Scopul nostru este sprijinirea şi promovarea cercetării ştiinţifice şi facilitarea comunicării între cercetătorii români din întreaga lume.
Survived PhD, spent 6 years in Japan as a post-doc with Tokyo University and advanced research engineer with Science Solutions International Laboratory Inc., started, together with few friends, two technology companies after back in Romania, worked in R&D in Mobile Telecom for 7 years, now works as a Data Scientist at Endava.
My profesional profile:
Endava, Bucharest, .
E-mail: trimite un mesaj.
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Urmareste linkul ResearcherID pentru toate articolele cercetatorului: F-7841-2010. Tabelul detaliat al articolelor este in josul paginii.
Nascut(a) in: 1967
Interese: computational electromagnetics, NDT, medical imaging, data science
Publicații selectate:
* Vasilescu, G., Maricaru, M., Hantila, F.I., Preda, G., Eddy Current Levitation in Ferromagnetic Structures, IEEE, Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on, 51(3), 2015.
* Preda, G., Hantila, F.I., Nonlinear Integral Formulation and Neural Network-Based Solution for Reconstruction of Deep Defects With Pulse Eddy Currents, Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on, 50 (2), 2014.
* Ionita, V., Preda, G., Evaluation of magnetic material losses produced by hysteresis and eddy currents, Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on, 34 (5), 1998.
* Preda G., Rebican M., Hantila F.I., Pulse eddy currents using an integral-FEM formulation for cracks detection , IOS Press, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 33 (3-4), 2010.
* Takaya, S., Preda, G., Demachi, K., Uchimoto, T. and Miya, K., Reconstruction of Magnetization from Magnetic Flux Leakage for Evaluation of Material Degradation, IOS Press, J. Pavo et. Al., Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (V), 2001.
* Preda, G., Hantila, F.I. , Integral-FEM Eddy Current Solver for Non-Destructive Testing, Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn.- Electrotechn. et Energ., 53 (3), 2008.
* Preda, G., Rebican, M., Hantila, F. I. , Integral Formulation and Genetic Algorithms for Defects Geometry Reconstruction Using Pulse Eddy Currents, Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on, 46 (8), 2010.
* Florea I. Hantila, Gabriel Preda, and Mihai Vasiliu, Polarization Method for Static Fields, IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, 36, 2000.
* Zhenmao Chen, Gabriel Preda, Ovidiu Mihalache, and Kenzo Miya, Reconstruction of Crack Shapes From the MFLT Signals by Using a Rapid Forward Solver and an Optimization Approach, IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, 38, 2002.
* Preda, G., Popa, R.C., Demachi, K., Miya, K.,, Neural network for inverse mapping in eddy current testing, IJCNN'99, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 6, 1999.
* B. Cranganu-Cret u, F. I. Ha nt ila , G. Preda, Z. Chen, K. Miya, Direct computation of static difference magnetic field in nonlinear magnetic materials and application to shape reconstruction of damaged areas in aging materials, IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, 38 No. 2, 2002.
* Preda, G.; Cranganu-Cretu, B.; Hantila, F.I.; Mihalache, O.; Zhenmao Chen; Miya, K., Nonlinear FEM-BEM formulation and model-free inversion procedure for reconstruction of cracks using pulse eddy currents, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 38, 2002.
* Albanese, R.; Hantila, F.I.; Preda, G.; Rubinacci, G.;, A nonlinear eddy-current integral formulation for moving bodies, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 34, 1998.