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Autori: I. Tiseanu , T. Craciunescu, B.N. Mandache
Editorial: Fusion Engineering and Design, 75-79, p.1055-1059, 2005.
Recently, at the Association EURATOM-MEC (Romania) a laboratory for X-ray micro-tomography was established with European Community support. Its research is focused on NDT inspection of miniaturized samples of fusion materials and irradiation capsules for IFMIF environment conditions. X-ray tomography as an NDT tool for fusion material samples can provide information on: density variations, micro-cracks development by mechanical/thermal cycling, permeability of porous materials, component microstructure integrity, 3-D accurate geometrical measurements. Our facility permits high resolution cone-beam tomography of miniaturized samples as well as an innovative oblique view inspection of the flat samples or components as irradiation capsules, IFMIF Li-target backplate etc. It has been demonstrated that our system can be used for a large range of samples with regards to size, material and complexity. For the individual miniaturized samples the microtomography analysis is guaranteed for feature recognition down to a few microns. A space resolution of tens of microns for irradiation capsules of around 100 mm characteristic dimension is currently obtained.
Cuvinte cheie: nuclear fusion, engineering