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Domenii publicaţii > Fizica + Tipuri publicaţii > Articol în revistã ştiinţificã
Autori: R. Dobrin, T. Craciunescu, I.L. Tuturici
Editorial: Journal of Nuclear Materials, 246, p.37-42, 1997.
The failure of the cladding of an irradiated nuclear fuel rod can lead to the loss of some -radioactive fission products. Consequently the distribution of these fission products is altered in the cross section of the fuel rod. The modification of the distribution, obtained by Gamma Computed Tomography, is used to determine the integrity of the fuel cladding. The paper reports an experimental result, obtained for a CANDU-type fuel rod, irradiated in a TRIGA 14 MWth reactor.
Cuvinte cheie: nuclear fuel, tomography