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Domenii publicaţii > Stiinte ingineresti + Tipuri publicaţii > Articol în revistã ştiinţificã
Autori: Velicu, Stefan; Zait, Dumitru; Corabieru, Petrica; Corabieru, Anisoara; Vasilescu, Dan Dragos
Editorial: Metalurgia International, 13 (9), p.5-8, 2008.
The improvement of the life of the metallic products management in the industry of auto components has as a purpose to provide solutions which will allow the producers enterprises of auto components the efficient administration of the products and services during the whole life of the products, from the conception phase until the recycling one. The new way of approaching of the development in Romania of the metallic products for automobiles, promoted and studied by the authors in the present work, will contribute to the dynamism of the purchasing chain and will help the enterprises from the field to manage efficiently the change and to capitalize in a high degree the market opportunities. The authors spotlight the fact that only by perfecting the management of the products life cycle, the framing of the automobile’s parts and component elements manufactured in the small and middle enterprises into the matrix cost-quality imposed by the European market can be obtained.
Cuvinte cheie: improvement life metallic products management
Domenii publicaţii > Stiinte ingineresti + Tipuri publicaţii > Articol în revistã ştiinţificã
Autori: Velicu, Stefan; Zait, Dumitru; Corabieru, Petrica; Corabieru, Anisoara; Vasilescu, Dan Dragos
Editorial: METALURGIA INTERNATIONAL , 13 (9), p.5-8, 2008.
The improvement of the life of the metallic products management in the industry of auto components has as a purpose to provide solutions which will allow the producers enterprises of auto components the efficient administration of the products and services during the whole life of the products, from the conception phase until the recycling one. The new way of approaching of the development in Romania of the metallic products for automobiles, promoted and studied by the authors in the present work, will contribute to the dynamism of the purchasing chain and will help the enterprises from the field to manage efficiently the change and to capitalize in a high degree the market opportunities. The authors spotlight the fact that only by perfecting the management of the products life cycle, the framing of the automobile’s parts and component elements manufactured in the small and middle enterprises into the matrix cost-quality imposed by the European market can be obtained.
Cuvinte cheie: improvement life metallic products management