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Interese: Structura nucleara, Spectroscopie nucleara
Spectroscopie nucleara experimentala
Experimental nuclear spectroscopy
Publicații selectate:
* M.Spieker, D.Bucurescu, J.Endres, T.Faestermann, R.Hertenberger, S.Pascu, S.Skalacki, S.Weber, H.-F.Wirth, N.-V.Zamfir, A.Zilges, Possible experimental signature of octupole correlations in the 0(2)+ states of the actinides, Physical Review C88, 041303(R)(6p), 2013.
* P.J.R.Mason, Zs.Podolyak, N.Mãrginean, P.H.Regan, P.D.Stevenson, V.Werner, T.Alexander, A.Algora, T.Alharbi, M.Bowry, R.Britton, A.M.Bruce, D.Bucurescu, M.Bunce, G.Cãta-Danil, I.Cãta-Danil, N.Cooper, D.Deleanu, D.Delion, D.Filipescu, W.Gelletly, D.Ghiţã, , Half-life of the yrast 2+ state in 188W: Evolution of deformation and collectivity in neutron-rich tungsten isotopes, Physical Review C88, 044301(6p), 2013.
* A.Negret, C.Borcea, D.Bucurescu, D.Deleanu, Ph.Dessagne, D.Filipescu, D.Ghiţã, T.Glodariu, M.Kerveno, N.Mãrginean, R.Mãrginean, C.Mihai, S.Pascu, A.J.M.Plompen, T.Sava, L.Stroe, Cross sections for inelastic scattering of neutrons on 28Si and comparison with the 25Mg(n,alpha)28Si reaction, Physical Review C88, 034604(7p), 2013.
* C.Bernards, R.F.Casten, V.Werner, P. von Brentano, D. Bucurescu, G.Graw, S.Heinze, R.Hertenberger, J.Jolie, S.Lalkovski, D.A.Meyer, D.Mucher, P.Pejovic, C.Scholl, H.-F.Wirth, High-resolution study of excited 0+ states in 200Hg and 202Hg, Physical Review C87, 064321(7p), 2013.
* D. Bucurescu, N.V. Zamfir, New nuclear structure features in transactinide nuclei, Physical Review C87, 054324, 2013.
* D. Bucurescu, N.V. Zamfir, Fine structure in alpha decay of even-even trans-lead nuclei: An insufficiently exploited spectroscopic tool, Physical Review C86, 067306, 2012.
* T. von Egidy, D. Bucurescu, Experimental energy dependent nuclear spin distributions, Physical Review C, 80, 2009.
* S. Pascu, G. Cata-Danil, D. Bucurescu, N. Marginean, C. Muller, N.V. Zamfir, G. Graw, A. Gollwitzer, D. Hofer, B.D. Valnion, ''Structure investigation with the (p,t) reaction on 132,134Ba nuclei, Physical Review C, 81, 2010.
* M. Ionescu- Bujor, A. Iordachescu, C. A. Ur, N. Marginean, G. Suliman, D. Bucurescu, F. Brandolini, F. Della Vedova, S. Chmel, S. M. Lenzi, R. Marginean, N. H. Medina, D. R. Napoli, P. Pavan, R. V. Ribas, ''g factors of coexisting isomeric states in 188Pb, Physical Review C, 81, 2010.
* C. Rusu, D. Bucurescu, N. Marginean, M. Ionescu-Bujor, A. Iordachescu, G. Cata-Danil, I. Cata-Danil, D. Deleanu, D. Filipescu, D. Ghita, T. Glodariu, M. Ivascu, C.Mihai, R.Marginean, S. Pascu, T. Sava, L. Stroe, G.Suliman, N.V. Zamfir, Isomerism of low-lying states in 86Y, European Physical Journal A, 44, 2010.
* C. Mihai, A.A. Pasternak, D. Filipescu, M. Ivascu, D. Bucurescu, G. Cata-Danil, I. Cata-Danil, D. Deleanu, D. Ghita, T. Glodariu, Yu.N. Lobach, N. Marginean, R. Marginean, A. Negret, S. Pascu, T. Sava, L. Stroe, G. Suliman, N.V. Zamfir, Side feeding patterns and nuclear lifetime determinations by DSAM in (alpha,n) reactions, Physical Review C, 81, 2010.
* G. Ilie, R.F. Casten, P. von Brentano, D. Bucurescu, T. Faestermann, G. Graw, S. Heinze, R. Hertenberger, J. Jolie, R. Krücken, D.A. Meyer, D. Mücher, S. Scholl, V. Werner, R. Winkler, H.-F. Wirth, Investigation of 0+ states in 192Pt and 194Pt isotopes, Physical Review C, 82, 2010.
* G. Suliman, D. Bucurescu, R. Hertenberger, H.-F. Wirth, T. Faestermann, R. Krucken, T. Behrens, V. Bildstein, K. Eppinger, C. Hinke, M. Mahgoub, P. Meierbeck, M. Reithner, S. Schwertel, N. Chauvin, Study of the 131Ba nucleus with the (d,t) reaction, European Physical Journal A, 46, 2010.
* N. Marginean, D.L. Balabanski, D. Bucurescu, S. Lalkovski, L. Atanasova, G. Cata-Danil, I. Cata-Danil, J.M. Daugas, D. Deleanu, P. Detistov, G. Deyanova, D. Filipescu, G. Georgiev, D. Ghita, K.A. Gladnishki, R. Lozeva, T. Glodariu, M. Ivascu, S. Kisyov, C, In-beam measurements of sub-nanosecond nuclear lifetimes with a mixed array of HPGe and LaBr3:Ce detectors, European Physical Journal A, 46, 2010.
* D. L. Balabanski, M. Ionescu Bujor, A. Iordachescu, D. Bazzacco, F. Brandolini, D. Bucurescu, S. Chmel, M. Danchev, M. De Poli, G. Georgiev, H. Haas, H. Hubel, N. Marginean, R. Menegazzo, G. Neyens, P. Pavan, C. Rossi Alvarez, C.A Ur., K. Vyvey, S. Frauen, Spin, quadrupole moment, and deformation of the magnetic rotational band head in 193Pb , Physical Review C, 83, 2011.
* C. Mihai, A.A. Pasternak, S. Pascu, D. Filipescu, M. Ivascu, D. Bucurescu, G. Cata-Danil, I. Cata-Danil, D. Deleanu, D.G. Ghita, T. Glodariu, N. Marginean, R. Marginean, A. Negret, T. Sava, L. Stroe, G. Suliman, N.V. Zamfir, Lifetime measurements by the Doppler-shift attenuation method in the 115Sn(alpha,n gamma)118Te reaction, Physical Review C, 83, 2011.
* P.A.Soderstrom, F.Recchia, J.Nyberg, A.Al-Adili, A.Atac, S.Aydi, D.Bazzacco, P.Bednarczyk, B.Birkenbach, D.Bortolato, A.J.Boston, H.C.Boston, B.Bruyneel, D. Bucurescu, E.Calore, S.Colosimo, F.C.L.Crespi, N.Dosmem, J.Eberth, E.Farnea, F.Filmer, A.Gadea, A, Interaction position resolution simulations and in-beam measurements of the AGATA HPGe detectors, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 638, 2011.
* D. Filipescu, V. Avrigeanu, T. Glodariu, C. Mihai, D. Bucurescu, M. Ivascu, I. Cata-Danil, L. Stroe, O. Sima, G. Cata-Danil, D. Deleanu, D.G. Ghita, N. Marginean, R. Marginean, A. Negret, S. Pascu, T. Sava, G. Suliman, N.V. Zamfir, Cross-section for alpha-particle induced reactions on 115,116Sn around Coulomb barrier, Physical Review C83(2011)064609, 83, 2011.
* S.Kisyov, S.Lalkovski, N.Marginean, D. Bucurescu, L.Atanasova, D.L.Balabanski, Gh. Cata-Danil, I.Cata-Danil, J.-M.Daugas, D.Deleanu, P.Detistov, D.Filipescu, G.Georgiev, D.Ghita, T.Glodariu, J.Jolie, D.S.Judson, R.Lozeva, R.Marginean, C.Mihai, A.Negret, S, In-beam fast-timing measurements in 103,105,107Cd, Physical Review C, 84, 2011.
* S.Akkoyun, ..., D.Bucurescu, ... (the "AGATA" collaboration), 318 authors), AGATA - Advanced Gamma Tracking Array, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 668, 2012.
* S.Kueppersbusch, S.Pascu, P. von Brentano, D.Bucurescu, Gh.Cata-Danil, D.Deleanu, J.Endres, M.Elvers, D.Filipescu, C.Friessner, D.G.Ghita, T.Glodariu, C.Mihai, N.Marginean, R.Marginean, A.Negret, T.Sava, L.Stroe, V.Werner, N.V.Zamfir, K.-O.Zell, A.Zilges, Low-spin excitation in 146Sm, European Physical Journal A, 48, 2012.
* D. Bucurescu, E. Dragulescu, S. Pascu, H-F.Wirth, D. Fililpescu, G. Cata-Danil, I. Cata-Danil, D. Deleanu, K. Eppinger, T. Faestermann, D.G. Ghita, T. Glodariu, R. Hertenberger, M. Ivascu, R. Kruecken, N. Marginean, R. Marginean, C.Mihai, A. Negret, T. S, Excited states of the 150Pm odd-odd nucleus, Physical Review C, 85, 2012.
* P.J.R.Mason, T.Alharbi, O.H.Regan, N.Marginean, Zs.Podolyak, N.Alkhomashi, P.C.Bender, M.Bowry, M.Bostan, D.Bucurescu, A.M.Bruce, G.Cata-Danil, I.Cata-Danil, R.Chakrabarti, D.Deleanu, P.Detistov, M.N.Erduran, D.Filipescu, U.Garg, T.Glodariu, D.Ghita, S.S., Half-life of the I^pi=4- intruder state in 34P: M2 transition strengths approaching the island of inversion, Physical Review C, 85, 2012.
* F.Recchia, S.M.Lenzi, S.Lunardi, E.Farnea, A.Gadea, N.Marginean, D.R.Napoli, F.Nowacki, A.Poves, K.Sieja, J.J.Valiente-, M.Axiotis, D.Bazacco, G.Benzoni, P.G.Bizzetti, A.M.Bizzetti-Sona, A.Bracco, D.Bucurescu, L.Corradi, Angelis, F.Della Vedpova, E, Spectroscopy of odd-mass cobalt isotopes toward the N=40 subshell closure and shell-model description of spherical and deformed states, Physical Review C, 85, 2012.
* R. Mãrginean, C. Rusu, N. Mãrginean, D. Bucurescu, C. A. Ur, G. de Angelis, M. Axiotis, D. Bazzacco, E. Farnea, A. Gadea, M. Ionescu-Bujor, A. Iordãchescu, W. Krolas, Th. Kröll, S. M. Lenzi, S. Lunardi, D. R. Napoli, C. Rossi Alvarez, J. Wrzesinski,, High-spin structure of 95Pd, Physical Review C, 86, 2012.
* P.-A.Soderstrom, F. Recchia, J. Nyberg, A. Gadea, S. M. Lenzi, A. Poves, A. Atac, S. Aydin, D. Bazzacco, P. Bednarczyk,M. Bellato, B. Birkenbach, D. Bortolato, A. J. Boston, H. C. Boston, B. Bruyneel, D. Bucurescu, E. Calore, B. Cederwall, L. Charles, , High-spin structure in 40K, Physical Review C, 86, 2012.
* F. Recchia, S.M. Lenzi, S. Lunardi, E. Farnea, A. Gadea, N. Marginean, J.J. Valiente-Dobon, M. Axiotis, S. Aydin, D. Bazzacco, G. Benzoni, P.G. Bizzeti, A.M. Bizzeti-Sona, A. Bracco, D. Bucurescu, F. Camera, L. Corradi, G. de Angelis, F. Della Vedova, , Toward the N=40 sub-shell closure in Co isotopes and the new island of inversion, Physica Scripta, T150, 2012.
* T. Alharbi, P.H. Regan, P.J.R. Mason, N. Marginean, Zs. Podolyak, A.M. Bruce, E.C. Simpson, A. Algora, N. Alazemi, R. Britton, M.R. Bunce, D. Bucurescu, N. Cooper, D. Deleanu, D. Filipescu, W. Gelletly, D. Ghita, T. Glodariu, G. Ilie, S. Kisyov, J. Li, Electromagnetic transition rates in the N=80 nucleus 138Ce, Physical Review C, 87, 2013.
* D. Deleanu, D.L. Balabanski, Ts. Venkova, D. Bucurescu, N. Marginean, E. Ganioglu, Gh. Cata-Danil, L. Atanasova, I. Cata-Danil, P. Detistov, D. Filipescu, D. Ghita, T. Glodariu, M. Ivascu, R. Marginean, C. Mihai, A. Negret, S. Pascu, T. Sava, L. Stroe, G, Excited states in 129I, Physical Review C, 87, 2013.
* C.Bernards, R.F.Casten, V.Werner, P. von Brentano, D. Bucurescu, G.Graw, S.Heinze, R.Hertenberger, J.Jolie, S.Lalkovski, D.A.Meyer, D.Mucher, P.Pejovic, C.Scholl, H.-F.Wirth, Investigation of 0+ states in 198Hg after two-neutron pickup, Physical Review C, 87, 2013.