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Dana Jalobeanu is Lecturer in Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, member of the research centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science CELFIS (, co- founder and director of programs at the Research Center Foundations of Early Modern Thought (FEM), University of Bucharest ( Research area: history and philosophy of science. Research interests: early modern philosophy and science (natural philosophy) from Bacon to Newton. Romanian coordinator of a 5 year European Research Council grant (The medicine of the mind and natural philosophy in early modern England: A new way of interpreting Francis Bacon) held jointly by Warburg Institute (London) and New Europe College (NEC) (Bucharest). General Secretary of International Society of History of Ideas (ISIH) and co-organizer of the 11th ISIH Conference in Bucharest (24-26 May, 2011). Initiator and co-organizer of the Princeton-Bucharest seminar in early modern philosophy (10 seminars since 2001). Since 2011 member in the steering-committee of HOPOS.Executive editor of Society and Politics; member in the advisory board of Intellectual History Review and Perspectives on Science.Designed, taught and implemented new courses on early modern philosophy and science in the curriculum of the Universities of Bucharest, Arad and Cluj (through a number of grants like the Curriculum Development Center grant awarded by Higher Education Support Programme in 2007-2008 of NEC-link grants awarded by New Europe College, Bucharest, in 2006-2007, 2008-2009); actively engaged in the organization (and teaching) of the first MA in history and philosophy of science at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest (begun in 2008).
University of Bucharest, Bucharest, .
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Nascut(a) in: 1970
Interese: istoria stiintei, filosofia stiintei, filosofia modernitatii timpurii
Dana Jalobeanu este doctor in istoria si filosofia stiintei (Universitatea Bucuresti). A studiat fizica si filosofie la Universitatea Babes Bolyai, Cluj Napoca. A trecut printr-o serie de specializari post-universitare la Oxford University (Balliol College), New Europe College (Bucuresti), Warburg Istitute (University of London) si Princeton University. Este director de programe la centrul de cercetare Fundamentele Modernitatii Europene, Universitatea Bucuresti ( ) si membru al Centrului de logica, istoria si filosofia stiintei CELFIS, Facultatea de Filosofie, Universitatea Bucuresti. Domeniul de studii : istoria si filosofia stiintei. Specializarea restransa: stiinta si filosofia in « modernitatea timpurie » (adica secolul XVI-XVII) si « revolutia stiintifica » (adica inventarea stiintei moderne). A publicat o serie de articole de specialitate, o monografie (Inventarea modernitatii, Editura Napoca Star 2006), a editat si coordonat mai multe volume dintre care cel mai recent este Dana Jalobeanu, Peter Anstey, Vanishing matter and the laws of nature, Routledge, 2011. A initiat o serie de cursuri noi in domeniul fundamentelor modernitatii si originii stiintei moderne (prin programele si proiectele finantate de Curriculum Development Center, HESP, Budapest 2007-2008 si NEC-LINK, New Europe College, Bucharest, 2006-2007 si 2008-2009). Este organizator principal al Princeton-Bucharest seminar in early modern philosophy (din 2001, 10 editii) si al Bucharest colloquium in early modern philosophy (doua editii, 2008 si 2009). Este membru in grantul international ERC Starting Grant 2009-2014 The Medicine of the Mind in Early Modern England : towards a reinterpretation of Francis Bacon desfasurat prin New Europe College si Warburg Institute, London. Este membru in steering-commitee al HOPOS si secretar general al ISIH (International Society for Intellectual History). A organizat (impreuna cu Sorana Corneanu) a 11-a conferinta internationala a ISIH (24-28 mai 2011, Bucuresti). Este editor executiv al revistei Societate si Politica si membru in comitetul de coordonare al revistelor Intellectual History Review si Perspectives on Science.
In paralel cu activitatea universitara, Dana Jalobeanu a urmat cursuri de jurnalism BBC si a activat ca jurnalist in presa scrisa, radio si TV. A fost redactor sef la Radio Contact Cluj, corespondent BBC, prezentator al emisiunii de stiinta « Evrika », la TVR. Intre 2001-2008 a fost science editor la BBC Romania realizand emisiunea Magazin stiintific precum si o serie de alte emisiuni pe teme de stiinta sau istoria stiintei. In 2008 a realizat seria de emisiuni BBC : Londra, locul in care s-a nascut stiinta moderna, in 5 episoade. A publicat articole de popularizare a stiintei in Dilema si Idei in dialog.
Dana Jalobeanu is Lecturer in Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, member of the research centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science CELFIS (, co- founder and director of programs at the Research Center Foundations of Early Modern Thought (FEM), University of Bucharest (
Research area: history and philosophy of science.
Research interests: early modern philosophy and science (natural philosophy) from Bacon to Newton.
Romanian coordinator of a 5 year European Research Council grant (The medicine of the mind and natural philosophy in early modern England: A new way of interpreting Francis Bacon) held jointly by Warburg Institute (London) and New Europe College (NEC) (Bucharest).
General Secretary of International Society of History of Ideas (ISIH) and co-organizer of the 11th ISIH Conference in Bucharest (24-26 May, 2011). Initiator and co-organizer of the Princeton-Bucharest seminar in early modern philosophy (10 seminars since 2001). Since 2011 member in the steering-committee of HOPOS.
Executive editor of Society and Politics; member in the advisory board of Intellectual History Review and Perspectives on Science.
Designed, taught and implemented new courses on early modern philosophy and science in the curriculum of the Universities of Bucharest, Arad and Cluj (through a number of grants like the Curriculum Development Center grant awarded by Higher Education Support Programme in 2007-2008 of NEC-link grants awarded by New Europe College, Bucharest, in 2006-2007, 2008-2009); actively engaged in the organization (and teaching) of the first MA in history and philosophy of science at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest (begun in 2008).
Publicații selectate:
* Dana Jalobeanu, Francis Bacon’s natural history and the Senecan Natural Histories of Early Modern Europe, Early Science and Medicine, 17, 2012.
* Dana Jalobeanu, Idolatry, Natural History and Spiritual Medicine: Francis Bacon and the Neo-Stoic Protestantism of the Late Sixteenth Century, Perspectives on Science, 21, 2012.
* Dana Jalobeanu, “Experimental philosophers and doctors of the mind: the appropriation of a philosophical tradition”, Georg Olms, Vlad Alexandrescu, Robert Theis, Naturel et surnaturel. Philosophies de la nature et metaphysique aux XVI-XVII siecles, 2010.
* Dana Jalobeanu, ed., Reinventing utopia: science, politics and religion in early modern Europe, special issue of Studii de Stiinta si Cultura, 4/2010, Studii de stiinta si cultura, 4/2010, 2010.
* Dana Jalobeanu, ed. , Casa lui Solomon sau fascinatia utopiei, ALL, Bucuresti, 2011.
* Dana Jalobeanu, Peter Anstey, Vanishing matter and the laws of physics: Descartes and beyond, Routledge, 2011.
* Francis Bacon, Noua Atlantida, Nemira, Dana Jalobeanu, 2007.
* Dana Jalobeanu, Inventarea modernităţii : Filosofie naturală, teologie şi ştiinţă în secolul al XVII-lea, Napoca Star, 2006.
* Dana Jalobeanu, “The politics of science and the origins of modernity: Building consensus in Early Royal Society”, Zeitsprunge, Forschungen zur Fruher Neuzeit, 10, 2006.
* Dana Jalobeanu, “Bacon’s Brotherhood and its classical sources”, Intersections, 11, 2008.
* Dana Jalobeanu, “Space, bodies and geometry: Some sources of Newton’s metaphysics”, Zeitsprünge, Forschungen zur Frühen Neuzeit, 11, 2007.
* Dana Jalobeanu, “The fascination of Solomon’s House in seventeenth century England”, Vlad Alexandrescu, Branching off: The Early Moderns in quest of the unity of knowledge, 2009.
* Dana Jalobeanu, "The nature of body", Oxford University Press, Peter Anstey, The Oxford Handbook of British Philosophy in the Seventeenth Century, 2012.