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Autori: Teodorescu M., Piperea F., Persson O.
Editorial: Proceeding Physical Chemistry, Biochemical and Chemical Engineering of the 12th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, RICCCE 12, September 13-15, Bucharest, Romania , p.32-37, 2001.
An experimental technique for the measurements of gas solubility in heavy liquids or solids at high pressure is presented. The new apparatus was recently constructed in the frame of the Thermodynamics Laboratory from Institute of Physical Chemistry “I. G. Murgulescu”. It allows
measurements up to 70 bars for pressure and up to 70 – 80 0C for temperature. The gas solubility
is determined from the pressure drop of the gas due to the absorption in the solute, by a simple material balance. The calibration, the measurement procedure and the gas solubility determination are described.
Cuvinte cheie: gas solubility, apparatus, measurement technique, heavy liquids, solids