. 241-246, 4 fig., 10 ref. Summary in English. ISBN-10 973-8130-82-4, ISBN-13 978-973-8130-82-1, ISBN-10 973-720-030-6, ISBN-13 978-973-720-030-3, Publishing house AGIR, Bucureşti, 2006.
47. ŢĂLU Ş., Axonometrical representation of screw with triangle thread and with acme thread. În : VI-th multidisciplinary national Conference – with international participation - “Professor Dorin Pavel – the founder of romanian hydroenergetics”, Sebeş, June 2-4, 2006, vol. X, p. 247-252, 4 fig., 10 ref. bibliogr. Summary in English. ISBN-10 973-8130-82-4, ISBN-13 978-973-8130-82-1, ISBN-10 973-720-030-6, ISBN-13 978-973-720-030-3, Publishing house AGIR, Bucureşti, 2006.
48. ŢĂLU Ş., Axonometrical representation of screw with square thread and with rectangle thread. În : VI-th multidisciplinary national Conference – with international participation - “Professor Dorin Pavel – the founder of romanian hydroenergetics”, Sebeş, June 2-4, 2006, vol. X, p. 253-258, 4 fig., 10 ref. Summary in English. ISBN-10 973-8130-82-4, ISBN-13 978-973-8130-82-1, ISBN-10 973-720-030-6, ISBN-13 978-973-720-030-3, Publishing house AGIR, Bucureşti, 2006.
49. ŢĂLU M., BICĂ M., ŢĂLU Ş., Calculul căderii de presiune prin simulare numerică pe filtre hidraulice ceramice cu mediu poros cementat granular neregulat în cazul filtrărilor realizate cu schimb de căldură. In: First National Symposium with international participation “Mechanical engineering and environment”, vol. I, Craiova, October 6-7, 2006, p. 1-4, 3 fig., 1 tab., 3 ref. ISBN-10 973-742-441-7, ISBN-13 978-973-742-441-9, Publishing house Universitaria, Craiova, 2006.
50. ŢĂLU M., BICĂ M., ŢĂLU Ş., Calculul prin simulare numerică a căderii de presiune în schimbătoarele de căldură cu curgere oblică peste fasciculul de ţevi prevăzut cu aripioare circulare dispuse spaţial decalat faţă de curentul de fluid. In: First National Symposium with international participation “Mechanical engineering and environment”, vol. II, Craiova, October 6-7, 2006, p. 1-5, 4 fig., 4 tab., 3 ref. ISBN-10 973-742-441-7, ISBN-13 978-973-742-441-9, Publishing house Universitaria, Craiova, 2006.
51. CĂLBUREANU M., MALCIU R., ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., The shape optimization for a cooling system with pipes subjected to a thermal loads. In: National Symposium with international participation "Man and The Environment", 5th Edition, Timişoara, May 24-25 2007, p. 227-234, 5 fig., 3 tab., 3 ref. Summary in English, ISBN: 978-973-687-555-7, Publishing house EUROSTAMPA, Timişoara, 2007.
52. ŢĂLU M., BICĂ M., CĂLBUREANU M., ŢĂLU Ş., Determinarea noxelor degajate de arzătorul neturbionar pe cărbune de 35 MW folosind combinat un program de calcul numeric şi analiză cu element finit. In: National Symposium with international participation "Man and The Environment", 5th Edition, Timişoara, May 24-25 2007, p. 257-262, 8 fig., 2 tab., 6 ref. Summary in English, ISBN: 978-973-687-555-7, Publishing house EUROSTAMPA, Timişoara, 2007.
53. BICĂ M., ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., Analiza cu element finit a curgerii gazodinamice şi a câmpului de temperaturi în focarul unei instalaţii de ardere a CH4 echipată cu două arzătoare. In: National Conference of Termotechnics with international participation, Edition XVIth, Ploieşti, May 31 – 1st June 2007, vol. I, p. 35-40, 22 fig., 5 tab., 5 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1843-1992, Publishing house of University Petrol-Gaze, Ploieşti, 2007.
54. BICǍ M., ŢǍLU M., ŢǍLU Ş., The 3D model of an installation with three burners on methane gas and the analysis with finite element methode of noxes generating into burning process. In: the 2nd International Conference on Thermal Engines and Environmental Engineering, MET IME 2007, Galaţi, June 7-9, 2007, vol. I, p. 87-92, 18 fig., 7 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1843-2794, ISBN 978-973-1724-17-1, Publishing house Zigotto, Galaţi, 2007.
55. BICǍ M., ŢǍLU M., ŢǍLU Ş., The 3D model and analysys with the element finite methode and with a numerical programme of the reaction products and reactants into furnace of a equipment with three burners on methan gas, In: the 2nd International Conference on Thermal Engines and Environmental Engineering, MET IME 2007, Galaţi, June 7-9, 2007, vol. I, p. 93-98, 18 fig., 7 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1843-2794, ISBN 978-973-1724-17-1, Publishing house Zigotto, Galaţi, 2007.
56. ŢǍLU Ş., ŢǍLU M., BICǍ M., The numerical programme for calculus and plotting the loss pressure in the hydraulic confusser. In: the 2nd International Conference on Thermal Engines and Environmental Engineering, MET IME 2007, Galaţi, June 7-9, 2007, vol. I, p. 99-104, 8 fig., 4 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1843-2794, ISBN 978-973-1724-17-1, Publishing house Zigotto, Galaţi, 2007.
57. ŢǍLU Ş., ŢǍLU M., BICǍ M., The numerical programme of calculus and plotting for the loss pressure of the hydraulic conffuser and the miscalculation resulting by use of some formulas for calculus of darcy’s coefficient. In: the 2nd International Conference on Thermal Engines and Environmental Engineering, MET IME 2007, Galaţi, June 7-9, 2007, vol. I, p. 105-110, 3 fig., 3 ref. Summary in English. ISSN: 1843-2794, ISBN 978-973-1724-17-1, Publishing house Zigotto, Galaţi, 2007.
58. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU S., SHAH H., ŢĂLU M., A new mathematical spherical model in the human corneal modelling. In: the 2nd International Conference on Engineering Graphics and Design, ICEGD 2007, Galaţi, June 7-10, 2007, p. 217-220, 2 fig., 1 tab., 7 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 978-973-667-252-1, Publishing house Cermi, Iaşi, 2007.
59. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU S., SHAH H., ŢĂLU M., A new approximation of corneal surface using ellipsoidal surfaces. In: the 2nd International Conference on Engineering Graphics and Design, ICEGD 2007, Galaţi, June 7-10, 2007, p. 221-224, 4 fig., 7 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 978-973-667-252-1, Publishing house Cermi, Iaşi, 2007.
60. ŢǍLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., The mathematical modelling of loss pressure for internal fluid friction on the hydraulic conffuser with variable cross section starting from the rectangular to circular shape. In : VIII-th multidisciplinary national Conference – with international participation - “Professor Dorin Pavel – the founder of romanian hydroenergetics”, Sebeş, May 30-31, 2008, vol. XIV, p. 257-262, 2 fig., 5 ref. Summary in English, ISBN-10 973-8130-82-4, ISBN-13 978-973-720-198-0, Publishing house AGIR, Bucureşti, 2008.
61. ŢǍLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., The computational programme of calculus to determinate the loss pressure of internal fluid friction on the hydraulic conffuser with variable cross section starting from the rectangular to circular shape. In : VIII-th multidisciplinary national Conference – with international participation - “Professor Dorin Pavel – the founder of romanian hydroenergetics”, Sebeş, May 30-31, 2008, vol. XIV, p. 263-268, 8 fig., 1 tab., 5 ref. Summary in English, ISBN-10 973-8130-82-4, ISBN-13 978-973-720-198-0, Publishing house AGIR, Bucureşti, 2008.
62. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢǍLU M., The experimental installation to measure the thermodynamic parameters of heat exchangers with forced convection working in turbulent flow. In : VIII-th multidisciplinary national Conference – with international participation - “Professor Dorin Pavel – the founder of romanian hydroenergetics”, Sebeş, May 30-31, 2008, vol. XIV, p. 269-274, 1 fig., 1 tab., 9 ref. Summary in English, ISBN-10 973-8130-82-4, ISBN-13 978-973-720-198-0, Publishing house AGIR, Bucureşti, 2008.
63. ŢǍLU M., BICǍ M., ŢǍLU Ş., Modelling of the coal dust flow in burners of the coal boiler by type MAN 510 t/h. In: International Conference of Mechanical Engineering, ICOME – 2010, Craiova, April 27 – 30, 2010, p. 177-184, 13 fig., 4 tab., 16 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 978-606-510-878-3, 978-606-510-879-0, Tomul I, Publishing house Universitaria, Craiova, 2010.
64. ŢǍLU M., ŢǍLU Ş., BICǍ M., On the modelling of conventional vertical airflow in surgical operating rooms. In: International Conference of Mechanical Engineering, ICOME – 2010, Craiova, April 27 – 30, 2010, p. 225-232, 11 fig., 6 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 978-606-510-878-3, 978-606-510-879-0, Tomul I, Publishing house Universitaria, Craiova, 2010.
65. ŢǍLU M., ŢǍLU Ş., An approximation solution of the direct linear elastic contact problem. In: International Conference of Mechanical Engineering, ICOME – 2010, Craiova, April 27 – 30, 2010, p. 333-338, 1 fig., 19 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 978-606-510-878-3, 978-606-510-879-0, Tomul I, Publishing house Universitaria, Craiova, 2010.
66. ŢǍLU Ş., ŢǍLU M., Mathematical modelling of human eye rotations and positions using rotation matrices and quaternions. In: International Conference of Mechanical Engineering, ICOME – 2010, p. 445-450, 3 fig., 8 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 978-606-510-878-3, 978-606-510-879-0, Tomul I, Publishing house Universitaria, Craiova, 2010.
67. GIOVANZANA S., KASPRZAK H.T., ŢǍLU Ş., Non-rotational, aspherical models of the human optical system. In: The 6th EOS Topical Meeting on Visual and Physiological Optics (EMVPO 2012), 20 - 22 August 2012, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, p. 60-61, 3 fig., 6 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 978-3-9815022-3-7.
68. ŢǍLU Ş., GIOVANZANA S., ŢǍLU M., PETRESCU-MAG I.V., 3D Modeling and reconstruction of human corneal surface using superellipsoids. In: The 6th EOS Topical Meeting on Visual and Physiological Optics (EMVPO 2012), 20 - 22 August 2012, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, p. 67, 1 fig., 8 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 978-3-9815022-3-7.
69. ŢǍLU Ş., ŢĂLU S.D., GIOVANZANA S., ŢǍLU M., PETRESCU-MAG I.V., Monofractal and multifractal analysis in human retinal pathology. In: The 6th EOS Topical Meeting on Visual and Physiological Optics (EMVPO 2012), 20 - 22 August 2012, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, p. 76-77, 1 fig., 6 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 978-3-9815022-3-7.
70. ŢǍLU Ş., FAZEKAS Z., ŢǍLU M., GIOVANZANA S., Analysis of human peripapillary atrophy using computerised image analysis. In: The 9th Conference of the Hungarian Association for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (KÉPAF 2013), 29 January - 1 February 2013, Bakonybél, Hungary, p. 427-438, 8 fig., 2 tab., 39 ref. Summary in English.
71. ŢǍLU Ş., ŢǍLU M., Influence of image processing on the measurement of the human retinal microvascular fractal dimension. In: International Conference of Mechanical Engineering, ICOME – 2013, Craiova, 16–17 May 2013, p. 105-112, 4 fig., 1 tab., 46 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 978-606-14-0692-0, Tome I, Universitaria Publishing House Craiova, 2013.
72. ŢǍLU M., ŢǍLU Ş., Experimental investigation of the 3D surface roughness of unworn hydrogel contact lenses. In: International Conference of Mechanical Engineering, ICOME – 2013, Craiova, 16–17 May 2013, p. 125-130, 4 tab., 33 ref. Summary in English. ISBN 978-606-14-0692-0, Tome I, Universitaria Publishing House Craiova, 2013.
73. ŢǍLU Ş., FAZEKAS Z., ŢǍLU M., GIOVANZANA S., Multifractal analysis of human peripapillary atrophy. In: The 8th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2013) September 4-6, 2013, Trieste, Italy, p. 698-703, 6 fig., 4 tab., 49 ref. Summary in English.
74. PATHAK D., ŢĂLU Ş., STACH S., MILANOVA M., ZAHARIEVA J., TODOROVSKY D., Multifractal analysis of SiO2/polyester hybrid for immobilization of Ru(II) complex. In: 1st International Symposium on Synthesis and Properties of Nanomaterials for Future Energy Demands (SHECHTMAN INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, 2014) 29 June - 04 July 2014, Cancun, Mexico, p. 112-124, 7 fig., 2 tab., 34 ref. Summary in English.
75. MILANOVA M., ŢĂLU Ş., STACH S., PATHAK D., ZAHARIEVA J., TODOROVSKY D., Multifractal characterisation of thin ferrite films deposited by spray-pyrolysis. In: 1st International Symposium on Synthesis and Properties of Nanomaterials for Future Energy Demands (SHECHTMAN INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, 2014) 29 June - 04 July 2014, Cancun, Mexico, p. 125-140, 7 fig., 2 tab., 40 ref. Summary in English.
76. LONGONI C.V., ŢĂLU Ş., GIOVANZANA S., Shape of the anterior and posterior surface of human cornea. In: 7th EOS Topical Meeting coinciding with the 1st World Meeting on Visual and Physiological Optics (VPO 2014), 25 - 27 August 2014, Wrocław University of Technology, Wrocław, Poland, p. 1-4, 4 ref. Summary in English.
77. GIOVANZANA S., ŢĂLU Ş., JUSZCZYK A.., Biconic surface eye model. In: 7th EOS Topical Meeting coinciding with the 1st World Meeting on Visual and Physiological Optics (VPO 2014), 25 - 27 August 2014, Wrocław University of Technology, Wrocław, Poland, p. 5-8, 6 ref. Summary in English.
78. FAZEKAS Z., HAJDU A., LÁZÁR I., KOVÁCS G., CSÁKÁNY B., CĂLUGĂRU D.M., SHAH R., ADAM EMA I., ȚĂLU Ș., Influence of using different segmentation methods on the fractal properties of the identified retinal vascular networks in healthy retinas and in retinas with vein occlusion. In: The 10th Conference of the Hungarian Association for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (KÉPAF 2015), 27 January - 30 January 2015, Kecskemét, Hungary, p. 360-373, 8 fig., 1 tab., 53 ref. Summary in English.
79. LAINOVIĆ T., ŢĂLU Ş., STACH S., VILOTIĆ M., VUKADINOV T., KAKAŠ D., BLAŽIĆ L., Uticaj metode poliranja na vrednosti 3D AFM parametara hrapavosti stomatoloških nanokompozita. SIMPOZIJUM "Stomatologa i saradnika sa međunarodnim učešćem" Novi Sad 04.-06. June 2015, Serbia.
80. SOBOLA D., ȚĂLU Ș., SADOVSKÝ P., TOMÁNEK P., Application of AFM measurement and fractal analysis to study the surface of natural optical structures. In: Progress in Applied Surface, Interface and Thin Film Science 2015 (SURFINT), 23-26 November 2015, Florence, Italy. Publisher: Comenus University. Location: Bratislava. ISBN: 978-80-223-3975-9. Book: Extended Abstract Book of conference Progress in Applied Surface, Interface and Thin Film Science 2015, p. 127-128, 2 tab., 3 ref. Summary in English.
81. MIHAI ŢĂLU, ŞTEFAN ŢĂLU, EMA I. ADAM, GERMÁN VALENCIA GARCÍA, Three-Dimensional Landscape Modelling by Means of ArchiCAD Design Software. In: Global Virtual Conference, April 18 - 22, 2016, Zilina, Slovakia. Publisher: EDIS - Publishing Institution of the University of Zilina, Slovakia. Powered by: Publishing Society, Slovakia. ISSN: 1339-9373, CD ROM ISSN: 1339-2778, ISBN: 978-80-554-1197-2. Volume: 4, Issue: 1, April 2016, p. 245-250. Engineering and Technology: Civil engineering. DOI: 10.18638/gv.2016.4.1
G 1.2. List of published scientifical papers in volumes of national conferences
1. ALB T., VINŢE C., ŢĂLU Ş., Some considerations concerning graphical generation of rulled helicoidal surfaces on computer. In: The 3-rd National Seminar of Descriptive Geometry and Drawing, vol. II, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October 1-3, 1992, p. 1-8., 15 fig., 3 ref. Summary in English.
2. ZETEA E., DRĂGAN D., ŢĂLU Ş., Aspects of representing in quotited projection of elliptical paraboloid. In: The 4-th National Seminar of Descriptive Geometry and Drawing, vol. I, Iaşi, Romania, June 10-11, 1994, p. 115-120, 6 fig, 3 ref. Summary in French.
3. CRĂCIUN F., ŢĂLU Ş., The studies of variant in design. In: The 4-th National Seminar of Descriptive Geometry and Drawing, vol. I, Iaşi, Romania, June 10-11, 1994, p. 377-382, 15 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English.
4. ŢĂLU Ş., Graphical aspects concerning the intersection of two circular toruses. In: The 4-th National Seminar of Descriptive Geometry and Drawing, vol. II, Iaşi, Romania, June 10-11, 1994, p. 95-100, 12 fig., 1 ref. Summary in English.
5. ŢĂLU Ş., Graphical method of representation of torus helicoidal line. In: The 4-th National Seminar of Descriptive Geometry and Drawing, vol. II, Iaşi, Romania, June 10-11, 1994, p. 131-135, 2 fig., 4 ref. Summary in English.
6. ŢĂLU Ş., Computer graphic representation of ellipsoid helicoidal line. In: The 4-th National Seminar of Descriptive Geometry and Drawing,vol. II, Iaşi, Romania, June 10-11, 1994, p. 153-159, 3 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English.
7. ŢĂLU Ş., Computer graphic representation of some particular wry curves. In: The 4-th National Seminar of Descriptive Geometry and Drawing, vol. II, Iaşi, Romania, June 10-11, 1994, p. 169-173, 11 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English.
8. ZETEA E., ŢĂLU Ş., OLARIU F., GOGU M., Computer assisted design of elliptical velaroidal surfaces. In: The 4-th National Seminar of Descriptive Geometry and Drawing, vol. II, Iaşi, Romania, June 10-11, 1994, p. 205-210, 7 fig., 4 ref. Summary in English.
9. ZETEA E., ŢĂLU Ş., Considerations concerning computer assisted design generative of parabolical velaroidal surfaces. In: The 4-th National Seminar of Descriptive Geometry and Drawing, vol. II, Iaşi, Romania, June 10-11, 1994, p. 211-216, 6 fig., 6 ref. Summary in English.
10. ZETEA E., ŢĂLU Ş., TRIPA A., DRĂGAN D., Computer aided graphical representation of double curved surfaces with optimal behaviour under hydrostatic pressure. In: The 4-th National Seminar of Descriptive Geometry and Drawing, vol. II, Iaşi, Romania, June 10-11, 1994, p. 217-222, 6 fig. 5 ref. Summary in English.
11. ŢĂLU Ş., HRISTEA I., Specialised interface for graphical representation of the injector type assemble. In: The 4-th National Seminar of Descriptive Geometry and Drawing, vol. II, Iaşi, Romania, June 10-11, 1994, p. 247-250, 2 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English.
12. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., The automatization of engineering design using the modular libraries of pieces. In: The 4-th National Seminar of Descriptive Geometry and Drawing, vol. II, Iaşi, Romania, June 10-11, 1994, p. 251-255, 1 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English.
13. ŢĂLU Ş., ALB T., ŢĂLU M., MARCU V., CRĂCIUN F., ARDELEAN I., Some considerations concerning intersection problems solved between geometrical bodies using AutoCad 10. In: The 4-th National Seminar of Descriptive Geometry and Drawing, vol. II, Iaşi, Romania, June 10-11, 1994, p. 275-281, 20 fig., 1 ref. Summary in English.
14. ŢĂLU Ş., DEZSÖ G., ŢĂLU M., MARCU V., Mathematical-graphical aspects concerning the intersection of particular spatial surfaces. In: The 4-th National Seminar of Descriptive Geometry and Drawing, vol. II, Iaşi, Romania, June 10-11, 1994, p. 303-308, 20 fig., 4 ref. Summary in English.
15. ZETEA E., GÂNSCĂ I., ŢĂLU Ş., Aplications and interpretations of translation surfaces generated by a cissoid. In: 5-th Symposium of Descriptive Geometry, Design, Engineering and Computer Graphics - "Graphics, a scientific language", vol. I, Second Part, Timioara, Romania, June 17-19, 1996, p. 337-342, 8 fig., 3 ref. Summary in English.
16. ZETEA E., GÂNSCA I., ŢĂLU Ş., Particular aspects concerning translation surfaces generated by a cissoid. In: 5-th Symposium of Descriptive Geometry, Design, Engineering and Computer Graphics - "Graphics, a scientific language", vol. I, Second Part, Timişoara, Romania, June 17-19, 1996, p. 343-348, 10 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English.
17. FLORESCU A., ŢĂLU Ş., A model for comparative analysis of geometrical tolerances. In: 5-th Symposium of Descriptive Geometry, Design, Engineering and Computer Graphics - "Graphics, a scientific language" , vol. II, Timişoara, Romania, June 17-19, 1996, p. 401-403, 1 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English.
18. FLORESCU A., ŢĂLU Ş., The dimensioning bases, an important element in constructive projection. In: 5-th Symposium of Descriptive Geometry, Design, Engineering and Computer Graphics - "Graphics, a scientific language", vol. II, Timişoara, Romania, June 17-19, 1996, p. 405-409, 4 fig., 3 ref. Summary in English.
19. ALB T., ŢĂLU Ş., CRĂCIUN F., FLORESCU A., Some aspects CAD of helicoidal surfaces. In: 5-th Symposium of Descriptive Geometry, Design, Engineering and Computer Graphics - "Graphics, a scientific language", vol. III, Timişoara, Romania, June 17-19, 1996, p. 639-642, 1 fig., 4 ref. Summary in English.
20. ALB T., ŢĂLU Ş., Some aspects concerning computer aided design of engineering systems. In: 5-th Symposium of Descriptive Geometry, Design, Engineering and Computer Graphics - "Graphics, a scientific language", vol. III, Timişoara, Romania, June 17-19, 1996, p. 643-646, 1 fig., 4 ref. Summary in English.
21. DEZSÖ G., ŢĂLU Ş., Some considerations concerning CAD analysis of an analogous model. In: 5-th Symposium of Descriptive Geometry, Design, Engineering and Computer Graphics - "Graphics, a scientific language", vol. III, Timişoara, Romania, June 17-19, 1996, p. 731-734, 4 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English.
22. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., Mathematical models and CAD considerations for the 3D solid modelling. In: 5-th Symposium of Descriptive Geometry, Design, Engineering and Computer Graphics - "Graphics, a scientific language", vol. IV, Timişoara, Romania, June 17-19, 1996, p. 983-986, 1 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English.
23. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., Some considerations concerning CAD simulation of random surfaces. In: 5-th Symposium of Descriptive Geometry, Design, Engineering and Computer Graphics - "Graphics, a scientific language", vol. IV, Timişoara, Romania, June 17-19, 1996, p. 987-990, 1 fig., 3 ref. Summary in English.
24. ŢĂLU Ş., The circular helicoidal spring with elliptical section. Computer graphic representation. In: 5-th Symposium of Descriptive Geometry, Design, Engineering and Computer Graphics - "Graphics, a scientific language", vol. IV, Timişoara, Romania, June 17-19, 1996, p. 991-995, 3 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English.
25. ŢĂLU Ş., The round thread helicoidal surface. Computer graphic representation. In: 5-th Symposium of Descriptive Geometry, Design, Engineering and Computer Graphics - "Graphics, a scientific language", vol. IV, Timişoara, Romania, June 17-19, 1996, p. 997-1002, 4 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English.
26. TOADER S., ŢĂLU Ş., Aspects concerning CAD aplications CAD in the plastic deformation process by cold rolling of external cylindrical threads. In: 5-th Symposium of Descriptive Geometry, Design, Engineering and Computer Graphics - "Graphics, a scientific language", vol. IV, Timişoara, Romania, June 17-19, 1996, p. 1003-1007, 1 fig., 3 ref. Summary in English.
27. BOGDAN A., ŢĂLU Ş., Some considerations concerning the determination of the semi-finished diameter in cold plastic deformation of external cylindrical threads. In: The National Meeting of the Machine Building Engineers, OGÉT '97, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 23-25, 1997, vol. I, p. 76-78, 1 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English.
28. BOGDAN A., ŢĂLU Ş., Theoretical researches concerning the determination of admissible limits and geometrical tolerances of the semi-finished diameter in cold plastic deformation of external cylindrical threads. In: The National Meeting of the Machine Building Engineers, OGÉT '97, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 23-25, 1997, vol. I, p. 79-81, 1 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English.
29. DEZSÖ G., ŢĂLU Ş., Considerations concerning mathematical modelling of cold rolling regime parameters influence on the precision of external cylindrical threads. In: The National Meeting of the Machine Building Engineers, OGÉT '97, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 23-25, 1997, vol. I, p. 82-84, 4 ref. Summary in English.
30. BOGDÁN E. H., BOGDÁN I., BOGDÁN A., ŢĂLU Ş., Kőrösi Csoma Sándor the author of the first Tibetan-English dictionary. In: Annual Session Meeting of CRIFST Section Craiova, Issue no. XXXIII, December 18-19, 2009. Vol 2 Personalities and Institutions. Biodiversity and environment protection, Publishing House Bioflux, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, Printed version ISBN 978-606-8191-03-4, p. 21-27, 3 ref. Summary in English.
31. SIPOS A., ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., Ştefan Procopiu - founder of the Romanian School on Magnetism. In: Annual Session Meeting of CRIFST Section Craiova, Issue no. XXXIII, December 18-19, 2009. Vol 2 Personalities and Institutions. Biodiversity and environment protection, Publishing House Bioflux, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, Printed version ISBN 978-606-8191-03-4, p. 101-106, 1 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English.
32. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., Contributions of the Romanian scientist Henri Coandă in applied aerodynamics. In: Annual Session Meeting of CRIFST Section Craiova, Issue no. XXXIII, December 18-19, 2009. Vol 2 Personalities and Institutions. Biodiversity and environment protection, Publishing House Bioflux, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, Printed version ISBN 978-606-8191-03-4, p. 107-114, 2 fig., 5 ref. Summary in English.
33. ŢĂLU M., ŢĂLU Ş., Contributions of the Academician Caius Iacob on fluid mechanics. In: Annual Session Meeting of CRIFST Section Craiova, Issue no. XXXIII, December 18-19, 2009. Vol 2 Personalities and Institutions. Biodiversity and environment protection, Publishing House Bioflux, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, Printed version ISBN 978-606-8191-03-4, p. 115-124, 1 fig., 47 ref. Summary in English.
34. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., The role and contribution of Gheorghe Asachi and Gheorghe Lazăr at the introduction and teaching of Descriptive Geometry in higher technical education in Romania. In: Annual Session Meeting of CRIFST Section Craiova, Issue no. XXXIII, December 18-19, 2009. Vol 2 Personalities and Institutions. Biodiversity and environment protection, Publishing House Bioflux, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, Printed version ISBN 978-606-8191-03-4, p. 125-131, 2 fig., 7 ref. Summary in English.
35. ŢĂLU Ş., ŢĂLU M., PĂTRUŢOIU T., Grigore Antipa – the founder of the Romanian School of Hydrobiology and Ichthyology. In: Annual Session Meeting of CRIFST Section Craiova, Issue no. XXXIII, December 18-19, 2009. Vol 2 Personalities and Institutions. Biodiversity and environment protection, Publishing House Bioflux, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, Printed version ISBN 978-606-8191-03-4, p. 133-140, 1 fig., 2 ref. Summary in English.
36. ŢĂLU Ş., PĂTRUŢOIU I., ŢĂLU M., PĂTRUŢOIU T., Emil Racoviţă - the founder of the Biospeology. In: Annual Session Meeting of CRIFST Section Craiova, Issue no. XXXIII, December 18-19, 2009. Vol 2 Personalities and Institutions. Biodiversity and environment protection, Publishing House Bioflux, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, Printed version ISBN 978-606-8191-03-4, p. 141-150, 1 fig., 8 ref. Summary in English.
1. ŢĂLU Ş., Certificate of innovator for innovation with the title "Mechanical Ventilator", recorded with no. 78, on November, the 22-th, 1988, at the enterprise "Romaniţa" Caracal, district Olt. Date of recording: on April, the 26-th, 1989, Romania.
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* STEFANO GIOVANZANA, ŞTEFAN ÞÃLU, Mathematical models for the shape analysis of human crystalline lens, DOI:10.1080/09500340.2011.621035, Journal of Modern Optics, 59(1), 2012.