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Domenii publicaţii > Stiinte ingineresti + Tipuri publicaţii > Articol în revistã ştiinţificã
Autori: S. Fianu, C. Stãnescu, L.M. Constantinescu, C. Corobea
Editorial: Materiale plastice, 43 nr.1, p.41-45, 2006.
The paper presents the investigation of the catalytic agent influence on the crystallinity degree of polymers (metallocene polyethylene). Differential scanning calorimetry was the method used to determine the crystallinity. It was underlined that the catalyst has a great influence on the crystallinity of metallocene polyethylene. The results are in good agreement with the preceeding ones.
Cuvinte cheie: polietilenã metalocenicã, grad de cristalinitate, calorimetrie diferenţialã, metoda liniei de bazã, metoda principiului I // metallocene polyethylene, crystallinity, differential scanning calorimetry, baseline method, First Law method