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Universitatea Tehnica "Gh. Asachi" din Iasi, Facultatea de Constructii si Instalatii, Iasi, .
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Nascut(a) in: 1963
Interese: Inginerie seismica, statica, stabilitate, dinamica, soc, impact, explozii
Absolvent in 1987 al Universitatii Tehnice Gh. Asachi, Facultatea de Constructii si Arhitectura din Iasi, sectia Constructii civile, industriale si agrozootehnice
Doctor inginer (februarie 1999) - Statica, stabilitatea si dinamica constructiilor
Domenii de cercetare:
Inginerie seismica
Statica, stabilitate si dinamica constructiilor
Analiza neliniara si posetelastica a structurilor de constructii
Analiza la actiuni de tip soc (explozii, impact, socuri dinamice si seismice etc.) a structurilor de constructii din otel si beton armat
Specializari postdoctorale si postuniversitare:
August 2006 - Advanced Studies in Structural Engineering and CAE - Bauhaus Universitat Weimar, Germania
2000 - 2001 - bursa postdoctorala NATO/Royal Society - Analiza structurilor din zidarie la actiuni seismice, cu modele discrete - Universitatea Warwick, Coventry, Marea Britanie
mai-iunie 1997, iunie-iulie 1998, mai-iunie 1999
Universitatea Tehnica Daneza, Lyngby - Danemarca
septembrie 1996 - workshop - Consolidare monumentelor istorice - organizat de Uniunea Restauratorilor de Monumente Istorice din Romania si Asociatia Romana de Inginerie Seismica
Membru al:
ASCE - Societatea Americana a Inginerilor Constructori
ARIS - Asociatia Romana de Inginerie Seismica
SIAC - Societatea de Inginerie Asistata de Calculator
SACS - Societatea Academica de Constructii Prof. Anton Sesan
Research interests:
Earthquake Engineering
Shock loads (blast, impact, seismic shocks) on civil buildings
Nonlinear and postelastic structural analysis of steel, masonry and reinforced concrete buildings
Explosions or any type of shock loads are encountered in various fields, ranging from domestic environment to military warfare - hurricane and tornado disasters, aircraft and missile impacts, cars, trains and ships collisions, explosions in cars, ships, houses and military establishments, snow/ice impacts, wave impact on the ground and offshore platforms, and many other different impacts in water and in air. The dynamics of impact and explosion are an important consideration in the design of conventional structures, in general, and sensitive and unconventional structures in particular. Accidents causing damage and explosion are a matter of growing concern in many areas such as nuclear, offshore, civil, mechanical, gas, electrical, chemical, aeronautical and naval engineering.
Wind, gales, hurricanes, tornadoes and snow avalanches have caused disasters in a number of countries. There is always one country somewhere affected by them at any given time in any year. The costs in all incidents ran into billions and many thousands were killed or injured, mainly caused by the missiles ejected from buildings after the passage of storms or avalanches (tree trunks, rocks, ice blocks etc).
The modeling of impact and explosion remains one of the most difficult tasks. It involves structural dynamics, load-time relationships, impactor-target interaction, material properties including strain-rate effects and solution convergence procedures. The importance of the structure's ability to withstand the impact loads (such gas explosions, sea wave and snow/ice impacts, ship and missile collisions, dropped objects, seismic shocks etc.) cannot be ignored and the strain rate effect of reinforced concrete elements must be included in the global analysis of concrete structures.
The computational effort and the "conventional" finite element or other numerical models are still the main obstacles hindering the incremental post-elastic analysis of large structures subjected to a complicated loading program or exceptional impact loads. For this reason, the objective of my research is to develop a more efficient and practical model to enable a real civil structure to be successfully analyzed to this kind of unusual loads.
Consulting Interests:
Structural numerical modelling for CAD
Calibration of design codes for masonry and reinforced concrete structures.
Continuing professional development courses on nonlinear and postelastic analysis of steel and reinforced concrete structures