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Premii Ad Astra

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Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

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Doru Buzducea


Universitatea din Bucuresti, Facultatea de Sociologie si Asistenta Sociala, București, .

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Nascut(a) in: 1972

Interese: Asistenta Sociala, Grupuri de Risc, HIV/SIDA

flag Detalii:
- Profesor universitar, conducator doctorat in sociologie
- Presedinte Colegiul National al Asistentilor Sociali
- Presedinte Asociatia Scolilor de Asistenta Sociala din Romania
- Prodecan cu activitatea didacticã şi organizarea procesului de învãţãmânt
- Director Centrul de Cercetare şi Inovaţie în Servicii Sociale
- Redactor sef al Revistei de Asistenta Sociala
- Coordonator colectie Asistenta Sociala, editura Polirom
- Coordonator al Masterului Grupuri de Risc şi Servicii Sociale de Suport
- Membru în Comisia Prezidenţialã de Analizã a Riscurilor Sociale şi Demografice

flag Details:
Date and place of birth: 6 November 1972, Baia de Arama, Mehedinti
Nationality: Romanian

 PhD in Sociology, University of Bucharest (1996-1999).
 Master in Social Policy, University of Bucharest (1995-1996).
 Bachelor of Social Work, University of Bucharest (1991-1995).

Professional experience
Vice-dean with didactic activity and logistics of the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest (2008 - present)
Member of Senate of the University of Bucharest (2009 - present)
Member of the Scientific Council of the University of Bucharest (2008 - present)
External Evaluator ARACIS - the field of social work (2007 - present)
Director of Center for Research and Innovation in Social Services (2008 - present)
Member of the Commission for Approval Program of Studies, University of Bucharest (2009 - 2010),
Member of Presidential Commission for Social and Demographic Risk Analysis (2009),
Coordinating of the collection of Social Work - Polirom (2008 - present)
Coordinator of the Master Risk Groups and Social Services Support,
Summer School Coordinator Harm Reduction (2009, Bucharest),
Editor in Chief of the Social Work Review (October 2009 - present).
Associate Professor for the Department of Social Work, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest (2007-present). Courses and seminars: Counseling individuals and groups in need, The social work system, Models of practice and intervention techniques in social work, Welfare system in Romania, Social work in chronic diseases and AIDS.

Director (2008-present) - Center for Research and Innovation in Social Services,
Member (2000-present) - Romanian Association for Promoting Social Work,
Founding member (1997) - Society for Romanian Experiential Psychotherapy,
Founding member (2005) - Research Center on Social Structure and Process,
Member (2006-present) - Association of Sociologists from Romania.

Books (C1, C2, etc.) and chapters in books (CC1, CC2, etc.)
C1. Buzducea Doru, 2009, Modern Systems of Social Work. Global trends and local practices, Polirom, Iasi, 248 p, ISBN: 978-973-46-1332-8.
C2. Buzducea Doru, Lazar Florin, 2008, A monograph of the phenomenon of HIV/AIDS in Romania, Bucharest University Publishing House, 283 p, ISBN: 9789737374509.
C3. Buzducea Doru, 2007, Risks to Young People. Case study: adolescents with HIV/AIDS in Romania, editors, Bucharest University Publishing House, 288 p, ISBN: 9789737373472.
C4. I Mãrginean, ş. Cojocaru, A. Furman, I. Precupeţu, S. Cace, N. Mitrofan, Buzducea Doru, B. Voicu, R. Popescu, D. Arpinte, 2006, Services to Children and Families. Impact of HOLT programs in Romania. Documentation of outcomes, Expert Projects, Iasi, 207 p, ISBN: 973-8626 3-8-2.
C5. Buzducea Doru, 2005, Contemporary Issues in Social Work, Polirom, Iasi, 232 p, ISBN: 973-46-0055-9.
C6. Buzducea Doru, 2005, Globalization - the paradigmatic modern structures, second edition, Competent Press, Bucharest, 256 p, ISBN: 973-87518-0-2.
C7. Buzducea Doru, 2001, Globalization - the paradigmatic modern structures, Ars Docendi, Bucharest, 130 p, ISBN: 973-8118-72-7.
C8. Mitrofan Iolanda, Buzducea Doru, 2002, Psychology of Loss and Pain Therapy, second edition, SPER, Bucharest, 204 p, ISBN: 973-8383-10-2.
C9. Buzducea Doru, 1999, Forts and Ruins - introduction to the study of social problems Science and Technology Publishing House, Bucharest, 240 p, ISBN: 973-9236-41-3.
C10. Buzducea Doru, 1999, Geopolitics Poverty - social policy in the sphere of human groups in risk of social exclusion, Astrobios, Bucharest, 280 p, ISBN: 973-95014-3-9.
C11. Mitrofan Iolanda, Buzducea Doru, 1999, Psychology of loss and pain therapy, Albedo, Bucharest, 194 p, ISBN: 973-98103-4-9.
C12. Buzducea Doru, 1997, AIDS - psychosocial issues, Science and Technology Publishing House, Bucharest, 160 p, ISBN: 973-9236-22-7.

CC1. Stefan Cojocaru, Buzducea Doru, Social services, in M. Preda (coord.), Risks and social inequality in Romania, Polirom, Iasi, 2009.
CC2. Buzducea Doru, Dependents (of illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco), in M. Preda (coord.), Risks and social inequality in Romania, Polirom, Iasi, 2009.
CC3. M. Alexandru, Buzducea Doru, R. Contanu, Victims of trafficking, in M. Preda (coord.), Risks and social inequality in Romania, Polirom, Iasi, 2009.
CC4. Buzducea Doru, Victims of prostitution, in M. Preda (coord.), Risks and social inequality in Romania, Polirom, Iasi, 2009.
CC5. Buzducea Doru, Victims of domestic violence, in M. Preda (coord.), Risks and social inequality in Romania, Polirom, Iasi, 2009.
CC6. Buzducea Doru, Psihosocioterapia of multiple losses. Transmutation of suffering and survival techniques - the existential and spiritual approach in Mitrofan I. (coord.), Psychotherapy. Theoretical, methodological and applied, Hope Publishing House, Bucharest, 2008, pp 337 to 363, ISBN: 978-973-8383-38-8.
CC7. Buzducea Doru, Globalization, in C. Zamfir, S. Stanescu (coord.), Encyclopedia of social development, Polirom, Iasi, 2007, pp 281-286, ISBN: 9789734607020.
CC8. Mitrofan Iolanda, Buzducea Doru, Experience of loss and pain in children, in Mitrofan I. (coord.), Obstacle to Human Development, Polirom, Iasi, 2003, pp 145-161, ISBN: 973-681-440-8.
CC9. Buzducea Doru, Advising people living with HIV/AIDS, in L. M. Pop (coord.), Dictionary of Social Policy, Expert, Bucharest, 2002, pp.193-195, ISBN: 973-8177-44-8.
CC10. Buzducea Doru, Street children, in L. M. Pop (coord.), Dictionary of Social Policy, Editura Expert, Bucharest, 2002, pp 201-204, ISBN: 973-8177-44-8.
CC11. Buzducea Doru, Homosexuality, in L. M. Pop (coord.), Dictionary of Social Policy, Editura Expert, Bucharest, 2002, pp 358-361, ISBN: 973-8177-44-8.
CC12. Buzducea Doru, Welfare groups of refugees, in L. M. Pop (coord.), Dictionary of Social Policy, Editura Expert, Bucharest, 2002, pp 680-682, ISBN: 973-8177-44-8.
CC13. Buzducea Doru, Social protection of people with HIV/AIDS, in L. M. Pop (coord.), Dictionary of Social Policy, Expert, Bucharest, 2002, pp 689-695, ISBN: 973-8177-44-8.
CC14. Buzducea Doru, Theories of loss, in L. M. Pop (coord.), Dictionary of Social Policy, Editura Expert, Bucharest, 2002, pp. 794-795, ISBN: 973-8177-44-8.
CC15. Marciana Popescu, Buzducea Doru, Homeless, in L. M. Pop (coord.), Dictionary of Social Policy, Editura Expert, Bucharest, 2002, pp 507-514, ISBN: 973-8177-44-8.
CC16. Buzducea Doru, Experience of loss and pain in children. Highlights in counseling, in Mitrofan I. (coord.), Psychopathology, psychotherapy and counseling for child, Publisher SPER, Bucharest, 2001, pp 220-247, ISBN: 973-99221-9-8.
CC17. Mitrofan Iolanda, Buzducea Doru, Existential analysis or the way to respect in Mitrofan I. (coord.), Experiential orientation in psychotherapy personal development, SPER, Bucharest, 2000, pp 132-151, ISBN: 973-99221-4-7.
CC18. Buzducea Doru, C. Anghelina, L. Lazarescu, D. Serban, Psychosocial Aspects of families affected by HIV / AIDSIn Getting Started - psychosocial assistance to families affected by HIV/AIDS, Astrobios, Bucharest, 1999, pp 7-19, ISBN: 973-95014-5-1.
CC19. Buzducea Doru, Loss. Pain. Sufferin, in Psychosocial assistance to families affected by HIV/AIDS, Astrobios, Bucharest, 1999, pp 70-90, ISBN: 973-95014-5-1.
CC20. Buzducea Doru, Policies, programs and social services, in Psychosocial assistance to families affected by HIV/AIDS, Astrobios, Bucharest, 1999, pp 91-109, ISBN: 973-95014-5-1.
CC21. Mitrofan Iolanda, Buzducea Doru, Existential psychotherapy search of meaning, in Mitrofan I. (coord.), Experiential psychotherapy, Infomedica, Bucharest, 1997, pp 113-135, ISBN: 973-98331-0-1.
CC22. Buzducea Doru, Reality therapy - transparency, humor and responsibility - the first step towards change, in Mitrofan I. (coord.), Experiential psychotherapy, Infomedica, Bucharest, 1997, pp 135-143, ISBN: 973-98331-0-1.
CC23. Buzducea Doru, Transactional analysis-decoding, disclosure and interpretation of hidden messages, in Mitrofan I. (coord.), Experiential psychotherapy, Infomedica, Bucharest, 1997, pp 143-169, ISBN: 973-98331-0-1.
CC24. Buzducea Doru, Child abuse, in C. Zamfir, E. Zamfir (coord.), For a child-centered society, Alternative, Bucuresti, 1997, pp 120-124, ISBN:973-9216-27-7.
CC25. Buzducea Doru, Street children, in C. Zamfir, E. Zamfir (coord.), For a child-centered society, Alternative, Bucuresti, 1997, pp 124-128, ISBN: 973-9216-27-7.
CC26. Buzducea Doru, Children with AIDS in C. Zamfir, E. Zamfir (coord.), For a child-centered society, Alternative, Bucuresti, 1997, pp 128-134, ISBN: 973-9216-27-7.

Studies and articles published in international journals (R1, R2, etc.)
R1. Blair T. Johnson, Buzducea Doru, Romanian Pediatric AIDS Cases as Adolescents: Acquisition Routes, Current Risk Behaviors, and Psychological correlate, in AIDS and Behavior (ISI, impact factor 2.729), 2007, Springer U.S., vol 11, no. 5, pp 716-725, ISSN: 1090-7165 (paper) 1573-3254 (electronic version);; 20and% 20BEHAVIOR
R2. Buzducea Doru, Social work: structure, history and recent debates, in Review of Research and Social Intervention (ISI indexed), 2008, University "Al.I. Cuza "Iasi, vol 21, pp 15-33, ISSN: 1583-3410 (print version) ISSN: 1584-5397 (v. online);;;
R3. Buzducea Doru, International perspectives in social work, in Review of Research and Social Intervention (ISI indexed), 2008, Univ. "Al.I. Cuza "Iasi, vol 23, pp 37-49 ISSN: 1583-3410 (print version) ISSN: 1584-5397 (online version);;;
R4. Marian Preda, Buzducea Doru, Lazar Florin, Grigoras Vlad, The status of female sex workers in Romania, in Review of Research and Social Intervention (ISI indexed), 2009, University "Al.I. Cuza "Iasi, vol 24, pp 21-40, ISSN: 1583-3410 (print version) ISSN: 1584-5397 (v. online);;;
R5. Doru Buzducea Lazar Florin, Mardare Elena Iulia, The situation of HIV-positive Romanian adolescents: Results from the first national representative survey (Papers in Press), in AIDS Care. Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS / HIV (ISI, impact factor 1,466) 2009, Routledge /Taylor & Francis Group, ISSN: 0954-0121 (print version) ISSN: 1360-0451 (online version);
R6. Marian Preda, Buzducea Doru, Lazar Florin, Grigoras Vlad, The situation of young people injecting drugs in users of Romania, in Romanian Sociology, Polirom, 2009, vol VII, no. 2, pp 49-68, ISSN: 1220-5389;;
R7. Buzducea Doru, Lazar Florin, Mardare Elena Iulia The situation of young HIV-positive in Romania. An analysis of risk behaviors, 2008, in Social Work Reciew, Polirom, No.1-2, pp 103 to 119, ISSN: 1583-0608.
R8. Buzducea Doru, Risk behaviors of adolescents and young people infected with HIV/AIDS, in Culture, development, identity. Current Perspectives, F. Chipea, I. Cioara, A. Hatos, C. Sas, 2007, Expert Publishing House, Bucharest, pp 367-376, ISBN: 9736181227.
R9. Buzducea Doru, Counseling persons with chronic diseases and AIDS, in Social Work Review, Polirom, 2006, no. 4, pp 3-9, ISSN: 1583-0608.
R10. Buzducea Doru, Social welfare services for abused children, in Social Work Review, Polirom, 2005, no. 1 / 2, pp 85-96, ISSN: 1583-0608.
R11. Buzducea Doru, Theory and specific methods of intervention in social work, in Review of research and social action, University "Al.I. Cuza "Iasi, 2005, vol 9, pp 1278-1289, ISSN: 1583-3410.
R12. Buzducea Doru, The construction of European social work systems, in Social Work Review, Polirom, 2004, no. 4, pp 38-45, ISSN: 1583-0608.
R13. Buzducea Doru, Social work for families and children affected by HIV / AIDS, in Social Work Review, 2002, no. 2, pp 58-63, ISSN: 1583-0608.
R14. Buzducea Doru, Existential dialogue, in Review of Psychotherapy experiential, 1998, no. 2, pg 27, ISSN: 1453-634X.
R15. Buzducea Doru, Models of social policies on HIV/AIDS, in Quality of Life - Social Policy magazine, ICCV, 1997, no. 1/2, pp 143-151, ISSN: 1018-0389.
R16. Buzducea Doru, Quality of life of immigrants from Romania, in Quality of Life - Social Policy magazine, ICCV, 1997, no. 3/4, pp 265-271, ISSN: 1018-0389.
R17. Buzducea Doru, Psychological implications in AIDS, in Psychology, 1997, No. 1, pp 32-33, ISSN: 1220-689X.
R18. Buzducea Doru, Social consulting services in an AIDS clinic, in Science and Technology, 1997, no. 6, pg 33, ISSN: 1220-6555.
R19. Buzducea Doru, Social work for persons with AIDS, in SESAM - Openness and transparency, 1997, no. 2, pg 5.
R20. Buzducea Doru, AIDS - apocalyptic pandemic of the twentieth century, in Medical Expertise and Work Capacity Recovery, 1996, no. 2, vol 2, pp 55-64, ISSN: 1223-7701.

Publicații selectate:

* F. Lazar, D. Buzducea (coordonatori), Cercetari aplicative in asistenta sociala, Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2012.

* D. Buzducea (coordonator), Economia sociala a grupurilor vulnerabile, Polirom, 2013.

* D. Buzducea, V. Rujoiu, F. Lazãr, A. Szabo, Th. Ene (editors), International Social Work, Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2011.

* D. Buzducea (coordonator), Asistenta Sociala a Grupurilor de Risc (prefata de Malcolm Payne), Polirom, Iasi, 2010.

* D. Buzducea, F. Lazãr, E.I. Mardare, The situation of Romanian HIV-positive adolescents: Results from the first national representative survey, AIDS Care. Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, Taylor & Francis, 2010.

* B. T. Johnson, D. Buzducea, Romanian Pediatric AIDS Cases as Adolescents: Acquisition Routes, Current Risk Behaviors, and Psychological Correlate, Springer, AIDS and Behavior, Springer, 11, 2007.

* D. Buzducea, Globalizarea: Structuri Paradigmatice Moderne, Competent Press, 2005.

* D. Buzducea, Aspecte Contemporane in Asistenta Sociala, Polirom, 2005.

* D. Buzducea (coordonator), Riscuri la Tineri. Studiu de caz: Adolescentii cu HIV/SIDA din Romania, Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2007.

* D. Buzducea, F. Lazar, O Monografie a Fenomenului HIV/SIDA in Romania, Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2008.

* D. Buzducea, Sisteme Moderne de Asistenta Sociala, Polirom, 2009.