Scopul nostru este sprijinirea şi promovarea cercetării ştiinţifice şi facilitarea comunicării între cercetătorii români din întreaga lume.
1.02.2002 - 02.2004 Marie Curie Individual Fellowship at the GSF- National Research Center for Environment and Health, Institute of Ecological Chemistry, Neuherberg, Technical University of Munich, Germany.
30.05.1997 Ph.D. in Chemistry at "Gh. Asachi" Technical University of Iasi
01.08.1995 - 31.07.1996 Fellowship of the German Academic Exchange Service - DAAD at the Technical University of Munich, Germany.
01.03.1999 - 31.08.1999 Postdoctoral research Fellowship of Germany Academics (UDAW) at the GSF- National Research Center for Environment and Health, Institute of Ecological Chemistry, Neuherberg, Germany.
01.09.1999 - 29.02.2000 Postdoctoral research Fellowship of Hanns-Seidel Foundation at the GSF- National Research Center for Environment and Health, Institute of Ecological Chemistry, Neuherberg and Technical University of Munich, Germany.
19.06. - 18.08.2000 DAAD Postdoctoral research fellowship at the GSF- National Research Center for Environment and Health, Institute of Ecological Chemistry, Neuherberg, Germany
"Al. I. Cuza" University of Iasi, Iasi, .
E-mail: trimite un mesaj.
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Urmareste linkul ResearcherID pentru toate articolele cercetatorului: A-5596-2011. Tabelul detaliat al articolelor este in josul paginii.
Nascut(a) in:
Interese: fotochimie, chimie ecologica, chimie analitica
Din 1.02.2002 - 02.2004 - bursa post-doctorat UE Marie Curie, GSF- National Research Center for Environment and Health, Institute of Ecological Chemistry, Neuherberg,Germania
23.07. - 22.09.2001 stagiu de cercetare la GSF-Institut für Ökologische Chemie (GSF - National Research Center for Environment and Health, Institute of Ecological Chemistry), Neuherberg, Germania finanţat de BMBF (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung).
19.06.-19.08.2000 bursa Serviciului German pentru Schimburi Academice (DAAD) la GSF-Institut für Ökologische Chemie, München, Germania.
01.09.1999 - 29.02.2000 bursa Fundatiei Hanns-Seidel, Germania, la GSF-Institut für Ökologische Chemie (GSF - National Research Center for Environment and Health, Institute of Ecological Chemistry), München.
01.03. - 31.08.1999 bursa postdoctorala a Academiilor Germane (Union der Deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften, Mainz) la GSF-Institut für Ökologische Chemie (GSF - National Research Center for Environment and Health, Institute of Ecological Chemistry), München, Germania.
01.08.1995 - 31.07.1996 bursa Serviciului German pentru Schimburi Academice (DAAD), la Universitatea Tehnicã din München, Germania.
05.1997 sustinerea tezei de doctorat la Universitatea Tehnica "Gh. Asachi" din Iasi
03.1998-09.2013 asistent, lector la Universitatea Tehnica din Iasi
Publicații selectate:
* Ciumasu M.I., Costica M., Costica N., Neamtu M., Dirtu A. C., De Alencastro L. F., Buzdugan L., Andriesa R., Iconomu L., Stratu A., Popovici O. A., Secu C. V., Olariu C. P., Dunca S., Stefan M., Lupu A., Stingaciu-Basu A., Netedu A., Dimitriu R.-I., Ga, Complex Risks from Old Urban Waste Landfills: Sustainability Perspective from Iasi, Romania,, Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste - ASCE, 16 (2), 2012.
* Neamtu M., Bobu M., Kettrup A., Siminiceanu I., Ozone photolysis of paracetamol aqueous solution, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 48 (10), 2013.
* Neamtu M., Ciumasu I. M., Costica N., Costica M., Bobu M., Nicoara M. N., Catrinescu C., Becker van Slooten K., De Alencastro L. F., Chemical, biological and ecotoxicological assessment of pesticides and persistent organic pollutants in Bahlui River, Romania, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 16, 2009.
* Neamtu M., Popa D. M., Frimmel F. H., Simulated solar UV-irradiation of endocrine disrupting chemical octylphenol, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 164, 2009.
* Tercero Espinoza, L.A., Neamtu M., Frimmel F. H., The effect of nitrate, Fe(III) and bicarbonate on the degradation of bisphenol A by simulated solar UV-irradiation, Water Research, 41, 2007.
* Neamtu M., Yediler A., Siminiceanu I., Kettrup A., Photo-Fenton Oxidation of C. I. Reactive Yellow 84 (RY84) and C. I. Reactive Red 120 (RR120) azo dye aqueous solutions, Proceeding of 2nd International Congress on Ultraviolet Technologies, 2003.
* Zaharia C., Neamtu M., Yediler A., Surpateanu, M., Macoveanu M., Catalytic wet hydrogen peroxide oxidation of Reactive Procion Marine H-EXL dye solutions, University Publishing house "V. Aprilov" - Gabrovo, Proceedings of international scientific conference UNITECH 2005, 2005.
* Neamtu M., Popa D. M., Frimmel F. H., Photodegradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals nonylphenol and octylphenol in River Rhine and Lake Hohloh waters., Universität Karlsruhe, Fritz H. Frimmel, Gudrun Abbt-Braun, Humic Substances – Linking Structure to Functions., 2006.
* Catrinescu C., Neamtu M., Miehe-Brendlé J., Gich Garcia M., Kettrup A., Catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of reactive azo dyes over iron-containing pillared beidellite catalyst., M. Snárez, M. Á. Vicente, V. Rives, M. J. Sánchez, Materiales arcillosos: de la geología a las nuevas aplicaciones, 2006.
* Neamtu M., Frimmel F. H., Degradation of endocrine disrupting Bisphenol A by 254 nm irradiation in different water matrices and effect on yeast cells, Water Research, 40, 2006.
* Jahnel J., Neamtu M., Schudoma D., Frimmel F. H, Bestimmung von Umweltqualitätsnormen für potenziell gewässerrelevante Stoffe, Acta hydrochemica et hydrobiologica, 34, 2006.
* Neamtu M., Frimmel, F. H., Photodegradation of endocrine disrupting chemical nonylphenol by simulated solar UV-irradiation, Science of the Total Environment, 369, 2006.
* Neamtu M., Catrinescu C, Kettrup A, Effect of dealumination of iron(III)--exchanged Y zeolites on oxidation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 51, 2004.
* Neamtu M., Zaharia C., Catrinescu C., Yediler A., Macoveanu M., Kettrup A., Fe-exchanged Y zeolite as catalyst for wet oxidation of Procion Marine H-EXL azo dye, Applied Catalysis: Environmental, 48/4, 2004.
* Neamtu M., Yediler A., Siminiceanu I., Kettrup A., Oxidation of commercial reactive azo dye aqueous solutions by the photo-Fenton and Fenton-like processes, J. Photochem.Photobiol. A: Chemistry, 161, 2003.
* Neamtu M., A. Yediler, I. Siminiceanu, A. Kettrup, Photo-Fenton Oxidation of C. I. Reactive Yellow 84 (RY84) and C. I. Reactive Red 120 (RR120) azo dye aqueous solutions, Proceeding of 2nd International Congress on Ultraviolet Technologies, Vienna, Austria, 9-11 July, CD, 2003.
* Neamtu M., Yediler A. , Siminiceanu I. , Macoveanu M. , Kettrup A., Decolorization of disperse red 354 azo dye in water by several oxidation processes - a comparative study, Dyes and Pigments, 60, 2004.
* Neamtu M., C. Catrinescu, A.Yediler, A. Kettrup, Catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of Reactive Yellow 84 azo dye over heterogeneous catalyst, Claustahl: Papierflieger Verlag, Germany, Ed. Alfons Vogelpohl, Oxidation Technologies for water and wastewater treatment - Special Topic: AOP´s for Recycling and Reuse, 1, 2003.
* A. Kettrup, Mariana Neamtu, A. Yediler, I. Siminiceanu, Textile wastewater treatment by photochemical processes, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, A. Macias Machin, J. Umbria, Chemical Industry and Environment IV, 1, 2003.
* Mariana Neamtu, A.Yediler, I.Siminiceanu, M.Macoveanu and A. Kettrup, Comparation of disperse red 354 azo dye degradation in water by several oxidation processes, 5th IWA chemical industry group conference, Nimes, France, 13-15 November, 2002.
* Mariana Neamtu, I.Siminiceanu, Abiotic treatment of drinking water:nitromusk destruction by ultraviolet oxidation with hydrogen peroxide(II), Rev.Chem (Bucharest), 50,7,, 1999.
* Mariana Neamtu, I.Siminiceanu, Abiotic treatment of drinking water:nitromusk destruction by ultraviolet oxidation with hydrogen peroxide(I), Rev.Chem (Bucharest), 49, 1998.
* D.Lienert, Mariana Neamtu, M.Koch, A.Yediler, A.Kettrup, Comparasion of methods for COD determination in wastwwater streams, Melliand Textilberichte International Textile Reports, 6, 2000.
* I.Siminiceanu, Neamtu M., Kinetics of Bisphenol-A photodegradation in water by ultraviolet activated hydrogen peroxide, Rev. Chem (Bucharest) (English Edition), 2, 2001.
* D. Linert, Neamtu M., M.Koch, A.Yediler, A. Kettrup, Vergleich von Methoden zur CSB-Bestimmung in Abwasserteilströmen, Melliand Textilberichte International Textile Reports, 6, 2000.
* Neamtu M., Siminiceanu I., Macoveanu M., Yediler A., Kettrup A., Photodegradation of Azo Dyes in Textile Wastewater, Dyes and Pigments, 53, 2002.
* Neamtu M., Yediler A., Siminiceanu I.,Macoveanu K., Kettrup A., Phodegradation of reactive yellow 84 azo-dye in aqueous solution, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 78, 2000.
* Neamtu M., Siminiceanu I., Kettrup A., Kinetics of Nitromusk Compounds Degradation in Water by Ultraviolet Radiation and Hydrogen Peroxide, Chemosphere, vol. 40/12, 2000.