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"Grigore Antipa" National Museum of Natural History, Bucharest, .
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Pagina web personala:
Nascut(a) in: 1958
Interese: crustacee, zoologie marina, sistematica, biodiversitate
1982: licentit in biologie, Facultatea de Biologie, Universitatea din Bucuresti. Titlul lucrarii de diploma: "Bivalve marine din Romania, sistematica, morfologie si ecologie"
1983: specializare , Universitatea din Bucuresti , Titlul lucrarii "Rolul Scelionidelor (Hymenoptera, Insecta) in controlul natural al plosnitelor cerealelor (Insecta, Heteroptera)"
1996: Doctor in biologie, Academia Romana, Institutul de Biologie, Bucuresti Titlul tezei: "Studiul sistematic ;i zoogeografic al cumaceelor (Crustacea) din apele din jurul Americii de Sud si din Marea Caraibilor" (conducator stiintific: Acad. Mihai Bacescu)
1983- 1985: profesor de biologie la liceu din Tulcea
1985- 1987: biolog, Statiunea de Cercetari pentru Plante Medicinale si Aromatice, Fundulea, Calarasi
1987- prezent: cercetator principal la Muzeul National de istorie Naturala "Grigore Antipa", Sectia Fauna Acvatica.
Am descris singur sau cu colaboratori 4 genuri, un subgen si 70 specii noi pentru stiinta. acestia provin din Groapa oceanica Peru-Chile de la peste 5000 m adancime, Atlanticul de vest tropical, Indonezia, Malaezia, Tanzania. Sunt cel mai prolific specialist in sistematica cumaceelor din cei aprox. 12 existenti in lume la ora actuala.
Lucarare diploma "Studiul modificarilor recente ale faunei de decapode (Crustacea, Ord. Decapoda) de la litoralul romanesc al Marii Negre" Facultatea de Biologie, Universitatea din Bucuresti (1995).
52, in general de sistematica crustaceelor cumacee, in revista muzeului (in engleza) si in reviste de specialitate din SUA, Olanda, Austria, Franta, Marea Britanie.
Autor impreuna cu Acad. Mihai Bacescu al capitolului de cumacee din volumul de crustacee peracaride al faimosului "Traité de zoologie" , volume 7 Crustacea Peracarida, fascicula 3, editat de Muzeul national de istorie naturala din Paris (editor Prof. Jacques Forest) aparaut in 1999.
Amphipod Newsletter, Cumacean Newsletter and Zoological Record.
Pentru lucrari de cumacee publicate in: Proceedings Biological Society Washington (USA), Beaufortia (Olanda), Helgolander Meeressuntersuchungen (Germania), Proceedings of the Linnean Society. Londra (Marea Britanie)
Studiul Cumacea Nannastacidae din Golful Mexic si Marea Caraibilor, cu dr. Richard Heard, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, Ocean Springs, SUA, proiect finantat de National Research Council, SUA. (1997)
Studiul Cumacea (Crustacea, Peracarida) colectate din Marea Weddell de catre Expeditia ANTARKTIS VIII/5 cu nava "Polarstern" 1989/90, finantat de Universitatea din Viena, 1999
Studiul Cumacea din Bermuda,cofinantat de Bermuda Zoological Society si de Universitatea din Viena, 2000
Studiul Cumacea din apele litorale ale Belize, cofinantat de National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, 2001
Studiul Cumacea din apele adanci al Golfului Mexic, finantat de University of Southern Mississippi (2001-2003)
CURATOR al colectiei de crustacee de la Muzeul National de Istorie Naturala "Grigore Antipa"
Am realizat catalogul colectiei de cumacee de la Instituut voor Systematiek en Populatie Biologie (Zooogisch Museum) din Amsterdam, Olanda
Muzeologie, Instituut voor Systematiek en Populatie Biologie (Zoologisch Museum) din Amsterdam (1.09- 1.12.1993)
Cercetare, la Institutul de Biologie Medicala al Universitatii din Viena (1.10.-1.12.1999)
Oferite de American Biographical Institute, Inc. din SUA: "International Directory of Distinguished Leadership" (1997),"Man of the Year" (1998), "Oustanding man of the 20th century" si"Member of the Research Board of Advisors"(1999).
1982: B. Sc. Biology, University of Bucharest
B.Sc. thesis title: "Marine bivalves from Romania, systematics, morphology and ecology"
1983: M. Sc. Biology, University of Bucharest
M. Sc. thesis title "Role of Scelionid Hymenoptera (Insecta) in the natural control of the wheat buggs (Insecta, Heteroptera)"
1996: Ph.d. in biology, Romanian Academy, Institute of Biology, Bucharest
Ph.d. dissertation title: "Systematic and zoogeographic study of Cumacea Crustacea from the waters around South America and from the Caribbean Sea" (scientific leader: Acad. Mihai Bacescu)
1983- 1985: professor of biology, in a highschool from Tulcea
1985- 1987: biologist, Research Station for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Fundulea, Calarasi county
1987- present: senior researcher, "Grigore Antipa" National Museum of Natural History, Department of Aquatic Fauna.
Systematics, ecology and zoogeography of Crustacea (mainly Cumacea and Amphipoda). Alone or with different collaborators I described 4 new genera, a new subgenus and 69 species new for sciences. I am the most prolific specialist in systematics of Cumacea within the 12 specialists active at this moment in the world.
¦I am envolved in the study of Cumacea collected by R/V "Vema" from SW Atlantic Ocean and from the SE Pacific Ocean (during cruises organized by the Lamont Geological Observatory, USA, between 1958 and 1962); material was offered for study by the American Museum of Natural History from New York, USA. My Ph. d. thesis contains mainly my results on these cumaceans (12 new species for science were described).
¦Another area of interest for Cumacea is the American Mediterranean (very few data up to this moment): I gave first data about the Cumacean fauna from Jamaica (8 new species) and from Bahamas (7 new species from Andros and Abaco Islands, some of them from underwater caves), Bermuda (2 new species), Belize (8 species new for science); other area is the Western Pacific Ocean (Indonesia and Malaysia): important systematic and zogeographic contributions regarding Cumacea from the shallow waters of Indonesia (only deep - species were known up to my study) (material collected by "Grigore Antipa" Museum of Natural History) and of Malaysia (material offered by a German specialist, no data on these topics up to this moment) (11 new species for sciences and important contributions regarding the geographical distribution, of special interest because Western Pacific is considered to be the center of evolution of most Cumacea). ¦Another research is focused on the Cumacea from Tanzania from where only 2 species were previously reported (material collected by the first scientific expedition organized by the "Grigore Antipa" Museum in 1973). Results consist in two genera, one subgenus and 11 species all of them new for science.¦The study of Amphipoda is restricted to the Romanian fauna.I am the only specialist in amphipods from Romania at this moment. ¦I initiated an inventory of Crustacea fauna from the shallow waters from Romanian shore of the Black Sea in order to establish its actual status (diversity of species) after the severe impact of human activities in the last 50 years, offering very important primary data for further ecological studies and protection activities. First published results, about Decapods (crabs and shrimps), other ones about tiny Crustaceans (amphipods, cumaceans, isopods, tanaidaceans) from the rocky and sandy biotopes of Agigea is preparing. This is the only such kind of study up today after the larger one from the 1960s (Bacescu and collaborators).
B.Sc. thesis "Study of the recent modification of the Decapod Crustacea fauna from the Romanian Black Sea coast" Faculty of Biology, University of Bucharest (1995).
52 (43- systematics and distribution of Crustacea Amphipoda, Cumacea and Decapoda from Romania and abroad, 8 of them published in foreign journals; 3- museology; 6- reviews) other 3 papers in press, one of them abroad.
Coauthor (together with Acad. Mihai Bacescu) of the chapter dedicated to Crustacea Cumacea from the famous "Traité de zoologie" , volume 7 Crustacea Peracarida, 3rd fascicle, edited by the National Museum of Natural History from Paris (editor Prof. Jacques Forest) appeared in 1999.
Amphipod Newsletter, Cumacean Newsletter and Zoological Record.
For cumacean papers published in: Proceedings Biological Society Washington (USA), Beaufortia (The Netherlands), Helgolander Meeressuntersuchungen (Germany), Proceedings of the Linnean Society. London..
Study of Cumacea Nannastacidae from the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, with dr. Richard Heard, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, Ocean Springs, SUA, project financed by the National Research Council, SUA. (1997)
Study of Cumacea (Crustacea, Peracarida) collected from the Weddell Sea during the Expedition ANTARKTIS VIII/5 of R.V. "Polarstern" 1989/90, financed by the University of Vienna (1999)
Study of Cumacea from Bermuda, financed by the Zoological Society from Bermuda and the University of Vienna (2000)
Study of Cumacea from shallow waters of Belize, financed by the National Museum of natural History, Smithsonian Institution (2001)
Study of Cumacea from deep-waters of Gulf of Mexico, financed by the University of Southern Mississippi (2001-2003)
CURATOR of the Crustacea collection and of the type collection from the "Grigore Antipa" National Museum of Natural History.
I made the catalogue of Cumacea collection from the Instituut voor Systematiek en Populatie Biologie (Zooogisch Museum) from Amsterdam, The Netherlands (see the list of papers).
Museology, at the Instituut voor Systematiek en Populatie Biologie (Zoologisch Museum) from Amsterdam (offered by a Dutch Foundation within the framework of the cultural relations between both countries) (1.09- 1.12.1993)
Research, at the Institute of Medical Biology of the University from Vienna (1.10.-1.12.1999)
Offered by the American Biographical Institute, Inc. from USA: "International Directory of Distinguished Leadership" (1997),"Man of the Year" (1998), "Oustanding man of the 20th century" and "Member of the Research Board of Advisors"(1999).