Scopul nostru este sprijinirea şi promovarea cercetării ştiinţifice şi facilitarea comunicării între cercetătorii români din întreaga lume.
- radiofrequency fields exposure of biological entities; - radiofrequency dosimetry; - biological effects of radiofrequency & microwaves; - mechanisms of interaction between nonionizing radiation and biological entities; - health impact of exposure to electromagnetic fields in everyday life; - electromagnetic pollution in the high frequency spectrum.
"Nicolae Balcescu" Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, .
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Interese: interactii bioelectromagnetice, dozimetrie de radiofrecvfenta, poluare electromagnetica
- expunerea biologica in campuri electromagnetice de radiofrecventa;
- expozimetrie si dozimetrie de radiofrecventa;
- efecte biologice datorita radiofrecventelor si microundelor;
- mecanisme de interactie radiatie electromagnetica neionizanta - entitate biologica;
- impactul asupra sanatatii al expunerii electromagnetice in viata curenta;
- poluarea electromagnetica la frecvente inalte.
- radiofrequency fields exposure of biological entities;
- radiofrequency dosimetry;
- biological effects of radiofrequency & microwaves;
- mechanisms of interaction between nonionizing radiation and biological entities;
- health impact of exposure to electromagnetic fields in everyday life;
- electromagnetic pollution in the high frequency spectrum.
Publicații selectate:
* Bechet P., Miclaus S., Demeter S., Popa M., Bora M., Continuous and Digital Modulated Radiofrequency Fields Propagation in Planar Biological Models, Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol.2, 2003.
* Sandu D.D., Goiceanu C., Ispas A., Creanga I., Miclaus S., Creanga D.E., A preliminary study on UHF effects on Black Locust chlorophylls, Acta Biologica Hungarica, vol. 56 (1-2), 2005.
* Miclaus S., Bechet P., Olariu O.V., Demeter S., Computation of radiofrequency field deposition in biological exposed models by an analytical method, Romanian Journal of Biophysics, vol.15, no.1-4, 2005.
* Miclaus S., Bechet P., Goiceanu C., Olariu O.V., Demeter S, Practical issues concerning cellular base station emissions and population exposure in Romania, IFMBE Proceedings, Prague, EMBEC'05&IFMBE, ISSN 0363-6135, 2005.
* Savopol T., Kovacs E., Iacob N., Martin D., Bajenaru L., Miclaus S., Lipid phase transition temperature modifications by microwave irradiation of model membranes, Springer, European Biophysics Journal,, vol. 36, suppl.1, 2007.
* Kovacs E., Savopol T., Martin D., Iacob N., Miclaus S., Bajenaru L., Changes in membrane order parameters of cultured cells by exposure to 2.45 GHz microwaves, Springer, European Biophysics Journal, vol. 36, suppl.1, 2007.
* Miclaus S., Bechet P.,, Estimated and measured values of the radiofrequency radiation power density around cellular base stations, Romanian Journal of Physics, vol.52, no.3-4, 2007.
* Curecheriu, L., Avadanei, O., Focanici , E.L., Creanga, D.E., Miclaus, S., Horga I.E., Investigation upon the radiofrequency radiation impact in the biological tissues, Romanian Journal of Physics, vol. 53, no. 1-2, 2008.
* Creanga, D.E., Miclaus, S.,, Computational insight in the visual ganglion dynamics, Romanian Journal of Physics,, vol. 53, no. 1-2, 2008.
* Racuciu M., Miclaus S., Creanga D.E.,, Non-thermal, continuous and modulated RF field effects on vegetal tissue developed from exposed seeds, IOS Press, Netherland, Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol.29: Electromagnetic Fields, Health and Environment, 2008.
* Dabala D., Surcel D., Szanto C., Miclaus S., Botoc M., Toader S., Rotaru O.,, Oxidative and immune response in experimental exposure to electromagnetic fields, IOS Press, Netherland, Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol.29: Electromagnetic Fields, Health and Environment, 2008.
* Miclaus S., Racuciu M., A dosimetric study for experimental exposures of vegetal tissues to radiofrequency fields, IOS Press, Netherland, Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics,, vol.29: Electromagnetic Fields, Health and Environment, 2008.
* Morega M., Miclaus S., Machedon A.,, Analysis of the EMF in a controlled enclosure for biological dosimetry, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques. - Série: Électrotechnique et énergétique, tome 53, no 2, 2008.