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Autori: Carmen Arsene
Editorial: Proceedings of XXX th Romanian Chemistry Conference, 2008.
The disposal concept proposed for the long term disposal of low and intermediate level radioactive wastes resulted from Cernavoda NPP is of surface facility with multiple barriers.
The multiple barriers system designed for the Low and Intermediate Level Waste Repository – DFDSMA achieves protection in depth/profundity, through the combination of: engineered barriers, natural barriers (characteristics favoured by the natural site/location), the control of form and content of the wastes, adequate procedures of exploitation, according to an authorized quality management system, authorized institutional control.
In view of engineered barriers analyzing, experimental studies were performed focused on radionuclide migration. The objectives of the studies are: physic-chemical proprieties of the experimental of compacted natural loess and treated loess (improved foundation ground), in batch experimental studies to evaluate the physic-chemical processes taken place between the dissolved radionuclides, H-3, Am-241 and the surface of minerals, counting assessment of the retention/sorption process of the studied radionuclides.
Cuvinte cheie: H-3, Am-241, migrare, amplasament Saligny, bariere ingineresti // H-3, Am-241, migration, Saligny site, engineered barriers