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The chemistry of monolayers of supramolecular complexes is of paramount importance on account of many potential applications in diverse fields such as manufacture of new polymers, chemi- and biosensors, protective surface coatings, conductive films, optoelectronic devices.Specifically I work on:Molecular recognitionDevelopment of chemi- and biosensorsSelf-assembly of organized mediaAmylodogenesis in 2-D (Alzheimer's disease)Surface chemistry of modified Quantum DotsSurface chemistry of organophosphorus enzymes (OPH, OPAA and AChE); Detection of nerve agents and pesticides by fluorescent receptors attached on solid suport (quartz/optical fiber).Bioassay development (human cardiac troponin I)Asphaltene aggregationTechniques I use:Electrochemical techniques UV-VIS in solution and air-water interfaceFluorescence in solution and air-water interface Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett films Brewster Angle Microscopy Epifluorescence microscopy Organic synthesis Analytical and separation HPLCFT-IR, ATR, IRRAS, PM-IRRAS, Bio-ATR Imaging Ellipsometry Circular DichroismSurface modificationAtomic Force Microscopy
MP Biomedicals, Cleveland, OH, .
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Urmareste linkul ResearcherID pentru toate articolele cercetatorului: D-7829-2012. Tabelul detaliat al articolelor este in josul paginii.
Nascut(a) in: 1972
Interese: surface chemistry, sensor development using optical methods, IRRAS, ellipsometry, nerve agents, marine toxins, quantum dots, Alzheimer's disease
The chemistry of monolayers of supramolecular complexes is of paramount importance on account of many potential applications in diverse fields such as manufacture of new polymers, chemi- and biosensors, protective surface coatings, conductive films, optoelectronic devices.
Specifically I work on:
Molecular recognition
Development of chemi- and biosensors
Self-assembly of organized media
Amylodogenesis in 2-D (Alzheimer's disease)
Surface chemistry of modified Quantum Dots
Surface chemistry of organophosphorus enzymes (OPH, OPAA and AChE);
Detection of nerve agents and pesticides by fluorescent receptors attached on solid suport (quartz/optical fiber).
Bioassay development (human cardiac troponin I)
Asphaltene aggregation
Techniques I use:
Electrochemical techniques
UV-VIS in solution and air-water interface
Fluorescence in solution and air-water interface
Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett films
Brewster Angle Microscopy
Epifluorescence microscopy
Organic synthesis
Analytical and separation HPLC
Imaging Ellipsometry
Circular Dichroism
Surface modification
Atomic Force Microscopy
Publicații selectate:
* Shanghao Li, Lingyu Wang, Charles C. Chusuei, Valentina M. Suarez, Patrica L. Blackwelder, Miodrag Micic, Jhony Orbulescu and Roger M. Leblanc, Nontoxic Carbon Dots Potently Inhibit Human Insulin Fibrillation, ACS, Chemistry of Materials, 27 (5), 2015.
* Shanghao Li, Jerome J. Mulloor, Lingyu Wang, Yiwen Ji, Catherine J. Mulloor , Miodrag Micic, Jhony Orbulescu , and Roger M. Leblanc, Strong and Selective Adsorption of Lysozyme on Graphene Oxide, ACS Publishing, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 6 (8), 2014.
* Andrew R. Garcia, Ivy Rahn, Sheba Johnson, Ravi Patel, Jingru Guo, Jhony Orbulescu, Miodrag Micic, Jeffrey D. Whyte, Patricia Blackwelder, Roger M. Leblanc, Human Insulin Fibril-assisted Synthesis of Fluorescent Gold Nanoclusters in alkaline Media Under Physiological Temperature, Elsevier, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 105, 2013.
* Shanghao Li, Miodrag Micic, Jhony Orbulescu, Jeffrey D. Whyte and Roger M. Leblanc, Human islet amyloid polypeptide at the air–aqueous interface: a Langmuir monolayer approach, Royal Society Publishing, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2012.
* Sheba Johnson, Wei Liu, Garima Thakur, Anup Dadlani, Ravi Patel, Jhony Orbulescu, Jeffrey D White, Miodrag Micic, and Roger M. Leblanc, Surface Chemistry and Spectroscopy of Human Insulin Langmuir Monolayer, Americal Chemical Society, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2012.
* O.C. Mullins, H. Sabbah, J. Eyssautier, A.E. Pomerantz, L. Barré, A.B. Andrews, Y. Ruiz-Morales, F. Mostowfi, R. McFarlane, L. Goual, R. Lepkowicz, T. Cooper, J. Orbulescu, R.M. Leblanc, J. Edwards, and Richard N. Zare, Advances in Asphaltene Science and the Yen–Mullins Model, Americal Chemical Society, Energy Fuels, 26 (7), 2012.
* Wei Liu, Sheba Johnson, Miodrag Micic, Jhony Orbulescu, Jeffrey Whyte, Andrew R. Garcia, and Roger M. Leblanc, Study of the Aggregation of Human Insulin Langmuir Monolayer, ACS Publishing, Langmuir, 2012.
* Jhony Orbulescu, Oliver C. Mulins, Roger M. Leblanc, Surface Chemistry and Spectroscopy of UG8 Asphaltene Langmuir Film, Part 2, Langmuir, 26 (19), 2010.
* Jhony Orbulescu, Oliver C. Mulins, Roger M. Leblanc, Surface Chemistry and Spectroscopy of UG8 Asphaltene Langmuir Film, Part 1, American Chemical Society, Langmuir, 26 (19), 2010.
* Jhony Orbulescu, Miodrag Micic, Mark Ensor, Sanja Trajkovic, Sylvia Daunert and Roger M. Leblanc, Human Cardiac Troponin I: A Langmuir Monolayer Study, ACS Publishing, Langmuir, 26 (5), 2010.
* Jhony Orbulescu and Roger M. Leblanc, Importance of the Spreading Solvent Evaporation Time in Langmuir Monolayers, American Chemical Society, G. Schatz, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113, 2009.
* J. Orbulescu and R. M. Leblanc, Surface Engineering Quantum Dots at the Air-Water Interface, CRC Press, Sigmund, W., El-shal, H., Shah, D.O., Moudgil, B.R., Particulate Systems in Nano- and Biotechnologies, 2008.
* J. Orbulescu and R. M. Leblanc, Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett films of Quantum Dots, Oxford University Press, R. Nagarajan and T.A. Hatton, Nanoparticles Synthesis, Stabillization, passivation and Functionalization, 2008.
* R. C. Triulzi, M. Micic, J. Orbulescu, S.Giordani, B.Mueller and R. M. Leblanc, Antibody–gold quantum dot–PAMAM dendrimer complex as an immunoglobulin immunoassay, The Royal Society of Chemistry, The Analyst, 133, 2008.
* R.C. Triulzi, Q. Dai, J. Zou, R. M. Leblanc, Q. Gu, J.Orbulescu and Q. Huo, Photothermal Ablation of Amyloid Aggregates by Gold Nanoparticles, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 63 (2), 2008.
* L. Caseli, D. C. Masui, R. P.M. Furriel, F. A. Leone, M. E.D. Zaniquelli, J. Orbulescu and R. M. Leblanc, Rat osseous plate alkaline phosphatase as Langmuir monolayer—An infrared study at the air–water interface, Elsevier, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 302 (2), 2008.
* Hasegawa, T.; Sato, Y.; Kakuda, H.; Li, C.; Orbulescu, J.; Leblanc, R. M., Study of Molecular Aggregation of Artificial Amyloid in a Langmuir Monolayer by Infrared Spectroscopy, ACS Press, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 112(5), 2008.
* Takeshi Hasegawa, Yoshiko Sato, Tetsuo Okada, Masami Shibukawa, Changqing Li, Jhony Orbulescu, and Roger M. Leblanc, Inhibition of Aggregation of a Biomimic Peptidolipid Langmuir Monolayer by Congo Red Studied by UV-Vis and Infrared Spectroscopies, ACS Press, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 111 (51), 2007.
* Robert C. Triulzi, Changqing Li, David Naistat, Jhony Orbulescu, and Roger M. Leblanc, A Two-Dimensional Approach to Study Amyloid Beta-Peptide Fragment (25-35), American Chemical Society, Brigitte Barry, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111 (12), 2007.
* Sui, G.; Orbulescu, J.; Mabrouki, M.; Micic, M.; Leblanc, R. M.; Liu, S.; Cormier, R. A.; Gregg, B. A., Self-Assembly of Liquid Crystal Semiconductor Molecules at the Air/Water Interface, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 106 (36), 2002.
* Jhony Orbulescu, Celeste A. Constantine, Vipin K. Rastogi, Saumil S. Shah, Joseph J. DeFrank, and Roger M. Leblanc, Detection of Organophosphorus Compounds by Covalently Immobilized Organophosphorus Hydrolase, American Chemical Society, Analytical Chemistry, 78 (19), 2006.
* Xiaojun Ji, David Naistat, Changqing Li, Jhony Orbulescu and Roger M. Leblanc, An alternative approach to amyloid fibrils morphology: CdSe/ZnS quantum dots labelled beta-amyloid peptide fragments Abeta(31–35), Abeta (1–40) and Abeta (1–42), Elsevier, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2006.
* Péter Kele, Jhony Orbulescu, Robert E. Gawley and Roger M. Leblanc, Spectroscopic detection of Saxitoxin: an alternative to mouse bioassay, Royal Society of Chemistry, Great Britain, Barbara Imperiali, Chemical Communications, 14, 2006.
* Wang, C.; Li, C.; Ji, X.; Orbulescu, J.; Xu, J.; Leblanc, R. M., Peptidolipid as Binding Site of Acetylcholinesterase: Molecular Recognition of Paraoxon in Langmuir Films, American Chemical Society, David G. Whitten, Langmuir, 22 (5), 2006.
* Jhony Orbulescu, Péter Kele, András Kotschy and Roger M. Leblanc*, Synthesis and spectroscopy of coumarin derivatives for saxitoxin detection, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 15 (30), 2005.
* Masaki Ujihara, Jhony Orbulescu, Toyoko Imae,* and Roger M. Leblanc, Film Structures of Poly(Amido Amine) Dendrimers with an Azacrown Core and Long Alkyl Chain Spacers on Water or Ag Nanoparticle Suspension, Langmuir, 21 (15), 2005.
* Hasegawa, Takeshi; Moriya, Daisuke; Kakuda, Hiroyuki; Li, Changqing; Orbulescu, Jhony; Leblanc, Roger M., Fibril-Like Aggregate Formation of Peptide Carboxylate Langmuir Films Analyzed by Surface Pressure, Surface Dipole Moment, and Infrared Spectroscopy, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109 (26), 2005.
* Li, C.; Orbulescu, J.; Sui, G.; Leblanc, R. M., Amyloid-like Formation by Self-Assembly of Peptidolipids in Two Dimensions, ACS, David G. Whitten, Langmuir, 20 (20), 2004.
* Sui G, Orbulescu J, Ji XJ, Gattas-Asfura KM, Micic M, Leblanc RM, Surface chemistry studies of Quantum Dots (QDs) modified with surfactants, Kluver Academinc Publishers, Catherine Murphy, Journal of Cluster Science, 14 (2), 2003.
* Péter Kele, Jhony Orbulescu, Tiffany L. Calhoun, Robert E. Gawley and Roger M. Leblanc, Coumaryl crown ether based chemosensors: selective detection of saxitoxin in the presence of sodium and potassium ions, Elsevier Ltd., Tetrahedron Letters, 43 (25), 2002.
* Zheng, Y.; Cao, X.; Orbulescu, J.; Konka, V.; Andreopoulos, F. M.; Pham, S. M.; Leblanc, R. M., Peptidyl Fluorescent Chemosensors for the Detection of Divalent Copper, Analytical Chemistry, 75 (7), 2003.
* Kele, P.; Orbulescu, J.; Calhoun, T. L.; Gawley, R. E.; Leblanc, R. M., Langmuir Monolayer and Langmuir-Blodgett Film Studies of an Amphiphilic Coumaryl Crown Ether, Langmuir, 18(22), 2002.
* Zheng, Y.; Orbulescu, J.; Ji, X.; Andreopoulos, F. M.; Pham, S. M.; Leblanc, R. M., Development of Fluorescent Film Sensors for the Detection of Divalent Copper, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 129(9), 2003.
* Gattas-Asfura, K. M.; Zheng, Y.; Micic, M.; Snedaker, M. J.; Ji, X.; Sui, G.; Orbulescu, J.; Andreopoulos, F. M.; Pham, S. M.; Wang, C.; Leblanc, R. M., Immobilization of Quantum Dots in the Photo-Cross-Linked Poly(ethylene glycol)-Based Hydrogel, J. Phys. Chem. B., 107(38), 2003.