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Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, .
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Nascut(a) in: 1974
Interese: Fizica teoretica; Supraconductivitate, Fizica Mezoscopica
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I graduated in High Energy Physics, in particular supersymmetry, supergravity and string theory.
Three years ago I started a PhD in Amsterdam, under the supervision of Prof Dr Adri Lodder. The first part of my project was dedicated to dirty (diffusive) anisotropic superconductors.
I am now in my last year of PhD and I am working in clean (balistic) multilayered structures of S(superconductor)/N(normal layer) systems.
I am determinig the local density of states inside S and N layers of the SN multilayer. In general it is enough to consider only Andreev reflection at S/N interfaces. It turns out that this approximation fails in certain conditions and exact calculations are required.
This is what I am doing...
For more details of my project, please have a look on my home page or send me an e-mail.
Publicații selectate:
* C. Ciuhu and A. Lodder, The influence of the boundary resistivity on the proximity effect, Phys. Rev. B, 64, 2001.
* C.Ciuhu, A.Lodder, Model calculations of the proximity effect in finite multilayers, Superlattices and Microstructures, 30, 2001.
* C. Ciuhu, I.V. Vancea, Constraints on space-time manifold in Euclidean supergravity in terms of Dirac eigenvalues, IJMP A, 15, 2000.