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Urmareste linkul ResearcherID pentru toate articolele cercetatorului: E-9647-2011. Tabelul detaliat al articolelor este in josul paginii.
Nascut(a) in: 1969
Interese: Inteligenta artificiala, Calcul natural, Optimizare combinatoriala, Sisteme complexe, Calcul bio-inspirat, Metaeuristici
Doctorat in Informatica; membru in PC a conferintelor de profil, recenzor de articole in jurnale reputate si carti; a publicat lucrari in jurnale, proceeding-uri ale conferintelor in domeniu si a contribuit cu capitole in carti publicate de edituri prestigioase.
PhD in Informatics; she takes part as a PC member in several conferences and reviewed articles for reputed journals and books; she published papers in journals, in peer reviewed international conferences and has contributed with chapters in books published by well-known publishers.
Publicații selectate:
* C. Chira, D. Dumitrescu, C.-M. Pintea, Heterogeneous Sensitive Ant Model for Combinatorial Optimization, Proceedings of the 10-th Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO, 2008.
* C.Chira, C.-M. Pintea, Gloria C. Crisan, D. Dumitrescu, Solving the Linear Ordering Problem using Ant Models, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO, 2009.
* CM. Pintea, C.P.Sitar, M.H-Macelaru, P.Pop, A hybrid classical approach to a fixed-charged transportation problem, E. Corchado et al., Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, LNCS, 7208, 2012.
* C-M.Pintea, S.V.Sabau, Correlations involved in a bio-inspired classification technique, Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization in Studies in Computational Intelligence, 387, 2011.
* C-M.Pintea, G-C.Crisan, C.Chira, Hybrid Ant Models with a Transition Policy for Solving a Complex Problem, Logic Journal of the IGPL, HAIS 2010, 2011.
* Pintea, C. M.; Dumitrescu, D., Improving ant systems using a local updating rule, Seventh International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Proceedings, 2005.
* Pintea, C. M.; Dumitrescu, D., The Importance of Parameters in Ant System, International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, 1, 2006.
* Pintea, C. M.; Chira, C.; Dumitrescu, D, Combining meta-heuristics to solve the rook problem, SYNASC 2006: Eighth International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Proceedings, 2007.
* Chira, C.; Pintea, C. M.; Dumitrescu, D., Sensitive stigmergic agent systems - A hybrid approach to combinatorial optimization, INNOVATIONS IN HYBRID INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS Book Series: ADVANCES IN SOFT COMPUTING, 44, 2007.
* Chira, C.; Pintea, C. M.; Dumitrescu, D, Cooperative Learning Sensitive Agent System for Combinatorial Optimization, NATURE INSPIRED COOPERATIVE STRATEGIES FOR OPTIMIZATION (NICSO 2007) Book Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, 129, 2008.
* Pintea, C. M.; Pop, P. C.; Dumitrescu, D., An ant-based technique for the dynamic generalized travelling salesman problem, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 7TH WSEAS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS THEORY AND SCIENTIFIC COMPUTATION (ISTACS'07) Book Series: ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING, 2007.
* Pop, P. C.; Pintea, C. M.; Sitar, C. P., An ant-based heuristic for the railway traveling salesman problem, Applications of Evolutionary Computing, Proceedings Book Series: LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENC, 4448, 2007.
* Pop, P. C.; Pintea, C. M.; Sitar, C. P.; et al., A Bio-inspired Approach for a Dynamic Railway Problem, NINTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SYMBOLIC AND NUMERIC ALGORITHMS FOR SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING, PROCEEDINGS, 2007.
* Pop, P. C.; Pintea, C.; Zelina, I.; et al., Solving the Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem with an ACS-based Algorithm, BICS 2008: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIO-INSPIRED COMPUTATIONAL METHODS USED FOR SOLVING DIFFICULT PROBLEMS-DEVELOPMENT OF INTELLIGENT AND COMPLEX SYSTEMS Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings, 1117, 2008.
* Pintea, C. M.; Chira, C.; Dumitrescu, D., Sensitive Ants: Inducing Diversity in the Colony, NICSO 2008: NATURE INSPIRED COOPERATIVE STRATEGIES FOR OPTIMIZATION Book Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, 236, 2009.
* Chira, C.; Dumitrescu, D.; Pintea, C. M., Sensitive Ant Model For Combinatorial Optimization, 14th International Conference on Soft Computing, MENDEL 2008, 2008.
* Chira, C.; Pintea, C. M.; Dumitrescu, D., Multi-Population Agent Search: Stigmergy and Heterogeneity, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 10TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SYMBOLIC AND NUMERIC ALGORITHMS FOR SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING, 2008.
* Pintea, C. M.; Dumitrescu, D.; Pop, P. C., Combining Heuristics and Modifying Local Information to Guide Ant-based Search, Carpathian J.Math., 24(1), 2008.
* Chira, C.; Pintea, C. M.; Dumitrescu, D., An agent-based approach to combinatorial optimization, International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, 3, 2008.
* Pintea, C. M.; Chira, C.; Dumitrescu, D.; et al., A sensitive metaheuristic for solving a large optimization problem, SOFSEM 2008: THEORY AND PRACTICE OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Book Series: LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, 4910, 2008.
* C-M. Pintea, C.P.Pop, C.Chira, D.Dumitrescu, A Hybrid Ant-Based System for Gate Assignment Problem, HYBRID ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS Book Series: LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, 5271, 2008.
* Chira, C.; Pintea, C. M.; Dumitrescu, D., A New Exploration Mechanism for Sensitive Ant Models, KEPT 2009: KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND TECHNIQUES Book Series: Knowledge Engineering Principles and Techniques, 2009.
* Pintea, C. M.; Crisan, G. C.; Chira, C.; et al., A Hybrid Ant-Based Approach to the Economic Triangulation Problem for Input-Output Tables, HYBRID ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS Book Series: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 5572, 2009.
* Pintea, C. M.; Crisan, G. C.; Chira, C., A Hybrid ACO Approach to the Matrix Bandwidth Minimization Problem, HYBRID ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS, PT 1 Book Series: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 6076, 2010.
* Pintea, C- M.; Chira, C.; Dumitrescu, D.; et al., Sensitive Ants in Solving the Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem, International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, 6(4), 2011.