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Brigham and Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, .
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Nascut(a) in: 1967
Interese: cardiovascular, hipertensiune, endotelial
Publicații selectate:
* Pojoga LH, Adamova Z, Kumar A, Stennett A, Romero J, Adler GK, Williams GH, Khalil RA, Sensitivity of NOS-Dependent Vascular Relaxation Pathway to Mineralocorticoid Receptor Blockade in Caveolin-1 Deficient Mice, Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 298, 2010.
* Pojoga LH, Romero JR, Yao TM, Loutraris P, Ricchiuti V, Coutinho P, Guo C, Lapointe N, Stone JR, Adler GK, Williams GH , Caveolin-1 ablation reduces the adverse cardiovascular effects of L-NAME and angiotensin II, Endocrinology, 151, 2010.
* Pojoga LH, Yao TM, Sinha S, Ross RL, Lin JC, Raffetto JD, Adler GK, Williams GH, Khalil RA., Effect of dietary sodium on vasoconstriction and eNOS-mediated vascular relaxation in caveolin-1-deficient mice., Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 294(3), 2008.
* Pojoga LH, Modulation of endothelial purinoceptors and ATP-requiring enzymes by Ap4A and other adenylated dinucleotides, Dissertation, Clemson University, 2003.
* Pojoga LH, Polymorphysms of the aldosterone synthase gene in essential hypertension. A genetic and pharmacogenetic approach in relationship with arterial rigidity, Master Thesis, Lyon University, 1997.
* Guo C, Martinez-Vasquez D, Mendez GP, Toniolo MF, Yao TM, Oestreicher EM, Kikuchi T, Lapointe N, Pojoga L, Williams GH, Ricchiuti V, Adler GK, Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonist Reduces Renal Injury in Rodent Models of Type 1 and 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Endocrinology, 147, 2006.
* Pojoga L, Kolatkar NS, Williams JS, Perlstein TS, Jeunemaitre X, Brown NJ, Hopkins PN, Raby BA, Williams GH, A beta-2 adrenergic receptor diplotype defines a subset of salt sensitive hypertension, Hypertension, 48, 2006.
* Pojoga LH, Moose J, Hilderman RH, Characterization of the Interaction of P1,P4-Diadenosine 5’-Tetraphosphate with Luciferase, BBRC, 315, 2004.
* Pojoga LH, Haghiac M, Moose J, Hilderman RH, Determination of ATP Impurity in Adenine Dinucleotides, Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, 2, 2004.
* Pojoga LH, Hilderman RH, A theoretical and experimental approach to the use of single wavelength calcium indicators, J Theor Biol, 221, 2003.
* Pojoga LH, Haghiac M, Hilderman RH, Inhibition by adenine dinucleotides of ATP induced prostacyclin release by bovine aortic endothelial cells, Biochem Pharmacol, 64, 2002.
* Haghiac M, Pojoga LH, Hilderman RH, Studies on the effect of diadenlyated nucleotides on calcium mobilization and prostacyclin synthesis in bovine aortic endothelial cells, Cell Signal, 13, 2001.
* Hilderman RH, Pojoga LH, Haghiac M, Cooper HM, Rosenberg CR, The role of extracellular adenosine dinucleotides as vasoregulators, Rec Res Dev in Biophys Biochem, 1, 2001.
* Hilderman RH, Casey TE, Pojoga LH, P1,P4-Diadenosine 5'-tetraphosphate modulates l-arginine and l-citrulline uptake by bovine aortic endothelial cells, Arch Biochem Biophys, 375, 2000.
* Pojoga L, Gautier S, Blanc H, Guyene TT, Poirier O, Cambien F, Benetos A, Genetic determination of plasma aldosterone levels in essential hypertension, Am J Hypertens, 11, 1998.
* Raicu M, Pojoga L, Simionescu N, Simionescu M, The effect of ACE inhibitors on atheroma formation is potentiated by association with a calcium channel blocker. A biochemical and ultrastructural study., J Submicrosc Cytol Pathol, 29, 1997.
* Raicu M, Pojoga L, Simionescu N, Simionescu M, Differential effect of two calcium channel blockers - nifedipine and diltiazem - on atherogenesis in hypercholesterolemic hamster, J Submicrosc Cytol Pathol, 28, 1996.