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Domenii publicaţii > Ştiinţe medicale + Tipuri publicaţii > Articol în volumul unei conferinţe
Autori: A.D. Corlan, R. Corlan, L. De Ambroggi
Editorial: International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism, 4, p.347-348, 2002.
Theoretically, under certain assumptions, correlation coefficients
between ECG potentials at different instants on the same electrodes
would not depend on the electrode system. We simulated ventricles
surrounded by various 192-lead spherical electrode systems in a
homogenous unbounded volume conductor. Autocorrelation maps of the
simulated ECG on each lead system were obtained with the same
activation and repolarization. Differences between the autocorrelation
maps were compared using the correlation coefficient, which was
>0.937 if only rotation and shifting of the electrodes were
involved and reached 0.895 for a system with electrodes at a few
millimeters from the epicardium. In conclusion, autocorrelation maps,
and thus indices computed from them such as the similarity index, can
be considered to reflect only features of the ECG sources in the
myocardium if recorded on electrodes systems which are not too close
to the epicardium.
Cuvinte cheie: problema directa a ECG, modelare computerizata // forward problem of electrocardiology, computer modelling