Scopul nostru este sprijinirea şi promovarea cercetării ştiinţifice şi facilitarea comunicării între cercetătorii români din întreaga lume.
FYI: IMPA is one of the best places to study dynamical systems and other pure and applied mathematics techniques in South America. Prof. Steve Smale was there in the beginning of his career.
2 Tenure track
The Instituto Nacional de Matématica Pura e Aplicada (IMPA), invites applications for two tenure-track positions in any field of mathematics, with a monthly salary between R$ 11.500 and R$ 15.000
(6470 to 8823 US dollars), in any area of mathematics. Applications should be sent to
until December 31, 2010. The decisions will be made by early March, 2011. Further inquiries should
be addressed to the same e-mail address.
Required documents: research plan and Curriculum Vitae containing at least:
1) updated publication list;
2) birth date;
3) institution where PhD was granted and completion date,
4) thesis title and adviser’s name
Candidates should request recommendation letters from at least three well known mathematicians (free format) which should be sent to
6 Post Doc
The Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA), invites applications for six two-year post-doctoral positions, with a monthly take-home salary of R$ 7.500 (approx 4411 US dollars). Two of these positions are a donation of Joăo Moreira Salles and Pedro Moreira Salles, and are open to candidates in mathematics. Four additional positions are open to candidates in any field of mathematics. One position is reserved for candidates working on Mathematical Economics, and the remaining one is targeted on candidates able to build a bridge between IMPA research and the industrial sector (this position is open to candidates with doctorates in fields other than mathematics). Candidates must have obtained their PhD degrees after March 31, 2007. Applications should be sent to
until December 31, 2010. Decision will be announced around March 1, 2011. Accepted candidates
should start their activities at IMPA between May 1, 2011 and September 1, 2011. Further inquiries should be addressed to the same e-mail address.
Required documents: research plan and Curriculum Vitae containing at least:
1) updated publication list;
2) birth date;
3) institution where PhD was granted and completion date,
4) thesis title and adviser’s name
Candidates should request recommendation letters from at least three well known mathematicians (free format) which should be sent to
Edith Padrón Fernández
Departamento de Matemática Fundamental
Universidad de La Laguna
38071 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain