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Ecological niche models:- species spatial and environmental distribution patters- climate change impacts on biodiversity- niche conservancy theory, as well as evolution and structure of ecological nichesConservation Biology:- conservation of reptile and amphibian species- efficiency of protected areas in the context of global changes, with a special emphasis on effects of global warming- identify suitable areas to be proposed as Natura 2000 sites and/or protected areas with emphasis on European amphibian and reptile species Evolutionary Ecology:- frequency-dependent selection and its role in speciation and maintaining the phenotipic diversity- "rock-paper-scissors" social game- the role of climate in species niche evolution and divergence and its implications to speciationCommunity and Landscape ecology:- impact of salt used to de-ice the roads on amphibian communities and osmoregulation in amphibian egg clutches- niche partitioning and competition for food resources and habitats among species- habitat characteristics and micro-habitat selection in reptile and amphibian species- the impact of traditional agriculture on amphibian and reptiles speciesHerpetology:- systematics- distribution- morphological variation- conservation- impact of the amphibian chytrid fungus (Batrachochytridium dendrobatidis) For details and updates please visit my website:
Department of Zoology, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, .
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Urmareste linkul ResearcherID pentru toate articolele cercetatorului: C-6478-2009. Tabelul detaliat al articolelor este in josul paginii.
Nascut(a) in: 1989
Interese: Ecological Niche Modeling, Biogeography, Evolutionary Ecology, Herpetology
Ecological niche models:
- species spatial and environmental distribution patters
- climate change impacts on biodiversity
- niche conservancy theory, as well as evolution and structure of ecological niches
Conservation Biology:
- conservation of reptile and amphibian species
- efficiency of protected areas in the context of global changes, with a special emphasis on effects of global warming
- identify suitable areas to be proposed as Natura 2000 sites and/or protected areas with emphasis on European amphibian and reptile species
Evolutionary Ecology:
- frequency-dependent selection and its role in speciation and maintaining the phenotipic diversity
- "rock-paper-scissors" social game
- the role of climate in species niche evolution and divergence and its implications to speciation
Community and Landscape ecology:
- impact of salt used to de-ice the roads on amphibian communities and osmoregulation in amphibian egg clutches
- niche partitioning and competition for food resources and habitats among species
- habitat characteristics and micro-habitat selection in reptile and amphibian species
- the impact of traditional agriculture on amphibian and reptiles species
- systematics
- distribution
- morphological variation
- conservation
- impact of the amphibian chytrid fungus (Batrachochytridium dendrobatidis)
For details and updates please visit my website: