Scopul nostru este sprijinirea şi promovarea cercetării ştiinţifice şi facilitarea comunicării între cercetătorii români din întreaga lume.
Dear colleague,
from April 2006 the Graduate School of Chemistry and Biochemistry at
Ruhr-Universität Bochum will be hosting the Early Stage Research
Training INTCHEM – Non-Covalent Interactions in Chemistry and
Biochemistry. 8 PhD fellowships are available, fully funded by the
European Commission under the Marie Curie Actions, Framework Programme 6.
The targeted scientific research projects focus on various aspects of
supramolecular chemistry (host-guest chemistry, molecular recognition,
self-assembly, self-replication), weak interactions in biochemical
systems (DNA, RNA, proteins) and weak interactions in heterogeneous
systems (surface boundaries). Doctoral research is accompanied by an
intensive theoretical and practical training programme including
state-of-the-art analytical and synthetic methods.
International exchange is an integral part of INTCHEM and fellows are
expected to spend at least 3 months of their training at the research
laboratories of partner institutions in order to foster closer
international collaboration and to facilitate the transfer of knowledge.
We are seeking applications from students who will commence their
research studies by October 2006. Applicants will preferably hold an
excellent M.Sc. degree in chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology,
physics or any related subject.
I would be very grateful if you could forward the attached poster to
potential candidates at your institution or display it in a suitable
place for viewing by your students. Thank you in advance for your
Interested students can also refer to the INTCHEM website for more
detailed information: