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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la

Robert D. Reisz


Universitatea de Vest Timisoara, Timisoara, .

E-mail: trimite un mesaj.

Pagina web a instituţiei:

Nascut(a) in: 1964

Interese: Automate stohastice, statistica sociala, Cercetari asupra invatamantului superior, analiza politica

flag Details:
Professional qualifications:
o Doctoral studies: 2000, University of Timisoara/Faculty of Mathematics, Ph.D. in Mathematics, specialisation Information Sciences, thesis “Mathematical models using stochastic automata over infinite words”, advisor Prof.Dr. Stefan Maruster
o Degrees in political, social or human sciences: 1993, C.H.E.R. (Consortium of Higher Education Researchers) Diplomas of the European Higher Education Advanced Training Course
o Other degrees held: 1988, University of Timisoara/Faculty of Mathematics, Degree in Mathematics, specialisation Computer Science

Language proficiency: (basic, medium, good, excellent)
o English: good
o Other: German (good), Hungarian (good)

Teaching experience: (courses names, if available) 1990 – 1996, Assistant Lecturer
1996 – present, Lecturer,
Research positions:
1. 1992 – 1994 Hungarian Institute for Educational Research (Budapest, Hungary), Visiting Researcher and member of the editorial board of Educatio the review of the HIER
2. 1993 – 1996 Research Unit Network for Central and Eastern European Higher Education, Coordinator for Romania
3. 1995 – 1996 Association for Empirical Studies (Kassel, Germany), Senior Researcher
4. 1998 – present Prospecta Institute (Timisoara, Romania), Director of the Social Research Department
5. 2000 Collegium Helveticum, ETH (Zurich, Switzerland), Visiting Researcher
6. 2001 Jozsef Attila Tudomany Egyetem (Szeged, Hungary), Visiting Researcher

Research and consulting projects:
1) 1992 – 1994 Different consulting activities in problems of higher education structures at the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Timisoara.
2) 1993 - present Member of the advisory board of the "Joint East European Center for Democratic Education and Governance" foundation.
3) 1993 - 1995 Expert adviser on education of the Liberal Party 93.
4) 1994 The political program of the Liberal Party for the reform of the Romanian higher education system.
5) 1994 Curriculum development at the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Timisoara.
6) 1994 - 1995 Design of a graduate survey system for the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Timisoara.
7) 1994 - 1995 Expert adviser for Romania of the Otto Benecke Foundation, Bonn.
8) 1995 An evaluation of the first phase of the TEMPUS program of theEuropean Communities on contract with the Commision of European Communities, DG XXII. (with Barbara Kehm, Friedhelm Maiworm, Albert Over, Wolfgang Steube and Ulrich Teichler contracted by the AES, Kassel and the Centre for Higher Eduation and Work, Kassel)
9) 1996 An evaluation of the first two years of the second phase of the TEMPUS program of the European Communities on contract with the Commision of European Communities, DG XXII. (with Barbara Kehm, Friedhelm Maiworm, Albert Over, Wolfgang Steube and Ulrich Teichler contracted by AES, Kassel and the Centre for Higher Eduation and Work, Kassel)
10) 1996 A questionnaire development component for Delphi, contracted by AES, Kassel
11) 1996 Country report on Romania for the Regional Needs Assessment Project (Educating for the Transition: A Needs Assessment Study of Social Science Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe) of the Civic Education Project.
12) 1997 Case study on the financial resources of a Romanian university, for the Council of Europe, Paris.
13) 1998 Special problems of Petri nets, languages, graphs and the search of strings in texts, research contract with CNCSU (National Council for University Scientific Research).
14) 1998 The development and consolidation of advanced studies and Ph.D. programs in distributed computer science with aplications in the social sciences and economics, research contract with CNCSU.
15) 1998 Intelligent media for scientific software, research contract with the World Bank.
16) 1998 Content analysis of the Romanian central press “Reflections of the problem of creation of a Hungarian language university in Romania” for the Prospecta Institute. (with Laura Maruster)
17) 1998 Presentation booklet “50 Years since the foundation of the Faculty of Mathematics” for the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Timisoara, Romania. (with Lucian Cucu, Daniel Pop and Horia Popa)
18) 1998 Sample survey “Opinions of the population of Timisoara on Timis county Members of Parliament” for the Pro Democratia Association and the Prospecta Institute (with Laura Maruster)
19) 1999 Sample survey and audience rating for “Analog SA” Cable TV company and the Prospecta Institute.
20) 1999 Sample survey “Opinion of the population of Timisoara on the activity of the local administration” for the “Prima ora” newspaper and the Prospecta Institute.
21) 1999 Promotion activity design and implementation for “Analog SA” Cable TV company and the Prospecta Institute.
22) 1999 Referee for research proposals in sociology for DAAD, Romania.
23) 2000 Sample survey “Local elections in Timisoara, Lugoj, Sannicolau Mare, Jimbolia, Buzias and Deta” for CrestaPrint S.R.L. and the Prospecta Institute
24) 2000 Sample survey and audience rating for “Analog SA” Cable TV company and the Prospecta Institute.
25) 2000 Sample survey “Opinions of Romanian academics upon emigration” for the New Europe College, Bucharest
26) 2000 Interviewed educational expert for the CEP (Civic Education Project) evaluation study.
27) 2001 Evaluation report “Romanian private higher education” for the László Teleki Alapitvány Magyar Külügyi Intézet, Budapest.
Prizes: (if available)
Awards, grants, scholarships:
1) 1994 – 1995 Centre for Higher Education and Work (Kassel, Germany), DAAD one-year Research Scholarship
2) 1999 – 2000 New Europe College (Bucharest, Romania), NEC Research Fellowship
3) 2000 Collegium Helveticum, ETH (Zurich, Switzerland), Visiting Researcher

o Books
1) Barbara M. Kehm, Friedhelm Maiworm, Albert Over, Robert D. Reisz, Wolfgang Steube, Ulrich Teichler, Integrating Europe through Co-operation among Universities, London, Jessica Kingsleys, September 1997 (Higher Education Policy Series no.43)
2) Ioan Despi, Gheorghe Petrov, Robert D. Reisz, Aurel Stepan, Teoria generala a bazelor de date, Editura Mirton, Timisoara, 1998

o Book Chapters
1) ***, Education for the transition. Part III. Higher Education Policy in Central and Eastern Europe (Country Reports), Budapest, Civic Education Project, March 1997 (chapter 6. Romania by Robert D. Reisz)
2) ***, Research at Central and East European Universities, Jagellonian University Press Krakow, Poland, 1997
3) ***, NEC Yearbook, 1999 – 2000, chapter Opinions of Romanian academics on emigration, Editura Humanitas, Bucharest, 2000

o Scholarly articles and published working papers
1) Computer aided neurologic diagnosis, Analele Universitatii din Timisoara, 1990, with Daniela Reisz.
2) Private higher education. Romania, Educatio 2/1992, Budapest.
3) The current status of scholarships in Romania, HIER 1992, Budapest.
4) The current status of fees in Romania, HIER 1992, Budapest.
5) Unemployment and readjustment, Educatio 1/1993, Budapest.
6) Higher education in minority languages in Romania. Positions of the political parties, HIER 1993, Budapest.
7) The third expansion of the Romanian higher education system, HIER 1993, Budapest.
8) Preliminaries to a model of the higher education system, HIER 1994, Budapest
9) Curricular patterns before and after the Romanian Revolution, European Journal of Education 3/1994.
10) The Generation Gap. Academics in Romania, Sfera Politicii 20/1994, Bucharest.
11) Disciplines. A Mathematical Model, Analele Universitatii din Timisoara, 1994
12) Romanian higher education in transition, Educatio 3/1994
13) Systeme de controle/decision en psychologie base sur des reseaux neuronaux a logique vague, Analele Universitatii din Timisoara, 1996, with Gheorghe Petrov
14) A possible mathematical model of intercultural education, Analele Universitatii din Timisoara, 1996 with Gheorghe Petrov
15) Private higher education in Romania. A second look, Tertiary Education And Management Vol.3, No.1, March 1997
16) Academic property and the market in Romania, Higher Education in Europe, CEPES UNESCO, No.2, 1998
17) Probabilistic automata over infinite words, Analele Universitatii din Timisoara, 1999
18) Decomposition theorems for probabilistic automata over infinite objects, Informatica, Vilnius, Vol.10, no.4, 1999
19) Emigration and mobility, Romanian Journal of Society and Politics No.1, Bucharest, 2001

Conferences attended:
1) 1993 International seminar for higher education sociology organised by the University of Timisoara and the Asociation of Sociology Students from Timisoara, 6-8 May 1993 papers on Market regulation in higher education and Financing higher education
2) 1993 15th Annual EAIR (European Association of Institutional Researchers) Forum, Turku, Finland, paper on Private higher education in Romania. a case study.
3) 1993 Annual Conference, Society for Research into Higher Education & University of Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom, paper on Curricular patterns in Romanian higher education before and after the change.
4) 1994 16th Annual EAIR (European Association of Institutional Researchers) Forum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, accepted paper on The Generation Gap.Academics in Romania.
5) 1994 CHER Conference, Enschede, The Netherlands, accepted paper on Preliminaries to a model of the higher education system.
6) 1995 Roundtable “Berufsbild der Lehrenden und Forschenden an Hochschulen” (Professional portrait of teachers and researchers in higher education institutions) organised by the Centre for Higher Education and Work, Kassel, Germany in Bonn, 20-21 February 1995
7) 1996 18th Annual EAIR (European Association of Institutional Researchers) Forum, Budapest, Hungary, paper on Romanian private higher education. A second look.
8) 1996 18th Annual EAIR (European Association of Institutional Researchers) Forum, Budapest, Hungary, panel on Restructuring higher education in different environments.
9) 1996 International seminar “Transition in the social sciences: an evaluation of the needs of Central and East European Universities” organised by the Research Centre for Social Sciences, West University Timisoara and the Civic Education Project, November, the 2nd, 1996
10) 1997 “Zilele Academice Timisene” Conference Timisoara, Romania, Computer Science Simposion, paper on A decomposition theorem for probabilistic Buchi automata
11) 1997 International Conference “Research at Central and East European Universities” Krakow, Poland, paper on Development of student/staff ratio in Romanian higher education
12) 1998 “50 de ani de la infiintarea Facultatii de Matematica” Conference, Timisoara, Romania, paper on Probabilistic automata over infinite words – a characterisation theorem.
13) 1999 “Zilele Academice Timisene” Conference Timisoara, Romania, Computer Science Simposion, paper on Stochastic properties of probabilistic Buchi automata
14) 2000 Third Budapest Winter School, Doing, Collegium Budapest
15) 2000 Collegium Helveticum, ETH Zurich, Individual conference “Opinions of Romanian academics on emigration”
16) 2000 1st Annual Conference of the Romanian Society of Political Sciences, SRSP, paper on Emigration ideology in the Romanian academic field.
17) 2001 10th International Colloquium on Numerical Analysis and Computer Science with Applications, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, invited speaker on Particularities of mathematical modelling using probabilistic automata over infinite words.