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Autori: Papp E., Micu C. and Borchin O.
Editorial:,, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, vol 7, no. 2, p.479-485(7), 2010.
Proofs are given that the quantum-mechanical description of the LC -circuit with a time dependent external source can be readily established by starting from a more general discretization rule of the electric charge. For this purpose one resorts to an arbitrary but integer-dependent real function F(n) instead of n. This results in a nontrivial generalization of the discrete time dependent Schrodinger-equation established before via F(n)=n, as well as to modified charge conservation laws. However, selected descriptions can also be done by looking for a unique derivation of the effective inductance. This leads to site independent inductances, but site dependent ones get implied by accounting for periodic solutions to F(n) in terms of Jacobian elliptic functions. Many-charge generalizations of quantum circuits, including the modified continuity equation for total charge and current densities, have also been discussed.
Cuvinte cheie: Quantum LC-circuits; Charge discretization; Discrete Schr¨odinger equations; Many-charge generalizations
Domenii publicaţii > Fizica + Tipuri publicaţii > Articol în revistã ştiinţificã
Autori: Papp E., Micu C., Borchin O. and Aur L.
Editorial:, arXiv:0710.2620v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]., p.8, 2007.
Proofs are given that the quantum-mechanical description of the LC-circuit with a time dependent
external source can be readily established by starting from a more general discretization rule of the
electric charge. For this purpose one resorts to an arbitrary but integer-dependent real function F(n)
instead of n. This results in a nontrivial generalization of the discrete time dependent Schr¨odingerequation
established before via F(n) = n, as well as to modified charge conservation laws. However,
selected descriptions can also be done by looking for a unique derivation of the effective inductance.
This leads to site independent inductances, but site dependent ones get implied by accounting for
periodic solutions to F(n) in terms of Jacobian elliptic functions. Many-charge generalizations of
quantum circuits, including the modified continuity equation for total charge and current densities,
have also been discussed.
Cuvinte cheie: Quantum LC-circuits; Charge discretization; Discrete Schr¨odinger equations; Many-charge generalizations