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Institutul de Chimie Fizica "Ilie Murgulescu", Bucuresti, .
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Interese: termodinamica; echilibre de faze; proprietati termodinamice, termofizice si termochimice; experiment; modelare
Domenii de competenta: echilibre de faze si proprietati termodinamice si termofizice pentru sisteme reactive sau nereactive - determinare experimentala, corelare date, calcule de echilibre de faze folosind modele predictive si ecuatii de stare; dezvoltarea de tehnici experimentale pentru masurarea datelor fundamentale de echilibre de faze pentru procesele de separare la presiuni joase, normale si inalte.
Fields of competence: phase equilibria and related thermodynamic and thermophysical properties for reacting or non-reacting systems - experimental determination, data correlation, phase equilibria calculations using predictive models and equations of state;
experimental techniques development for measuring the fundamental phase equilibria data for separation processes at low, normal and high pressures.
Publicații selectate:
* Teodorescu M., Popa V. T., Solution and excess molar enthalpies for 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride + water system at (303.15 and 318.15) K, Rev. Roum. Chim., 61(6-7), 2016.
* Teodorescu M., Experiments with possible application to the homogenous solutions of solid nanostructures with liquid solvents, Editura Academiei Romane, Zaharescu M., Chiriac H., Dascalu D., Vol 24 in Series in Micro and Nanoengineering, "Nanomaterials, Nanoparticles, Nanodevices", 2016.
* Teodorescu M., Isothermal (vapour+liquid) equilibrium and thermophysical properties for (1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium iodide + 1-butanol) binary system, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 87, 2015.
* Teodorescu M., Isothermal Vapour+Liquid Equilibrium and Thermophysical Properties for 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Chloride + 1-Butanol Binary System, Rev. Chim (Bucharest), 66 (4), 2015.
* Teodorescu M., Isothermal vapor + liquid equilibrium and thermophysical properties for 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide + 1-butanol binary system, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 53, 2014.
* Teodorescu M., Marongiu B., Evaluation of the nitro/chlorine interaction parameters in nitroalkane + 1-chloroalkane and + alpha,omega-dichloroalkane systems using Disquac group contribution model, Proceedings of the 18th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, RICCCE 18, Papers and Abstracts Book, Section 3 Physical Chemistry, Electrochemistry & Corrosion, pags S3-24 - S3-27 Bucuresti, Romania, 4-7 Septembrie, 2013.
* Teodorescu M., Marongiu B., Maxia S., Piras A., Usula M., Porcedda S., Calorimetric study of the selected nitroalkane + chloroalkane binary systems. Comparison with DISQUAC predictions, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 116, 2014.
* Teodorescu M., Secuianu C., Refractive indexes measurement and correlation for selected binary systems of various polarities at 25 0C, Journal of Solution Chemistry, 42 (10), 2013.
* Gheorghe D., Dragoescu D., Teodorescu M., , Volumetric study for the binary nitromethane with chloroalkanes mixtures at temperatures in the range (298.15 to 318.15) K, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 58, 2013.
* Dragoescu D., Teodorescu M., Gheorghe D., Isothermal vapour-liquid equilibria and excess Gibbs free energies in some binary nitroalkane + chloroalkane mixtures at temperatures from 298.15 K to 318.15 K, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 338, 2013.
* Teodorescu M., Dragoescu D., Gheorghe D., Isothermal (vapour + liquid) equilibria for (nitromethane or nitroethane + 1,4-dichlorobutane) binary systems at temperatures between (343.15 and 363.15) K, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 56, 2013.
* Teodorescu M, Barhala A, Dragoescu D, and Gheorghe D., Isothermal Vapor-Liquid Equilibria for Nitromethane and Nitroethane + 1,3-Dichloropropane Binary Systems at Temperatures between (343.15 and 363.15) K, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 56, 2011.
* Dragoescu, D., Barhala, A., Teodorescu, M., Vapour-liquid equilibria for the binary mixtures of methyl ethyl ketone(2-butanone)+ some chloroalkanes at temperatures from 298.15 to 318.15 K. Comparison with disquac model prediction, Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 56 (5), 2011.
* Teodorescu, M., Barhala, A., Dragoescu, D., Echilibre lichid-vapori in sisteme de neelecroliti. Metode experimentale, modelare de date, exemple si aplicatii, S.C. Editura Paralela 45 S.A., 268 pags.,ISBN 978-973-47-1087-4, 2010.
* Dragoescu, D., Barhala, A., Teodorescu, M., Chiscan, D., Isothermal vapour-liquid equilibria in cyclohexanone + dichloroalkane binary mixtures at temperatures from 298.15 to 318.15 K, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 76 (2), 2011.
* Teodorescu, M., Barhala, A., Dragoescu, D., Isothermal vapour-liquid equilibria for 1,2-dichloroethane + nitromethane and + nitroethane binary systems at temperatures between 333.15 - 353.15 K, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 292, 2010.
* Ciocirlan, O., Teodorescu, M., Dragoescu, D., Iulian, O., Barhala, A., Densities and Excess Molar Volumes of the Binary Mixtures of Cyclopentanone with Chloroalkanes at Temperatures between (288.15 and 318.15) K, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 55, 2010.
* Ciocirlan O., Teodorescu M., Dragoescu D., Iulian O., Barhala A., Measurement and theoretical analysis of excess molar volumes of binary mixtures of some chloroalkanes + cyclic ketones between (288.15 - 318.15) K, Ed. Printech, Proceedings of the 16th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, September 9 – 12, Sinaia, Romania (CD-ROM - ISBN 978-606-521-349-4), 2009.
* Ciocirlan O., Teodorescu M., Dragoescu D., Iulian O., Barhala A., Densities and excess molar volumes of the binary mixtures of cyclohexanone with chloroalkanes at temperatures between (288.15 and 318.15) K, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 55, 2010.
* Dragoescu D., Barhala A., Teodorescu M., (Vapour + liquid) equilibria and excess Gibbs energies of (cyclohexanone + 1-chlorobutane and + 1,1,1-trichloroethane) binary mixtures at temperatures from (298.15 K to 318.15) K, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 41, 2009.
* Fandino O., Lopez E. R., Lugo L., Teodorescu M., Mainar A. M., Fernandez J., Solubility of carbon dioxide in two pentaerythritol ester oils between 283 and 333 K, Journal of Chemical Engineering and Data, 53, 2008.
* Dragoescu D, Barhala A., Teodorescu M., Vapour pressure and excess Gibbs energy of binary 1, 2-dichloroethane + cyclohexanone, chloroform + cyclopentanone and chloroform + cyclohexanone mixtures at temperatures from 298.15 to 318.15 K, Fluid Phase Equilib., 267, 2008.
* Barhala A., Dragoescu D., Teodorescu M., Vapour-liquid equilibria and excess thermodynamic properties in binary systems of cyclopentanone + chloroalkanes in view of the DISQUAC and UNIFAC group contribution models extention, Rev. Chim (Buc.), 59/5, 2008.
* Dragoescu D., Teodorescu M., Barhala A., Isothermal (vapour + liquid) equilibria and excess Gibbs free energies in some binary (cyclopentanone + chloroalkane) mixtures at temperatures from 298.15 K to 318.15 K, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 39, 2007.
* Barhala A., Teodorescu M., Dragoescu D., Structural effects and intermolecular interactions in homologous series of organic systems evidenced by thermodynamic properties in the frame of DISQUAC model, Rev. Roum. Chim., 51/4, 2006.
* Teodorescu M., Barhala A., Dragoescu D., Isothermal (vapour-liquid) equilibria for the binary (cyclopentanone or cyclohexanone with 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane) systems at temperatures of (343.15, 353.15 and 363.15) K, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 38, 2006.
* Barhala A., Dragoescu D., Teodorescu M., Wichterle I., Isothermal (vapour + liquid) equilibria in the binary mixtures (1,2-dichloroethane and 1,1,1-trichloroethane with cyclopentanone) within the temperature range (298.15 to 313.15) K, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 38, 2006.
* Barhala A., Dragoescu D., Teodorescu M., Wichterle I., Vapor- liquid equilibria and excess Gibbs energies of cyclopentanone + chloroalkane binary mixtures, 14th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, RICCCE 14, September 22-24, Bucharest, Romania, 2, 2005.
* Teodorescu M., Barhala A., Wichterle I., The potential of Soave-Redlich-Kwong equation of state in describing phase equilibria data at high pressures for the CO2 + 1-alcohol systems, Rev. Roum. Chim., 49/11, 2004.
* Valtz A., Teodorescu M., Wichterle I., Richon D., Liquid densities and excess molar volumes for water + diglycolamine, and water, methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol + triethylene glycol binary systems at atmospheric pressure and temperatures in the range of 283.15 - 363.15 K, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 215, 2004.
* Teodorescu M., Valtz A., Richon D., Wichterle I., Experimental and Consistent Thermodynamic Modelling of Excess Molar Volumes for Strong Associated Binary Systems, Volum Preprints of the "ESAT 2003 - 20th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics", Lahnstein - Germany, 8-12 Octomber, 2003.
* Teodorescu M., Modelling of Complex Systems Phase Behaviour at High Pressures by Means of the SRK Equation of State, Proceedings. of the 13th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, RICCCE 13, Bucuresti, Romania, 16-20 Septembrie, 2, 2003.
* Teodorescu M., Krummen M., Gmehling J., Excess Molar Enthalpies for the Binary Systems of Benzene or Cyclohexane with 1,1-Diethoxyethane at 323.15 K or with 2,2-Dimethoxybutane at 303.15 K and Infinite Dilution Activity Coefficients in 1,1-Diethoxyethane, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 48, 2003.
* Dragoescu D., Teodorescu M., Barhala A., Wichterle I., DISQUAC characterization of the carbonyl-chlorine interactions in binary mixtures of linear ketone with chloroalkane, Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 68, 2003.
* Teodorescu M., Lugo L., Fernandez J., Modeling of gas solubility data for HFCs - lubricant oil binary systems by means of the SRK equation of state, International Journal of Thermophysics, 24/4, 2003.
* Teodorescu M., Wichterle I., Modeling of the Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide Solubility in Alternative Fuels at High Pressures Using Soave-Redlich-Kwong Equation of State, Chem. Eng. & Technology, 26/9, 2003.
* Teodorescu M., Wilken M., Wittig R., Gmehling J., Azeotropic and solid-liquid equilibria data for several binary organic systems containing one acetal compound, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 204, 2003.
* Dragoescu D., Teodorescu M., Barhala A., Thermodynamics of ketone + chloroalkane binary mixtures in terms of DISQUAC model, Proceeding on CD-ROM (ISBN 80-86059-33-2, Full text P3.95-1415) of the CHISA 2002 - 15th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, 25-29 August, Prague, Czech Republic, 2002.
* Dragoescu D., Teodorescu M., Barhala A., Estimation of the Disquac Interaction parameters for linear ketones + chloroalkane mixtures, Proceeding Physical Chemistry, Biochemical and Chemical Engineering of the 12th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, RICCCE 12, September 13-15, Bucharest, Romania, 2001.
* Teodorescu M., Persson O., Rasmussen P., High-pressure vapor-liquid equilibria in the ternary nitrogen + dimethyl ether + methanol system and Henry constant calculation for nitrogen, Proceeding Physical Chemistry, Biochemical and Chemical Engineering of the 12th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, RICCCE 12, September 13-15, Bucharest, Romania, 2001.
* Teodorescu M., Wichterle I., Modelling of the nitrogen and carbon dioxide solubility in alternative fuels at high pressures using Soave-Redlich-Kwong equation of state, Proceeding on CD-ROM (ISBN 80-86059-32-4, Full text V3.28) of the 48. Konference chemickeho a procesniho inzenyrstvi,CHISA 2001, 15-18 Octombrie, Srni, Sumava, Czech Republic, 2001.
* Teodorescu M., Piperea F., Persson O., An experimental technique for the measurements of gas solubility in heavy liquids or solids at high pressures, Proceeding Physical Chemistry, Biochemical and Chemical Engineering of the 12th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, RICCCE 12, September 13-15, Bucharest, Romania, 2001.
* Teodorescu M., Rasmussen P., High pressure vapor-liquid equilibria in the systems: nitrogen + dimethyl ether, methanol + dimethyl ether, carbon dioxide + dimethyl ether + methanol and nitrogen + dimethyl ether + methanol, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 46, 2001.
* Barhala A., Teodorescu M., Measurement of vapour-liquid equilibria by ebuliometry, Rev. Roum. Chim., 46/9, 2001.
* Teodorescu M., Dragoescu D., Barhala A., Estimation of the DISQUAC interaction parameters for the cycloalkyl / phenil contact in cycloalkane + n-alkylbenzene mixtures, Rev. Roum. Chim., 46/5, 2001.
* Teodorescu M., Wichterle I., Experimental determination of the vapour-liquid equilibria in the systems accompanied by chemical reaction, Proceeding of the 11th International Conference of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 30 September – 2 October, Bucharest, Romania, Lucrarile Sectiei 3 - Chimie Fizica, 1999.
* Teodorescu M., Thermodynamic properties of binary pentan-3-one + chloroalkane mixtures, CHISA'98, 13th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, 23-28 August, Prague (Czech Republic), Proceeding on CD-ROM, E.3.1, No. index 280, 1998.
* Teodorescu M., Trends of molecular modeling and process simulation in Romania: existing projects and possible industrial application, Proceeding of the Expert Group Meeting on "Modeling in Chemistry and Chemical Industry", Trieste, Italy, 14-16 October, 1998.
* Teodorescu M., Barhala A., Landauer O., Isothermal vapor-liquid equilibrium data for the binary pentan-3-one + 1,2-dichloroethane or 1,3-dichloropropane mixtures at temperatures from 323.15 K to 373.15 K, ELDATA: Int. Electron. J. Phys.-Chem. Data, 3, 1997.
* Teodorescu M., Barhala A., Landauer O., Isothermal vapor-liquid equilibrium data for the binary cyclooctane + butylbenzene and n-heptane + cyclooctane at temperatures from 343.15 K to 393.15 K, ELDATA: Int. Electron. J. Phys.-Chem. Data, 2, 1996.
* Teodorescu M., Barhala A., Landauer O., Isothermal vapor-liquid equilibrium data for the binary cyclooctane + propylbenzene mixture at temperatures from 363.15 to 393.15 K, ELDATA: Int. Electron. J. Phys.-Chem. Data, 2, 1996.
* Barhala A., Teodorescu M., Crisciu A. V., Marchidan D. I., Vapour-liquid equilibria in cyclooctane-toluene binary mixtures, Rev. Roum. Chim., 41/(7-8), 1996.
* Teodorescu M., Wichterle I., Evaluation of the carbonyl / chlorine interaction parameters in the pentan-3-one + chloroalkane mixtures using the DISQUAC group contribution model, Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 65/10, 2000.
* Teodorescu M., Wagner Z., Wichterle I., Application of the predictive UNIFAC model to the pentan-3-one / chloroalkane and 5-chloro-2-pentanone / hydrocarbon binary systems, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 23/4, 2000.
* Teodorescu M., Linek J., Wichterle I., Isothermal vapour-liquid equilibria and densities for the 5-chloropentan-2-one + n-hexane, + toluene, + ethylbenzene binary mixtures, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 149, 1998.
* Teodorescu M., Aim K., Wichterle I., Isothermal vapour-liquid equilibria for pentan-3-one + 1,4-dichlorobutane, + trichloromethane, + 1,1,1-trichloroethane, + 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane binary mixtures, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 147, 1998.
* Teodorescu M., Barhala A., Marchidan D. I., Landauer O., Vapour pressures and excess Gibbs energy of ethylbenzene - cyclooctane binary mixtures, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 126, 1996.
* Teodorescu M., Linek J., Densities and excess volumes of pentan-3-one + 1,2-dichloroethane, +1,3-dichloropropane, + 1,4-dichlorobutane, + trichloromethane, + 1,1,1-trichloroethane, + 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane binary mixtures at 298.15 K, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 146, 1998.
* Teodorescu M., Aim K., Wichterle I., Isothermal vapor-liquid equilibrium in the quaternary water + isopropanol + acetic acid + isopropyl acetate system with chemical reaction, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 46, 2001.