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Domenii publicaţii > Fizica + Tipuri publicaţii > Articol în volumul unei conferinţe
Autori: 8. S. Anghel, C. Stãnescu, D. Giosanu, M. Fleancu, I. Iorga-Simãn
Editorial: Valentin I. Vlad, SPIE Proceedings, vol. 4430, p.667-673, 2001.
The paper presents the results of the experiments concerning the influence of the low energy laser radiation on the germination, growth and photosynthesis processes in mustard plants. We used a He-Ne laser to irradiate the mustard seeds with different exposure times. The seeds were sowed and the germination and growth intensity, clorophyl quantity and respiration intensity were determinated. We ascertained that the germination and growth of the plants are influenced by the irradiation.
Cuvinte cheie: biostimulare, laser de energie micã // biostimulation, low energy laser