Scopul nostru este sprijinirea şi promovarea cercetării ştiinţifice şi facilitarea comunicării între cercetătorii români din întreaga lume.
Selecting diverse and focused chemical libraries for discovery of bioactive compounds;HTS hit prioritization and optimization;Cheminformatics support for industrial partners and a NIH Roadmap center;Main field of interest - discovery of new active chemotypes for GPCR receptors.
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, .
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Interese: Cheminformatics, Virtual Screening, Drug Discovery
Selecting diverse and focused chemical libraries for discovery of bioactive compounds;
HTS hit prioritization and optimization;
Cheminformatics support for industrial partners and a NIH Roadmap center;
Main field of interest - discovery of new active chemotypes for GPCR receptors.
Publicații selectate:
* Dennis MK, Burai R, Ramesh C, Petrie WK, Alcon SN, Nayak TK, Bologa CG, Leitao A, Brailoiu E, Deliu E, Dun NJ, Sklar LA, Hathaway HJ, Arterburn JB, Oprea TI, Prossnitz ER, In vivo effects of a GPR30 antagonist, Nature Chemical Biology, 5(6), 2009.
* Bologa CG, Revankar CM, Young SM, Edwards BS, Arterburn JB, Kiselyov AS, Parker MA, Tkachenko SE, Savchuck NP, Sklar LA, Oprea TI, Prossnitz ER, Virtual and biomolecular screening converge on a selective agonist for GPR30, Nature Publishing Group, Nature Chemical Biology, 2(4), 2006.
* Edwards BS, Young SM, Oprea TI, Bologa CG, Prossnitz ER, Sklar LA, Biomolecular screening of formylpeptide receptor ligands with a sensitive, quantitative, high-throughput flow cytometry platform, Nature Publishing Group, Nature Protocols, 1(1), 2006.