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Autori: S. Horikawa, Y. Allkofer, Claude Amsler, V. Brekhovskikh, A. Kuptsov , M. Pentia, M. Zhabitsky
Editorial: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, 595, p.212-215, 2008.
A new threshold Cherenkov detector using C4F10 gas radiator was built and put into operation in the DIRAC-II experiment at CERN. Running on the C4F10 at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, the detector discriminates between pions and kaons in the momentum range of 4-8 GeV/c. A compact radiator-gas recirculation system including a gas-liquid separation unit, hollow-fibre membranes and molecular sieves ensures gas purity for a long term of operation without a significant loss of the gas. The system is robust and stable and the pressure in the two detector vessels is regulated in the range of +/-0.5 mbar. We report on the design and the technical aspects of the detector and its response in the DIRAC 2007 run.
Cuvinte cheie: Fluorocarbons, Particle identification