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Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la

Corina Ionescu


PhD in GeologyUniv.Prof.dr. since 2002Head of Mineralogy Chair 2002-2012 Research: - Brucite deposits in Romania- Mesozoic ophiolites in Romania- Mineralogy and petrography of ancient ceramics- Gemstones

Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, .

E-mail: trimite un mesaj.

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Urmareste linkul ResearcherID pentru toate articolele cercetatorului: B-8868-2011. Tabelul detaliat al articolelor este in josul paginii.

Nascut(a) in: 1950

Interese: Mineralogie aplicata, Petrologie, Gemologie, Arheometrie

flag Detalii:
Doctor in Geologie
Sef catedra Mineralogie (2002-2012)
Prof.univ. din 2002
Domenii de cercetare:
- Ofiolite
- Mineralogia si petrografia ceramicii antice
- Geme

flag Details:
PhD in Geology
Univ.Prof.dr. since 2002
Head of Mineralogy Chair 2002-2012

- Ophiolites
- Mineralogy and petrography of ancient ceramics
- Gemstones

Publicații selectate:

* Ionescu C., Hoeck V., Electron microprobe analysis (EMPA), Oxford University Press, Hunt A.M.W., The Oxford Handbook for Archeological Ceramic Analysis, 2017.

* Jurje M., Ionescu C., Hoeck V., Kovacs M., Geochemistry of Neogene quartz andesites from the Oaş and the Gutâi Mountains, Eastern Carpathians (Romania): A complex magma genesis, Springer, Mineralogy and Petrology, 108 (1), 2014.

* Ionescu C., Hoeck V., Gruian C., Simon V, Insights into the EPR characteristics of heated carbonate-rich illitic clay, Elsevier, Applied Clay Science, 97-98, 2014.

* Crandell O., Ionescu C., Mirea P, Neolithic and Chalcolithic stone tools used in ceramics production: Examples from the south of Romania, Journal of Lithic Studies, 3 (1), 2016.

* Giurgiu A., Ionescu C., Hoeck V., Tămaş T., Roman C., Crandell O.N., Insights into the raw materials and technology used for producing Copper Age ceramics in the Southern Carpathians (Romania), Springer Verlag, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 9, 2017.

* Ionescu C., Fischer C, Hoeck V., Lüttge A., Discrimination of ceramic surface finishing by vertical scanning interferometry, Wiley, Archaeometry, 2018.

* Gál Á., Ionescu C., Bajusz M., Codrea V.A., Hoeck V., Barbu-Tudoran L., Simon V., Mureșan-Pop M., Csók Z., Composition, technology and provenance of Roman pottery from Napoca (Cluj-Napoca, Romania), Clay Minerals, 53 (4), 2018.

* Coman C., Chiriac C.M., Robeson M.S., Ionescu C., Dragoş N., Barbu-Tudoran L., Andrei A-S., Banciu H.L., Sicora C., Podar M., Structure, mineralogy and microbial diversity of geothermal spring. Microbialites associated with a deep oil drilling in Romania, Frontiers, Frontiers in Microbiology, 6, 2015.

* Ionescu C., Hoeck V., Crandell O.N., Šaric K., Burnishing versus smoothing in ceramic surface finishing: A SEM study, Wiley, Archaeometry, 57 (1), 2015.

* Gasinski M.A., Hoeck V., Slaczka A., Ionescu C., Early Eocene age of a sandstone from the Buntmergel Formation (Gresten Klippen Zone, Lower Austria), Polish Academy of Science, Geological Quarterly, 56 (4), 2012.

* Hoeck V., Ionescu C., Metzner-Nebelsick C., Nebelsick L.D., Mineralogy of the ceramic slags from the Bronze Age funerary site in Lapus, NW Romania, Polish Academy of Science, Geological Quarterly, 56 (4), 2012.

* C. Ionescu, V. Hoeck, L. Ghergari, Electron microprobe analysis of ancient ceramics: A case study from Romania, Elsevier, Bruno Fabbri, Applied Clay Science, doi:10.1016/j.clay.2010.09.009, 2011.

* A.H.F. Robertson, C. Ionescu, V. Hoeck, F. Koller, K. Onuzi, I.I. Bucur, D. Ghega, Emplacement of the Jurassic Mirdita ophiolites (southern Albania): evidence from associated clastic and carbonate sediments, Springer, International Journal of Earth Science (Geol Rundsch), DOI 10.1007/s00531-010-0603-5, 2011.

* V. Hoeck, C. Ionescu, L. Ghergari, C. Precup, Towards mineralogical and geochemical reference groups for some Bronze Age ceramics from Transylvania (Romania), C. Ionescu and V. Hoeck, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Geologia, 54 (2), 2009.

* Tamasan M., Mocuta H., Ionescu C., Simon V., Structural changes induced in mineral clays by high temperature treatment, Cluj University Press, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Physica, LIV (2), 2009.

* Vulpoi A., Ionescu C., Simon V. , (2009) Specific surface area of heat-treated illitic mineral clay , Cluj University Press, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Physica, LIV (1), 2009.

* Ionescu, C., Ghergari, L., Horga, M., Radulescu, G., Early Medieval ceramics from the Viile Tecii archaeological site (Romania): an optical and XRD study, Cluj University Press, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Geologia,, 52 (2), 2007.

* Ghergari L., Ionescu C., The hydrograndite and magnesioferrite in the Budureasa area, Romania: genetical implications, E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie - Monatshefte, 11(2000), 2000.

* Hoeck V., Ionescu C., Balintoni I., Reply to D. Pana's discussion on “The Eastern Carpathians ‘ophiolites’ (Romania): remnants of a Triassic ocean” [Lithos 108 (2009) 151–171], Elsevier B.V., Lithos, doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2009.10.014, 2009.

* Ionescu, C., Hoeck, V., Brucite deposits in the Apuseni Mts. (Romania) , Mineralia Slovaca, 37 (3), 2005.

* Höck, V., Slaczka, A., Ionescu, C. , Der Nordrand der Hohen Tauern , O.G.V. Stutgart, Jber. Mitt. Oberrhein. Geol. Ver., N.F. 91, 2009.

* Hoeck, V., Ionescu, C., Balintoni, I., Koller, F., The Eastern Carpathians "ophiolites" (Romania): Remnants of a Triassic ocean, Elsevier Science B.V., A.H.F. Robertson, S. Karamata and K. Šarić, Lithos, 108, 2009.

* Ionescu, C., Ghergari, L., Caracteristici mineralogice si petrografice ale ceramicii romane din Napoca, Edit. Mega Cluj-Napoca, ISBN 978-973-1868-08-0, In: Rusu-Bolindet, V. (2007) Ceramica romana din Napoca. Editura Mega Cluj-Napoca (685 p.), Biblioteca Mvsei Napocensis, XXV, 2007.

* Ionescu, C., Hoeck, V., Tomek, C., Koller, F. Balintoni, I., Besutiu, L, New insights into the basement of the Transylvanian Depression (Romania), Elsevier Science B.V., A.H.F. Robertson, S. Karamata and K. Šarić, Lithos, 108, 2009.

* Ionescu, C., Ghergari, L., Modeling and firing technology – reflected in the textural features and the mineralogy of the ceramics from Neolithic sites in Transylvania (Romania), Geologica Carpathica, 53, 2002.

* Koller, F., Hoeck, V., Meisel, T., Ionescu, C., Onuzi, K., Ghega, D., Cumulates and gabbros in Southern Albanian ophiolites: their bearing on the tectonic setting., The Geological Society London, Robertson, A. H.F. and Mountrakis, D., Geological Society London, Special Publications, 260, 2006.