Scopul nostru este sprijinirea şi promovarea cercetării ştiinţifice şi facilitarea comunicării între cercetătorii români din întreaga lume.
Praxis Dr.Horber-Dr.Zilahi, Societate Civila Medicala, Satu Mare, .
E-mail: trimite un mesaj.
Nascut(a) in: 1965
Interese: history of medicine, medical ethics, bioethics
MD,Independent medical researcher.
Historical fields of interest:
The history of medical ethics.
The history of family medicine.
The history of medical training in Transylvania.
Medicine in totalitarism.
Periods studied:
The modern medicine( XIX-XX cent.)
Current research:
The history of family medicine in XX-th century.
Doctor-patient relationship in totalitarism.
Published works:
-Physician-Patient relationship in Inter-War Europe.Historical context.(Romanian Journal of Bioethics-2006)
-The social sensitivity in the history of medicine of the 19th-20th
centuries:political ideology or European humanism? Medical ethics between
coercion and conviction(Romanian Journal of Bioethics-2007)
-The importance of education in the humanities in medical training.Professional
decissions between succes and failure(Romanian Journal of Bioethics-2009)
Affiliation and membership:
-International Society For The History of Medicine(ISHM)
-Societatea Romana de Istoria Medicinei (SRIM)
-Societatea Romana De Bioetica
-WONCA direct member
Publicații selectate:
* Orsolya Horber, Karoly Zilahi, Social responsibility and solidarity in the medicine of postcommunist Romania.Role of family doctor in protection of vulnerable population, 10th World Congress of Bioethics, Singapore, Abstract No 366, 2010.
* Orsolya Horber, Karoly Zilahi, Les médecins et les sciences naturelles.Une sorte de l'interdisciplinarité des XVIII-XIX siècles en Transylvanie, Programme Book, VI Meeting of the International Society for the History of Medicine, Barcelona(Spain) 7-10 September 2011, Poster Presentation, 2011.
* Orsolya Horber, Karoly Zilahi, La confraternité entre médecins aux XIXe-XXe siècles: l'histoire de la médecine de famille en Transylvanie, The 42nd World Congress of the ISHM,Cairo Oct. 9-13, 2010., Abstract Book, 2010.
* Orsolya Horber, Karoly Zilahi, L'implication de l'État communiste roumain dans la relation médecin-patient dans la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle. L'éthique médicale entre conviction et contrainte, UNAM Mexico, Revista del Departamento de Historia y Filosofia de la Medicina de la Facultad de Medicina de la UNAM y la Sociedad Internacional de Historia de la Medicina, Memorias 41 Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Medicina, Mexico City-Puebla, Analecta Historico Medica , Suplemento I, ISSN:1870-3488, 2008.
* Orsolya Horber, Karoly Zilahi, Confraternity in Medical Education and Practice- Analysis and Historical Context., Hong Kong Education Society, 2012 2nd International Conference on Economic, Education and Management, June 1-2, 2012, Shanghai, China,Proceedings, Volume 1, 2012.
* Orsolya Horber, Karoly Zilahi, L'image du médecin et formation de l'image : le dilemme entre la philosophie et les sciences naturelles. L'influence de l'école de Padoue sur la médecine de Transylvanie dans la Renaissance., Padua-Abano Terme(Italy), 12-16 September, ISHM, 43rd Congress of the International Society for the History of Medicine, Accepted Abstract, 2012.
* Horber Orsolya, ; Zilahi Karoly, The importance of humanistic education in medical training.Professional decisions between succes ad failure., Revista Romana de Bioetica, 7(2), 2009.