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Arheolog și scriitor.
Post-doctoral Fellow of the Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme at the Université Paris 1 – Sorbonne , Paris, .
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Nascut(a) in: 1976
Interese: Arheologie, literatură
Archaeologist, postdoctoral Mellon Fellow, Albright Institute, Jerusalem -
Chevening Fellow, University of Oxford -
Fellow of the New Europe College - Institute for Advanced Studies, Bucharest
PhD in Archaeology, University of Bucharest, Romania
Fieldwork in Romania (Tropaeum Traiani, Alburnus Maior, Noviodunum), Germany (Haltern), France (Bibracte), Morocco (Volubilis), UK (Horcott Gloucestershire), Israel (Jerusalem) and Turkey (Miletus, Troy, and Gordion)
part-time assistant professor, Kennesaw State University, 2012-2014
Describing and Interpreting the Past - European and American Approaches to the Written Record of the Excavation, University of Bucharest Press, Bucharest 2010, ISBN 978-973-737-881-1, 261 p.
"[V]aluable collection and commentary of 60 different systems (all illustrated) used for recording on excavations in Europe, America, and the Near East." M. Hummler, Recording Fieldwork, in: M. Carver et al. (eds) Field Archaeology from Around the World, Springer, 2015, 63-69:
Referenced in Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, Springer 2014, entry: Recording in archaeology (M. Hummler), vol. 9, 6240-6245.
Most recent citations in: Mickel, A., ”Reasons for Redundancy in Reflexivity: The Role of Diaries in Archaeological Epistemology”, Journal of Field Archaeology, 40 (3), 2015
Roosevelt, C. H., P. Cobb, E. Moss, B. R. Olson, and S. Ünlüsoy. 2015. "Archaeology is [Destruction] Digitization: Advances in Archaeological Practice," Journal of Field Archaeology 40 (3), 2015
Reviewed in:
1. Antiquity 85 (328), 2011, 690-700 (Madeleine Hummler; also online here;
2. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.08.19 (Sveta Matskevich; online here;
3. Cuadernos del Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano, Buenos Aires, 2011, 253-4 (Mabel Fernández);
4. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 27.1, Apr. 2012, 203-208 (Donna Yates);
5.Assemblage 12/2012 (Tudur Davies; online here
6. Atek Na (En la Tierra) 3, 2013, 293-297 (E. Crivelli-Montero, also online here:
• Co-editor (with Zoe Petre and Alexandra Liţu), and co-author, Dicţionar de mitologie greco-romană. Zei, eroi, mituri [Dictionary of Greek and Roman Mythology. Gods, Heroes, Myths]. Corint Publishing House, Bucharest, 2011, ISBN 978-973-135-585-6, 384 p; second edition, forthcoming 2016. [in Romanian; authors about 50 entries/110 pages, notably Agamemnon, Achilles, Ajax, Argonauts, Hector, Heracles/Hercules, Nestor, Orpheus, Pan, Paris, Patroclus, Penelope, Perseus, Priam, Prometheus, Telemachus, Theseus, and Ulysses]
Reviewed in: Gruppo triestino di ricerca sul mito e la mitografia (Alessandro Testa; online here,; Lexis, 30.2012, 591-592 (M. Taufer) (
Book Chapters
• “Homer and archaeology – perspectives from the East Aegean / West Anatolian interface”, in Michel Mazoyer, Valérie Faranton (eds.), Homère et l’Anatolie, II, L’Harmattan, collection Kubaba, Série Antiquité Université de Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris 2014, 9-70.
• “The Impact of Writing on the Beginning of Greek Art”, in Zoe Petre (ed.), Orality, Literacy and Art in Ancient Greece, Bucharest (forthcoming 2016)
• “Disability on Mount Olympus: the lame feet of the master-smith”, in Michel Mazoyer (ed.), Homère et l’Anatolie, III, L’Harmattan, collection Kubaba, (forthcoming Dec. 2016).
Conference proceedings
• “The Social Construction of Disability in Prehistoric Societies – What Funerary Archaeology Can and Cannot Say”, in N. Mueller-Scheessel (ed.) “Irreguläre“ Bestattungen in der Urgeschichte: Norm, Ritual, Strafe …? Internationale Tagung, Frankfurt a. Main, 3.–5. Februar 2012, Kolloquien zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte, R. Habelt, Bonn 2013, 39-48.
• “Rational Choice in Field Archaeology”, Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology, 2011, 2.2, 117-136
• “Pervolgatum est – nil moror. The Roman Triumph, Ceremony of the City” [Triumful roman, ceremonie a cetății], Studii Clasice 46, 2010 [2012], 53-86 [in Romanian with English abstract]
• “Context Sheets in the Archaeological Excavation – A critical assessment” [Fişele stratigrafice („context sheets”) în săpătura arheologică. Perspective critice], SCIVA 61, 3-4, 2010, 251-279 [in Romanian with English abstract]
• “The memory of Lynkeus – recording the archaeological excavation. Proposal for a system to be used in Romania”, Annual of the New Europe College Institute for Advanced Study 2007-2008, 2011, 243-277
• “Recording the Excavations in Troy: 1855-2010”, Studia Troica 19, 2012, 255-283.
• “Archaeological Recording: Form and Content, Theory and Practice”, Atek Na / En la Tierra, Buenos Aires, 2/2012, 33-74.
• “The palace of the procurator in Trier, or the promise and predicament of Roman archaeology”, review article on Wilhelm Reusch, Marcel Lutz and Hans-Peter Kuhnen, Die Ausgrabungen im Westteil der Trierer Kaiserthermen 1960-1966. Der Stadtpalast des Finanzprocurators der Provinzen Belgica, Ober- und Niedergermanien, Verlag Marie Leidorf, 2012, Journal of Roman Archaeology 28, 2015, 738-750.
• “Translating objects into words and images: methodological observations on the blending of excavation and textual data”, Annual of the New Europe College Institute for Advanced Study 2014-2015 (forthcoming Fall 2016)
• “Visual models in archaeology and the harmonization of archaeological and literary data”, Journal of Archaeology and Text, 1, 2017, 67-94.
• “Art and the alphabet in the times of the Dipylon Master“, Gaia: revue interdisciplinaire sur la Grèce Archaïque, 19, 2016, 25-56.
Book reviews
• Sheila Bonde and Stephen Houston (eds.), Re-Presenting the Past: Archaeology through Text and Image, Joukowsky Institute Publications 2, Oxford 2013. American Journal of Archaeology, 2015, 119.1.
• Georgia Kourtessi-Philippakis and René Treuil (eds.), Archéologie du territoire, de l’Égée au Sahara (Cahiers archéologiques de Paris 1 – n° 2). Publications de la Sorbonne, Paris 2011. American Journal of Archaeology, 2013, 117.2.
• Francesco Menotti, Wetland archaeology and beyond: theory and practice. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2012, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2013.03.02.
• Christoph Ulf and Robert Rollinger (eds.), Lag Troja in Kilikien? Der aktuelle Streit um Homers Illias. Darmstadt: WBG (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft), 2011, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.10.03
• Antonella Coralini, (ed.), Vesuviana. Archeologie a confronto. Atti del Convegno Internazionale (Bologna, 14-16 gennaio 2008), Bologna: Ante Quem, 2009, American Journal of Archaeology, 2011, 115.3/21
• Geoffrey Tassie and Lawrence Owens, Standards of Archaeological Excavation. A Field Handbook (= Egyptian Cultural Heritage Organisation Monograph Series, No. 1), London: Golden House Publications, 2010, Sehepunkte Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften 11:6, 15.06.2011
• Klaus Junker and Adrian Stähli (eds.), Original und Kopie: Formen und Konzepte der Nachahmungen in der antiken Kunst. Akten des Kolloquiums in Berlin, 17.-19. Februar 2005. Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 2008; Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.02.46.
• Jas Elsner, Roman Eyes. Visuality and Subjectivity in Art and Text, Princeton / Oxford: Princeton University Press 2007, Sehepunkte Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften 10: 2, 15.02.2010.
• Derek B. Counts and Anthony S. Tuck (eds.), Koine: Mediterranean studies in honor of R. Ross Holloway, Joukowsky Institute publication 1. Oxford ; Oakville , CT : Oxbow Books, 2009, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.06.08
• Jean-Paul Demoule and Christian Landes (eds.), La fabrique de l'archéologie en France, Paris: Editions La Découverte 2009, Sehepunkte Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften 10: 9, 15.09.2010.
• Michel Fartzoff, Murielle Faudot, Évelyne Geny and Marie-Rose Guelfucci (eds.), Reconstruire Troie: permanence et renaissances d'une cité emblématique. Besançon: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2010, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.07.10.
• Ida Östenberg, Staging the World: Spoils, Captives, and Representations in the Roman Triumphal Procession, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2009 (Oxford Studies in Ancient Culture and Representation), American Journal of Archaeology 2010, 114.4/21.
• Ian Hodder (ed.), Symbolic and Structural Archaeology, Cambridge 1982, 2nd ed. 2007, Sehepunkte Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften 9: 7/8, 15.07.2009.
• Jane Balme and Alistair Paterson (eds.): Archaeology in Practice. A Student Guide to Archaeological Analyses, Oxford: Blackwell 2006, Sehepunkte Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften 9: 6, 15.06.2009.
• Nathalie de Hann, Martijn Eickhoff, and Marjan Schwegman (eds.), Archaeology and National Identity in Italy and Europe 1800-1950. Fragmenta. Journal of the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome 2 (2008). Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2008, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2009.09.75.
• Marta Pedrina, I gesti del dolore nella ceramica attica (VI-V secolo a.C.) Per un’analisi della comunicazione non verbale nel mondo greco, Venezia 2001 (Istituto Veneto di Scienze, lettere ed arti, Memorie, volume XCVII), Studii clasice 42-44, 2006-2008, 239-243.
• Peter Stewart, Roman Art, Greece & Rome New Surveys in the Classics, no. 34. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004, Studii clasice, 42-44, 2006-2008, 243-246.
Publications not related to archaeology:
• Aproape a șaptea parte din lume, Humanitas, Bucharest 2010, ISBN 978-973-50-2793-3, 280p. French translation by Florica Ciodaru-Courriol, La septième partie du monde, ou presque forthcoming in 2017 at Editions Non Lieu, Paris.
First prize of the national contest UniCredit/Bibliofagia, Romania 2010, open to debut
The novel was awarded by the Romanian Ministry of Culture and the Romanian Academy the prize „Young Writer of the Year 2010”.
Runner-up for representing Romania at the Festival du Premier Roman, Chambéry, France.
Reviews [in Romanian] in "Dilema veche" 363, 27 Jan. -2 Feb. 2011, p.14 (Marius Chivu) "Orizont", 2 (1541), Feb. 2011, p.8 (Alexandru Budac), "Poesis International", 4. 2011, pp.102-103 (Veronica-Alina Constănceanu); "Astra. Literatură, arte şi idei", nr.3-4/2011, p. 18-19 (Dan Ţăranu); "22", XXII (1117), 02-08 Aug. 2011, p.14 (Paul Cernat)
• Nicio clipă Portasar, Ed. Cartea Românească, Bucharest 2015, ISBN 978-973-23-3128-6, 312 p. Reviews [in Romanian] in “România literară” 26-27, 2015 (Gabriela Gheorghișor), “Adevărul”,, 2 Jul. 2015 (Cristina Hermeziu), “Cultura” 523, 12 Jul 2015 (George Neagoe), “Orizont”, no. 7/Jul 2015, p.8 (Alexandru Budac); “22”, 25-31 Jan. 2016 (Tania Radu)
• Trecerea, Ed. Cartea Românească, Bucharest (forthcoming August 2016)
Poetry volumes:
• Altera pars, ATU Publishing House, Sibiu, 2013, ISBN 978-606-8362-08-3, 162p.
First prize of the national contest Artgothica/Premiile Mircea Ivănescu, Romania 2012, open to debut poetry authors.
• Tulburarea la ființele vii, Limes Publishing House, Cluj, 2014, ISBN 978-973-726-833-4, 130p.
• Doi oameni într-o poză, Limes Publishing House, Cluj 2015, ISBN 978 973 726-888-4, 123p. Reviews [in Romanian] in: LaPunkt, March 2016 (Cristina Hermeziu), ExPonto, April 2016, (Angelo Mitchievici).
• Adagietto, FrACTalia Publishing House, Bucharest, 2016, ISBN 978-606-94005-4-8, 96 p.
Writes a weekly column on archaeology issues in the Romanian cultural magazine ”Dilema veche” (starting with the issue 625, 11-17 Feb. 2016).
Archaeologist, postdoctoral Mellon Fellow, Albright Institute, Jerusalem -
Chevening Fellow, University of Oxford -
Fellow of the New Europe College - Institute for Advanced Studies, Bucharest
PhD in Archaeology, University of Bucharest, Romania
Fieldwork in Romania (Tropaeum Traiani, Alburnus Maior, Noviodunum), Germany (Haltern), France (Bibracte), Morocco (Volubilis), UK (Horcott Gloucestershire), Israel (Jerusalem) and Turkey (Miletus and Troy)
part-time assistant professor, Kennesaw State University
Publicații selectate:
* Catalin Pavel, Art and the alphabet in the times of the Dipylon Master, Gaia: revue interdisciplinaire sur la Grèce Archaïque, 19, 2016.
* Catalin Pavel, Visual models in archaeology and the harmonization of archaeological and literary data, Journal of Archaeology and Text, 1, 2017.
* , Exerciţii de neutralitate.
* Catalin Pavel, “The palace of the procurator in Trier, or the promise and predicament of Roman archaeology”, Journal of Roman Archaeology, 28, 2015.
* Catalin Pavel, Rational Choices in Field Archaeology, Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology, 2.2, 2011.
* Catalin Pavel, Recording the Excavations in Troy: 1855-2010, Philipp von Zabern, Mainz, Studia Troica, 19, 2012.
* Catalin Pavel, The social construction of disability in prehistoric societies - what funerary archaeology can and cannot say, R. Habelt, Bonn (Kolloquien zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte), N. Mueller-Scheessel (ed.), "Irreguläre" Bestattungen in der Urgeschichte: Norm, Ritual, Strafe. Internationale Tagung, Frankfurt a. Main, 3.-5. Februar 2012, 2013.
* Catalin Pavel, Homer and Archaeology: Perspectives from the East Aegean - West Anatolian Interface, L'Harmattan, Paris (collection Kubaba, Série Antiquité Université de Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne), Michel Mazoyer, Valérie Faranton (eds.), Homere et l'Anatolie, 2, 2014.