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Autori: C. Stãnescu, S. Fianu, G. Chirleşan, L.M. Constantinescu
Editorial: Materiale plastice, 41, nr. 2, p.70-75, 2004.
The paper presents the investigation of some properties of thermoplastic polymer composite and the modification of the structure of the material during the aging proces. Polypropylene as the matrix and talc as the reinforcing filler were used to prepare the particle-reinforced composite. Two experimental methods were used: differential scaning calorimetry (DSC) and electronic and optical microscopy, to determine the changes in physical and morphological properties of the composite according to the filler loading and the aging time.
Cuvinte cheie: material compozit polimeric, polipropilenã, talc, calorimetrie diferenţialã // polymer composite material, polypropylene, talc, differential scanning calorimetry