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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la

Lucica Tofan


Universitatea Ovidius Constanta, Constanta, .

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Nascut(a) in: 1959

Interese: ecologie si protectia mediului, ecotoxicologie, prevenirea poluarii, contaminanti, politici de mediu

flag Detalii:
Ca domenii de interes pentru cercetare:
- Evolutia ecosistemelor acvatice, monitorizarea si controlul parametrilor ce definesc starea de calitate a apelor, studiul eutrofizarii si al adaptarii organismelor bentale la conditii de anoxie si la modificarile induse de stresul datorat contaminarii mediului.
- Studiul actiunii factorilor de impact asupra componentelor ecosistemului .
- Reconstructia ecologica a ecosistemelor acvatice.
- Interactiunea factorilor socio-umani si de ordin economic cu protectia biodiversitatii si a conservarii naturii.

Activitate de cercetare:
- In domeniul Ecofiziologiei animale am realizat cercetari privind adaptarea molustelor bivalve la conditiile de stress din mediu, in principal datorate contaminarii cu hodrocarburi la litoralul romanesc al Marii Negre. In aceasta perioada am colaborat pentru realizarea unor studii si experimente cu cercetatori de la Institutul Central de Biologie al Academiei Romane (laboratorul de Ecofiziologie animala si Ecologie acvatica), Institutul National de Cercetare si Dezvoltare Marina "Grigore Antipa", GeoEcoMar Constanta, INCERTRANS - laboratorul de analize fizico-chimice din Portul Constanta pentru dozarea hidrocarburilor in tesuturi animale si determinarea fractiunilor petroliere din apa si tesuturi, determinarea ratei de bioacumulare de hiodrocarburi in tesuturile animale si determinarea ratei de eliminare si epurare.
- In domeniul Ecotoxicologiei acvatice am aplicat tehnologia bazata pe Microbiotestele Toxkit (colaborare din 1987 cu prof. Dr. Emeristus Guido Persoone -laboratorul de Ecotoxicologie acvatica al Universitatii Ghent, Belgia). Am colaborat la elaborarea unui sistem de clasificare a gradului de toxicitate a epelor bazat de Mibrobiotestele Toxkit, impreuna cu alte laboratoare din Europa
Am introdus aceste tehnici in programele analitice a unor discipline predate in cadrul Catedrei de Ecologie si protectia mediului, a Univ. Ovidius Constanta, cum sunt: Poluarea si protectia mediului, Tehnoici de prevenire a poluarii.
Am publicat un manual de lucrari practice care trateaza aceste tehnologii noi utilizate in ecotoxicologia acvatica.
Am realizat proiecte de cercetare cu studentii (lucrari de licenta ale studentilor utilizand diverse organisme indicatoare pentru poluarea apelor, cum sunt ostracodele – OstracodToxkit, cladocere si anostracee – DaphToxkit si ThamnoToxkit, Tetrahymena termophyla- ProtoxKit, Bacterial Contamination Screening test pentru detrminarea contaminarii bacteriene din ape, etc.).
Am realizat aplicatii practice cu studentii in lacurile Tabacarie, Siutghiol si in zona litorala.

flag Details:
Research fields of interest:
- Evolution of aquatic ecosystems, monitoring and control parameters defining the state of water quality, eutrophication and adaptation study pelagiale benthicor ganisms in anoxic conditions and the changes induced by stress due to environmental contamination.
- Study the action of impact factors on ecosystem components.
- Ecological reconstruction of ecosystems.
- Interaction of human socio-economic factors with the protection of biodiversity and nature conservation.

- In the animal Eco-physiology I have conducted research on bivalve molluscs adaptation to environmental stress conditions, mainly due to contamination by hydrocarbons from the Romanian Black Sea coast. During this period I worked for carrying out studies and experiments with researchers from the Central Biological Research Institute of the Romanian Academy (Eco-Physiology and Aquatic Ecology Department), National Institute of Marine Research and Development Grigore Antipa, GeoEcoMar Constanta, INCERTRANS - physical-chemical laboratory of the Constanta harbor to determine the hydrocarbons in animal tissues and determination of oil fractions and tissue in water, determining the rate of accumulation in animal tissues.
- In the field of aquatic ecotoxicology, I have implemented a technology based on Toxkit Microbiotests (since 1987 collaboration with Prof. Dr. Guido Persoone Emeristus-Aquatic Eco - toxicology Laboratory of Ghent University, Belgium). We worked to develop a classification system based on degree of toxicity of Toxkit Microbiotests
I introduced these techniques in the curricula of disciplines taught in the Department of Ecology and environmental protection, Ovidius University, such as pollution and environmental protection, pollution prevention Techno.
We published a manual of practical work that treats these new technologies used in aquatic ecotoxicology.
We conducted research with students (undergraduate student's work using various indicator organisms for pollution, as ostracods - OstracodToxkit, cladoceres and anostracees - DaphToxkit and ThamnoToxkit, Tetrahymena termophyla- ProtoxKit, Bacterial Contamination Screening test for bacterial contamination of water, etc..).
I made the students practical applications in lakes Tabacarie, Siutghiol and coastal area.

Publicații selectate:

* N.Gruber, R. J. Kuhns, J. F. Steurer, A. Stanica, T.Ehlinger, Tofan L., J. Mozingo, J. D. Rosati, P. Ginther, Environmental assesment and a framework for integrated coastal zone management for the Black Sea coast, Proceeding of CZM of River Deltas and Low land Coastline.pdf | File 2010, cu prilejul First International Conference CZM of Rivers Deltas and Low Land Coastlines, Alexandria, Egipt, 2010.

* N. Gruber, R. Kuhns, J. F. Steurer, A. Stãnicã, I. C. Lipan, Tofan L.. , J. Mozingo, J. C. Roberge, T. Ehlinger, P. Ginther, J. D. Rosati, Development of a Coastal Systems Operations Center for the Institutional Strengthening of Coastal Management along the Romanian Black Sea, ASCE, ASCE Conf. Proc. doi:10.1061/41143(394)87, Proceedings of the 2010 Watershed Management Conference: Innovations in Watershed Management under Land Use and Climate Change, 2010.

* M-J.Adler, I.Lipan, J.C. Roberge, A. Stanica, S.Dan, P. Ginther, C. Swisher, J. Mozingo, T. Ehlinger, Tofan L., Integrated coastal zone management system for the romanian Black Sea Coast, Proceeding of CZM of River Deltas and Low land Coastline-First International Conference CZM of Rivers Deltas and Low Land Coastlines, Alexandria, Egipt, 2010.

* Laura Alexandrov , Claudia Coman, Mariana Golumbeanu, Razvan Mateescu, Dan Vasiliu, Daniela Rosioru, Irina Cernisencu , Lucica Tofan and Valentina Dumitru, Specificity of Romanian Black Sea Coast Changes Under Climate and Human Impact, Springer, Pavel Ya. Groisman , Sergiy V. Ivanov, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security Regional Aspects of Climate-Terrestrial-Hydrologic Interactions in Non-boreal Eastern Europe, 2009.

* M. BRATU, TOFAN L. , V. COATU, M. CRASMARU, Comparative study of catalase activity from digestive gland of three mollusc species from the Black Sea, SCIBULCOM LTD, SOFIA, BULGARIA, Balkan Environmental Association (B.EN.A.), Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (JEPE), Vol.5, No.2, 2004.

* Tofan Lucica, D. Secrieru, M. Skolka, M. Arcuş, G. Paraschiv, M. Bratu, Impact of waste waters discharging on the qualitative state of coastal ecosystems from Vadu -Gura Buhaz, SCIBULCOM LTD, SOFIA, BULGARIA, Balkan Environmental Association (B.EN.A.), Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (JEPE), Vol. 5, No.2, 2004.

* TOFAN Lucica, M. BRATU, F. ZISU, V. SERBAN, G. PARASCHIV, Bioaccumulation of oil petroleum hydrocarbons by mussels from the Romanian Black Sea Coast physiological and biochemical alterations , SCIBULCOM LTD, SOFIA, BULGARIA, Balkan Environmental Association (B.EN.A.), Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (JEPE), Vol. 4, No.3, 2003.

* SCHIOPU S., , COPREAN D. , TOFAN L. , Study of oxidative stress in acute intoxication with benzene on Mytilus galloprovincialis, SCIBULCOM LTD, SOFIA, BULGARIA, Balkan Environmental Association (B.EN.A.), Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (JEPE), Vol. 6, No.3, 2005.

* D. COPREAN, S. SCHIOPU, TOFAN L., Evaluation of marine pollution degree using the variation of oxidative stress enzymes activity in tissues of fish Apollonia melanostoma., SCIBULCOM LTD, SOFIA, BULGARIA, Balkan Environmental Association (B.EN.A.), Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (JEPE), Vol.6, No.3, 2005.

* Tofan Lucica, D. Coprean, M. Bratu, T. Negreanu - Parjol, M. Belc, I. Spanu, Preliminary data about ecotoxicological, physiological and biochemical changes at mussels under Zn contamination at the Romanian Black Sea Coast and in experimental conditions, SCIBULCOM LTD, SOFIA, BULGARIA, Balkan Environmental Association (B.EN.A.), Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (JEPE), Vol.6, No.4, 2005.

* SCHIOPU S., COPREAN D. , TOFAN L., Morphological changes in acute intoxication with phenol on Mytilus galloprovincialis, SCIBULCOM LTD, SOFIA, BULGARIA, Balkan Environmental Association (B.EN.A.), Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (JEPE), Vol. 6, No.4, 2005.

* B. NEGREANU-PIRJOL, T. NEGREANU-PIRJOL, TOFAN L., R. SIRBU, C. SAVA, A. MEGHEA, Physicochemical and Microbiological Characterisation of Two Biological Wastes of the Romanian Black Sea Coast ., SCIBULCOM LTD, SOFIA, BULGARIA, Balkan Environmental Association (B.EN.A.), Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (JEPE), Vol.12, No 4A, 2011.

* Timothy Ehlinger - University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, USA; Lucica Tofan - Ovidius University - Constanta, Romania; Mirela Bucur - Ovidius University - Constanta, Romania; Jill Enz - Ovidius University - Constanta, Romania; Jason , Application of a Participatory Ex Ante Assessment Model for Environmental Governance and Visualizing Sustainable Redevelopment in Gorj County, Romania, Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global), Zacharoula Andreopoulou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece), Basil Manos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece), Nico Polman (Wageningen University, The Netherlands) and Davide Viaggi (University of Bologna, Italy), Agricultural and Environmental Informatics, Governance and Management: Emerging Research Applications, 2011.

* Guido Persoone, B. Marsalah, I.Blinova, A. Torokne, D. Zarina, L. Manusodzianas, G. Nalecz-Jawecki, Lucica Tofan, N.Stepanova, L. Tothova, B. Kolar, A practical and User-Friendly Toxicity Classification System with Microbiotests for Natural waters and Wastewaters, John Wiley & Sons, PAUL B. TCHOUNWOU, Environmental Toxicology, Volume 18, Issue 6, 2003.