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I'm currently working as Lecture at "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati.I graduated from Kobe University, Japan on March 2003 with a Ph.D. degree in Dynamic Fracture Mechanics. The title of my PhD. Dissertation is "Computational studies on three-dimensional dynamic fracture phenomena".I am highly skilled in continuous/discontinuous computational solid mechanics. I have worked on the topic of both advanced mathematical analysis and modern high-speed computation to model various three-dimensional dynamic fracture phenomena.Also, my expertise includes strong hands-on numerical modelling of mechanical and technological processes, i.e. numerical modelling of surface generation and finite element analysis of mechanical processes.
Universitatea Dunarea de Jos, Galati, .
E-mail: trimite un mesaj.
Nascut(a) in: 1973
Interese: Fracture mechanics, failure behavior of materials, numerical techniques for fracture, numerical simulation-prediction of fracture phenomena, C++ programming
I'm currently working as Lecture at "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati.
I graduated from Kobe University, Japan on March 2003 with a Ph.D. degree in Dynamic Fracture Mechanics. The title of my PhD. Dissertation is "Computational studies on three-dimensional dynamic fracture phenomena".
I am highly skilled in continuous/discontinuous computational solid mechanics. I have worked on the topic of both advanced mathematical analysis and modern high-speed computation to model various three-dimensional dynamic fracture phenomena.
Also, my expertise includes strong hands-on numerical modelling of mechanical and technological processes, i.e. numerical modelling of surface generation and finite element analysis of mechanical processes.
Publicații selectate:
* Stan, F., Nishioka, T., Fujimoto, T., Application-Phase Simulation of Three-Dimensional Fracture Phenomenon, Tech Science Press, S.N. Atluri, D.W. Pepper, Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Engineering & Sciences (ICCES) 31 July-2 August, Advances on Computational Engineering and Sciences, 2002.
* Stan, F., Remmers, J.J.C., Turteltaub, S.R., de Borst, R., Application of Discontinuous Galerkin methods to cohesive crack simulation, Tech Science Press, Z. Han, S.W. Lee, M. Nakagaki, Proceedings of ICCES - International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Miami, FL, USA, 3-8 January, 2007.
* Nishioka, T., Stan, F., and Fujimoto, T., Dynamic J Integral and Dynamic Stress Intensity Factor Distributions along Naturally and Dynamically Propagating Three-Dimensional Fracture Fronts, JSME International Journal, Series A, Special issue on Strength and Fracture, and Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 45(4), 2002.
* Nishioka, T., Stan, F., A hybrid experimental-numerical study on the mechanism of three-dimensional dynamic fracture, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Science (CMES), Vol. 4, N0.1, 2003.