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SPINTEC / CEA, Grenoble, .
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Nascut(a) in: 1975
Interese: magnetoresistance, magnetic domain walls, micromagnetics, nanolithography, data storage
I finished my PhD in december 2001. The subject of my thesis was dedicated to the study of the domain walls magnetoresistance in epitaxial systems and secondly, to the effect of the dipolar interactions on the reversal of the magnetization in high-density arrays of dots. Co nanowires were prepared from epitaxial thin films with large in plane uniaxial anisotropy. This system allows to study the magnetization configurations, the dynamics of the reversal and the domain wall contribution to the magnetoresistance. Thus, varying the film thicknesses, a transition from an asymetrical Bloch wall to an asymetrical Neel wall was observed. The lateral confinement of the thin films generates a redistribution of the energies of the system and the micromagnetic configuration changes in a stripe domain structure.
Recently, I started a post-doc position in Spintec laboratory in Grenoble, France. My research activity is focused on the thermomagnetic recording using a new approach for heating of the media: a balistic transfer of the heat from a AFM tip.
Publicații selectate:
* M. Natali, I. L. Prejbeanu, A. Lebib, L. D. Buda, K. Ounadjela, and Y. Chen, Correlated Magnetic Vortex Chains in Mesoscopic Cobalt Dot Arrays, Physical Review Letters, 88, 2002.
* M. Natali, A. Lebib, Y. Chen, I. L. Prejbeanu, and K. Ounadjela, Configurational anisotropy in square lattices of interacting cobalt dots, Journal of Applied Physics, 91, 2002.
* I. L. Prejbeanu, M. Natali, L. D. Buda, U. Ebels, A. Lebib, Y. Chen, K. Ounadjela, In-plane reversal mechanisms in circular Co dots, Journal of Applied Physics, 91, 2002.
* I. L. Prejbeanu, Configurations de l'aimantation dans des objets magnétiques a dimensionalité réduite. Relation entre magnétisme et transport, 2001.
* M. Natali, A. Lebib, E. Cambril, Y. Chen, I. L. Prejbeanu and K. Ounadjela, Nanoimprint lithography of high-density cobalt dot patterns for fine tuning of dipole interactions, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 19(6), 2001.
* L. D. Buda, I. L. Prejbeanu, M. Demand, U. Ebels and K. Ounadjela, Vortex state Stability in circular Co(0001) dots, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 37/4, 2001.
* I. L. Prejbeanu, L. D. Buda, M. Viret, U. Ebels and K. Ounadjela, Domain structures in epitaxial (10-10) Co wires, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 37/4, 2001.
* I. L. Prejbeanu, L. D. Buda, U. Ebels and K. Ounadjela, Observation of asymmetric Bloch walls in epitaxial Co films with strong in-plane uniaxial anisotropy, Applied Physics Letters, 77, 2000.