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Autori: Gabriel Istrate, Madhav V. Marathe, S.S. Ravi
Editorial: Arnold Beckmann, Costas Dimitracopoulos, and Benedikt Löwe, Springer Verlag, Proceedings of the Fourth Computability in Europe Conference (CIE'2008), Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 5028, p.273-282, 2008.
In [Istrate, Marathe, Ravi SODA 2001] we advocated the investigation of robustness of results in the theory of learning in games under adversarial scheduling models. We provide evidence that such an analysis is feasible and can lead to nontrivial results by investigating, in an adversarial scheduling setting, Peyton Young’s model of diffusion of norms. In particular, our main result incorporates contagion into Peyton Young’s model.
A preliminary version of the paper is available from
Cuvinte cheie: evolutionary games, adversarial scheduling, discrete Markov chains