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Interese: Medicina de laborator, boala celiaca
Editor Sef:
World Journal of Immunology
International Journal of Celiac Disease
World Journal of Immunology
International Journal of Celiac Disease
Publicații selectate:
* Munteanu A, Munteanu D, Iancu M, Lupan I, Samasca G, Aldea C, Mocan T, Iancu C., Assessing immunological surgical stress markers in patients undergoing digestive surgery for pancreatic, hepatic and gastric tumors, J BUON, 23(6), 2018.
* Samasca G, Ajay R, Sur D, Aldea C, Sur L, Floca E, Sur G, Lupan I, Torsten M, Aaron L, Polyautoimmunity - The missing ingredient, Autoimmun Rev., 17(8), 2018.
* Sur LM, Floca E, Sur DG, Colceriu MC, Samasca G, Sur G., Antinuclear Antibodies: Marker of Diagnosis and Evolution in Autoimmune Diseases, Lab Med, 49(3), 2018.
* Aldea Cornel, Delean Dan, Bogdan Bulata, Duicu Carmen, Samasca Gabriel, Iancu Mihaela, Iulia Lupan, Tacrolimus concentrations by ELISA and LC-MS/MS, Romanian Biotechnological Letters (Romania), 2018.
* Sur L, Flonca E, Samasca G, Lupan I, Aldea C, Sur G, Pearson Syndrome, A Medical Diagnosis Difficult to Sustain Without Genetic Testing, Clinical laboratory (Germany), 64(3), 2018.
* Makovicky P, Tumova E, Volek Z, Arnone JM, Samasca G, Makovicky P., The relationship between hepatocytes and small bowel after early and short food restriction: What the results show in morphometry, Bratislava Medical Journal (Slovakia), 119(3), 2018.
* Makovicky P, Matlach R, Makovicky P, Svecova I, Samasca G, Injury of the brain and liver capillaries in lethal car accidents, Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine (Romania), 25(4), 2017.
* Gîrbovan AM, Sur G, Samasca G, Lupan I, Is the evidence of breast feeding protection against coeliac disease real?, Allergologia et Immunopathologia (Spain), 45(6), 2017.
* Makovicky P, Tumova E, Volek Z, Makovicky P, Arnone JM, Svecova I, Samasca G., The influence of food restriction on the small bowel: Does intensive short-term food restriction lead to weight loss ?, Bratislava Medical Journal (Slovakia), 118, 2017.
* Makovicky P, Makovicky P, Lupan I, Samasca G, Sur G, Freeman HJ., Perspective: Gluten-Free Products for Patients with Celiac Disease Should Not Contain Trace Levels, Advances in Nutrition (United States), 8(3), 2017.
* Samasca G, Lerner A, Girbovan AM, Sur G, Lupan I, Makovicky P, Matthias T, Freeman HJ, Challenging in Gluten-free diet in celiac disease: Prague consensus, Wiley, European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2017.
* Girbovan AM, Sur G, Samasca G, Lupan I, Dysbiosis a risk factor for celiac disease, Medical Microbiology and Immunology, 206(2), 2017.
* Vlad-Vasile Pop, Andrada Seicean, Iulia Lupan, Gabriel Samasca, Claudia Burz, IL-6 roles – Molecular pathway and clinical implication in pancreatic cancer – A systemic review, Immunology Letters, 181, 2017.
* Daniela Iacob, Otilia Fufezan, Dorin Farcău, Gabriel Samaşca, Adriana Slavcovici, Dan Gheban, Celiac disease in toddler with atypical onset. Case report, Med Ultrason, 18(1), 2016.
* Gabriel Samasca, Genel Sur, Mihaela Iancu, Iulia Lupan, Diana Deleanu, Current Trends and Investigative Developments in Wheat Allergy, International reviews of immunology, 36(5), 2015.
* Gabriel Samasca, Genel Sur, Mihaela Iancu, Iulia Lupan, Diana Deleanu, Prevalence of Specific IgE to Wheat Flour Allergens in Romanian Pediatric Population, Iranian journal of allergy, asthma, and immunology, 14(5), 2015.
* Peter Makovicky, Pavol Makovicky, Rita Lippai, Erna Sziksz, Gabriel Samasca, The development and growth of muscular fibers of striated skeletal muscle, Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja, 137(9), 2015.
* Butnariu A, Iancu M, Samasca G, Chira M, Lupan I, Changes in NT-proBNP in young children with congenital heart malformations, Laboratory Medicine, 45(1), 2014.
* Peter, Makovicky; Eva, Tumova; Zdenek, Volek; Pavol, Makovicky; Ludmila, Vodickova; Jana, Slyskova; Miroslav, Svoboda; Alexandra, Rejhova; Pavel, Vodicka; Gabriel, Samasca; Alena, Kralova; Melinda, Nagy; Marta, Mydlarova-Blascakova; Jana, Poracova, Histopathological aspects of liver under variable food restriction: Has the intense one-week food restriction a protective effect on non-alcoholic-fatty-liver-disease (NAFLD) development?, Elsevier, Pathology - Research and Practice, 210(12), 2014.
* Gabriel Samasca, Genel Sur, Iulia Lupan, Mariana Tilinca, Diana Deleanu, Celiac disease as an autoimmune condition,, Central-European Journal of Immunology, 39(3), 2014.
* Lupan I; Sur G; Deleanu D; Cristea V; Samasca G; Makovicky P, Celiac disease microbiota and its applications, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Annals of Microbiology, 64(3), 2014.
* Spârchez M, Delean D, Samaşca G, Miu N, Spârchez Z, Antinuclear antibody screening by ELISA and IF techniques: discrepant results in juvenile idiopathic arthritis but consistency in childhood systemic lupus erythematous, Springer, Clinical Rheumatology, 33(5), 2014.
* Pop TL, Ştefãnescu A, Samaşca G, Miu N, Clinical Significance of the Antinuclear Antibodies in Chronic Viral Hepatitis B in Children, Clinical Laboratory, 60(6), 2014.
* Sparchez M, Constantinescu I, Samaşca G, Iancu M, Miu N, Sparchez Z, New HLA Associations Identified in Romanian Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Patients, Clinical Laboratory, 60(3), 2014.
* Iacob D, Butnariu A, Samasca G, Manole S, Right-sided aortic arch with Kommerell’s diverticulum — sudden onset in infant, Russian Journal of Cardiology, 1(105), 2014.
* Rãchişan AL, Hruşcã A, Cãinap S, Pop TL, Andreica M, Miu N, Samaşca G, The Activity of 8-Iso-Prostaglandin F2 as an Oxidative Stress Marker In Vivo in Paediatric Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Associated Autoimmunities, Clinical Laboratory, 60(2), 2014.
* Samasca G, Lupan I, Deleanu D, Cristea V, Makovicky P, Immunological Approach of the Challenges of the XXI Century in Celiac Disease, International Reviews of Immunology, 33(1), 2014.
* Bordea M, Mosteanu O, Pop TA, Gheban D, Samasca G, Miu N, Eosinophilic esophagitis, Acta gastro-enterologica Belgica, 76(Fasc.4), 2013.
* Makovicky P, Rimarova K, Boor A, Makovicky P, Vodicka P, Samasca G, Kruzliak P, Correlation between antibodies and histology in celiac disease: Incidence of celiac disease is higher than expected in the pediatric population., Molecular Medicine Reports, 8(4), 2013.
* Samaşca G, Sur G, Lupan I, Current Trends and Investigative Developments in Celiac Disease, Immunological Investigations, 42(4), 2013.
* Jude C, Dejica D, Samasca G, Balacescu L, Balacescu O, Soluble CD163 serum levels are elevated and correlated with IL-12 and CXCL10 in patients with long-standing rheumatoid arthritis, Rheumatology International, 33 (4), 2013.
* Spîrchez M, Samaşca G, Iancu M, Bolba C, Miu N, Relation of Interleukin-6, TNF-Alpha and Interleukin-1 with Disease Activity and Severity in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Patients, Clinical Laboratory, 58(3-4), 2012.
* Orasan R, Awon R, Racasan S, Patiu IM, Samasca G, Kacso IM, Gherman Caprioara M. , Effects of L-Carnitine on Endothelial Dysfunction, Visfatin, Oxidative Sterss, Inflammation and Anemia in Hemodialysis Patients, Acta Endocrinologica (Buc), 7(2), 2011.
* Samaşca G, Iancu M, Pop T, Butnariu A, Andreica M, Cristea V, Dejica D, Importance of the Educational Environment in the Evolution of Celiac Disease, Lab Medicine, 42 (8), 2011.
* Samaşca G, Cherecheş-Panţa P, Fufezan O, Farcãu D, Gheban D, Cristea V, Coeliac disease and variable immunodeficiency. Case report, Revista Românã de Medicinã de Laborator, 19 (2), 2011.
* Samasca G, Iancu M, Butnariu A, Andreica M, Dejica D, Prevalence of IgA Antitissue Transglutaminase Antibodies in Children With Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Wiley-Liss, Inc., Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis, 25 (3), 2011.
* Samaşca G, Iancu M, Farcãu D, Butnariu A, Pop T, Pîrvan A, Andreica M, Miu N, Cristea V, Dejica D, IgA Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase Antibodies, First Line in the Diagnosis of Celiac Disease, Clinical Laboratory, 57(9-10), 2011.
* Vãlean C, Ichim G, Tãtar S, Samaşca G, Leucuţa A, Nanulescu M., Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and serum profile of adipokines leptin and adiponectin in children with overweight or obesity, Acta Endocrinologica (Buc), 6(3), 2010.
* Samaşca G, Iancu M, Butnariu A, Andreica M, Dejica D, New paraclinical investigations in celiac disease, Revista Românã de Medicinã de Laborator, 18(2), 2010.