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Current project: Software development by contract. Previous research projects: Beating virtual cardiomyocytes: mathematical models and computer simulations of the energy dynamics in myocardium. Titin isoforms modulate the intra-sarcomeric elasticity and play a role in the active contraction of the heart muscle. Cellular localization of the tight junctional protein occludin as determinant of paracellular permeability.
Companie, Bucuresti, .
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Urmareste linkul ResearcherID pentru toate articolele cercetatorului: B-5863-2011 . Tabelul detaliat al articolelor este in josul paginii.
Nascut(a) in: 1973
Interese: titina, muschi, electroporare, jonctiuni stranse, cardiomiocite, endoteliu
Proiectul actual: Dezvoltare de software la comanda.
Proiecte precedente: Cardiomiocite virtuale: modelare matematica si simulare "in silico" a functionarii muschiului cardiac. Dinamica resurselor de energie necesare contractiei.
Izoformele titinei cardiace: investigarea biochimica si mecanica a modificarilor patologice ale exprimarii titinei. Analiza moleculara a determinantilor elasticitatii miocardului in insuficienta cardiaca.
Evolutia profesionala:
2016 - prezent - programator (C++)
1997-2016 - asistent de cercetare, cercetator, cercetator stiintific III - Institutul de Biologie si Patologie Celulara "N. Simionescu", Bucuresti
2009 - Doctor scientiarum humanarum, specializarea fiziologie, Universitatea din Heidelberg;
1998 - Master in biofizica, Universitatea din Bucuresti;
1997 - absolvent al Facultatii de Fizica, Universitatea din Bucuresti;
Current project: Software development by contract.
Previous research projects: Beating virtual cardiomyocytes: mathematical models and computer simulations of the energy dynamics in myocardium.
Titin isoforms modulate the intra-sarcomeric elasticity and play a role in the active contraction of the heart muscle.
Cellular localization of the tight junctional protein occludin as determinant of paracellular permeability.
Publicații selectate:
* Kulke M, Fujita-Becker S, Rostkova E, Neagoe C, Labeit D, Manstein DJ, Gautel M, Linke WA, Interaction between PEVK-titin and actin filaments: origin of a viscous force component in cardiac myofibrils, Circ Res., 89, 2001.
* Kulke M, Neagoe C, Kolmerer B, Minajeva A, Hinssen H, Bullard B, Linke WA. , Kettin, a major source of myofibrillar stiffness in Drosophila indirect flight muscle. , J Cell Biology, 154, 2001.
* Anderson J, Joumaa V, Stevens L, Neagoe C, Li Z, Mounier Y, Linke WA, Goubel F, Passive stiffness changes in soleus muscles from desmin knockout mice are not due to titin modifications, Pflügers Arch., 444, 2002.
* Linke WA, Kulke M, Li H, Fujita-Becker S, Neagoe C, Manstein DJ, Gautel M, Fernandez JM. , PEVK domain of titin: an entropic spring with actin-binding properties, J Structural Biology, 137, 2002.
* Minajeva A, Neagoe C, Kulke M, Linke WA, Titin-based contribution to shortening velocity of rabbit skeletal myofibrils, J Physiology, 540, 2002.
* Hunter RJ, Neagoe C, Jarvelainen HA, Martin CR, Lindros KO, Linke WA, Preedy VR, Alcohol affects the skeletal muscle proteins, titin and nebulin in male and female rats. , J Nutrition, 133, 2003.
* Opitz CA, Kulke M, Leake MC, Neagoe C, Hinssen H, Hajjar RJ, Linke WA. , Damped elastic recoil of the titin spring in myofibrils of human myocardium. , Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 100, 2003.
* Makarenko I., Opitz C.A., Leake M.C., Neagoe C., Kulke M., Gwathmey J.K., del Monte F., Hajjar R.J., Linke W.A., Passive stiffness changes caused by upregulation of compliant titin isoforms in human dilated cardiomyopathy hearts, Circ. Res., 95, 2004.
* Neagoe C, Gafencu A, Heltianu C, Transfection of type I receptor for immunoglobulin G in bovine aortic endothelial cells, Current Problems and Techniques in Cellular and Molecular Biology, 3, 1998.
* Neagoe C, Makarenko I, Opitz CA, Linke WA, Gigantic variety: expression patterns of titin isoforms in striated muscles and consequences for myofibrillar passive stiffness, J Muscle Res Cell Motil., 24, 2003.
* Neagoe C, Kulke M, del Monte F, Gwathmey JK, de Tombe PP, Hajjar RJ, Linke WA, Titin isoform switch in ischemic human heart disease, Circulation, 106, 2002.