Scopul nostru este sprijinirea şi promovarea cercetării ştiinţifice şi facilitarea comunicării între cercetătorii români din întreaga lume.
M. Vlada received his M.Sc. in computer science (1978) and his Ph.D. in Mathematics (1997) from University of Bucharest, Romania with a thesis on Informatics (Artificial Intelligence). His current research interests include different aspects: Computer Graphics & Virtual Reality (software algorithms, object modeling, fractals)
Artificial Intelligence (logic programming, knowledge based systems, deductive databases, information and knowledge processing)
Web Programming and Web Technologies (HTML, JavaScript, XML, SVG)
Educational Technology and Virtual Learning (New technologies for e-Learning, e-Training, e-Skills). He is member of different scientific boards in Romania and abroad, being active as referee and reviewer.
- Biography included in "Encyclopedia of Romania Personalities" ( ), 2008 (pag. 1400) and "Whos Who in the World 2001-2005", in "2000 Outstanding intellectuals of the 21st century, first Ed." Cambridge England
-Chairman of International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL), Romania, 2010 - Towards a Learning and Knowledge Society - 2030 (from 2006)-Chairman of National Conference on Virtual Learning (CNIV), Romania, : News Technologies in Education and Research (from 2003)
University of Bucharest, Bucharest, .
E-mail: trimite un mesaj.
Pagina web a instituţiei:
Pagina web personala:
Nascut(a) in: 1953
Interese: Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Web Programming and Technologies, Educational Technology and Virtual Learning , e-Learning, e-Training, e-Skills
"Natural environments are ruled by languages. Computer science use artificial languages. Languages exist therefore, not for communication purposes alone, but particullarily for knowledge"
Professional Service / Membership
- Biografia inclusa in "Enciclopedia Personalitatilor din Romania" (, 2008 (pag. 1400) si in "Who’s Who in the World 2001-2005", in "2000 Outstanding intellectuals of the 21st century, first Ed." Cambridge England
-Chairman of International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL), Romania, 2010 - Towards a Learning and Knowledge Society - 2030 (from 2006)
-Chairman of National Conference on Virtual Learning (CNIV), Romania, : News Technologies in Education and Research (from 2003)
-Member of the Scientific Committees of the International Scientific Conference eLSE "eLearning and Software for Education", "Carol I" National Defense University, (from 2005)
-Member of the Scientific Committees/ program committees of the International Workshop, European Technology Platform "Services and Software Architectures, infrastructures and engineering for enhancing EU Citizes Quality of Life, Romanian Academy, 2007, Networked and Electronic Media - ,
-Member of the Scientific Committees/ program committes of the International Workshop on Virtual Reality in Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" Bucharest, Romania ( ), 2007
-Referee for papers of Korean Journal of Computation and Applied Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence Review - Kluwer Academic Publishers (from 2001)
- reviewer of Bulletin of PG University of Ploiesti, Mathematics, Informatics, Physics Series,
-Editor for Proceedings of the International Conference on Virtual Learning (with Gr. Albeanu, D.M. Popovici), from 2006
-Editor for Proceedings of the National Conference on Virtual Learning (with Gr. Albeanu, D.M. Popovici), from 2003
-eContent Manager and Coordinator for ICVL and CNIV Projects: and (from 2003)
-CeRVA member (from 2006)
-Marin Vlada created the professional network (Education, Research, Training) on Wordpress "Learning - Knowledge - Development": Virtual Learning - Virtual Reality: Models, Technologies and Software Solutions,
Publications : BOOKS
- New Technologies in Education and Research. Models and Methodologies, Technologies and Software Solutions, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, p. 260, 2010 (ISBN 978-3-8433-6391-4),
-Informatics. Multimedia Technologies, Bucharest University Press, p. 480 , 2004 (ISBN 973-575-847-4)
-Computer Science, Windows, Word, Excel, Internet, Bucharest University Press, pp. 317 , 2001 (ISBN 973-575-507-6)
-Computer Graphics in PASCAL and C. Implementation and applications, Bucharest Technics Press, 1992 , vol. I , Implementation, pp. 209 (with A.Posea, C. Constantinescu, I. Nistor). (ISBN 973-31-0406-X)
-Computer Graphics in PASCAL and C. Implementation and applications, Bucharest Technics Press, 1992 , vol. II , Applications, pp. 209 (with A.Posea, C. Constantinescu, I. Nistor). (ISBN 973-31-0408-6)
Publications: Printed Papers (in Journals)
- Languages and Knowledge Versus Modeling and Processing, Proceedings of ECKM 2009 - The 10th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Università Degli Studi Di Padova, Vicenza, Italy, e-journal of Knowledge Management, ISSS 1479-4411, pag. 879-887, 2009 (with Adriana Sarah Nica)
- Algorithms for Testing Satisfiability Formulas, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REVIEW, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISSN 0269-2821(ISI journal), vol.15 , No 3, 2001, pag.153-163
- Investigation the Experimetal Response of a Biamperometric Detector Operating in Flow Conditions, REV. ROUM. CHIM.(ISI journal) , 1999, 44(10), pag.951-958 (with V. David)
- An efficient algorithm for testing propositional formulas, COMPUTERS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - ISSN 1335-9150 (ISI journal), Vol. 17, No. 4, 1998, pag. 383-391. [reviewer 2000a:03062 Sh. T. Ishmukhametov]
- Complexity of the Unification Algorithms, ANALELE UNIVERSITATII BUCURESTI, Special Issue, PROCEEDINGS of the Anual Meeting of the Faculty of Mathematics, 28-30 nov. 1996, mathmatics-informatics, vol. 46, XLVI/1997, pag. 137-145. [reviewer 68T15:03B35 d8Q25]
- Algorithms for Computer Graphics using OOP Techniques, ANALELE UNIVERSITATII BUCURESTI, mathmatics-informatics, vol. 44, XLIV/1995, pag. 12-28 (with A. Posea)
Publications : Printed Papers (in the Proceedings of Conferences)
- ABBYY recognition technologies – ideal alternative to manual data entry. Automating processing of exam tests, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL) (Bucharest University Press, ISSN 1844-8933), 263-269, 2010 (with Octav Ivanescu, Ivan Babiy)
- CNIV and ICVL projects - New Technologies in Education and Research, The 6th International Scientific Conference eLSE - eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest April 15-16, 2010, Advanced Distributed Learning Department, "Carol I" National Defense University, Carol I National Defence Publishing House ISSN 2066 - 026X (Print) 0266 - 8821 (Online), pag. 301-312 (with Adrian Adascalitei, Radu Jugureanu, Grigore Albeanu)
- 2010: Year of Mathematics in Romania and Centenary of Romanian Mathematical Society. An unique Journal in the world: Mathematical Gazette at 115 anniversary, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL) (Bucharest University Press, ISSN 1844-8933), 27-37, 2010
- The Potential of Collaborative Augmented Reality in Educations Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL) (Bucharest University Press, ISSN 1844-8933), 38-43, 2010 (with Grigore Albeanu)
- Using statistical software and Web Technologies in analyzing information on detection and monitoring of somatic and psycho-behavioural deficiencies in children and adolescents, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL) (Bucharest University Press, ISSN 1844-8933), 455-466, 2010 (with Adriana Sarah Nica)
- "Languages and Knowledge Versus Modeling and Processing", Proceedings of ECKM 2009 - The 10th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Held at the Università Degli Studi Di Padova, Vicenza, Italy, 3-4 September 2009 (with Adriana Sarah Nica)
- Scientific Knowledge and Solving Problems Modelling. Representation and Processing, Proceedings of the 4rh International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL) (Bucharest University Press, ISSN 1844-8933), 40-51, 2009
- Trends of eLearning: Learning - Knowledge – Development, The 5th International Scientific Conference eLSE - eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, Advanced Distributed Learning Department, "Carol I" National Defense University, Carol I National Defence Publishing House
ISSN 2066 - 026X (Print) 0266 - 8821 (Online), 49-58, 2009 (with A. Adascalitei and R. Jugureanu)
- E-Learning and Educational Software. Educational Projects and Experience of Implementation in Romania, Proceedings of the 4rh International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL) (Bucharest University Press, ISSN 1844-8933), 25-39, 2009 (with R. Jugureanu and O. Istrate)
- BETT 2009 – Tehnologii moderne pentru dezvoltarea invatamantului si cercetarii, Lucrarile celei de-a VII-a Conferinta de Invatamant Virtual (Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti), ISSN 1842-4708, 41-46, 2009 (with R. Jugureanu)
Metodologia conceperii, elaborarii si redactarii lucrarilor stiintifice, Lucrarile celei de-a VII-a Conferinta de Invatamant Virtual (Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti), ISSN 1842-4708, 47-53, 2009
- SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) for 2D Graphics in XML and Applications, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL) (Bucharest University Press, ISSN 1844-8933), 297-306, 2008
- "E-Learning Technologies - Achievement and Perspectives", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL), (Eds: M. Vlada, Gr. Albeanu, D.M. Popovici ), october 26th-28th, 2007, Bucharest University Press, (ISBN 978 973 737 218 - 2, )(with Radu Jugureanu)
- "Statistical Software (EpiInfo si SPSS) and information processing of DEMODEF project", CNIV 2007, 26-28 oct. 2007, Universitatea "Ovidius" Constanta, Proceedings of the 5th National Conference on Virtual Learning (CNIV), (Eds: M. Vlada, Gr. Albeanu, D.M. Popovici), Bucharest University Press (ISSN 184 - 4708) ( ), pp. 149-156 (with Adriana Nica, Tiberiu Spircu, Al. Colojoara, M. Joita)
- Information Society Technologies - The four waves of information technologies, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Virtual Learning, (Eds: M. Vlada, Gr. Albeanu, D.M. Popovici) ), october 27th-29th, 2006, Bucharest University Press, ISBN 973 - 737 - 218 - 2, 978- 973 - 218-5 ( )(with Al. Tugui)
- From Green theorem to computational geometry, CNIV-2006, Virtual Learning-Virtual Reality, Proceedings of the 5th National Conference on Virtual Learning, (Eds: M. Vlada, Gr. Albeanu, D.M. Popovici) ), october 27th-29th, 2006, Bucharest University Press (Eds: M. Vlada, Gr. Albeanu, D.M. Popovici) (ISSN 184 - 4708) ( ), pp. 19-32
- INTUITION - Network of Excellence on Virtual Reality and Virtual Environments applications for Future Workspaces , TEPE 2005, Proceedings of the Symposium "Educational Technologies on Electronic Platforms in Engineering Higher Education " 27 - 28 May 2005, Bucharest, Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest, Ed. Conspress (ISBN 973-7797-48-5), 2005, pp. 286-296 (
Participation in Research Projects
-2004-2008: "INTUITION" A Network Of Excellence focused on virtual reality and virtual environments applications for future workspaces", funded by the Research Grant no. FP6-IST-NMP-1-507248-2 of the European Comission, in the Information Society Technologies Programme, under the Sixth Framework Programme, FP6, (coordinator: Institute of Communication and Computer Systems/ ICCS, Greece), partner Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Ovidius University of Constanta, ,
-2007-2008: DEMODEF- Research of Excellence-CEEX , National Authority for Scientific Research , "Detectia si monitorizarea deficientelor somatice si psiho-comportamentale la copil si adolescent (varsta intre 10 - 18 ani)" , 106/2006 ANCS (coordinator: University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" Bucharest),
-2006-2007 (code PR-D11-PT00-48/2005), Research of Excellence-CEEX , National Authority for Scientific Research, (Module: The promotion of participation to research European and international programs: type: Increasing institutional and research programs visibility), The promotion of scientific research concerning: OPERATOR MODELS AND APPLICATIONS, (coordinator: West University of Timisoara, )
"Natural environments are ruled by languages. Computer science use artificial languages. Languages exist therefore, not for communication purposes alone, but particullarily for knowledge"
Professional Service / Membership
- Biography included in "Encyclopedia of Romania Personalities" ( ), 2008 (pag. 1400) and "Who’s Who in the World 2001-2005", in "2000 Outstanding intellectuals of the 21st century, first Ed." Cambridge England
-Chairman of International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL), Romania, 2010 - Towards a Learning and Knowledge Society - 2030 (from 2006)
-Chairman of National Conference on Virtual Learning (CNIV), Romania, : News Technologies in Education and Research (from 2003)
-Member of the Scientific Committees of the International Scientific Conference eLSE "eLearning and Software for Education", "Carol I" National Defense University, (from 2005)
-Member of the Scientific Committees/ program committees of the International Workshop, European Technology Platform "Services and Software Architectures, infrastructures and engineering for enhancing EU Citizes Quality of Life, Romanian Academy, 2007, Networked and Electronic Media - ,
-Member of the Scientific Committees/ program committes of the International Workshop on Virtual Reality in Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" Bucharest, Romania ( ), 2007
-Referee for papers of Korean Journal of Computation and Applied Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence Review - Kluwer Academic Publishers (from 2001)
- reviewer of Bulletin of PG University of Ploiesti, Mathematics, Informatics, Physics Series,
-Editor for Proceedings of the International Conference on Virtual Learning (with Gr. Albeanu, D.M. Popovici), from 2006
-Editor for Proceedings of the National Conference on Virtual Learning (with Gr. Albeanu, D.M. Popovici), from 2003
-eContent Manager and Coordinator for ICVL and CNIV Projects: and (from 2003)
-CeRVA member (from 2006)
-Marin Vlada created the professional network (Education, Research, Training) on Wordpress "Learning - Knowledge - Development": Virtual Learning - Virtual Reality: Models, Technologies and Software Solutions,
Publications : BOOKS
- New Technologies in Education and Research. Models and Methodologies, Technologies and Software Solutions, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, p. 260, 2010 (ISBN 978-3-8433-6391-4),
-Informatics. Multimedia Technologies, Bucharest University Press, p. 480 , 2004 (ISBN 973-575-847-4)
-Computer Science, Windows, Word, Excel, Internet, Bucharest University Press, pp. 317 , 2001 (ISBN 973-575-507-6)
-Computer Graphics in PASCAL and C. Implementation and applications, Bucharest Technics Press, 1992 , vol. I , Implementation, pp. 209 (with A.Posea, C. Constantinescu, I. Nistor). (ISBN 973-31-0406-X)
-Computer Graphics in PASCAL and C. Implementation and applications, Bucharest Technics Press, 1992 , vol. II , Applications, pp. 209 (with A.Posea, C. Constantinescu, I. Nistor). (ISBN 973-31-0408-6)
Publications: Printed Papers (in Journals)
- Languages and Knowledge Versus Modeling and Processing, Proceedings of ECKM 2009 - The 10th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Università Degli Studi Di Padova, Vicenza, Italy, e-journal of Knowledge Management, ISSS 1479-4411, pag. 879-887, 2009 (with Adriana Sarah Nica)
- Algorithms for Testing Satisfiability Formulas, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REVIEW, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISSN 0269-2821(ISI journal), vol.15 , No 3, 2001, pag.153-163
- Investigation the Experimetal Response of a Biamperometric Detector Operating in Flow Conditions, REV. ROUM. CHIM.(ISI journal) , 1999, 44(10), pag.951-958 (with V. David)
- An efficient algorithm for testing propositional formulas, COMPUTERS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - ISSN 1335-9150 (ISI journal), Vol. 17, No. 4, 1998, pag. 383-391. [reviewer 2000a:03062 Sh. T. Ishmukhametov]
- Complexity of the Unification Algorithms, ANALELE UNIVERSITATII BUCURESTI, Special Issue, PROCEEDINGS of the Anual Meeting of the Faculty of Mathematics, 28-30 nov. 1996, mathmatics-informatics, vol. 46, XLVI/1997, pag. 137-145. [reviewer 68T15:03B35 d8Q25]
- Algorithms for Computer Graphics using OOP Techniques, ANALELE UNIVERSITATII BUCURESTI, mathmatics-informatics, vol. 44, XLIV/1995, pag. 12-28 (with A. Posea)
Publications : Printed Papers (in the Proceedings of Conferences)
- ABBYY recognition technologies – ideal alternative to manual data entry. Automating processing of exam tests, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL) (Bucharest University Press, ISSN 1844-8933), 263-269, 2010 (with Octav Ivanescu, Ivan Babiy)
- CNIV and ICVL projects - New Technologies in Education and Research, The 6th International Scientific Conference eLSE - eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest April 15-16, 2010, Advanced Distributed Learning Department, "Carol I" National Defense University, Carol I National Defence Publishing House ISSN 2066 - 026X (Print) 0266 - 8821 (Online), pp. 301-312 (with Adrian Adascalitei, Radu Jugureanu, Grigore Albeanu)
- 2010: Year of Mathematics in Romania and Centenary of Romanian Mathematical Society. An unique Journal in the world: Mathematical Gazette at 115 anniversary, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL) (Bucharest University Press, ISSN 1844-8933), 27-37, 2010
- The Potential of Collaborative Augmented Reality in Educations Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL) (Bucharest University Press, ISSN 1844-8933), 38-43, 2010 (with Grigore Albeanu)
- Using statistical software and Web Technologies in analyzing information on detection and monitoring of somatic and psycho-behavioural deficiencies in children and adolescents, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL) (Bucharest University Press, ISSN 1844-8933), 455-466, 2010 (with Adriana Sarah Nica)
- "Languages and Knowledge Versus Modeling and Processing", Proceedings of ECKM 2009 - The 10th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Held at the Università Degli Studi Di Padova, Vicenza, Italy, 3-4 September 2009 (with Adriana Sarah Nica)
- Scientific Knowledge and Solving Problems Modelling. Representation and Processing, Proceedings of the 4rh International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL) (Bucharest University Press, ISSN 1844-8933), 40-51, 2009
- Trends of eLearning: Learning - Knowledge – Development, The 5th International Scientific Conference eLSE - eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, Advanced Distributed Learning Department, "Carol I" National Defense University, Carol I National Defence Publishing House
ISSN 2066 - 026X (Print) 0266 - 8821 (Online), 49-58, 2009 (with A. Adascalitei and R. Jugureanu)
- E-Learning and Educational Software. Educational Projects and Experience of Implementation in Romania, Proceedings of the 4rh International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL) (Bucharest University Press, ISSN 1844-8933), 25-39, 2009 (with R. Jugureanu and O. Istrate)
- BETT 2009 – Tehnologii moderne pentru dezvoltarea invatamantului si cercetarii, Lucrarile celei de-a VII-a Conferinta de Invatamant Virtual (Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti), ISSN 1842-4708, 41-46, 2009 (with R. Jugureanu)
Metodologia conceperii, elaborarii si redactarii lucrarilor stiintifice, Lucrarile celei de-a VII-a Conferinta de Invatamant Virtual (Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti), ISSN 1842-4708, 47-53, 2009
- SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) for 2D Graphics in XML and Applications, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL) (Bucharest University Press, ISSN 1844-8933), 297-306, 2008
- "E-Learning Technologies - Achievement and Perspectives", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL), (Eds: M. Vlada, Gr. Albeanu, D.M. Popovici ), october 26th-28th, 2007, Bucharest University Press, (ISBN 978 973 737 218 - 2, )(with Radu Jugureanu)
- "Statistical Software (EpiInfo si SPSS) and information processing of DEMODEF project", CNIV 2007, 26-28 oct. 2007, Universitatea "Ovidius" Constanta, Proceedings of the 5th National Conference on Virtual Learning (CNIV), (Eds: M. Vlada, Gr. Albeanu, D.M. Popovici), Bucharest University Press (ISSN 184 - 4708) ( ), pp. 149-156 (with Adriana Nica, Tiberiu Spircu, Al. Colojoara, M. Joita)
- Information Society Technologies - The four waves of information technologies, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Virtual Learning, (Eds: M. Vlada, Gr. Albeanu, D.M. Popovici) ), october 27th-29th, 2006, Bucharest University Press, ISBN 973 - 737 - 218 - 2, 978- 973 - 218-5 ( )(with Al. Tugui)
- From Green theorem to computational geometry, CNIV-2006, Virtual Learning-Virtual Reality, Proceedings of the 5th National Conference on Virtual Learning, (Eds: M. Vlada, Gr. Albeanu, D.M. Popovici) ), october 27th-29th, 2006, Bucharest University Press (Eds: M. Vlada, Gr. Albeanu, D.M. Popovici) (ISSN 184 - 4708) ( ), pp. 19-32
- INTUITION - Network of Excellence on Virtual Reality and Virtual Environments applications for Future Workspaces , TEPE 2005, Proceedings of the Symposium "Educational Technologies on Electronic Platforms in Engineering Higher Education " 27 - 28 May 2005, Bucharest, Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest, Ed. Conspress (ISBN 973-7797-48-5), 2005, pp. 286-296 (
Participation in Research Projects
-2004-2008: "INTUITION" A Network Of Excellence focused on virtual reality and virtual environments applications for future workspaces", funded by the Research Grant no. FP6-IST-NMP-1-507248-2 of the European Comission, in the Information Society Technologies Programme, under the Sixth Framework Programme, FP6, (coordinator: Institute of Communication and Computer Systems/ ICCS, Greece), partner Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Ovidius University of Constanta, ,
-2007-2008: DEMODEF- Research of Excellence-CEEX , National Authority for Scientific Research , "Detectia si monitorizarea deficientelor somatice si psiho-comportamentale la copil si adolescent (varsta intre 10 - 18 ani)" , 106/2006 ANCS (coordinator: University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" Bucharest),
-2006-2007 (code PR-D11-PT00-48/2005), Research of Excellence-CEEX , National Authority for Scientific Research, (Module: The promotion of participation to research European and international programs: type: Increasing institutional and research programs visibility), The promotion of scientific research concerning: OPERATOR MODELS AND APPLICATIONS, (coordinator: West University of Timisoara, )
Publicații selectate:
* Marin Vlada, Radu Jugureanu, E-Learning Technologies - Achievement and Perspectives, Bucharest University Press, M. Vlada, Gr. Albeanu, D.M. Popovici, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, 2007.
* Marin Vlada, Adriana Nica, Tiberiu Spircu, Alexandra Colojoara, Maria Joita, Statistical Software (EpiInfo si SPSS) and information processing of DEMODEF project, Bucharest University Press, M. Vlada, Gr. Albeanu, D.M. Popovici, Proceedings of the 5th National Conference on Virtual Learning, 2007.
* Marin Vlada, From Green theorem to computational geometry, Bucharest University Press, Bucharest University Press, , Proceedings of the 5th National Conference on Virtual Learning, ISSN 184 - 4708, 2006.
* Marin Vlada, Alexandru Tugui, Information Society Technologies -The four waves of information technologies, Bucharest University Press, M. Vlada, Gr. Albeanu, D.M. Popovici, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Virtual Learning, 2006.
* Marin Vlada, Informatics. Multimedia Technologies, Bucharest University Press, Bucharest University Press, 2004.
* Marin Vlada, Algorithms for Testing Satisfiability Formulas, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REVIEW, Kluwer Academic Publishers, SSN 0269-2821, vol.15 , No 3, 2001.