Scopul nostru este sprijinirea şi promovarea cercetării ştiinţifice şi facilitarea comunicării între cercetătorii români din întreaga lume.
Addres: 1. Greece, Athens 11252, str.Thyras 79.2. Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, MD-2012, P.O.Box 115.2003 - prezent: Institute for Neohellenic Research The National Hellenic Research Foundation (KNE), Greece.2002-2003 - Member of the Redaction of "Curierul Atenei", Greece 2000 - Research Coordinator at the Section of medieval history, Institute of History of the Academy of Science, Republic of Moldova.1999 - Senior Research Worker.1998 - Head of the Section of medieval history.1997 - Ph.D. in History (Moldova in international relations in the early 19 th (1802-1812).Monographs (language romanian):1992 - The Bucharest Peace, 1812. (200p.)1994 - Symbols of the Moldova, 14-19 century. (127p.)1999 - Moldova in the policy of the Great Powers in the early 19 century. (142p.)1999 - Prince Constantin Ypsilanti, 1760-1816. (142p.)Prize of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciense of Moldova: 1993, 1996, 1997.Republican Youth Laureate in Science and Tehnology (IV Ed.)- 1994 ("Bassarabian Genesis Problem, 1812")Decoration of Stat Republic of Moldova - Medal "Meritul Civic" - 2000.President of the National Commision for Herladry (1995-1997); The Vice-President (1998-2004).Scholarschips held: CIEP (Paris-Sevres, 1994);"N.Iorga" Institute of History (Bucharest, 1996, 2000); East European Summer International School (WSL-VII)- Warsaw-Vilnius, 1998; Bourse "Kasa J.Mianowskiego" Warsaw University, 2000; Bourse IKY - Greece, 2000-2001.
Institutul de Cercetãri Neoelene (KNE), Atena, .
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Nascut(a) in: 1963
Interese: Problema Orientala, Problema Basarabiei, Istoria relatiilor internationale din secolele XVIII-XIX, Geopolitica marilor puteri, istoria diplomatiei din Sud-Estul Europei, domniile Fanariote, familia Ypsilanti, Heraldica, Genealogia, Vexilologia
Specializare in istoria politica a Principatelor Romane din secolele XVIII - inceputul sec. XIX.
Istoria familiilor fanariote si a vexilologiei heraldice.
1. Greece, Athens 11252, str.Thyras 79.
2. Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, MD-2012, P.O.Box 115.
2003 - prezent: Institute for Neohellenic Research The National Hellenic Research Foundation (KNE), Greece.
2002-2003 - Member of the Redaction of "Curierul Atenei", Greece
2000 - Research Coordinator at the Section of medieval history, Institute of History of the Academy of Science, Republic of Moldova.
1999 - Senior Research Worker.
1998 - Head of the Section of medieval history.
1997 - Ph.D. in History (Moldova in international relations in the early 19 th (1802-1812).
Monographs (language romanian):
1992 - The Bucharest Peace, 1812. (200p.)
1994 - Symbols of the Moldova, 14-19 century. (127p.)
1999 - Moldova in the policy of the Great Powers in the early 19 century. (142p.)
1999 - Prince Constantin Ypsilanti, 1760-1816. (142p.)
Prize of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciense of Moldova: 1993, 1996, 1997.
Republican Youth Laureate in Science and Tehnology (IV Ed.)- 1994 ("Bassarabian Genesis Problem, 1812")
Decoration of Stat Republic of Moldova - Medal "Meritul Civic" - 2000.
President of the National Commision for Herladry (1995-1997); The Vice-President (1998-2004).
Scholarschips held:
CIEP (Paris-Sevres, 1994);
"N.Iorga" Institute of History (Bucharest, 1996, 2000);
East European Summer International School (WSL-VII)- Warsaw-Vilnius, 1998;
Bourse "Kasa J.Mianowskiego" Warsaw University, 2000;
Bourse IKY - Greece, 2000-2001.
Publicații selectate:
* Vlad.I.Mischevca, Un domn fanariot puţin cunoscut: Emanuel Giani-Rosetti (Manole Ruset), 1715-1794, Brãila: ISTROS, I.Cândea, P.Cernovodeanu, Gh.Lazãr, Închinare lui Petre Ş. Nãsturel la 80 de ani, 2003.
* Vlad Mischevca, Impactul geopolitic al rãzboaielor ruso-turce asupra Principatelor Române, Bucureşti: Ed. Academiei Române, Studii şi materiale de istorie modernã, XIII, 1999.
* Vladimir Mischevca, Concideration sur le sujet de la genese de la "Question Bessarabiene" (1812), Bucharest, Revue Roumaine d'Histoire, Tome XXXIV, nr.3-4, 1995.
* Vladimir Mischevca, The treaty of Bucharest (1812) and the decline of Ottoman power in South-Eastern Europe, Bucureşti: Ed. Academiei Române, Revista istoricã, Tom VI, nr.7-8, 1995.
* Vladimir Mischevca, P.Zavitsanos, Principele Constantin Ypsilanti, 1760-1816., -Chişinãu: Civitas., 175 pag., 1999.
* Vladimir Mischevca, Moldova în politica marilor puteri la începutul secolului al XIX-lea., -Chişinãu: Civitas, 143 pag., 1999.
* Vladimir Mischevca, Ion Negrei, Alexandru Nichitici, Simbolurile Þãrii Moldovei (Din istoria vexilologiei şi sigilografiei heraldice moldoveneşti din secolele XIV-XIX), -Chişinãu: Ştiinţa, 127 pag., 1994.
* Vladimir Mischevca, Ion Jarcutchi, Pacea de la Bucuresti (din istoria diplomatica a incheieri tratatului de pace ruso-turc de la 16/28 mai 1812), Chisinau, ed. Stiinta, Red. dr.Demir Dragnev, 200 pag., 1992.