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PI of the team "Biological Physics and Systems Biology" in the lab DIMNP-UMR5235 in Montpellier, France. This team develops physical, mathematical and computer science approaches for the understanding of the functioning of biological systems. At the centre of our approaches is the multi-scale modelling of the biological processes by using statistical physics, dynamical systems and stochastic processes techniques. Our priority is to identify system's critical targets and essential mechanisms. This knowledge can be used to elaborate new therapies against complex diseases.
University of Montpellier 2, Montpellier, .
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Interese: Systems Biology, Mathematical Biology, Complex systems
PI of the team "Biological Physics and Systems Biology" in the lab DIMNP-UMR5235 in Montpellier, France. This team develops physical, mathematical and computer science approaches for the understanding of the functioning of biological systems. At the centre of our approaches is the multi-scale modelling of the biological processes by using statistical physics, dynamical systems and stochastic processes techniques. Our priority is to identify system's critical targets and essential mechanisms. This knowledge can be used to elaborate new therapies against complex diseases.
Publicații selectate:
* Ph. Veber, C. Guziolowski, M. Le Borgne, O.Radulescu, A.Siegel , Inferring the role of transcription factors as inducers or repressors in regulatory networks , BMC Bioinformatics, 2008.
* Ph.Veber, M. Le Borgne, A. Siegel, O. Radulescu, Complex Qualitative Models in Biology: a new approach., Complexus, 2005.
* A.Gorban, O. Radulescu, Dynamical robustness of biological networks with hierarchical distribution of time scales. , IET Systems Biology, IET Systems Biology, 2007.
* O. Radulescu, S. Lagarrigue, A. Siegel, M. Le Borgne, P. Veber, Topology and static response of interaction networks in molecular biology., Royal Society Interfaces, 2006.
* Manu, S.Surkova, AV.Spirov, V.Gursky, H.Janssens, A.Kim, O.Radulescu, CE.Vanario-Alonso, D.H.Sharp, M.Samsonova, J.Reinitz, Canalization of gene expression and domain shifts in the Drosophila blastoderm by dynamical attractors, PLoS Computational Biology, 2009.
* P. Blavy, F. Gondret, H. Guillou, S. Lagarrigue, P.G.P., Martin, J. van Milgen, O. Radulescu, Siegel, A minimal model for hepatic fatty acid balance during fasting: Application to PPAR alpha-deficient mice. , Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2009.
* Manu, S.Surkova, AV.Spirov, V.Gursky, H.Janssens, A.Kim, O.Radulescu, CE.Vanario-Alonso, D.H.Sharp, M.Samsonova, J.Reinitz, Canalization of gene expression in the Drosophila blastoderm by, PLoS Biology, 2009.
* S.Vakulenko, Manu, J.Reinitz, O.Radulescu, Interacting Interfaces between Localized Domains of Gene Expression Ensure Robust Spatial Patterning,, Physical Reviews Letters, 2009.
* A.Crudu, A.Debussche, O.Radulescu, Hybrid stochastic simplifications for multiscale gene networks, BMC Systems Biology, 2009.
* O.Radulescu, A.N.Gorban, A.Zinovyev, A.Lilienbaum, Robust simplifications of multiscale biochemical networks, BMC Systems Biology, 2008.